
Ghost of Tsushima made in Dreams on PS4

Dreams has just arrived on PS4 and is already becoming the dream tool for many video game enthusiasts and to replicate other video games.

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TeamIcoFan1562d ago (Edited 1562d ago )

Just saying "Holy shit!" doesn't do this video justice.

naruga1562d ago (Edited 1562d ago )

as others said n N4g , i m a bit annoyed about this ...Dreams is an extremely potential and wonderful tool to use , why they spend hours and effort for making just a copy of an already existed game??? ....all these workhours could have developed and incredible little game..... ...the copy demo is incredible but would have been even better if it was form a future project

ilikestuff1562d ago

Naruga I agree,
There are waaaay to many remakes it’s a shame really.
This person did a great job though

Moe-Gunz1562d ago

People remake other things to learn the tools better and get attention on themselves.

KyRo1562d ago (Edited 1562d ago )

Naruga a lot of people start off creating games that already exist to get used to the tools. Having a already developed character, world and story made is half of the work already done for you. It's a template. These people making homages to their favourite games today will be making incredible original games before you know it.

There's already some incredible games on dreams and it's still early days. People are finding new techniques to create new effects every day.

LOGICWINS1561d ago

@naruga More likely than not, Sony is using Dreams to scout for talented developers.

bouzebbal1561d ago (Edited 1561d ago )

Like it or not this tool is unprecedented.. Game just came out a week ago and this is done by one person..
Just think about it, games take years to come out and what was achieved in one week is mind-blowing..

You are so negative everytime I hope you aren't like this in your everyday life

fr0sty1561d ago

It's been out a lot longer than a week, chances are this person was in on the early access beta like I was and has been playing it for months. Dreams is easy, but not "Remake Ghosts of Tsushima in a week" easy.

drizzom1561d ago


Just like the other things remade in Dreams, its probably a publicity stunt.

rainslacker1561d ago (Edited 1561d ago )


Maybe they're just practicing with the tools, and using a known property gives them a good base direction to work for. New creations can be directionless, even if you plan them out, because as you're working on them, you keep thinking of new things, or finding things that don't work.

There are a lot of things on there that aren't remakes as well. The remakes get posted on websites because people are familiar with them, so they draw more clicks.

IamTylerDurden11561d ago

There aren't too many remakes.

If u had the game you would see that there are thousands of fantastic original projects as well.

Remakes are necessary as to advertise and show ppl the potential of the toolset.

fr0sty1561d ago (Edited 1561d ago )

When I started playing music, I didn't pick up an instrument and start writing my own songs immediately. I learned how to play songs I had heard before on the instrument to get familiar with it before I ever attempted to write a song. The same applies in game development, many people feel more comfortable learning the tools on a familiar concept before they strike out on their own and make something unique.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1561d ago
abstractel1561d ago

People should do what inspires them and makes them psyched. If that is a remake, that's fine in my book. As a kid I used to draw images and try to come as close as I could do the reference. This taught me a great deal and then I started doing my own drawings/creations.

IamTylerDurden11561d ago

Truly awesome.

Dreams is my personal Game of the Year atm. Media Molecule has done it again.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1561d ago
thatguyhayat1562d ago

Dreams needs to be the game of the decade no joke. This looks amazing as hell.

b163o11562d ago

IDK about the decade, the game is good AsFuK, and its definitely got legs to last. I'm amazed at what I've found that hasn't made the internet, it's some truly talented people out there...

1561d ago
Godmars2901562d ago

Its certain to have it own sub-genre on the PS4/PS5. Be a console within the console. Much like LBP before it.

KyRo1562d ago

Dreams could be Sony's answer to Minecraft. I know this will get downvoted because I'm a Sony loyalist too and want exclusives to stay exclusive to a console but if I was Sony, I would seriously consider porting this to PC and even maybe Xbox. They'd make a killing from it.

Godmars2901561d ago

Dreams will only be as popular as LBP. Maybe. Depending on what's done with it in terms of social media. Someone uses it as a platform for a Youtube show. Imagine a 3D Hazbin Hotel-like tribute show.

PC maybe, but Xbox? The only real reason Minecraft is on the PS4 is that it was already on the system when MS bought Mojang.

UnSelf1562d ago

The game hasnt even dropped yet. In a year somebody gonna make....

The_Sage1562d ago

The game is out. I have it. And it's amazing.

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Dreams Creator Regrets Lack Of PC Versions, Next Project Is "More Of A Game Than A Creation Tool"

Media Molecule director said the studio's next title is more a game & less a creation tool. He also regrets not having a PC version of Dreams.

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-Foxtrot26d ago

If there was one PC version that should have existed it’s Dreams

I’m super glad they will be going back to something more traditional gaming wise.

Cacabunga26d ago

I’m sure they’ll find something creative to implement like Tearaway on vita. What a gem 💎 that thing was!!!

Abear2126d ago

My dream was DreamsVR and creating landscapes, characters, and sculptures using that amazing toolbox in vr, that would have been something imo.

ocelot0726d ago

I thought It has vr support?

Amplitude26d ago

It did but it came out as an update LONG after the game was essentially dead

P_Bomb26d ago

Dreams PC was the dream. Woulda given the game a much needed boost. Here’s hoping they follow it up well.

phoenixwing26d ago

If sony had any sense they'd be making a pc version pronto

mkis00726d ago

They probably ran into the same problem they did with the potential of last of us factions....the support needed was just too much to consider expanding to more platforms for a smallish studio.

Abnor_Mal26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

I use to say this when the game was first releasing, many kept saying it would not be possible, something about the toolsets.

I said this was one game that needed to be on as many platforms as possible, including PC and Xbox just like how Minecraft is everywhere.

Goodguy0126d ago

Creation tools just don't work on console very well. It's definitely more suited for PC, and it's very odd Sony decided not to port it over. Good MM is working on an actual game instead.

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Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno70d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


How Dreams Tren update was inspired by a childhood spent playing with trains

Media Molecule Creative Director John Beech talks about making a very personal project in Dreams, available with PlayStation Plus.

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