
Wildfire Review | AusGamers

Aussie-made Wildfire is a stealth pixel art indie romp with incredibly deep systems and a dynamic game-world that reacts in unique ways to how you use your powers. Here's a snippet from the AusGamers review:

"Story in Wildfire is lite-on, in that it sets up recourse for your gainful employment of fantastical powers, kicking off with the titular ability to control fire. And in true old-school design this ascends to mastering the collective elements: Fire, Water, Earth. From here, you’re given the option to bolster them as you see fit through respective skilltrees (or lanes, really), while a Spirittree makes your mastery of witchery all the more powerful and fearful..."

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Wildfire Review (TheSixthAxis)

TSA writes: Is it just me, or are stealth games just a little bit ridiculous? Out of all the video game mechanics, it is stealth that I undoubtedly find the most challenging to suspend my sense of disbelief for – and I can suspend my disbelief for professional wrestling, so that’s really saying something.

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Wildfire - Review - GamesAsylum

GamesAsylum: "Logic and stealth. Two genres I generally avoid because I am neither a logical nor stealthy being. However, I am easily wooed by stunning 4K pixel art and the promise of fiery fun, prompting me to step outside my comfort zone for this ‘ye olde folke’ stealth platformer."

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Wildfire PS4, PS5 Review | Pure PlayStation

PP: Wildfire is a joy to look at and even better to play. The clever use of the environment and the many unique elemental powers makes sneaking through this beautiful world a total blast. Whether you want to go like medieval Snake like I did or wreak total havoc with your powers, the choice is yours. And the fact that you have a choice in a 2-D sidescroller is kind of amazing. If you like retro-looking games or games that do things a little different, then you should pick this up, because it does them both.

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