
XO19 Trailer Promises Xbox Announcements, New Reveals, xCloud Update, and More

Today Microsoft released a new trailer of the upcoming Inside Xbox livestream coming from XO19 in London this week, promising big things.

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Sm00thNinja1663d ago

Honestly not interested in anything not Scarlett related at this point. I've mentally moved on from the Xbox One, save for any Sea of Thieves new announcements

ReadyPlayer221663d ago

I imagine some info drop or at least a name reveal or something. They've been awfully quiet about their next gen plans compared to Sony. I figure there's a reason why.

MasterCornholio1663d ago

To be fair everything that they announced Sony have already announced earlier.

Maybe that's why?

ReadyPlayer221663d ago

Well not necessarily. Sony's latest article was them confirming what Xbox confirmed. Using the SSD as Virtual RAM, confirming hardware Ray tracing, and etc.

1663d ago
Obscure_Observer1663d ago


We don´t know much about either consoles:

PS5 has a focus on faster loading times with the SSD, new controller and some form of BC for PS4 games.

Scarlett has a focus on CPU and performance, Legacy BC for all generations of Xbox and compatibility with Xbox One controllers and accessories

MasterCornholio1663d ago


"Scarlett has a focus on CPU and performance,"

Both of them are said to do that. Heck there's plenty of rumors arguing that each one is more powerful than the other.

DiRtY1663d ago

So far, it is like this:

Company A: We will have this feature
Company B: Oh, we, too. And this feature on top!
Company A: Yeah, that is also available here. But have you seen THIS?!
Company B: Yup, available in our product.

This will be two very similar machines, releasing at the same time.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1663d ago
Atom6661663d ago

I expect a good GP release or two, and hopefully some Wasteland 3 footage.

Then a whole bunch talking about nothing.

pornflakes1663d ago

If MS learned something then they should drop the bomb with everything they can get.

Scarlett will follow later and i am sure with a few aaa Titels on Release available on gamepass. It might be that the Scarlett will cost more then a ps5 but since u csn use ur Old Controllers + gamepass it will be a great value

DaDrunkenJester1663d ago

Looks like there will be some SoT new content shown here. But honestly as long as everything still comes to GamePass, I'm still in it for Xbox One/PC. Wasteland 3 and Ori 2 are my next anticipated titles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1663d ago
4kgk761663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

It seems like hope is the only thing xbox fans got to look forward to going into the next generation of consoles. I don’t understand why anybody could be hype about a unsure future for their favorite console brand.

King_Noctis1663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

If MS are so unsure about the Xbox brand they wouldn’t have acquired studios left and right. Heck they had just stealthily open a new studio to work on the Age of Empire franchises on top of their other recently acquired studios. That doesn’t scream “unsure” to me.

Poopmist1663d ago

Having Obsidian, inXile, Ninja Theory, and Double Fine making games for Xbox is reason enough really. They're known for making good games. Let alone Halo Infinite and whatever Playground games is making. Ps5 and Xbox the Fourth both look like solid purchases to me.

AngelicIceDiamond1663d ago

"Unsure" MS made it pretty clear what they're focusing on with the Scarlet console.

Pickledpepper1663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

As I've said to many a person, if you so happy with you Sony console why are you in an Microsoft article? Are you secretly worried about their next console? Or all the studios that they have snapped up? Or is it your just a sad little person who disagrees with someone else's choice of plastic box with wires in.
I own all platforms just to inform you before you write a response but my preference is Xbox.

4kgk761663d ago

Pickleddpepper@ I’m speaking up as a former Xbox fan who hate what happen to the brand . fun fact about me I own a Xbox 360 before I own a ps3 last gen.

spicelicka1663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

Let's see, there are plenty of Gears fans that will always look forward to the Gears game which is of course going to come. There a tons of Halo fans looking forward to Halo infinite and future inevitable halo content. Both these franchises have huge multiplayer communities, specially Halo. Aside from Halo, Gears, and Forza there are like 5 new studios working on games, Playground and The Initiative are particularly exciting. Why is that not something to look forward to?

On top of that Gamepass is the best subscription in gaming with new games popping every month, and games like Outer Worlds at launch.

Unsure future doesn't mean sh*t. If the coming games are worth the time they'll be supported, if not then people will move on. "Favourite console brand" sounds like a fanboy term from people that get hard-ons from corporations who don't care about them. What's important is favourite game franchises, if Xbox dies those franchises will just show up elsewhere and so will their supporters, so the hype is never misguided. As long as Halo is there I'll always be hyped about Xbox, just like I will always be hyped about Sony Santa Monica or Naughty dog games.

Obscure_Observer1663d ago


Same can be said about Sony. Ryan is running the show now. Phil Spencer is a much more experienced executive now, turned Microsoft Studios into Xbox Game Studio witch is 2x bigger than the former! PS5 has the clear advantage, no doubt.

But Ryan and his new team at Wordwide Studios are about to face an uphill battle against Phil Spencer and the Xbox team, come next generation. That´s a fact!

4kgk761663d ago

Obscure@ Dude give it a rest you sound like a Microsoft PR hype man.

MasterCornholio1663d ago

"But Ryan and his new team at Wordwide Studios are about to face an uphill battle against Phil Spencer and the Xbox team, come next generation. That´s a fact!"

With the way Xbox is selling and with the quality output of their 1st party games it's Xbox that's facing an uphill battle especially with the way the Xbox One is doing.

rainslacker1663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

An uphill battle against MS?

Isn't it the other way around? Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with MS 1st party studios as a whole, but Sony has shown they have quite a few top tier...as in top 10 in the world...developers under the belt, while MS has maybe 1 or 2 really good ones, but none considered among some of the best in the world.

Sony doesn't have to fight uphill to try and match Spencer and his studios. They could stand on a level surface, waiting for MS to catch up. If MS is lucky, Sony will be the proverbial rabbit, while MS turtles their way onto the same level. All Sony has to do is keep doing what it's doing, and they currently have nothing to prove. MS is the only one people are really questioning if they will be worth anything in the future.

Right now, MS is the one that has something to prove. Buying studios isn't proof of anything. It's a start, but gamers are visceral creatures. They appreciate what they can see, and play(or know they'll play one day). For all the talk about MS buying studios, how much tangible proof has MS shown that would really get the greater gaming customer excited? The kinds of games that sell consoles.

Obscure_Observer1663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )


"Isn't it the other way around? Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with MS 1st party studios as a whole, but Sony has shown they have quite a few top tier...as in top 10 in the world...developers under the belt, while MS has maybe 1 or 2 really good ones, but none considered among some of the best in the world."

Did i questioned Sony´s first party studios quality in my comments? No.

"Best in the world" is VERY subjective! Each studios can be considered "best in the world" if the competition has nothing to compare!

Naughty Dog can´t create a Halo killer even if they try. The same can be said about 343i, they can´t create an Uncharted killer. Very different games and genres!

Sony studios are top tier. But their best studios will not have a new next gen game out sooner than 4-5 years down the line. I´m talking about Naughty Dog, Santa Monica and Sucker Punch.

"Sony doesn't have to fight uphill to try and match Spencer and his studios. They could stand on a level surface, waiting for MS to catch up."

You said something similar the momment Spencer bought all those studios. You said Sony didn´t needed to react. Next, Sony acquired Insomniac and in this very momment, they´re looking for more. You see? Fan vs Company. Very different perceptions.

"Right now, MS is the one that has something to prove. Buying studios isn't proof of anything. It's a start, but gamers are visceral creatures."

You´re right. Microsoft has something to prove, yes. You´re also right when you say that gamers are visceral creatures

That´s why i say Sony will fight an uphill battle with Microsoft! You see, since Sony already said that they want their first party games to be "pure", to simply be "on par" with Xbox first party might not be enough! Sony will need to exceed the quality of Xbox next gen games in every single way to justify a 60$ purchase day one! For example; a new superior Forza on Gamepass for cheap vs an new inferior full priced Gran Turismo on Playstation Store? As we go further on next gen, it´s gonna be hard and harder for Sony to justify a gamer to pay full price for their games if all of those games fail to meet excellency in quality.

"For all the talk about MS buying studios, how much tangible proof has MS shown that would really get the greater gaming customer excited? The kinds of games that sell consoles."

Well, It´s pretty safe to say that Microsoft hit the jackpot with Obsidian acquisition. The Outer Worlds is right now, more popular than Death Stranding at Playstation Store, so I think that a sequel will make a lot of PS5 owners excited. Just my two cents.


"With the way Xbox is selling and with the quality output of their 1st party games it's Xbox that's facing an uphill battle especially with the way the Xbox One is doing."

As of now, even after the Mattrick holocaust, Phil Spencer managed to make Xbox One the 9th best selling home consoles of all time! First party games? I doubt the PS4 will have more first party games than the Xbox One in 2020! We shall see soon enough.

MasterCornholio1663d ago


"Sony will need to exceed the quality of Xbox next gen games in every single way to justify a 60$ purchase day one!"

Not really because even with Gamepass Sony exclusives still managed to outsell many of Microsofts 1st party titles.

I think that all Sony needs to do is justify a 60$ price tag for their games. That's pretty easy to do if you don't devalue your games at launch by releasing them on a subscription service. That's what they meant by keeping their exclusives pure.

Microsoft has an uphill battle because if Sony can manage to produce high quality games and sell millions of copies it will be even harder for Microsoft to justify a 60$ price point for their games when they have a much cheaper alternative.

majiebeast1663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

Uphill battle don't make me laugh Microsoft bought a bunch of bargain bin studios none of them come close to what Sony's best have to offer. It must suck that your hope lies in a studio like Obsidian who can only make a crappier fallout game or Double Fine who hasnt made a good game in years.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1663d ago
DaDrunkenJester1663d ago (Edited 1663d ago )

I'd agree if you made this comment a couple years ago, but I think MS has made it pretty clear. From hardware to services to bolstering their 1st party studios, it's safe to say the Xbox brand isn't going anywhere.

mandingo1663d ago

I think ur hoping for failure

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1663d ago
Automatic791663d ago

Looking forward to XO19 lots of titles that got my interest.

thesoftware7301663d ago

I'm hyped, cant wait to see what they show.

Gampass is amazing! I hope they add 'Control'. I been wanting to play that , but been playing back log and almost finished with God of war.

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Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

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purple1011d 15h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky22h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu22h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 15h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo20h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay6h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx22h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple10112h ago(Edited 12h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8521h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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