
Fortnite is free, but kids are getting bullied into spending money

The pressure to purchase skins is everywhere in Fortnite. You can’t hop into a Fortnite match as a default without being singled out.

1853d ago Replies(2)
Vanfernal1853d ago

So now you're "bullied" if you don't have a skin? Gtfo. I'm sick of this made up issues that plague video game news nowadays. Anything for some cheap clicks.

LucasRuinedChildhood1853d ago

Well, a kid's ability to buy skins in a free-to-play game like Fortnite could be class issue. We're not kids so we don't really get what it's like to grow up being bombarded with all these micro-transactions from an early age. Many kids woud probably find it hard to jusitify paying $20 for "skins" to their parents. A bit of empathy would go a long way, man.

rdgneoz31853d ago

Bullying has been around for a long time, it's not new. Luckily people have the ability to mute people or put them on ignore in this day and age...

Vanfernal1853d ago

Same thing happened when I grew up if your parents couldn't afford new Nikes, or the latest toys, or designer clothes, etc. This is not a Fortnite issue. It's a matter of knowing you can't have everything and being grateful for what your parents can afford.

Stay-Toasty1852d ago

Thank you. Atleast theres one rational person in here. I can totally see kids getting bullied in their circle of friends because they cant afford all the new skins. Its the same thing as someone coming in the new jordans( i dont know shit about shoes these days) and then the kid who gets bulled for coming in with knock off adidas's with 4 stripes. This shit does happen. Its not some anti gamer agenda. Use your fucking brains.

TacoTaco1853d ago

The first time I played Rainbow Six Siege on PC, I was singled out on my team for having a default player and then, when I died on that first round, two members voted to boot me off because of course the guy with a default player is a noob... On his very first round ever.

They were typing insults. I muted them. Sucks that that was the experience I got, but it's true and it happens. Calling that "bullying" really discredits those who are truly bullied, but people who are more "invested" in a game are absolutely savage to those who aren't.

1853d ago
1852d ago
l33t_haxx0r1853d ago

Why not get loads of adults who play to start wearing default skins and start bullying kids who have the paid skins?? Problem solved!

No Way1853d ago

I like the way you think.

Smokehouse1853d ago

Awww 😭

More quality stuff from polygon.

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