
Cyberpunk 2077’s E3 demo has weak gunplay and unimaginative stereotypes

"At some point, Cyberpunk 2077 has to evolve from a visually impressive – yes Keanu, even breathtaking – world and into something more interesting. I want more than meat and gun oil: I want moral dilemmas and a thoughtful exploration of transhumanism. More importantly, I want the game not to lean on racial stereotypes. After CD Projekt Red’s latest E3 demo, I’m concerned on both fronts." RockPaperShotgun says.

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1816d ago Replies(12)
Christopher1816d ago

***I want moral dilemmas and a thoughtful exploration of transhumanism. More importantly, I want the game not to lean on racial stereotypes.***

Sounds like you should write what you want because you want something very specific to your tastes. How about just talking about what is there instead of what you "want" there. It's not your story, it's theirs.

1815d ago
VenomUK1815d ago

@Christopher. Perfectly said.

Too frequently you are getting game reporters criticising games or marking them down, not because they are poor quality, but because they do not match the specific idea of what the game should be. It actually shows a disrespect for the reader because they believe they are more important than the creator and the reader.

Many of these writers can benefit from learning from respected film critics who are able to disagree with characters and events in a movie yet are professional enough to celebrate it for it's art and entertainment.

cfc831815d ago ShowReplies(1)
meep3161815d ago Show
3rdstar1815d ago

Actually, what he's describing is at the heart of Cyberpunk fiction. Transhumanism as a concept is one of the most heavily drawn upon ideas on the genre. Moral dilemmas drive the narratives of these stories. That...kind of has to be in the game. Of course this is an E3 demo and not the full game. We will know more next April when it actually drops.

rainslacker1815d ago

LOL. Expecting reviewers to review a product for what it is.

You're so cute.

1814d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1814d ago
AK911816d ago

Well we all know how out of touch with gaming these journalists are, this just means CyberPunk is a guaranteed GOTY contender.

Samus7071815d ago (Edited 1815d ago )

Not only are they out of touch, I would say that they actively work against their community at outlets like RPS, Polygon and Kotaku due to a strange hatred of gamers. This game has major hype amongst the community, therefore these urinalists must hate it and year it down. Same old song.

Wulfer1815d ago

Sounds like Hollywood and these journalist should get along just fine.

killswitch801815d ago

It will most likely be one of the most important forms of entertainment ever created.

Reefskye1815d ago

I read somewhere recently these site do this for hits because they know YouTubers will report the articles and there fans will flock to their site to slate them, they all innit for click baiting ppl for more hits around 30% of their traffic comes from youtube

DaDrunkenJester1815d ago

The clickbait is real. Sucks this is what the gaming news/journalism has become... but even world journalism has essentially become the same thing.

1816d ago Replies(2)
Hungryalpaca1816d ago

Oh look. A game people are looking forward to and here comes the “journalists” to start whining about how it’s not catering to THEM.

generic-user-name1815d ago

The mainstream gaming media will be gunning for anything CD projekt Red make thanks to a couple of jokes their twitter accounts made at the expense of progressive ideals. A big no no.

This is the start of the smear campaign.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Support Concludes As CDPR Turns Focus Towards Next Witcher Title & Other Projects

CD Projekt has concluded support work on Cyberpunk 2077, as the studio has turned focus towards the next Witcher and several other projects.

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DustMan3d ago

Such a great game. Recently started another playthrough.

Aussiesummer3d ago

I really have to get back into it, didn’t even get half way through, have the dlc and everything too.


Cyberpunk 2077 Director On 95% Positive Steam Rating: "Never Thought I'd See It"

Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long way from being one of the worst games on the planet to being one of the best ones.

DustMan17d ago

I shelved it after a few hours in game at launch, glad I didn't refund it. One of the few games I've actually completed in the last year, and after finishing the campaigns I wanted to just jump back in from the start. They pulled a No Mans Sky and finished one of the best FPS in the last few years.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B29d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7229d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii29d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast29d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife28d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit28d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife28d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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