
Why 2020 Could Be The Greatest Year Gaming Has Ever Seen

SXO: Time really does fly by. We’re halfway through 2019 and 2020 is on the horizon. This may seem premature but with the recent slew of announcements confirming 2020 release dates for major games we cannot help but feel immense excitement for what next year will bring.

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ThaGreatOakley1814d ago

There are so many games to look forward to next year I cannot wait!

solideagle1813d ago

I am just thinking if so many great games are coming in 2020, how will people buy next Playstation and Xbox? wallets will be empty...

ThaGreatOakley1813d ago

This. I'm yet to upgrade to a 4K TV and with all these games I won't have money for next gen just yet so I'll hold off and continue enjoying my PS4.

Hardiman1813d ago

I preorder and pay off over time.

bluefox7551813d ago

@ThaGreat Now is the time to buy, or at least black friday. 4k TVs are cheaper now than 1080p TVs were 2 years ago.

CP_Company1814d ago

it is going to be, not just could be.

Cyberpunk, Final Fantasy 7, The Last of Us 2, most probably Ghost of Tsushima, ambitious Watch Dogs 3, highly praised Dying Light 2, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, Marvels Avengers, Twin Mirror and much more + new consoles!

ThaGreatOakley1814d ago

I totally agree I haven't been this excited for a year (gaming wise) for as long as I've been gaming (20+ years)

Forn1813d ago (Edited 1813d ago )

There are still a bunch of amazing games coming this year too. Remnant: From the Ashes, Death Stranding, CTR, CoD: Modern Warfare to name a few. Great time to be alive!

bluefox7551813d ago

I'm a little skeptical about some of those, but the first 4 are guaranteed hits.

fever1813d ago

1997 had goldeneye, mario kart 64, ISS 64 and many more :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1813d ago
telekineticmantis1813d ago

I was saying the end of 2019, beginning of 2020 is unlike anything I've ever seen.

A Star Wars Story
Death Stranding
A Legitimate Pokemon Home Console game(I've only wanted that out of Pokemon for 20 years) .

Cyberpunk 2077
The Last of Us 2
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Video Games version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Everything on this list seems like it could only happen in a gamers dreams

Potnoodle9991813d ago

It’s going to be incredible!

Does GOTY become moot when there are so many contenders for it? I feel like anyone claiming a game is GOTY next year will be fighting against so many differing fan bases that it will be flame bait to even claim it for a game😕

NecrumOddBoy1813d ago (Edited 1813d ago )

I think Cyberpunk vs TLOU2 will be next years RDR2 versus GOW being one is multiplat and one is an exclusive. They will be battling it out to the death. Ghost will prob have the same love as Horizon and pick up a few GOTYs but get overshadowed by overhype from the other two. Halo Infinite doesn't interest me but it may be the shooter of the year. Nintendo may have some winners in there but this year is Luigi's mansion 3 and Link's Awakening, so honestly they have 2 GOTY exclusives coming in 2019 that are right up my alley.

ThaGreatOakley1813d ago

Cyberpunk versus The Last of Us 2 will be an epic battle for GOTY and the fact there's even multiple other games such as Ghosts of Tshumia and others that could also be contenders just shows how spoiled we will be next year

AsunaYuukiTheFlash1813d ago

Im not sold on Cyberpunk just yet. Final Gamtasy 7R and TLOU2 will be battling for me GOTY next year.

mch2011uk1813d ago

1995 - 2006/07 was the best time.

Kornholic1813d ago

Wrong. The golden age of gaming was 2007-2010.

Movefasta19931813d ago

I agree with this , although I loved the 90s and early 2000, the first couple of years of ps3 and 360 were the best.

Potnoodle9991810d ago

Just.... no. How old are you? If your older than 25 then.... FOR SHAME!

Forn1813d ago

I sort of agree, but a bit of that might be nostalgia. There were some truly amazing games in that era for sure though that still hold up today, despite how far gaming has come.

Dom_Estos1813d ago

So nostalgic, that one of the biggest games that is being sold back to us, but only 25% of it, is FF7. A game from 1997 that's being chopped up and sold back to us over a period of what could end up being 10 years before we see it completed. Good times.

Forn1813d ago


Dude, AAA games on the level of FFVII Remake take so much more manpower, time and effort than games from the PS1 era. If you can't visibly see all that they're doing with it compared to the original then that's on you. I suppose you just want a simple HD Remaster? Not me.

Potnoodle9991810d ago

I fully agree. The golden age of rpgs falls in there too, they haven’t been the same for around 17 years 😭

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Ninjamonkey822h ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.


The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

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Skuletor4h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde8m ago

Status in one word:


The end.