
NieR Re[in]carnation Reveals its Gameplay in First Trailer

Today Square Enix released the first gameplay trailer of NieR Re[in]carnation.

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FanboyPolice1506d ago

Im always in for hate so agree

Enturax1505d ago

It looks very atmospheric, I would not call it garbage, but yeah, being a mobile title is a no-no from me too.

1506d ago Replies(3)
morganfell1506d ago (Edited 1506d ago )

Not sure I would refer to that as gameplay...

Notice they have comments turned off on the youtube post. Even they know what to expect.

Jin_Sakai1506d ago

They also have the likes/dislikes turned off. They know the outcome. Can’t stand garbage mobile games.

TheColbertinator1506d ago

Yet they keep peddling this junk

esherwood1506d ago (Edited 1506d ago )

People can hate all they want but idiots will keep supporting that crap. It’s a no brainer they probably make way more from those games then AAA ones with 1/100th the effort. Unless government steps In it’ll eventually take over all gaming

Sitdown1505d ago


And they are idiots because they prefer something you don't? What if the mobile sales support console games being made or introduces mobile gamers to the console version?

And the reason for the government stepping in would be what?

esherwood1504d ago

Sit down the reason would be since it’s an addiction for a lot of people. Same reason we have laws about gambling. I bet anything there’s tons of people out there that have destroyed there lives because of that crap. They’re idiots because they are being taken advantage of

esherwood1504d ago

For the record I was one of those idiots also. I spent $200 on fire emblem heroes before realizing how dumb it was. That game at most would cost $40 upfront but I got suckered into dumping all that money. I won’t even play a game unless I can experience the whole thing for a set amount of money now

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1504d ago
Abriael1506d ago (Edited 1506d ago )

Guess they knew what to expect with Final Fantasy VII Remake's launch trailer as well?

Having comments turned off is the standard for big Japanese publishers, and that includes Square Enix.

Considering the garbage you read on YouTube comments, that's not even that much of bad idea.

morganfell1505d ago (Edited 1505d ago )

Because comments elsewhere on the internet are such repositories of insight whereas youtube alone is literary hell. Enough Japanese publishers and developers allow comments that stating the practice of turning them off is a standard is misleading at best. Nintendo and Bandai are pretty much the largest Japanese publishers and it isn't a standard for them.

Abriael1505d ago (Edited 1505d ago )

@morganfell I suggest to check before commenting. It really isn't hard.

Bandai Namco: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Nintendo: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Also Capcom: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
And Koei Tecmo: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

What do they have in common?

Comments are turned off, and if you check other videos on these channels it's what they generally do.

So yeah, you're wrong. You're welcome for the insight.

And no, comments elsewhere are not great either, as this comment section clearly demonstrates. "let's boycott and bankrupt them for daring to make mobile games!" lol.

With this kind of nonsensical drivel, I'm not surprised Japanese companies turn off comments at least where they have control.

morganfell1505d ago (Edited 1505d ago )

I did check their channels and plenty of their videos do not have comments turned off. I checked both Japanese and English youtube channels. I looked at both channels. What you should have said is turning off comments is a standard for Japanese Channels. That isn't your remark. Precision matters. So yeah welcome to the insight. Then again being precise isn't something cared for these days.

Where did I mention boycotting? Nice lump mentality.

Abriael1505d ago (Edited 1505d ago )

Have you read the comments around here? No one talked about *you* "precision matters" 😏

And the overwhelming majority of the videos on those channels have comments turned off regardless of whether they're about popular things or not. You might just go ahead and admit that you're wrong. It's absolutely a standard among big Japanese publishers, with good reason. That makes your point about having comments off because they knew "what to expect" absolutely irrelevant.

It's actually rather funny that you think you know better about what Japanese companies do with their trailers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1505d ago
AuraAbjure1506d ago

She runs like BotW Link 'cept more manly.

FanboyPolice1506d ago

hi! this is your profile? ᴡᴡᴡ.username.cloobxxx.pw

Thats my opinion of this game.

Xenial1506d ago

Haha, fortunately, I understand this!

OT: Running a straight line isn't exactly gameplay, at least swing the sword a couple of times. Damn.

IanTH1505d ago

Just about every time I log into this site, I have to report and block a new account sending that damn message! One time I logged in and I had FOUR of the damn things!

Whoever runs this site needs to have a filter option for private messages, where they simply silently don't delivery any messages with terms or web addresses they add to a blacklist. It's a minor annoyance, but it is a growing one.

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NieR Re[in]carnation to end service on April 30

NieR Re[in]carnation will end service on April 29 at 10:00 p.m. PT / April 30 at 1:00 a.m. ET, publisher Square Enix and developer Applibot announced.

PapaBop131d ago

Square's live service graveyard is almost rivalling EA's developer graveyard. Never ever ever spend money on a Square live service game, next up with be Ever Crisis.

gold_drake131d ago

yeh, definitely wont be long for ever crisis


NieR Re[in]carnation Reveals Persona 5 Royal Crossover

Joker, Queen, and Fox from Persona 5 Royal are coming to NieR Recarnation.

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NieR Re[in]carnation | Drakenguard 3 Resurrected Crossover

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Available until July 10, 2022 PST (*Server time)