
Why This is the Most Likely PS5 Price Point

Now that Mark Cerny has revealed the first details for the PlayStation 5, some may be wondering what it will cost, and so here is the PS5's most likely price point.

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UltraNova1869d ago

It will cost.... EVERYTHING!

Crazyglues1868d ago

If by EVERYTHING you mean $500 then yes it will cost EVERYTHING... LoL

I think $500 is a great price if it happens, remember this bad boy has a 2TB custom SSD.. My god, that's crazy... And really nice CPU and GPU, and 16 to 32 memory... wow... 500 is a steal... A Gamers Super Dream System.

DillyDilly1868d ago

We saw with the PS3 launch that general gamers will reject that price. But hey if Sony wants it go for it if Sony wants to turn Consoles into PCs go for it. The point of Consoles was to be affordable & if Sony wants to take that away they can go for it. Sony is gonna find out just what the non die hard fans think of them

Forn1868d ago


PS3 launched at $600, so it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

Shubhendu_Singh1868d ago

Yeah seeing the specs I just don't see how this isn't a 499$ machine.
I would had preferred the old 399$ (because 500$ becomes 685$ in my country) but I would be a fool to not want these amazing spec.

In terms of future proofing and money-to-fun ratio, I will gladly pay 685$ for 6 years of amazing fun in 4K,highFPS.

JackBNimble1868d ago

Ps3 was $600amc, I am Canadian and can say that at launch the ps3 was over $700 for us Canadians.

I wouldn't expect to pay under $500amc for the ps5.

NonPartisanGamer1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

The PS3 launched in 2006 if I remember correctly. $500 today is significantly less in value than it was 13 years ago. $500 in 2006 is equivalent to $630 today. $500 today is equal to $396 in 2006.

frostypants1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

"remember this bad boy has a 2TB custom SSD"

Literally nobody of merit has made that claim. It could have a 250GB (or smaller) SSD backed by a 2TB HDD for longer term storage. There's not a great reason for a massive and expensive SSD when you really just want that performance for the games you're actively playing.

1868d ago
bouzebbal1868d ago

399 is what people want.. I hope Sony isn't reading all this nonsense 500$ crap

cd11868d ago


I was thinking the exact same thing. With Cerny mentioning the SSD's unmatched speeds it could be a small but very fast SSD component hard wired to the board for caching - PCIe 4.0...maybe? This would also mean the standard HDD would still be replaceable.

fiveby91868d ago

Is it a custom SSD? Hmm so upgrades with off the shelf SDD are not possible? Perhaps it is a standard SDD but uses a custom external cache or controller? I suppose PS5 would rely upon external USB 3.x drives to increase storage capacity when needed.

WelkinCole1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I get a top of the line android phone every 2 years without contact for more than 800 and increasing a pop. 500 or 600 for a ps5 is really very easy for me.

OC_MurphysLaw1868d ago

@Crazyglues..... ummm... please tell us all where and when Sony / Mark Cerny ever stated a 2TB SSD or even that it would have between 16 to 32 (assuming you meant GB's of RAM)? I am all for being hyped for next gen but lets not create false statements on our way to the hype train.

AnthonyDavis1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

It will be $600 if they stick with that storage solution, plus they will try to sell you on the BC. Hey it has BC, so we’re gonna charge extra.

The storage solution is $150 value already.

FanboysKiller1868d ago

Dilly Dilly, you've missed the best part about consoles, Nintendo aside, consoles aren't made to be weak, specs are the most crucial part about it and if they are compelling as they seem, be prepared for another tsunami that will wipe a big portion of PC platform and turn it into common purpose platform.

Larrysweet1868d ago

None ever said size off ssd u cam forget 2tb

antz11041868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I'm all for a PS5 but $500 is not great nor a steal.

The-Matrix-has-you1868d ago

I get your point but something to keep in mind is that just because the PS5 is coming out doesn’t mean the PS4 family of consoles are obsolete. Sony could easily release the PS5 as a premium option and put a nice price cut on the PS4 Pro and drop the base model to $199. I would be surprised if we see generational exclusives any sooner than a couple years after PS5 launches. Most early adopters are more willing to dish out the extra cash to get the latest and greatest. It’s not fair to hold back the hardware for the entire generation because people don’t want to pay for that is needed. If $399 is what you want to pay...buy a PS4.

Crazyglues1868d ago


You have to do your homework, but the original guy who leaked all the info that Cerny confirmed said it was a 2TB Solid State Drive.

Livingthedream1868d ago

Depends on when it releases, but 500 by today's standards would be insane

Teflon021868d ago

I paid like 3.5K for my gaming PC, I don't mind any price honestly. As long as I'll play it. Preordering is great for systems because you can just pay bit by bit and you'll never feel like you paid that much anyways lol. It's only a problem to me when the item in question isn't worth the price. like Xbox One at release. That was bad.
PS3's 20GB version was a suckers buy. No one I knew bought that version. That one and the $500 tag was irrelevant now and then lol. PS3 was fine, looking back at it but it came out as I was going into my second year of high school I think? Or maybe first year? Lol. So it looked like a disgusting amount. I am a bit worried about the Canadian price though. Not trying to see anything over a $600CAD price

jojo3191868d ago

Including a 2TB SSD would just be foolish. That is way too much of a cost to add for something that isn't necessary for a launch console. First, there won't be enough games at launch to necessitate something that large. Second, gamers have never been afraid to shell out $$ for extra storage, because mentally it doesn't feel like you're spending money on the console itself. Sony is smart enough to take that cost, and put it into other areas of the console that consumers can't just buy off the shelf. If they DO offer it, no way in hell is it going to be $500. I mean, how much would a current PS4 be with a 2TB SSD?? Christ, lower-end ones are over $200.

UltraNova1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

What are you all on about? The Ps5 will come with no more than 128gb SSD for caching purposes and at least 1tb HDD(allowing drive swaps) for a custom Hybrid setup. Mark my words.

What I want to know is what ps5's memory going to be. Will it be a shared HB2 or GDDR6 pool for both system and GPU, like the PS4 with its GDDR5? And how much of it 12 or 16gb?

JonTheGod1867d ago


The size of the SSD has not been confirmed.
The amount of memory has not been confirmed.
Reel in your excitement a liiiittle bit and only repeat confirmed specs. That said, I'm super stoked for all the PS5 rumours and announcements; I just separate the two.

AnthonyDavis1867d ago

I just saw a $150 nvme SSD Samsung 1 Terabyte. And that’s on slickdeals.

So PS5 according to your dumb rumors is supposed to be bigger than that and faster than that. That’s not gonna happen.

Even if it does happen that’s poor allocation of costs. Why would you spend so much on storage. 1Terabyte is enough. They can offer larger size sku.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 1867d ago
UltraNova1868d ago

...for the box office!!!

-Foxtrot1868d ago

"The work is done...I won but what I'm about to do, I'm going to enjoy it...very...very much"

RomanPSX1868d ago

$500 its not a bad stating point for a powerful machine. Hopefully its a big jump in performance from ps4 to ps5.

strayanalog1868d ago

You bring up the best point, Ultra!

Since the PS5 will cost everything, meaning your soul, does that mean everyone that already cashed theirs in for the PS3 launch can't buy the next iteration?
Now, because Sony is so customer driven and doesn't want to lose those sales, does this mean Sony will now accept body parts as viable currency?

I suppose it's only a matter of time before these fellow gamers recieve a word on the matter and are no longer haunted by the laughs and sudden click from Ken Kutaragi over the phone.

kayoss1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Why is Gamora?

Kryptix1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I believe there will be different SKUs ranging from $400 to $500, something similar to the PS3 hard drive size.

Considering how successful $400 was for Sony, I highly doubt they will steer away from learned lessons.

I'm thinking, $400 for the HDD model and $500 for the SSD model. And you can swap them out for higher capacity.

I would be impressed if the PS5 has 2 slots, one for SSD and one HDD. Imagine buying the SSD version and just needing to swap out your PS4's hard-drive into the PS5 and it will read it's data.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1867d ago
purple1011869d ago

Never underestimate the price of playstation

xX-oldboy-Xx1868d ago

Still outsold everything at launch - that's how strong PlayStation is as a brand. It'll be business as usual.

1868d ago
1868d ago
JackBNimble1868d ago

And the ps3 launched 8mill behind the 360 and still managed to catch ... so what's your point?

KwietStorm_BLM1868d ago

Keep fighting the good fight DillyDilly

supermanes1868d ago

It's not the "only reason it appears like the 360 outsold the PS3", don't forget many people bought multiple 360's because of the RROD. I personally bought 3 new 360's over the course of their lifecycle cause of that crap. Yet my launch PS3 outlasted all 3 of them.

YodaCracker1868d ago

The PS2 outsold the original Xbox by over 130 MILLION units - ONE HUNDRED THIRTY MILLION - and you guys are arguing about aligned launches and the PS3 "catching" the 360. That is why people refer to the PS3 as a failure. Sony went from absolutely wiping the floor with the PS2 to barely catching up with the PS3, and the launch price played a huge factor in that, just like it did with the Xbox One.

andibandit1868d ago

No the ps3 did not have a fantastic launch. The ps3 was suppose to leave xb360 in the dust and eclipse the ps2, it did neither.

Ratchet751868d ago

Ps3 launch year sales were low due to manufacturing issues (with the blue ray led). The year after, ps3 was outselling the xbox worldwide.

cyber_daemonx1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Compared to the xbones disastrous launch with skus backed up in warehouses the PS3 launch was phenominal lol.

andibandit1867d ago

Measuring your success on how you did in relation to the competitor isn't the best measure of success.

Just imagine if MS had a catastrophic launch and sold 1 console. Are you then successful if you sell atleast 2?.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1867d ago
Eonjay1869d ago

I'm going to say $399.
I know it's crazy considering the SSD, the brand new CPU and GPU, but hell why not?
Well considering that the Pro is still 399, my confidence is waning.

blackblades1869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )

I'm thinking $399 while the ps4 drops to like $299. He said the price will be appealing and the fact that they know not to go high with it as well as the ps4 did well at $399 but it also could be $499 from the details we got. We just dont know and have to wait til its announced.

froy4021868d ago

$499 for that ps5 with all those awsome features very well is appealing.

KwietStorm_BLM1868d ago

He said it will be appealing "in light of the advanced features". Sounds obviously higher than 399 to me. And given that the Xbox One X sold well in context, with a weak catalog, 499 for PS5 looks good to me.

SpaceFox1868d ago

The PS4 is already 299.. sometimes 249. Unless you mean the Pro.

It shouldn't be any less than 499.

purple1011869d ago

I think it will be a 16 gig SSD like Intel optane memory ( ultra ultra fast and Wired directly into the processor/ motherboard) and a 1 or 2 terabyte standard disc drive.

The SSD will be used in conjunction with the RAM to load the level and improved textures, and then as the game 'senses' you're moving areas leveLs areas or another part of town.. it will call upon the rest from the standard drive and load it into the SSD before it needs it or before you reach it.

thejigisup1868d ago

I think 16 is being far too conservative and would hurt the image that Sony is trying to portray. When they say there's a SSD if they give a meager 16GB drive ppl are going to call that a sham and I think Sony is desperately trying to avoid making mistakes or misleading their consumer base, especially considering how much is riding on this next generation to be successful for consoles.

pinkyxyz1868d ago

finally someone with some common sense. the ssd in the ps4 will more than likely be a stopgap for much much faster load times. this setup is much more beneficial that putting in a basic ssd. you could put in a 4 tb 7200rpm standard hardrive and still see insane load time speeds with this setup

Baza1868d ago

A disk drive in 2020? Even Optane would be dumb. Less efficient, more heat, takes up more space. Common sense here. A 2TB SSD is very reasonable.

NarutoFox1868d ago

They should release a low end model for $399 and a high end model for $499

Ricegum1868d ago

I genuinely think this is what they'll do. A high end version, and a lower end version. Everyone is happy.

sampsonon1868d ago

they won't do that. they already said as much after they released the pro.

Eonjay1868d ago

If they do that I will probably get the $499 version.

KwietStorm_BLM1868d ago

Then developers will have to target the gimped version, and their new features will go to waste.

Pennywise1381868d ago

My original thought was they would release a base model at $400 and a version with PSVR2 included for between $600 and $700. But now with those beefy specs and original psvr backward compatibility I don’t think we will see PSVR2 as a simultaneous launch which is too bad cause I would buy that version for sure.

DarXyde1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I hope not.

The only reason, in my opinion, for iterative hardware to exist is when you don't go far enough the first time.

PS4 and Xbox One were pretty conservative new generation consoles, honestly. If they release powerful hardware from the outset, that defeats the purpose of a PS5 Pro in my opinion.

Ultimately though, the games are what's most important. Sony could release a box with 8TF performance and people would buy it because they know the games will come... but I think the games will not only come, but they will be there on day one. Why? Because Sony might ask for $499-$549 and the best way to sell people on it is by introducing it with 2-4 must have titles.

chrisoadamson1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Microsoft is doing this. A high spec version which according to reports will be more powerful than the PS5 (called Anaconda) and a lower spec machine priced to be more competitive

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1868d ago
RosweeSon1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Don’t think it’ll be that cheap but don’t think they’ll touch Xbox X territory me think $449 as otherwise it’ll be tipping £400 in U.K that ain’t cheap. PS4 price was perfect hence its barely dropped since launch they just chuck games in now and revised the hardware but no major price cuts have been had Sony won’t go massively expensive but it won’t be dirt cheap either.
PS4 prob get a proper £50 price drop by summer tho start shifting them and smash that 100 million mark

Eonjay1868d ago

I think you are right about 100 million price drop. At that point it's all gravy

sampsonon1868d ago

yeah, I'm thinking the same. Sony could just end the generation starting at $399.
making a deal with the tech companies wanting to have their product in the homes of a 100 million people is something they could never accomplish on their own.

sony will get a great price because these companies will make their money through the sheer volume of sales.


Eonjay1868d ago

Let's go! The PS3 was like a 300$ lost on every sale. Sony has to be able to get some good deals. PS4 was originally $125 loss when launching at 400. That obviously worked good for them. Now Remember that the Xbox One X was sold at cost and that would be 2.5 years ago at least at launch. If Sony went at PS4 levels it would still pass the X when it launched. I think 399 is possible.

Sevir1868d ago

Well they're incredibly profitable right now. They will continue to sell PS4s well into the PS5's early life cycle. If they drop the Pro to $299 and the PS4 to $250 or $200 they'd be in a position to launch a Premium console at $399/$450.

Most of the reasons why Sony went Big in the PS3 is because of how profitable they were with Both PS1 and PS2. The PS4 has been a resounding Success and it doesn't seem to be slowing.

Secondly most profits in the early years of a consoles life comes from Software sales and software licensing. So giving the Reaction to PS3's Top end $600 console. I doubt Mark or Shu or anyone in that high of a chair would look and say yep let's bank on our Brand again and launch at $600 knowing how rough that era was. They have XBO as a rubric as well. They launched at $500 and despite numerous cost cutting still have not crossed 50 million units

I believe the sweet spot for a high end machine is $400/$450. And I think Sony is banking on the fact that they'll still be making money from the PS4 business to warrant a small loss on the PS5 launch with a $400/$450 console.

This will be a very interesting thing to watch. But I think History is on their side, they aren't taking their base for granted, Ken's cocky attitude has long left the company.

I believe they're willing to take a hit and double down on pleasing the consumer and gamers who put faith in them and got them to 92+ million units.

RosweeSon1868d ago

They would be but we all know ps5 launch model isn’t the premium one you talk of. Ps5 will be a beast of course but to think they won’t still be think of a slim pro later down the line as is pretty standard across all manufacturers these days.
They won’t hold back on ps5 for an eventual pro by any chance but they not gonna go crazy and do a PS3 launch model with all the bells and whistles day one they learned from that mistake.
They launch ps5 when sales and player number warrant it a slim and no doubt if ps5 still smashing it pro for those who want the extras.... pro wasn’t launched for the sake of it they’d sold Millions of consoles by that point more than Xbox had managed all generation and with all their hardware revisions to date. That original PS4 was a beast anyway but it’s sold 50/60 million of course they gonna look to make a better model more effecient power and minor upgrades etc. Nintendo always do with their handhelds and now home consoles no doubt ;)
Xbox did it just to try and stir up a stale market (their own anyway) when if they looked at other they’d see the reason they release these extended consoles is because they are warranted people obviously enjoying them and want more

seanpitt231868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

No chance it's going to be $399 unless they have 2 variants. With the specs stated it looks like a $449 - $499 console to me and thats with Sony taking a hit on each one sold.

I think sony has more confidence this time around in the console market and will make the ps5 more powerful and will sell at a loss.

With the ps4 they had alot of analysts and experts saying the console market is dead mobile and tablet gaming is the future and to be honest Sony was scared, this could of broke Sony if it failed so they didnt go crazy with the ps4 and kept cost at a minimum and wasn't willing to take a loss on each one sold because they wasn't confident enough where console gaming was going. lets face it the ps4 was underpowered compared to the ps3 when it first came out.

Now they are confident the console market is still massive and are willing to invest alot more in it.

Eonjay1868d ago

I thing they will have 2 variants but I think one might be different then what anyone is expecting. I think it will be a mobile PS4 with PS5 streaming.

Jamaicangmr1868d ago

The pro could be $399 still because MS hasn't been much competition to encourage a Sony price drop.

Eonjay1868d ago

You know you can get an X for cheaper than the Pro and the Pro is still outselling it at most retailers. This is telling.

DrumBeat1868d ago

That's a little low, all things considered - you said so yourself. I see $500 or 'possibly' $600, but I'm really leaning toward the $500. It just 'seems' like the sweet spot.

It's really all about what the casual consumer is willing to part with. They don't see the tech inside; they only see the price.

Eonjay1868d ago

You know, $600 is realistic for what you get but we both know that's not happening. Knowing the value of this system allows Sony to go slightly cheaper and really blow everyone away.

The way I see it, Sony went lower than the competitor but held the price a hell of a lot longer too. The profited on both sides.

rainslacker1868d ago

I think the pro will drop in price this year. the PS5 will be $399 or $499.

I don't mind $499 if it's powerful enough for the whole generation. I don't want another midgen.

Eonjay1868d ago

I think Sony was quoted as saying that they didn't want a midget either.

rainslacker1868d ago

I heard someone else mention that. But I don't remember them actually saying it. But I'm sure there are many things I miss in the grand scheme of things.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1868d ago
IRetrouk1869d ago

I'd say about 400 to 450 pounds, the ps3 launched in the UK at 425 and the ps4 was 350, I'd say an extra 100 on top of the ps4 price is probably realistic considering the ssd, the zen 2 3rd gen cpu and new customised navi gpu.

sampsonon1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

that's like $800 - $850 including tax in canada. if that happens they won't be able to sell hardly any in canada.
and yes, gaming is a big seller in canada.

IRetrouk1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

We get shafted on prices mate, theres no point trying to convert to our prices from yours, we end up paying more for our stuff than even the Americans or japanese, and it's never based on exchange rates. sucks but that's just the way of the world.

nucky641868d ago

do they sell phones? many phones are 700+

sampsonon1868d ago


what sucks is it won't sell in canada. we don't care about exchange rates. most of the world won't buy it because it won't be affordable. most of the world can't afford that rate.

no one buys the console. no one will buy their games. FACT

sampsonon1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

@nucky64 please don't tell me you're comparing phones to a gaming console? why not say " do you buy cars?"
we need phones. we don't need consoles to live.

IRetrouk1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I dont think you get what I'm saying, they price based on region and local currency, not exchange rates, the ps4 launched here at 350 pounds, in Canada it was 399 Canadian dollars, 399 Canadian dollars equals 229.99 pounds, see the difference now? If they priced it at 499 Canadian dollars that would still only work out at 287 pounds, still waaaay cheaper than what we have to pay after adding 100 pounds on top of the ps3 price, What we buy in pounds cannot be converted to your currency as an expected price, because that's not how things get priced around the world. I get that if it's too expensive it wont sell, but 400-450 will be a steal for the tech, and will sell just fine at that price, watch this space.

sampsonon1868d ago

first of all we didn't pay $399 in Canada we paid $499. $399 was the USD price. so if the ps5 is sold for $499 in USD we will be paying, taxes included, around $800 for the console. for most people living n Canada it's not an option. it doesn't matter how you slice it.

they will lose a ton of sales around the world period.

IRetrouk1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Actually Sampson it launched at 399 in Canada and then had a price increase in the month of March after launch to 449 not 499. all my conversions are based on Canadian dollars to pounds and vice versa, not one figure I have gave you is based off American dollars and again has nothing to do with what we are discussing, I did already explain this to be fair, like I said, you cant take what we pay and convert it to your currency and use that as an expected price, thats not how it works. FACT. Like I say we pay near enough a 3rd more for our ps4s than you do, so how is the UK's price being 400-450 going to make it 800 odd dollars? At most add an extra 100 dollars to the ps4s price of 449 and you should be in the ballpark.

sampsonon1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

@IRetrouk: i didn't count the one month it was 399 because it was only one month. i live in canada and it was never 449. it went straight to 499.

everyone is quoting 499 usd. which is 667.31 Canadian plus tax makes it 754.
now if they sell it for 450 pounds that's 782.84 Canadian plus 13% tax = 884 cad.

no one is buying a console in canada for that price.

nothing else matters. we don't care if you pay 450 and it's the same as 884. because when it's all said and done it's too much.

Sony wouldn't be that stupid.

IRetrouk1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

Man I dont know how much clearer I can be, first the price increase was to 449 not 499, do a search yourself, that's easy info to find. Second, you cant take what we pay and just convert it to your currency, they are not priced that way, what we payed 350 for you paid 449 for, even though 350 pounds is 608 Canadian dollars. no matter what the ps5 costs to the UK it wont effect what it will cost in Canada. You are inflating your own price based on the UKs pound.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1868d ago
slavish01868d ago

399 Sony is going for that money again

MasterCornholio1868d ago

If it’s a monster it’s probably going to be 499$. Remember if Microsoft was able to sell the One X at 499$ so can Sony.

Show all comments (178)

PS6 Graphics – Can it Approach Photorealism?

If the PS5 Pro leaks are accurate, the eventual PS6 is slated to be one powerful console. But if modern GPUs still lag behind true photorealism, can the PS6 get there?

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Hugodastrevas14d ago

I hate to be "that guy", but we have go ask ourselves do the industry need photorealistic graphics at this point or actually good games, good content, less anti-consumer practices?
This graphical obsession has brought nothing but years upon years of waiting for a game to launch with huge detailed empty worlds, bad stories and predictable gameplay and (micro)transactions everywhere. Sorry for the rant.

MrGameAndWatch14d ago

Same. I really don't want to be in an interactive film and, to me photorealism is not needed for immersion.

RaidenBlack13d ago

Why always target photorealism?
Why not use the extra horsepower for better, complex & diverse AI?
Why not target more interactable world? Why not use the new performance headroom for more physics effects?
Player choices that drastically affect and changes the game world?

Cacabunga13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Let’s first see what PS5 graphics look like.. we’ve seen nothing yet

RaidenBlack13d ago

For that, first Naughty Dog's PS5 single-player exclusive, then Guerilla's PS5 single-player exclusive

OtterX14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

If anything, the massive layoffs in the industry right now are showing that investors are pulling out and not wanting to invest as much as they are right now into AAAs. Much less push for even higher detail, unless many parts of it are automated by AI for a cheaper price. Not saying I support people's jobs being replaced by AI, just stating a reality of what the money people want.

DarXyde14d ago (Edited 14d ago )

Photorealism should be reserved for games like Gran Turismo. It costs far too much to incorporate that level of detail.

Even then, if it comes at the cost of physics calculations or frame rate given the shared resources of consoles, I'd scale it back in favor of a smoother experience.

Nintendo was quite smart to never pigeonhole themselves into that. Great foresight on their part, I'd say.

8bitAssassin14d ago

But they've gotten very lazy on their games. I still like their approach don't just make game play your biggest innovation.

DarXyde13d ago (Edited 13d ago )


I assume you're talking about Nintendo.

I think it works for them. I'm honestly glad that it's nothing like PlayStation or Xbox. It's a great reason to own one.

8bitAssassin13d ago

Yup!! I am. Yes it works for them and I love it. I want them to have better than average old tech so the scope of some of their games can drop jaws. I'm not talking about counting pixels either.

anast14d ago

I think we need both. Why lower the standard? A photorealistic Bloodborne or Elden Ring game would be insane.

isarai13d ago

Nah im with you on that, like visually games look fine, maybe up the resolution on average but i would much rather resources be spent on things that actually make the game FEEL good to play at this point.

shinoff218313d ago

Don't forget about the budgets.

ROCKY2813d ago

agreed - stop with the expensive photo realism and just create amazing games that are less expensive that are not a risk to create an original game within 2-3 years and not 7 years of development - like the OG PS2/Xbox era !

WolfSeed13d ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc.

This article touches one of them. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

Amplitude13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Some photorealism is much cheaper to produce than what devs are currently forced to do.
If all games could have path tracing, there would be no need for developers to manually map ambient occlusion, shadowmaps, reflection probes, etc. It's a huge undertaking that's making games cost way more to produce on account of the rather pathetic-for-2024 RT and general performance of the current gen consoles.

As much as i hate to say it, we need new consoles as soon as feasibly possible. These consoles launched at the absolute worst possible time, right before RT/DLSS2.0/3.0 were able to quickly skyrocket games in quality on the PC side of things, leaving a ridiculously large gap between PC and console almost immediately after launch and preventing things like CyberPunk Pathtracing Mode in other games. They're holding everything back and making games take longer to produce.

I think Microsoft may be smart if they end up adopting a model where multiple companies (including NVidia) can release multiple spec variant "PC" boxes with the XBox OS. One console every decade doesn't cut it with how quick technology moves in this new era we're in.

smolinsk13d ago

I would love the Next step in graphic to be massive but it always turns out that it takes a long time so the ps6 graphics are gonna be like the best we have now Just with 60fps in every game. World love to se the big ass large worlds with fantastic graphics and depth. Gta 6 are gonna bring that for sure.

just_looken13d ago


100% agree but it also made the use of upscale tech the norm which made games worse and the fact console now are just tablets we need a console with a real gpu real cpu real ram setup.

It would be so amazing to see a game like you said made like the ps2/ps3 era using today's pc parts pushing the hardware.

There are titles out there that make my pc run like its still on the desktop

Barlos13d ago

Agreed. For me at least, games are escapism. I don't want them mimicking real life. Graphics don't have to be photorealistic to be impressive. As with you, I'm more about the story, and I would prefer innovation in other ways. The PS5 did it with the DualSense. This it more important to me than just shinier graphics.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 13d ago
Zenzuu14d ago

Personally for me, graphics have already gotten to the point where I don't really feel the need to see having it to make anymore realistic or better.

At this point, I rather game developers focus on quality/engaging stories, gameplay, & contents. Also not every every single game needs to opened world just for the sake of it.

anast14d ago

I'd rather they focus on both. It's a trillion dollar industry. They should be able to do both.

neutralgamer199213d ago


Believe it or not when it comes to consoles and games graphics are still the biggest factor. Why do you think we still see CHI trailers or in engine footage. The first impression is very important. Not for us core gamers but for millions of casuals who are quite easily impressed with wow factor graphics

TiredGamer13d ago

"More, more, more!!! I don't care what it takes - I deserve more! And I won't PAY a dollar more!"

That's the mindset of some people out there.

JEECE13d ago

I mean, can we still say that's the case even when casuals flock to mediocre looking battle royales? PUBG became huge among casuals, and it looks like a PS3 era shooter with textures that didn't load properly. And casuals have embraced the cartoon aesthetic (Fortnite is the easy example here, but there are others). What is the recent graphics focused game casuals have flocked to? Are you counting COD for that?

anast13d ago

@1992 Candy Crush and Monopoly Go

@Tired Like I said. It's a trillion dollar industry. They could definitely do more. Customers are paying a ton of money.

WolfSeed13d ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

smolinsk13d ago

Graphics are the biggest selling point and will always be.

neutralgamer199213d ago

Agreed especially for those who aren’t hardcore gamers. We core gamers look at everything through core gamers POV. But there is a much bigger casual market who likes looking at pretty things

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 13d ago
andy8514d ago

Honestly with UC4 I thought we were close but things don't really seem to have improved much in 8 years. Hellblade 2 seems to have raised the bar a bit though

MrBaskerville14d ago

I don't think publishers have the money to make that happen. They can barely sustain the current level of fidelity.

Sciurus_vulgaris13d ago

The goal post for what photorealistic graphics are has always been moving. I remember some 360/PS3 sports games being called photorealistic way back in the mid 2000s.

bRuud8314d ago

Simply, no! Graphics wise there is barely any difference between the PS4 and PS5 just a little more particle effects and very minimal use of ray tracing. I expect even less diffence between PS5 and PS6. Just better implementation of Ray Tracing.

purple10113d ago

you are correct, but there ram has doubled, and now we have ssd not a spinning disk drive, I think we have not yet scratched the surface of next gen personally,

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Nintendo says Switch 2 will be officially announced before the end of March 2025

This is Furukawa, President of Nintendo. We will make an announcement about the successor to Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year. It will have been over nine years since we announced the existence of Nintendo Switch back in March 2015. We will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024, but please be aware that there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during that presentation.

Profchaos27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

I'm excited for a switch 2 however I don't feel it will be coming this year as per the tweet in they are commuting to a reveal in this Japanese financial year in 2025.

Realistically we will get one last holiday season to focus on the switch because it would be madness for Nintendo to go into the holidays where the switch always performs well when they have announced a switch 2.

I'm thinking we see a announcement late Jan 25 personally with a release between March and June depending on when the software is ready and how strong the holday sales were if they need to boost those figures for the next earnings call or not

gold_drake27d ago

yea agreed. they'll probably match it with the new pkmn game they announced

VenomUK27d ago

So it begins!

Where one contender pulls out of the game, another comes back bigger and stronger.

Nintendo Switch 2 - let the games begin.

Cacabunga26d ago

A new Splatoon launch title for sure.. hoping they change the recipe and make it open world.

I think it’ll come out Q1 25. Let’s wait and see

H926d ago

There's a event in June for games on the switch and they said there won't be a switch 2 announcement so no way they will announce the console after june and still release it in the same year

Eonjay26d ago

So, I think they will shoot for another FYQ4 release (like with the first Switch) but I am confused by the headline:

'[...] Switch 2 will be officially ANNOUNCED before the end of March 2025' This implies that the Switch 2 isn't coming out till maybe holiday 2025 or maybe even 2026. I think they will be better served by NOT releasing when GTA 6 launches (unless there is some shocking reveal that it will run on Switch 2). Release early 2025.

Neonridr26d ago

I'd say it'll be released before March 2025 tbh.

notachance26d ago

Holiday announcement with summer launch

thesoftware73026d ago

It should be an interesting year; Sony, Nintendo, and MS all have new Hardware to show.

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PS5 Pro specs leak video taken down by Sony

Sony is taking actions as video by Moore’s Law is Dead, has been issued with a copyright claim.

Read Full Story >>
andy8547d ago

And people say it's all fake because Sony haven't said anything 😂 conveniently forget the PS4 Pro was only announced 2 months before release.

BeHunted47d ago

It's fake. There's no factual evidence other than his own made up specs.

Hereandthere47d ago

What were the specks Sony was afraid of showing?

Shikoku47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Digital foundry put a video out saying what he leaked was exactly what they also knew about the PS5 PRO. So no it's not just stuff he made up

Babadook747d ago (Edited 47d ago )

If it’s fake what copyright does MLID infringe upon?


andy8547d ago

Aye because they'd go to the effort of copyright claiming it if it didn't exist 🙃😂 you'd have to be a special kind to be thinking its not a thing by now

Cacabunga47d ago

They need to reveal it with uncharted killzone or a heavy hitter like this

Ironmike47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

U mean the specs that we'll established digital foundry which said these are the actual specs published a video on 2 weeks ago I mean they are only one of most trusted sites for tech information but they just made up a video for the sake of it

Christopher46d ago

I would love for it all to be fake, but lots of people are saying they've seen/heard the same thing. But, man, we 100% don't need mid-gen upgrades when we're failing hard to optimize current hardware.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 46d ago
Seraphim46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

if I recall Sony lowered sales expectations for PS5 earlier this year. if that is the case we won't hear anything about a Pro until next year or shortly before/when it's dropping. After all, if the Pro was dropping this year/fiscal year they wouldn't have lowered expectations.

As for squashing rumors. Yeah, shit like this prevents potential buyers from adopting now, just like slim rumors in the past. It only makes sense to keep things under wraps from a business perspective. Despite living in a technological age of unfettered access to information we don't need to know whats going on behind closed doors be that at Sony, Nintendo, MS, or amongst any development studios. When the steak is done we shall feast.

JackBNimble46d ago

By the time games are actually made to take advantage of the pro spec's the ps6 will be released or close to it.

jznrpg47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

Just announce it already! I want to preorder one asap. But in reality they don’t want to lessen PS5 sales until Pro is ready to launch so I understand the business part of it. September is probably when they announce it with an early November launch like the PS4 Pro

Ironmike47d ago

Pro won't lessen sales sames ps4 pro never and the ps4 pro was more relevant at the time cos move to 4k this not needed

RaidenBlack46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Yea, my brother got his PS4 (coz of a good deal) after the PS4 Pro's release.

darthv7246d ago

^^same here. I got a base 4 for only $100 off a guy who bought the Pro. then a few months later I found a guy on craigslist selling a pro for $100 because it was left behind by his former roommate who moved out. That was the beginning of my obsession to buy up the different variants of the PS4 that were released.

As of now I am really only missing the 500m one and the gold slim but otherwise I have pretty much all the other retail ones. https://consolevariations.c...

crazyCoconuts46d ago

Anyone with 4K that appreciates 60fps is gonna disagree about it not being needed.
DLSS is a god send for Nvidia, and there's been nothing like it for AMD...yet ...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 46d ago
DeadlyFire46d ago

They will announce it around E3 timeframe about May-June whenever they do a showcase for the year.

neutralgamer199247d ago

Just announce it this thing will sell well

Ironmike47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

I don't think it will pll still haven't seen the potential of ps5 yet

Cacabunga46d ago

agreed, but it might sell if they announce some 1st party games to lead the way. if people see the difference with the base version they can move on. for my sake I am still gaming mainly on PS4 (still not finished with RDR2 due to lack of gaming time). I have a huge backlog on PS5 I am hoping to get into.

mark3214uk47d ago

why? game makers havnt even come close to maxing out current spec yet, were getting al lthese new TFlops and game maker are making crappy remakes not worthy of the ps3

Minute Man 72146d ago

The guts of the 5 and X are 5 years old

fr0sty46d ago

People keep saying that, yet we still have games running at near HD resolutions, 30fps, and ray tracing features turned off.

PRIMORDUS47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

I would take that video and upload a torrent of it, fuck that copyright bullshit. If your going to do something that has a chance of being taken down, make a torrent first share it. Then Sony or any other company is helpless and you can laugh in their faces, taunting them to try to take it down 🤣

LoveSpuds47d ago

With kind of analysis and advice, you could be a lawyer for Trump!🤣

tronyx1247d ago

As much as the PS4 Pro didn't represent a major % in the playerbase, announcing a 'better' model will hinder sales from the 'base' model. They are right, business-wise.

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