
You're Not Bad At Shooters, The Game Is Actually Broken

Daav Valentaten from NoobFeed writes - Those who have been anticipating the long weekend, to get into one of several competitive shooter options, may be heading for not so relaxing times. Several of the favored games as a service (GaaS) options are currently facing some irksome bugs.

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Teflon021473d ago

Naw pretty sure I'm just bad. I suck at shooters on PC atm. Since I played Controller all y life. But I'm getting decent over time

jjb19811473d ago

It just takes time. I've been a console player all my life up until 4 years ago. I actually prefer KB and mouse now. You'll get better. Whenever I try to play FPS games on console I feel like a klutz. I've bought all my shooter games on PC since then, except BL3 because screw Epic, just to force me to get better. Also, this article is dumb.

FPS_D3TH1472d ago (Edited 1472d ago )

I grew up playing pc but stick with consoles for the most part now. It’s honestly fairly easy to learn mouse and keyboard once you get used to your hand positioning and controls. The skill gap on pc pretty narrow though, so you may get wrecked at first, but stick with it. I’m honestly at a point now where I can beat most players using MnK with a controller in fps games and honestly I sort of like that controllers slow fps games down a tad with much less unrealistic 180 spinning and I just find it too easy to use a mouse to aim.


VALORANT Patch Notes 8.10

Get your Basic Training on.

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Valorant Replay Prototype Demonstrated But Don't Expect It Soon

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VALORANT Patch Notes 8.09

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