
The Blackout Club Review | The PlayStation Brahs

The PlayStation Brahs:

“The Blackout Club by Indie developer Question promised to be something unique in the horror genre. Could it live up to the hype? I would like to talk about some of the game mechanics but more importantly what the game meant to this group of four friends.”

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The Best Co-Op Horror Games You've Missed in Halloween

Try to cope with your friend through terror with this list featuring the best horror Co-Op games you can play today.

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Humble Thrills & Chills Bundle features 10 horror games in time for Halloween

The Humble Thrills & Chills Bundle just launched today. It features games like The Blackout Club, Dusk, Layers of Fear 2, and more. As usual, you pay what you want and a percentage goes to charity.

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BioShock 2's director reveals what could have been a different BioShock

In a podcast with Wassup Conversations, Jordan Thomas, director and the writer of BioShock 2 reveals his initial ideas for a new rapture and how they were shut down by 2K.
"My first proposal was about a little sister, it was playing as a little sister and it was much more horror-oriented pace and about vulnerability, closer to Thief frankly, but I was told no, we want it to be our Gears of War, this need to be a big shooter franchise with an emphasis on the shooter element, and so what I think of the protagonist of a shooter as is a big lumbering sort of porthole on a stick with guns sticking out in front like you’re almost a vehicle."

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plainview10301528d ago

And he also wanted it to be above the sea or in space. What a wasted opportunity.

Nacho_Z1528d ago

It's surprising the game turned out to be good with this guy at the helm. The combat mechanics were actually the biggest improvement in the sequel as much as he wouldn't want to hear that, everything else was inferior.