
Mario Kart Tour Charges You Money To Play As Mario

Nintendo thinks you should spend $20 to unlock Mario in a game with his name in the title. Mobile gaming is a nightmare.

ilikestuff1710d ago

Pretty weak but it is a free game, they gotta get that money somehow, I always go into a free mobile game knowing they’re going to want some money somewhere, somehow. Especially if it’s a quality game, not like flappy bird or something

Applejack1710d ago

So charging an incredibly ridiculous amount counts as getting their money somehow? Just because it’s a free game doesn’t excuse that.

_SilverHawk_1710d ago

Everything Nintendo makes is expensive and never worth the asking price. Nintendo are selling flipping cardboard at a premium. Dont support their silliness because there are better products elsewhere

ilikestuff1710d ago

So F-word Nintendo then I’m guessing? Should they have made that game for free? Y’all are silly mad bout stuff

ShadowWolf7121708d ago

There are far better, more reasonable ways to run a Free-to-Play economy in games, my guy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1708d ago
masterfox1710d ago

bu..but.. Nintendozzz are teh Bestzzz ;). Never forget.

indysurfn1710d ago (Edited 1710d ago )

Even Sony will charge for a free to play game. The even have a major category for FREE TO PLAY games in the store. So please be reasonable and no two different rules for different companies.

I have no problem charging for a character in a free to play game with that! It is only if you charge me for a game I have already paid 59 dollars for Not a popular character on a free game. If they didnt ever charge for a game they can ONLY LOSE MONEY. That being said I dont like the business model on ANY platform. But it is legit.

Applejack1710d ago

No one said you can’t charge in a F2P game, it’s the unreasonable amount that’s the problem. You completely missed the point, good job.

senorfartcushion1710d ago

They don't understand the difference between objective and fair. They're the type of person who will make up 5 negative things about every other company if the one company they like has done 5 things wrong.

Teflon021709d ago

Paying for the main character in any game is kinda scummy even if it's free to play. But if I remember correct Mario Golf or Tennis on 64 you had you having to unlock Mario so it's not the first time Mario wasn't a default character. Though atleast that was unlocked of course.

King_Noctis1710d ago

This is mobile gaming dude. Why don’t you say the same thing on a Switch game article?

AspiringProGenji1710d ago

$20 bucks to unlock the main character that has his name in the game title is absurd whether it is a free game it not. This is just like when EA was charging to unlock Luke and Vader earlier in BF2

King_Noctis1710d ago (Edited 1710d ago )


I’m not defending this. However, this is a free to play game. They have more leeway for monetizing than a premium game.

Also, how is this comparable to EA and Star Wars? Star Wars is a full priced $60 premium game which shouldn’t include lootboxes to begin with. This one is free-to-play, you don’t have buy the game upfront.

Are we saying a $60 premium game is the same as a mobile free to play game? Where is the outrage for Hearthstone’s outrageous lootbox-like mechanic then? Or Clash of Clan microtransaction compared to games like Gears 5?

AspiringProGenji1710d ago

No man. I am saying they are both charging to unlock main characters in their respective series.

King_Noctis1710d ago


You’re right, both feature locked main character, but the comparison ends at that because one is free to play mobile title while the other is full-priced $60 console/pc title.

RememberThe3571709d ago

I gotta agree, free to play games have more leeway in how they charge for extras. They're free by the way, don't buy that crap and your fine. But this is a ridiculous amount for the character in the title of the game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1709d ago
SierraGuy1710d ago

Nintendo is the worst clearly. And like freak said mobile gaming is cancer that literally introduced or started mt's.

Good job Nintendo 🖕how about releasing something new?

phoenixwing1710d ago

yeah watch all the nintendo fanboys act like this doesn't exist and nintendo has their heart in the right place. Bunch of people in denial or children.

indysurfn1710d ago

Just look a Playstation store you will see a category for FREE TO PLAY games. They charge just the same in those games. I have a problem when someone charges for a full price game. That is when it is ridiculous.

1710d ago Replies(1)
King_Noctis1710d ago (Edited 1710d ago )

Little Town Hero is coming. Luigi’s Mansion 3 is coming. Pokemon Sword/Shield is coming. Why do guys like you keep acting like Nintendo releases nothing? And where will you be when the reviews for those games come up?

SixEye1710d ago

Game is ok, is not to bad pretty basic but prices are ridicules lol I haven't and won't be spending money on mobile games.

WickedLester1710d ago

You know what I hate most? It's that the game forces you to play in vertical screen mode. I can't believe theres no widescreen option.

Teflon021709d ago

That's the reason I didn't even bother with it. The moment you couldn't play in landscape I was like, this isn't anything but a cash grab. Not suppose to be anything past decent.

yomfweeee1709d ago

Ya all the outrage is over the pricing, glossing over the fact the game is generic. The one handed vertical mode is just plain stupid.

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New Mario Kart Tour Content Comes To An End

Nintendo says it will cease new content distribution of its mobile video game Mario Kart Tour for Android and iOS devices.


The Next Mario Kart Desperately Needs A Good Gimmick

Mario Kart 8 has been out for nine years now if you include the Wii U version. Despite the Switch port continuing to sell insane numbers since it came out in 2017, many people believed that a new installment was way past due. When the Booster Course Pass was announced instead, it was a bit controversial, with one side of people stating that it was time for a new game, and the other side believing that this was the best course of action and that there's nothing else Nintendo can do to innovate the franchise.

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Number1TailzFan350d ago

There's nothing wrong with the games, but after most of them being very samey, I got a bit bored. I liked MKDS because it added a mission mode, yeah it didn't have maybe as many as I'd like but it was decent for variety.

I really prefer the new Mario Party for the different types of games in it.

Mario Kart doesn't really feel fresh because you know what to expect for every new game pretty much. The single player mode of DKR was far more in depth a game vs Mario Kart IMO, MK is probably better for multiplayer though.

-Foxtrot350d ago

It needs a campaign mode like Crash Team Racing with open hubs, driving around the Mushroom Kingdom, selecting your races and the like. Have a system like the CTR tokens within the races that then unlock secret racing cups later on or the time relics to unlock other things.

There's nothing wrong with the games but when you've had the same set up for so many games it just gets a bit samey after a while.

They could even have something like a track creator like Modnation Racers or something.

Neonridr350d ago

I always enjoyed the single player aspect of Diddy Kong Racing myself.

Knushwood Butt350d ago

After starting with the first game on SNES, I think the last one I bought was on the DS.

Phlacky349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

I think the next gimmick should be interactive tracks with obstacles and traps such as maybe throwing a shell ahead to make something fall on another player Also have water and mud parts that effect handling more also fire parts that can cause you to over heat if you stay in it to long etc...

Yi-Long349d ago (Edited 349d ago )

I don’t think it needs ‘a gimmick’ so much, because gameplay is pretty much perfect right now, but I would like the next Mario Kart to do either a ‘track-builder’ thing, so you just get access to the tools and make your own tracks (think Modnation Racers or LBP Karting), and/or expand upon ‘Mario’ Kart and open it up to the rest of Nintendo IPs, and just do a ‘Nintendo Kart’, so we’d see more of Zelda, but also Starfox, Kirby, Metroid, Valkyria Chronicles*, etc.

* I know, technically not ‘Nintendo’.

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Nintendo Hit with Class Action Over ‘Spotlight Pipe’ Loot Boxes in Mario Kart Tour

Nintendo’s former use of “Spotlight Pipes” in Mario Kart Tour is the subject of a proposed class action that alleges the company has deceptively induced players—especially minors—into paying real money to essentially gamble on winning in-game items.

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kayoss375d ago

Finally someone is suing nintendo and not the other way around