
Sorry Nintendo, Joy-Con Drift Means I Won't Buy Switch Lite At Launch

Stuck with the stick?

Nintendo's Joy-Con headache is only just beginning, with the company now facing a class-action lawsuit relating to the drifting analogue sticks on its innovative Switch controllers.

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ZAF1776d ago

You people and your opinions no one asked for

patrick11776d ago

Kind of like what you're doing right this moment. I feel this article and remember my experiences with the PSP when the analog would drift, though i never experienced it with another Nintendo handheld.

1776d ago
Bahamut-Shin1776d ago

do you undertand that the drift problem will be even bigger in a console where you can not replace the controlers?

StalinSupremacy1776d ago

Drift is real; i had to replace a left joycon stick because of it, was a major hassle cracking that plastic piece of shit controller open. This time though with the lite, instead of replacing a singular controller now the whole molded gaming unit needs to be cracked open. This is a terrible fucking idea on nintendos part, especially if they haven't changed the inherent mechanical flaws causing drift (i.e. the metal rubbing on & degrading the graphite sensors causing ghosting/drifting)

darthv721776d ago

I would think drift could be eliminated with the lite. The controls are directly wired instead of having to sync like the originals.

luckytrouble1776d ago

That has absolutely nothing to do with the drift. The drift comes from the fundamental hardware that detects the actual movement of the stick. You move the stick, the movement against the graphite pad relays positioning through the board via sensors. Basically, pad touches board, board detects, board relays movement based on what gets triggered. The actual transmission of the movement beyond that was never the issue. The movement against the graphite pad causes it to break apart over time, and the particles of it end up getting in the right places to always detect movement in a particular direction. Any fix is always temporary due to the nature of the flaw.

Essentially, if Nintendo uses the same hardware for Joycons to put together the button sides of the Switch Lite, it will absolutely be at risk of suffering from the same problems. Since this is just a subset of the Switch, you can figure Nintendo will use as many of the same parts as possible to get more beneficial bulk purchases, particularly with things like sticks.

Odds are highly against Nintendo making a smart decision here to change production, sadly.

bluefox7551776d ago (Edited 1776d ago )

Yeah, I've had drift problems with various consoles over the years. Not sure that being modular has anything to do with the problem. Furthermore, it seems like they probably had the design down before all of these problems became public.

xander707691776d ago

Plus with the Lite it doesn't have removable joycons, so when this issue affects someones Switch Lite the solution won't be as simple as just buying replacement joycons (which are stupid expensive as is.)

Now you will either have to replace the whole unit, or I imagine an alternative would be taking it into a repair shop, or figuring out yourself how to take the thing apart and repair the sticks. This is not going to be a good time for future Switch Lite owners if it suffers the same problem.

Tross1776d ago

I mean, this is a legit concern. One would hope Nintendo would use only the best components for the controls literally attached to one of their models, but the fact remains that if there are problems, there's no way to switch them out and replace them with another Joycon.

Baza1776d ago

Switch lite is made to be CHEAP. Joy-Con drifting is eventually going to happen. No thanks.

JunMei1776d ago

I think it's important to note that the people saying this, were like to never buy it in the first place.

Your concern is legitimate, but since it's another product, it won't magically have the same problems, it may have fewer problems, it may have more problems. One cannot know until time deals its hand.

shuvam091776d ago (Edited 1776d ago )

Best components...


Tross1776d ago (Edited 1776d ago )

Ha, true. It's probably a fool's hope. The point is, if Joycon drift is a concern with replaceable controllers, there's a huge chance those who can't switch them out will be screwed. Ummm...pun unintentional.

JackBNimble1776d ago

You're better of with the original switch where you can replace the joycon , after all eventually all controllers start drifting depending on uses.

badz1491776d ago


"You're better of with the original switch where you can replace the joycon..."

you're saying it like the damn thing cost $10 or even $50 like the xbone and DS4. a pair costs a freaking $80.

Soybetaboy1776d ago

Greed is massively strong with Nintendont

TheManicCoder1776d ago

The same is true for any business who has shareholders and strives to report good earnings every quarter. So, basically everyone in the gaming business including Sony and Microsoft?

Sirk7x1776d ago

Might be greed, or might be huge engineering oversight.

shauzy1776d ago

literally no one asked for your opinion

esemce1776d ago

No one asked for your crappy attitude either.

shauzy1774d ago

i didnt ask for yours

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