
Ranking the Final Fantasy games from worst to best

Square Enix have been busy porting some of the biggest entries in the Final Fantasy franchise to every platform going as of late (Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster JUST came out on Switch and Xbox One), making it the best time for new fans to jump on board this JRPG behemoth.

Each mainline entry (separated by their Roman numerals) is set in its own universe, meaning you can begin anywhere, which is great. But with so many titles, it can be hard to know where to begin. That's where we come in.

Ignoring direct sequels, spin-offs and the online multiplayer games XI and XIV, Digital Spy are here to tell which Final Fantasy games are the best, and which are the worst.

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-Foxtrot1868d ago

Final Fantasy XIII, XV and XII better then Final Fantasy VIII


Kados1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

XII is better than VIII.

-Foxtrot1868d ago

FFXII had a weaker story and less memorable characters

Hell the main character was forgettable

Kados1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

XII had a far more complex story, most people were turned off by it because of the political aspects, but it was probably the most well composed and complex story of any FF. VIIIs story was a cheesy convoluted romance, and got so wierd after the first disk, it lead to the popular theory that the entire thing was just Squall hallucinating while dying. It was probably the worst story in the franchise prior to XIII. But then 95% of people are suckers for love stories, even if they are really badly done. The level and junction systems were also both severely flawed to the point of being broken.

Vaan was also not the main character in XII. XII did not have any intended main character, Vaan was simply the character you started with, so people assumed he was the "main". Early on in development they had intended for Balthier to be the main, but they ended up changing it to not have an actual main character at all. The group as a whole was the "main". I would also argue Balthier, Basch, Ashe & Fran all being better and more memorable than any character in VIII. To each their own though.

Zenbaby3691868d ago

Right? 8 is actually a close favorite, followed by X. I get it, 7 was huge and it paved the way. I've gone back and played all 3 of them and 7 was the least fun for me. I think the story in 8 is super underrated and way overrated in 7. I also prefer the characters in 8, but I think I'm pretty much all alone on this one.

Butters3601868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

The top 5 for me would be

1. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions.
2. Final Fantasy VII.
3. Final Fantasy VI.
4. Final Fantasy XV.
5. Final Fantasy IV.

Zenbaby3691868d ago

Nice mention, FFT was pretty legit. If you haven't played Tactics Ogre I would suggest giving that a whirl. They released a more polished version on the psp or vita i think? Anyway, good more political story. Not so fantastical, but more characters on the battlefield. "I always felt like the maps and number of people on FFT wasn't enough" But probably because Somehow I played Tactics Ogre first.

Gemmol1868d ago

I remember those on Sony handheld, they should bring a HD remaster version for Switch

343_Guilty_Spark1868d ago

Last FF15

1. FF9
2. FF8
3. FFT
4. FF7
5. FF10
6. FF13
7. FF12
8. FF6


Last. FF15

Nacho_Z1868d ago

I sometimes wonder how much effect which game was the first you played in a series has. With FF my first was FF7 and that's my favourite closely followed by 8. I enjoyed 9 at the time but I prefer 10 now and I haven't liked any since although I haven't tried 15 because of not liking 12 or 13.

I often see people say that Demons Souls is the best game that From have made but Dark Souls was my first of theirs and for me it's a much better game. I think whichever game it is that introduces you to a series is special to you and clouds your objectivity.

Movefasta19931868d ago

I get you, I did play demon souls first and I do think it's the best but I have reasons.
Dark souls could've been, but the entire lost izalith bit concluding wuth the bed of chaos was one giant flop in comparison to how great everything else was, while demon's souls remained consistently great all the way through.
Dark 2 had un inspired bosses and weak level design.
Bloodborne lacked build depth which is my fav thing about the souls games, I think I made at least 10 different characters for both demon and dark 1.
Dark 3 tries too hard to be dark 1.

Kados1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

I think VII was my first also, yet it is not my favorite. I have never been the nostalgic type though.

In order from best to worst for me.

I have yet to play XV.

RizBiz1868d ago

The first one I played was the first one, but my favourite is still FF8.

meatnormous1861d ago

Same, replaying 8 at the moment.

Kashima1868d ago (Edited 1868d ago )

My top: ff14 post arr > ff6 for characters, story, music and art > ff4 > ff3 my first > mobius cuz fun. 8, 11 bad mmo, 12, 13, 15 are least favorite.

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MeteorPanda27d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman27d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda27d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


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shinoff218337d ago

If only they didn't screw ps4 owners over with a physical release. I'd have ran through this in a heartbeat.

LG_Fox_Brazil37d ago

The first one I played, it was the one that made me fall in love with JRPGs and is still my favorite to this day. A masterpiece