
Square Enix showcases next-gen characters in Luminous Engine with Path Tracing

DSOGaming writes: "A few days ago, we shared a video showing real-time path tracing effects in the Luminous Engine. Luminous Productions has collaborated with NVIDIA in order to create that path tracing tech demo at CEDEC 2019. However, the team has also presented some truly amazing next-gen characters."

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Knightofelemia1731d ago

Curious to see if this is an actual tech demo or a new game it looks really interesting

Kurisu1730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

I'm still hopeful that Agnis Philosophy from a while back is in the works. Final Fantasy VII Remake is Square Enix' focus but FFXV has been out for ages, XVI must surely be in development. I wouldn't be surprised if it was announced at next years TGS for a 2021/2022 release to fill the gap before part 2 of the FFVII Remake.

bouzebbal1730d ago

SquareEnix character models have been average this gen and none of their games has been a graphical showcase.. especially their traditional rpg series.

bishup251730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

the luminous engine was alright. the only thing it wasn't configured for was performance.
it was supposed to be their flagship game engine back in 2009.
but that all changed when other game engines made their advancements in the current gen. just about everything you see in this tech demo can be achieved in most game engines.

1730d ago
BLizardXD1730d ago

@ bouzebbal
"SquareEnix character models have been average this gen and none of their games has been a graphical showcase"

FFXV's characters were 100,000 polygons.

not every game uses that much for characters.

DaDrunkenJester1730d ago


Polygons themselves dont make a well detailed and articulate looking model. It's the details within that make it impressive. I dont remember any of the characters having realistic looking faces with pores and imperfections. Everything has that super clean anime look to it. Which I'm not saying looks bad, just giving a counter argument.

joab7771729d ago (Edited 1729d ago )

I just want someone to make a Lost Odyssey 2. Wonder what they are up to?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1729d ago
Artemidorus1730d ago

It clearly states tech demo...

Nu1729d ago

Final Fantasy 15 was in development hell because of this engine. Final Fantasy 7 is made using unreal engine 4

ClayCyre1731d ago

Looks great so far. Approved!

elliselijah921730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

It just looks like a generic PS4 character model imo, nothing great, pretty mediocre. A lot of Naughty Dogs real time cut scenes on PS4 have more facial features and wrinkles than this, which run of PS4, whereas this is running on an overclocked PC with the best Nvidia graphics cards.

AnnaDea1730d ago

The answer to that is because you watch it in 1080p and in 8-bit.

Is it something that Square Enix is industry leading in (and has been since they started) is graphical fidelity. I trust they know what they are doing when it comes to visuals.

sprinterboy1730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

One thing going for you though, is you can stick with your 1080p tv, don't bother upgrading to 4k as you won't see the difference if you don't see the advancements in facial animations etc on those short videos.
Plus you can stick with ps4 or xbox one s or a low end pc then.

tontontam01730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

The demo is not about the character model.

IMO you are too narrowminded, If you are saying that naughty dog's games without using this tech is better. THEN I can't wait for naughty dog use this tech.

Godmars2901730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

So after having to migrate FF13 and FF15, doing KH3 wholly on UE, over ten years, they're still working on Luminous?


Kurisu1730d ago

Ha, yeah.

Still, it would be nice to see what they could achieve if they do release the engine.

Godmars2901730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

Wouldn't it have to work first? Given that that's been the issue.

elliselijah921730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

Just let it go with these piece of shit engines. Your game engines ruined the development of FF13 and FF15.

Hungryalpaca1730d ago

Yes cuz the technical engineers are the people who design the games....


Godmars2901730d ago

No point in questioning someone else's intelligence or understanding while not bothering to under the intricacies of game development, programming engineering and familiarity when all those things factored into what happened with FF13 and FF15 to the degree that FF15 was FF13vs when first announced.

That you seemingly willfully ignore or forget such an obvious example of development issues while trying to say or suggest that there weren't any doesn't speak well of you or the disagrees.

AnubisG1730d ago

Well, it looks good but I doubt in game models will look like this. Also, THE most important thing to me in an in game model that can bring them to life is their eyes. So, work on that devs!😁

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Square Enix and Luminous Productions Have Released A New Tech Video For Luminous Engine

Luminous Productions: "Auto-generating the world using our proprietary engine, Luminous Engine, as demonstrated by Luminous Productions at CEDEC2020.
Filling an Open World in a Natural yet Intentional Way.
This showcase walks you through the Luminous Engine’s approach to procedural generation."

Sonic-and-Crash1370d ago (Edited 1370d ago )

...should have used this engine to Remake FFVII ....FFVII Rs visuals are at least bad using the lame U4 engine ...with environments to be PS3-ps2 level........while FFXV that used this engine had an unbelivable beautiful world and also was far bigger than the urbanized only areas of FF 7R

RaidenBlack1370d ago

Division 1 devs handled the FF7 Remake.
Division 2 devs handled the FFXV.

Tech51369d ago (Edited 1369d ago )

".FFVII Rs visuals are at least bad using the lame U4 engine"

I thought the FF7 Remake looked really impressive. also While this demo is as impressive many of it's features could also be found in UE4 going as far back to 2017 and 18. UE4 also has an extensive world editor, coupled with Quixel Megascans. i think this next gen gamers should be able to see UE4 and 5's more advanced features. through the new hardware upgrades.

1369d ago
solideagle1369d ago

never understood why would you need a new account until an unless the account is banned?

Razmiran1369d ago

So you can agree with yourself and somehow feel better

UnSelf1369d ago

They can use this for Remake pt 2 exclusively on PS5


Who needs plugs when your fanboys are this smug

LegoIsAwesome1369d ago

Haven't you read the latest statement of Sony? They forgot the meaning of "exclusive". All those "exclusive" they're boasting is just Timed Exclusive for PS4/5 and will come to PC. Exclusives is dead, except for Nintendo.

I thought Sony is different from MS. I guessed wrong.

1369d ago
LegoIsAwesome1369d ago


Can't accept the truth huh?

Rainbowcookie1368d ago (Edited 1368d ago )

This being an engine topic and turning to a FF debate...

LegoisAwesome summoned Strawman...

RAINBOW casts Firaga!

LegoisAwesome casts Masterchief!

He doesn't appear 😂😂🤣 just teasing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1368d ago
sprinterboy1369d ago Show
1369d ago
1369d ago
Godmars2901369d ago

Square's repeated issues is trying to use scratch built game engines still being developed for new projects. Forcing their devs to work with those unfamiliar engines.

Rainbowcookie1368d ago

Agreed and then it takes so long to finish a game that feels it could have been better. I want a truly innovative FF .

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1368d ago
GaboonViper1369d ago

Oh my goodness that is beautiful, i hope this engine is used for FFXVI and FFVII remake part 2.


Wow, nice, awesome, fantastic great engine......... now go make some actual decent games using it!

anonymousfan1369d ago

I know this is about FF but damn being all vegetation like that... I cant help but feel like I want a new Elder Scrolls game and explore for hours on end.

lonewolfjedi1369d ago

they should've used this in halo infinite lol

Noskypeno1369d ago

What was shown in 2018 and 2019 looked good and was in engine, not sure why the drastic downgrade but it goes to show tech demos dont mean anything until its shown off in gameplay. Now hopefully with the delay they can upgrade it to what it was, given how COD Cold War went from looking last gen 2 months ago when it got leaked to looking full blown next gen just now

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Tabata's New IP Isn't Even in Pre-Production Yet; Will Use Luminous Engine & Maybe Cloud Processing

Hajime Tabata revealed several new details on his new IP. It will be powered by Luminous and possibly use cloud processing for online modes, but it's a long way out - it isn't even in pre-production yet.

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Cybermario2426d ago

interesting, let's see if he delivers

KaiPow2426d ago

The Prompto DLC for FFXV shows his team is capable of pulling off an action game if they try.

Alexious2426d ago

It would be interesting to see them tackle a shooter.

2426d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic2426d ago

I would like another JRPG, but i'm not exactly starved for those at the moment.

2426d ago
masterfox2426d ago

nice can't wait for year 2040!!!

Angainor72426d ago

Seriously this will release at the end of the PS5 & XBOX whatever cycle

Alexious2426d ago

Nah. The tech is solid now, they should be quicker.

-Foxtrot2426d ago (Edited 2426d ago )

Hey thats great, long as it's not FFXVI he can knock himself out.

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Final Fantasy VII Remake won't run on the Luminous graphics engine

During an interview with the website NovaCrystallis.com at Gamescom 2015, Final Fantasy XV Director Hajime Tabata mentioned that the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake is not planned to be developed on the Luminous graphics engine, which currently powers FFXV.

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BLizardXD3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

"Tabata replied: “Final Fantasy VII (Remake) is not planned to be made with that.”

Kingdom Hearts 3 was the last game, which dropped the Luminous Engine in favor of Unreal Engine 4 in 2014."

If they pick Unreal Engine 4 again it would make sense, the engine can go into beta testing in just a few months. the game would be able to finish quite soon actually.

Snookies123224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

I really don't see many obstacles standing in the way of this game's development. Assuming they stick mainly to the original in terms of locations and events, then they already have the groundwork laid out. If they use Unreal Engine 4 on top of that, which would almost assuredly be easier to develop with than their own in-house engine... For myself personally, I'm rather optimistic we might see this game late 2016 or sometime in 2017. They've already been working on the game for over a year (at least), after all.

Can't wait for more info on the game regardless!

3224d ago
breakpad3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

more and more Lazy Japanese devs keep dropping their own homemade engines (which are far superior) for U4...what they think?? ...i start thinking that the whole Kojima gate was because of his engine(FoX engine is one of the few engines that trumps U4 with ease) which was probably claimed by Konami to do whatever they want with it...

LightofDarkness3224d ago

Far superior? UE4 is the standard for a reason. You can virtually do anything with it, quickly and without difficulty. As far as a pure development engine and associated tools go, UE4 is currently unbeatable. Luminous is fine but it clearly lacks optimization, and the worlds it creates are largely static. I've yet to see these so-called superior engines. MT Framework was fine but nothing to write home about, FOX Engine seems pretty good but we have no idea as to how easy it is to develop for or how well optimized it is because the only people who know anything about it are Konami. The only one of these engines that seems remotely scalable is MT Framework, which is gone now.

SE aren't lazy, creating a modern videogame development engine takes a HUGE amount of work, which is time and money that would be better spent actually creating a game. In fact, it's clear that through their abandonment of Luminous in favour of UE4 that it was cheaper and easier to achieve comparable, if not better results using UE4. That screams BETTER to me. The generic Unreal engine looking issue from last gen was a result of developers using the same colour schemes, assets and design choices, which is not a reflection on the engine, just a reflection of the times. Everyone was copying everyone else to get that AAA look.

breakpad3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

@LightofDarkness generally U4 seems to be very easy to code (even i have started to learn some things)and cheap as you say but that doesnt mean at all that is better.. lets be honest ...FoX engine's lightning , photorealism and other effects ( water etcetc) are far ahead from whatever we ve seen in U4 until now even in its best tech demos ...Kojima Team developed a masterpiece with this engine which is evolving even from MGS3 era....if MGS V was exclusive to PS4 or PC we would see its true glory...at the other side no matter how much they improve U4 it keeps looking generic and not very exceptional ..see all the current gen games arround you

UltraNova3224d ago


"FOX Engine seems pretty good but we have no idea as to how easy it is to develop for or how well optimized it is because the only people who know anything about it are Konami"

Look I wont pretend to be an expert here but if this engine is able to produce a huge open-world game at that level of visual fidelity in 1080p/60fps on a console then I would say its quite optimized for sure. We don't need to know anything else except for the actual results, which are stunning to be honest.

LightofDarkness3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

MGS V looks quite nice, but let's not forget the game features very sterile indoor environments, while the vast expanse of the open world is pretty much empty desert. You can fairly guarantee that this was as much a technical decision as it was a design decision.

And as regards those other features, not even close. Photorealism/"other effects" are in the hands of the artists, not the engine. Both engines allow for the creation of complex shaders which would be presented almost identically on either one, as these have more to do with APIs than engines. The other "photoreal" parts such as textures, models and static meshes are in the hands of the 3D artists who create them; again, not the engine. And we have definitely seen more photorealistic UE4 demos:


Plus, UE4 now supports Nvidia's Voxel Global Illumination, which is the most advanced lighting engine currently possible in games.

Not to mention, MGSV's environment seems largely static and non-interactive. UE4 enables a much lager degree of dynamism in scenes with its powerful physics libraries.

MWH3224d ago


thanks for the good information LoD. unfortunately not many intellects here, mostly fanboys.

ABizzel13224d ago


I'm all for using your own engines for more game diversity, but UE is the industry standard and UE4 is a HUGE improvement over UE3 and has been designed for ease of use, affordability, and diversity (all things devs have asked for) so they can make games faster, cheaper, and actually look different and not a generic Gears clone.


That's 16 different games all using very difference art styles in the same engine. Your complaints are unjust with UE4.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3224d ago
Haru3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )


Agreed Fox engine is superior to UE4 in every single way, but most developers choose to use UE4 because it's cheap flexible and easy to use anyways I hope Konami and other studios stick to their own engine, I'd hate to see every game using UE4..

Kumomeme3223d ago

building an engine from sratch no easy feat especially trying to make an engine that easy to develop...thats why lot of devs struggled with it which is what frequently happened to japanese devs one of the proof

we dont know much about fox engine,but supposedly it should be opposite compared to luminous and phanta rhei...the development of mgsv proceed smoothly and even had another game(pes 2016) using it..so it safe to say the engine might better than we expect

about luminous and phanta rhei..nothing concrete come out of the company itself but all those due to speculation regarding condition of the game being developed(ffxv,kh3 drop the engine,deepdown)...

for ffvii it would be great if it could actually use luminous but if not,UE4 was great choice..great engine,user friendly,easy to develop,very good support to japanese devs(which is not for UE3) and the game can start be develop fast even after planning from what i'm hear..even devs able to modified or added they own tech like lightning or shader....for now we dont know the length of tabata knowledge about the project or what he actually permitted to say,or we dont know actually how far ffvii remake development proceed although nomura claim it had been year in development..i would suprise if the game been delay due to changing engine like happened with ffxv (ebony) or stuff..just wait...i just hope rather that focus solelly on technical prowess,it been more wise to focuse on the game's gameplay aspect..nomura is kind of artistic style i believe it will turn out great..just hope the development proceed smoothly this time

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3223d ago
DevilOgreFish3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

This is actually really big news and out of nowhere too. I didn't think the luminous engine would be this difficult to work with. two out of three titles are switching game engines. UE4 is currently the most versatile engine, and outsourced developers can easily adapt to it's structure. It's probably the most feasible engine in their case, dealing with a balancing act of 4 IPs in development.

spacedelete3224d ago

urgh unreal engine needs to die. so many last gen games used unreal 3 and all of them literally looked the same with the same problems. its better to have a in house engine just look at Frostbite engine very impressive and it would save them money as they won't pay royalties to those cretins at Epic.

pivotplease3224d ago

Like everything was shiny and horrible loading pop-in.

Kumomeme3223d ago

UE4 mileage different than UE3 dude...

DonkeyDoner3224d ago

"I didn't think the luminous engine would be this difficult to work with." ff15 development nearly 10 years and im glad they dont use it, we dont want to wait ff7 for another 10 years

Kumomeme3223d ago

ffxv actually been developed about more 2 years...they revamped the development anew and started ported to the engine several month after E3 2013 if i not mistaken...from before it was running on ebony....

well we dont know much about the engine,UE4 was good choice especially if they want to make it easy for outsourced team to develop,ex cyberconect who is familiar with the engine

MrSwankSinatra3224d ago

It's quick to note that they never implied they were using UE4, nor did they say they wouldn't make FFVII in the luminous engine, they said it just wasn't planned at the moment. I think it's fair to say that FFVII hasn't started development yet so the exact layout for how they are going to make the game hasn't been decided. Obviously it won't start development until FFXV and KH3 are released.

eyeDEVOUR3224d ago

Naw it'll start sooner than that man...The teams/people that do all the early ground work on kh3 and ff15 can atleast start creating assets for 7 while the polish is being added to the other games..

remixx1163224d ago

They said ff7 remake was in development even before the ff7 ps4 PC port was announced.

Kumomeme3223d ago

well,ffxv was develop on ebony first before ported to luminous.....same goes with first footage of kh3 before which is unknown to what engine it running(it was target render) before jumping to luminous(supposedly) and to UE4...i would suprise even though the game claimed being far in development in a year,but new footage we gonna see will be something like target render or something .

DevilOgreFish3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

Be it luminous or UE4 both are great choices. I think though if SE decides to make the switch UE4 would be the best choice. A lot of developers are becoming well acquainted with it's tools, and SE could easily find any studio to help take on the job. The engine is widely accepted.

paul-p19883224d ago

I wonder if they will keep the W-Item glitch in the game... that glitch made me a millionaire lol

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