
Resistance 2 Surpasses Halo 3 Will Gears be next? Also 360 Takes Japan away from PS3. Hiphopgamershow 11/2/08

* 360 Exclusives do better than PS3 exclusives
* Wardevil the first game on PS3 that can't be done on 360?
* treyarchs call of duty 5 is no match for Gears 2 or Resistance 2
* Game Review - Little Big Planet
* HipHopRSS News Feed - R.I.P. to shakir stewart (president of def jam records)
* HipHopGamer Responds To Sarcasticgamer.com podcast (you gotta hear this)
* Much Much More Enjoy The Show

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Of course resistance 2 will surpass gaylo 3 and queers of war 2

5691d ago
Sir_Ken_Kutaragi5691d ago

* The xBox 360...What is the point of it??? I have a out of date P.C!!! ;-D

* 'Heavy Rain first presentation video' Makes xBot Zombie Lemmings CRY Heavy Rain from their Eyes!!! ;-D

* I got a xBox 360 the other day, but when the 3 Red Lights come on does that mean my Dinner is ready??? ;-D
It don't go 'PING!!!' like my old Microwave??? ;-D

Tune in Next week!!!;)

GiantEnemyLobster5691d ago

is obviously in bed with the flopstation 3.

FBl5691d ago

The Xbox 360 is a failure yes indeed

Deadman645691d ago


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GiantEnemyLobster5691d ago

In his defense there's, really not much to do in his mom's basement.

unjust5691d ago

I'll agree with the gaylo, but it wont pass gears

olivia5691d ago

i agree with every word he said about the ps3,why would make for 360 first,then port it for the ps3 if you knew u couldn't handle the ps3 cell processor .thats like your trying to make the ps3 look bad which is f*ck up,when people with a brain in their heads knows what the ps3 is capable of.

ravinshield5691d ago

come on r2 is a joke the only reason it sells is because thats the only decent shooter game the ps3 has.

5691d ago
Maxned5691d ago

I cant believe this super-retarded show is one of the highest news on N4G and ps3 fanboys are using it as proof that "PSTRIPLE ISH SOOPERIOR!!!!11111"

The name is "HipHopgamershow" and people are actually taking this biased fanboy site seriously.


TheXgamerLive5690d ago (Edited 5690d ago )

Not to be taken serious except by some mindless wannabe's.

R2 is a joke, you want prrof? I've been watching a guy play it for the last 3 days online, wanna watch, Message me, I'll give you his web page. But, all in all R2................

..................You lose.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5690d ago
MAR-TYR-DOM5691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

COD4 did that before, should read more like "Resistance 2 surpasses any other shooter"

I absolutely love these intros. For someone who does this for fun, that has great production values. Keep it up joker and hiphopgamer.

faisdotal5691d ago

Yeah he does that alot.

"Sony will win the console war with Ratchet and Clank"

Sorry HHG. You're not cut out for that kinda talk. That's Kotaku levels of ignorance.

morganfell5691d ago

It is apparent you know nothing about Kotaku. They don't promote Sony as doing anything correct. BTW, you are still wrong.

faisdotal5691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

Do you really understand the meaning of my post?

It's Kotaku's LEVEL of ignorance, take note i'm imitating to be ignorant, NOT kotaku.

mikeslemonade5691d ago

360 is a fluke and is unsustainable in Japan. If you consider 8,000 units a week a win in Japan then PS3 had been doing that for like a 100 weeks already before. 100 weeks vs 7 weeks hmmm...?

morganfell5691d ago

Do you understand how you left that open to go in the direction it was interpreted?

mikeslemonade5691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

I say Killzone 2 will take the community qualitys of Halo 3 and the gameplay qualities of COD4 into one game. The Resistance 2 crowd will move on to Killzone 2 once that is out and you have the community right there. Killzone 2 seems to be highly customizable and has the in-depth stat sheet we have seen that was leaked. The gameplay will be more refined than COD4 with better graphics and the more realistic feel of the guns and also better AI. Halo 3 couldn't do more than average in the graphics department and COD4 clan system/stat tracking/lobbies completely sucked. This is where Killzone 2 will gel the two games into one. There's no other shooter coming out 2009 other COD6 so Killzone 2 is very welcomed next year.

5691d ago
MaxXAttaxX5691d ago

Hmm, I think you're onto something there.
I'll agree.

kwicksandz5691d ago

Morganfail never ceases to amuse!

solidsnakus5691d ago

LOL, if R2 is anything like R1 then its nothing close to cod4.

OrganicMachine5691d ago

that means you haven't played R2 yet.. or the BETA

and the game itself isn't trying to be like COD4.. it's a whole different style

ape0075691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

hiphopgamer,I just wanna tell you that you are a real gamer,you have 0% bais and 100% truth,love and passion about games,we really need guys like you man,we want a true gamer who speaks the 100%bullseye truth,without any fanboyism,just keep the hard work,you'll be famous

I truly feel proud that a gamer like you exist

hiphopgamer ftw

n4g fanboys just watch and learn what's true gaming is and smell the world

cloudkillerffvii5687d ago

a true gamer plays their games....

they don't incite flamewars with inflammatory n4g headlines

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5687d ago
pp5691d ago

Resistance 2 Surpasses Halo 3 they wish but droids know deep down thats impossible.but know harm in dreaming.

InMyOpinion5691d ago

I do hope they don't mean saleswise. I don't even think it will surpass Fable 2 in that area.

5691d ago
aaron235691d ago

Fable2 is already a flop. It will sell 2m max

Resistance 2 will easily sell 5million

It could also reach 10 m . we will wait and see

However Fable 2 is a flop in sales and reviews

GiantEnemyCrab5691d ago

aaron23/waseeem/nasim: Are you freakin crazy?

"Fable2 is already a flop"

WTF are you talking about! Fable 2 is triple A you idiot!

aaron235691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

It will flop just like all other x360 games this year.

9/10 from even Xbox pro mags and u call it goty

it is another flop on flop box 360

Fable 2 got 8.8 from IGN. Most major gaming websites gave it 8 /10. It bombed in sales in europe. US wasnt too good either except for Vgcrap fake numbers

SONYSLAVE5691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

lololololololololololololololo lololololololololololololololo l ololololololololololololololol o lololololololololololololololo l ololololololololololololololol o lololololololololololololololo l ollolololololololololololol

lolololololololololololololol ololololololololololololololol o lololololololololololololololo l ololololololololololololololol o lololololololololololololololo l ololololololololololololololol o lollolololololololololololol

What does this thug wannabe know?? huh lol!!!!!!!!!

steck675691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

Seriously, is Halo and Gears all you got? 2006: Gears 1, 2007: Halo 3, 2008: Gears 2, 2009: Halo Recon. Let me guess, Gears 3 by 2010.

Although I highly doubt R2 will surpass Halo, in SALES.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5691d ago
mboojigga5691d ago

How many times has that question been asked? Every exclusive that comes out someone states it can't be done on the 360. They have been saying that since Resistance.

mboojigga5691d ago

The point is who really cares if it can or can't. Especially a game that is still not out yet and was announced in 2005. Really doesn't matter when you are waiting and waiting on games to release.

Daz5691d ago

prove it. and not something form a sony dev? you cant because they havent tryed. so you and me are the same we dont know.

butterfinger5691d ago

Who really does care? You should just worry about whether or not you'll be able to get the game, not whether or not it is even possible to develop for another system.

thewhoopimen5691d ago

I can believe that Kz2 will never be done on the 360. Why? B/c no dev either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd party in the 360 portfolio has the $60-70 mill budget that this game costs to work with. MS sure doesn't seem to want to spend that type of money either.

BWS19825691d ago

did you just state the quandry of MS not having enough money to do something? Ummmmm.......

Man_of_the_year5691d ago

Lets see - first it was Lair..then it was haze (the so called Halo Killer) then it was MGS4, then it was LBP...and now according to HHG LOL its Wardevil...

I love the level of Ignorance among the Sony fanboys...i guess if their system is in last place with exclusives that are eclipsed by MS exclusives you will say and believe anything positive about the PS3.

You know - i am looking forward to the next gen so that i can look back at this gen and say - what the hell were you Sony fanboys thinking that gen...

iHEARTboobs5691d ago

They do spend that kind of cash. They spent $50 million on GTA4 DLC. Money well spent? Probably not but we'll see how good or bad the dlc is.

BWS19825690d ago

I'd like you to repost that comment, but this time with an ounce of truth at least once, placed somewhere along the drivel. You are so hate filled towards the PS3 and I have no clue what you're talking about. Clearly you've got some massive misconceptions. A fanboy is a fanboy, and I roll my eyes at one from either "camp" but where are you getting these ideas from? You're trying to argue your opinion is superior to ANOTHER OPINION.

Man_of_the_year5690d ago (Edited 5690d ago )

Actually everything that i posted is true - either from the devs own words or Fanboys on this site - i have both systems so i have played and have seen for myself - i have Lair - it was a FLOP, i passed on Haze as the reviews coming in were terrible and the devs said it was to be the halo killer as well as the sony fanboys, i have MGS4 and there is nothing in that game that can't be done on the 360 and the game has 9+ hours of cutscenes and 4 hours of gameplay on a 50 gig blu-ray disc (i was very disappointed) and now LBP which i own, which becomes rather boring and slow - i can't play more than 2 maps till i need to put something else in as well as the LBP sales don't seem to be matching up with the HYPE - AND LBP can also be done on the 360 as the visuals are not all that complex.
Bottom line is idiots like HHG make outlandish comments like wardevil cannot not be done on the 360...we have heard all these comments in the past and now we are still hearing them...PS3 exclusive games either fall short of great reviews or of gameplay.

Even Resistance is at a 89/100 on metacritic and gamerankings...and yet all Sony Fanboys were screaming that this game would beat gears 2 and trolling every gears article and now look at the scores.

Sony is not producing the "great games" it had done during the PS2 era.

Just getting tired of all the HYPE that all PS3 fanboys rally around. Every new exclusive game is the BEST GAME OF THE YEAR AND CANT BE DONE ON THE 360...but then comes up short while 360 exclusives continue to produce quality gaming and getting the better reviews...

BWS19825689d ago (Edited 5689d ago )

because you're trying to discredit some fanboys (which I still feel you're one of). I have my opinion, you have yours, but you're trying to pass off your opinion on the PS3 and its exclusives as facts. You were let down, so now suddenly your let down is the final verdict of the PS3? Why listen to the Sony fanboys, I have a PS3, but I can't stand them as badly as the hate mongers I see ripping on Sony. Can all the greats be done on the 360 like MGS4 (which by the way, I have no idea how you got only 4 hours out of, unless you ran through it not playing it the way it's meant to be played, because most people are getting around 20 hours of gameplay, you sound like one of those "LOL movie of the year!" fanboys, so drop that) or Wardevil or Killzone 2? Wardevil is 1080p native, but I can't say if it's impossible for 360 to do, just like you can't say all those games CAN be done, you're not a multiplat dev, are you? I doubt it, and I'm not either. It's all speculation. You are disappointed with a lot on the PS3, fine, that's your call, but it's also your opinion. If the devs say it can't be done on the 360, they have more merit than you or I, but you really are twisting things, from what I see. I mean no disrespect, but you have to try to think more clearly here.

And don't use Metacritic or reviews to call out a game, that's just naive. Metacritic sucks. Even here on this site, the average review of R2 is 9.1, the average for Gears 2 is 9.2, that's too close to even use, even if you wanted to. If, for example, I play Resistance 2, then play Gears 2, and loved Resistance 2 more, how is that wrong? I'm not saying I'd think that, because I haven't played either. The reviews are the same, they're outlooks on a game that carry the same weight. You're simply trying to pass off your own judgement as the final word on everything, when you have to use your opinion as the same as I use mine, as a subjective outlook on things.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5689d ago
fufotrufo5691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

R2 won't get higher reviews than HALO 3 and won't get half of HALO 3 sales.

so ..i really fail to see..how it surpasses halo 3..oh wait..this is the hiphopgamer ps3 show..

my bad..i tought it was some random article......sorry..my mistake

butterfinger5691d ago

R2 will just surpass Halo 3 in the game's actual quality, not biased reviews and sales due to marketing at every level you possibly can.

DJ5691d ago

With $600 worth of free stuff (360 console, three controllers, etc) to reviewers in hopes of swaying their opinions of Halo 3. =P

fufotrufo5691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

oh ..i know where you are coming

biased reviews - every site is runed by biased reviewers ..sure .and you can prove it ..i bet
M$ paycheck - yeah yeah
Marketing - i didn't knew marketing was bad..

egm_hiphopgamer5691d ago

when i state that Resistance 2 has surpassed halo i'm talking about the overall content you find in this game. 1. the graphics are better 2. the gameplay is deeper because of the weapons and the multiplayer aspect is bigger , the co-op is phenominal, i mean this is a power packed First person shooter man and to me it surpasses halo 3 in every way and people need to see why as far as sales they are gonna do 5 million at the least man and that's great

butterfinger5691d ago

Who said marketing was bad? I simply stated that MS pretty much advertised Halo 3 everywhere. I guess you were just trolling for some flaming.

Daishi5691d ago

Yeah because M$ advertised the heck out of the game in 2007 that's why hundreds of thousands play Halo 3 every day... Not because they like the game but because they have been duked and aren't having fun... I have nothing against R2, but to say it surpasses anything when you haven't played it is ignorant. Wait and see.

Sitdown5691d ago

To quote you, "i state that Resistance 2 has surpassed halo i'm talking about the overall content you find in this game. 1. the graphics are better 2. the gameplay is deeper because of the weapons and the multiplayer aspect is bigger , the co-op is phenominal, i mean this is a power packed First person shooter man and to me it surpasses halo 3 in every way"

My question would be...in stating this opinion, what did you seek to accomplish? The reason I ask...is because shouldn't Resistance 2 be better in every way than Halo 3? I mean this will be Resistance second outing on the ps3...versus on one this generation for the Halo franchise....and then Resistance is coming out how many months after? Don't you find it problematic that you have to state that the 2nd attempt at of a game will surpass a game that has been out over a year and a month longer. Anyhoo.........regardless of what happens, I am ready to see where the story goes next for Resistance 2.

butterfinger5691d ago

I have played Resistance 2 so I am not speaking out of ignorance, and you saying that hundreds of thousands play it everyday is nothing compared to the 8 mill or however many that bought the game. MS used their marketing (wisely I will add) to make it seem as though Halo 3 was THE game to get if you had a 360 and if you didn't then you were missing out. I have Halo 3 and I've enjoyed parts of it, but Resistance 2 beats it in every aspect right now. I am still curious to see how well the R2 community will hold up, but with the 2 campaigns and 60 player online R2 is nailing it. Don't start throwing around words about what I've done or not done when you don't know sh*t about me.

Bubble Buddy5691d ago

Some sites are biased... Unless you think Wii Music is better than Resistance 2? *cough 1UP.*

BattleAxe5691d ago

When HHG said that MS takes care of its exclusives, he's right. Just look at the Spike TV (Microsoft) Video Games Awards. Halo got the Award for the Best Game Fueled By Dew. Talk about buying awards.... I'm willing to bet that MicroSoft did alot of back room deals for great reviews of HALO 3.

Just Imagine what it would mean for the XBOX 360 if HALO 3 got the reviews it actually deserved, it would have been disastrous. In terms of the XBOX 360 and what its known for, its a 2 pony show, GoW and HALO.

Sitdown5691d ago

With the software attachment rate being well over 2, you would be hard pressed to convince people that "its a 2 pony show, GoW and HALO."...especially when you have those in love with Forza, Project Gotham Racing and other titles that have become platinum hits. Yes those two are the forerunners....but clearly the numbers show they are not the only games pushing the console.

littletad5691d ago

I mean more than 50% of 360 owners bought it. So it certainly won't beat it in sales. Content? Well we just heard it will take some insane amount of hours to complete everything, but Halo 3 introduced Forge, theater, and hell it's always updated by a dedicated developer. Now some of those features are being mimicked in other games.

Insomniac is an amazing developer, no doubt. But the only thing Resistance has ever been hyped on is it's graphics. How many enemies are on screen and so on so forth. So of course it's going to trounce Halo 3 in graphics. But like I've said before, quantity doesn't necessarily mean quality. Bottom line is, the game isn't even released yet. So let's just wait and see.

And daishi, your reply is ridiculous. To say that people play Halo 3 or bought it because they were "duked" is idiotic.

Dareaver15691d ago

i agree with most of what you said, but daishi was saying how ridiculous it would be, that was not his original comment. I don't understand the reasons behind the comparisons. But i guess the King will always be challenged, and like it or not Halo 3 is the King of console shooter exclusives. No console exclusive shooter has beat it yet. And it's constantly being updated with new content.

I'm not a real big fan of HipHopGamer. And he is predominately a PS3 fan, that's why i don't understand him trying to come off as not biased. He shows his bias with many of his titles, and some of them are made to try to get hits and feed this whole fanboy war. But i whole heartedly disagree with his statements. A game that hasn't even come out yet, that in no point has he played the game completely forward and back, and has experienced most of what it has had to offer; can he make an assessment that this game is better then one that is a year old and has stood the test of time. Especially it being on the top of Live, on the console with the most online activity. How could he make such a statement is beyond me....

Doppy5691d ago (Edited 5691d ago )

First off this is Halo's 3rd game which means they should have the formula down pact so it's silly to argue that this is Resistance's 2nd attempt on PS3.

Secondly Halo 3 took practically the same amount of time to make as Resistance 2 for those of you who have forgotten the Xbox 360 came out in 2005 and Halo 3 came out in 2007. PS3 came out 2006 Resistance 2 came out 2008. 2 years each.

Third Bungie only makes Halo so they had all their focus on creating Halo 3 to be the best it can, while Insomniac was making Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction, Ratchet and Clank Quest for Booty, helping make Killzone 2 and Secrect Agent Clank, and finally finishing Resistance 2, so it's a shame that they were able to put a game out that is in every way equal to if not greater than Halo 3. No one has stopped to think about this. Insomniac has put out 2 full PS3 games, 1 PSN game/DLC, and were helping make a PSP game and one of the most impressive games this gen (Killzone 2) without losing any quality in their own games. If Insomniac was to focus just on making Resistance 2 then I'm 100% sure we would have see a much bigger game than it already is.

Fourth for the guy who said quantity doesn't equal quality you're exactly right. Just because Halo 3 sold 8 mil copies doesn't mean it was the best shooter. Gears far exceeds Halo in both gameplay, graphics, and entertainment. And so does Resistance. Resistance is much more fun then Halo (to me).

Next and finally it's clearly stated by developers that the hardware for the PS3 is more difficult to develop for than the 360 since the 360 has architecture similar to a computer. So why is it that Bungie couldn't develop a game better than Insomniac on simpler hardware. I mean come on,

Resistance is a new IP and to me is one of the best shooters on any console. It's not the best looking shooter, it doesn't have the best controls, it's not the most technical (which is debatable, but Resistance is possibly the most entertaining shooter (at least to me). Halo is a very good game to me, and no disrespect to Bungie or Microsoft, but Resistance 2 is a better game than Halo 3.

BWS19825691d ago

Resistance is only a grahpics showcase, look into the game more than screen shots. That's like saying a Porsche is only in it to look fast.

Sitdown5691d ago

but why is it silly? Yes this is the 3rd Halo, but the first for the 360..how do you have the formula down pack for graphics and other functions of a new gaming console in your first outing? Whereas as Resistance created the core on the ps3, and Resistance 2 can build upon that.....so I think it is silly for you to think that it is not a factor. Ohhh, and while you say that Insomniac has worked on so many titles...while Bungie was just working on one....you further prove my point of the level of exposure in order to maximize programming for the ps3...by having their hands in so much stuff. So if you take into consideration that this will be the second Resistance title on the ps3, while having all this experience working on other titles.......should it not be waaaaaaaaaay better than Halo 3.......given it is their only title on the 360 so far? Thanks for proving my point.

Moving to your second point...are you saying that Resistance 2 is a completely different game than the original...and borrow nothing from it? If not, then you need to see that Resistance 2 has more than 2 years of development...again, the original created the ground foundation for part 2...so you have to consider that. Yeah, again you can used the argument that this was the 3rd Halo...but again, the first two were built on another platform...where again, both Resistances are on this current generation. Nice try though.

Dareaver15691d ago

Great points made. I would give you another bubble, but it won't let me.

I don't understand how they try to assimilate Halo "3" and it's number of releases with regard to the 360. He shows clear ignorance by stating that since it's Bungie's 3rd Halo game that they were some how experienced on the 360 before with the other games. Clear and definitive ignorance. Not only that, the Original XBox had a Nvidia gpu, and the 360 goes with ATI with an advanced architecture that is starting to come out on current pcs. What's more ridiculous is that they keep saying that the 360 is easier to develop for because it's more pc-like. Yeah O.K., how many pc's have a triple core processor, with and advanced graphics card with daughter die, and propietary systems, and by the way; the cpu happens to be an in-order-execute cpu?

The 360 is easier to develop for because MS built it that way, and they have great developer support. Stop with the pc-like nonsense. You can easily say that the PS3 is pc-like then. Let me play into your nonsense and show how at the base of your argument, if the 360 is pc-like then so is the ps3; it has a cpu, gpu, ram, a hdd, and a form of disk drive. Guess what, all pc's have that; argument now moot. Sony doesn't have the same developer support and have just made it harder to develop for because of their architectural design. But if you want to regurgitate that same argument that the 360 is pc-like, well, then so is the ps3

Sitdown5691d ago

I appreciate it....I bubbled you up though for brining the thunder to my lightening.

Doppy5691d ago


First of all I see you can't argue with simple minded people, because they're so dumb they don't no they're dumb (statement is directed at 3.17). Don't you not think that Bungie had help from Microsoft other studios in order to maximize Halo to be the best it can be. If you don't then your as stupid as your comment. Halo is Microsoft's biggest game so you know they put every effort into making the game the best it could be while maintaining it's release date. When

Insomniac made the first Resistance they had no clue about the PS3, nor did any other developer. They took what they learned from Resistance and made Ratchet which was a very noticeable improvement. And they did the same thing with Ratchet to Resistance 2. So yes they do have a lot of experience with the PS3. Just like Bungie has a lot of experience developing for computers which is basically what the original Xbox and the Xbox 360 are cheap gaming PC's. As you should already be aware of a lot of games begin development on PC's and are then transferred to the dev kit of the console to finish development, and the SAME THING WENT FOR THE ORIGINAL XBOX. The original Xbox is a less powerful 360 the main differences is the CPU (which was made by IBM to enhance processing which basically crunches number faster), everything else is just an upgrade to the existing hardware. Which is why developers have such a great understanding of the Xbox 360 and why it's EASIER to make games for.

Since I'm suspect neither of you have any experience programming then I would assume that you aren't capable of understanding why my earlier comment was valid. Bungie programs for a system that they have experience with just like Insomniac did. However Bungie should have been much more prepared in making Halo 3 since it's developed for a computer which is what they been developing on since 1991. So the argument about it's different hardware is as I said before silly. Because games are first made on a PC then optimized for the console specific technical specifications, but seeing how I go to school for programming and development I guess you wouldn't understand that so it's not your fault.

Now for your second point if you've played Resistance 2 then you would no that the only thing they borrowed from the original is the creativity. EVERYTHING has been revamped and optimized, to make it a much better shooter than the original was. Yes it has the same story, and feel to it, but the game has a completely different play style to it. The original was a test to see what they could do with the PS3, but this is the real deal. The controls are revamped, the AI is revamped, the graphics are clearly revamped, EVERYTHING about this game is better and yes some things are improvements from the original, BUT SO IS HALO 3. Which is where my point comes in again. The only thing new about Halo 3 is Forge, and that it. Its the same game form last gen with a average single player campaign. The thing that people don't realize is that Resistance has it ALL. It has a very interesting take on WW2, the campaign is great, the multiplayer is great, and it has more variety than just about any other shooter.

@ 3.17

Let's talk about ignorance. If you knew anything you would know that PC's developers use to program their games for are much more powerful than the actual consoles. And if you think about it it's common sense. Game console don't evolve until a new console comes out where developer PC's evolve several times through out a consoles life cycle. Our school alone upgrade our PC's about every 2 - 3 years. Don't try to make yourself sound intelligent on a topic that you truly know nothing about besides some S!&# you read on Wikipedia, because YOU WILL look ignorant.

"What's more ridiculous is that they keep saying that the 360 is easier to develop for because it's more pc-like. Yeah O.K., how many pc's have a triple core processor, with and advanced graphics card with daughter die, and propietary systems, and by the way; the cpu happens to be an in-order-execute cpu?"

Umh. Every developer computer. You sound so stupid about now. Why would a developer build a game on a computer that's nowhere near as powerful as the console they're going to put it on. Now that's just stupid of you to even bring something like that up. The only part of development that doesn't require a powerful computer is the sound team, but even they're computers are more powerful than console because they have to run the game to make sure every sound queue is on point.

And yes development for the PS3 starts on a PC just like any other console game, but the optimizing part is where it get difficult, because instead of having this open CPU and GPU that the 360 have you have to send information to each individual SPE to harness the special abilities the PS3 has to offer, and not everything works out all the time because of that. You have to make sure you send information to each available SPE that needs another chuck of info in order to prevent things like wanky physics, AI problems, and texture pop-in, but it allows you to do do more with thing like physics, AI, and textures. How do I know this because we have a 360 and PS3 dev kit at our school, and I've interned with Sony Computer Entertainment America's sound team.

And finally I hope you mean that Microsoft has better hardware developers than Sony, because if you mean game developers then you are about as stupid as any of the multiple fanboys on this site. But even if you are Sony's hardware development team is trying to push past conventional methods of doing things, and they have helped make a powerful piece of technology, but unfortunately no one truly knows how to use it's full potential yet. But that being said we are just now moving into the 3rd year of the PS3, and there are many more to come and one day the Cell will e mastered, and we will see what it can really do. Microsoft made a very wise and conscience choice to keep things simple, which is why companies like Apple have had such a great success. But as far as game developers go Sony crushes Microsoft EASILY. So hopefully you meant hardware-wise.

Now that I'm done I hope neither every argue about a topic you don't know anything about. @ 3.16 I apologize if it sounds like I'm offending you because you kept things professional, however, 3.17 If you are a developer since you have some basic technical knowledge on the 360, but surprisingly nothing on the PS3 (so I know you're not) I hope you never get a job anywhere because ignorant people like you are the reason were stuck in the economic crisis were in now, because your too d@m^ STUPID.

Sitdown5690d ago (Edited 5690d ago )

"silly", "simple minded", "dumb"...whenever somebody has to turn to bashing, it is a sure sign of fighting an argument in which they really have no legs to stand on. Why are you unable to hold a conversation without attempts at put downs? So, is Halo the best it could be...or the best it could be given the release date? Anyhow, are you sure you want to keep this statement, "Insomniac made the first Resistance they had no clue about the PS3, nor did any other developer"; and what you are also saying is that developers are wrong when they said that Microsoft's development tools are what help make things easier? If development for the xbox and 360 are so identical...care to explain why EA took a beating on their launch titles? Since you are saying that you are going to school for these things...I guess it is okay to assume that you do not know it all?...given that you are still in school. Correct?

Moving right along....so Resistance was just a test? Well guess what....when running test, and experiments....don't you take the results and build upon them? Hmmm, which again would mean.....that resistance 2 would build upon information gained from the original. There is no way you are going to convince us that they scrapped everything from Resistance and just brought along the creativity. Again...if the original was a test, then for part 2...they used the information learned, in order to get where they are at today. Need an example...look at the first airplane...and now look at jets today. Regardless of what you think, the Stealth has to pay homage to the original. Now all you have done is just showed your love for all things Resistance....where as all I did was point out reasons on why Resistance 2 should be better than Halo 3.

Doppy5690d ago

As you can see I wrote a comment towards you that clearly states I didn't not imply any of the negative things I said towards you. And don't try to post and say I changed my comment, because I didn't.

Now back to business. As I said the original Xbox and the Xbox 360 are very similar. Why EA had problems programming for it is because they were probably trying to use the same techniques they used for the original Xbox to program for the 360, and in that process they weren't using the full power of the 360, the same reason why EA's PS3 title sucked hard, because they tried to use the thing they learned that helped the 360 game and make it work on a PS3 which as most of us know isn't going to work.

Do I think Halo 3 was the best it could have been no. Do I think they did a great job with the time they had yes. Do I think they could have done better than what they did H#LL YEAH. It's like all there focus was on how to make the multiplayer better, and don't get me wrong the multiplayer is great one of the best, but the single player isn't anywhere near as good as the multiplayer. Resistance 2 has a great single player campaign and yes I have played it, it has a great co-op campaign, and the online multiplayer is great. Which is why again "I FEEL RESISTANCE IS BETTER THAN HALO 3". As far as the development tools making things easier, that is true but let me tell you why. Developer tools makes things simple for developers. It makes coding for games easier. C+ and C++ are some very common programs used for games and developer tools basically crunches things to a simpler code. Developers need this because they have a lot more they can do with the 360 vs. the original Xbox. The developer tools allowed developers to confine the abilities of the Xbox 360 to more manageable levels, so they wouldn't have to do all the coding and everything on their own, the tools would cut time for game development. So to put it simply developer tools allow you to use saved coding to take time off of making your game.

Yes I am still in school, and no I don't know it all, but I do have plenty of experience developing for both systems, and it takes A LOT more to make a PS3 game than it does making a 360 game. Since you don't have any development skills I'll put it like this developing for the 360 is like taking Calculus it's hard, but there are patterns and things to make it easier, but developing for the PS3 is like Introduction to Quantum Physics, it takes A LOT to do one problem, but the outcome results in some of the most fascinating things.

Now as far as your second comment goes, I never said they scrapped everything from Resistance 1 and made part two, and yes everyone knows they built upon Resistance: FOM to make Resistance 2, but they did more than just improve the game which is what I said earlier. The gameplay isn't the same at all there are various things they kept from Resistance: FOM, but it plays A LOT like Call of Duty with a hint of Resistance. The graphics aren't the same. The first Resistance was all done with their engine. This time around they used a very expensive form of mo-cap (can't remember what it's called) to animate each character and you can really tell the difference. The physics are most likely the same from Resistance 1 and the concept of course is from Resistance 1, but as you can see there are things that are completely different than what was used in Resistance 1.

Now that I'm done again, it's pointless for me to continue this conversation any further, because I clearly see that this is going to be a never ending thing, since you'll only try to dissect pieces of my comments into making your own points (as you clearly tried to do with your airplane analogy).

But I just wanted to say this. Don't get me wrong I love my 360 and I think Halo 3 was a good game, was it the best it could have been no, is Resistance 2 the best it could have been no. But given the time, experience, and tools each developer had, from a developer perspective it's obvious that Insomniac did a better job hands down. And as I see it Resistance 2 is better than Halo 3.

I mean look at what Epic did with the 360, and try to use your argument. To me Gears (being a 2nd generation title for 360) was better than Halo 3 is almost every way. So what do you have to say about that?

Epic had never used a 360 before, just like Bungie. Epic had less time to make their game, and yet Gears was arguably as good as if not better than Halo 3. Do you know why, because Epic was a PC developer so going from the PC to the 360 wasn't hard for them.

I'm going to stop here since there are so many things I can use to continue this debate, and I would like to correct myself Bungie didn't make 3 Halo games they made 4 Halo, Halo 2, Halo PC, and Halo 3. Have a nice day both of you.

Dareaver15690d ago

i see you didn't address the name calling. Do you know the definition of ignorance?

I still see you saying that the 360 and Original XBox are basically the same. No they aren't, Original XBox had an Nvidia GPU and 360 has an ATI one. The ATI gpu is revolutionary in it's architecture and the 360's CPU was made by the same company that made the Cell. And guess what, IBM didn't gimp their own product. So stop with the name calling and trying to talk down to me. I am not a programmer, and i have never said i was one. But it doesn't take a programmer to see that Halo 3 was bungie's first outing on the 360. And your argument that MS helped them, what do you think Sony did for Insomniac. You sound like a very loyal Sony Fan. I mean you are kind of insinuating that Sony didn't help Insomniac and just left them out to figure everything out on their own. If Bungie were to make a Halo 4, i do believe that it would be superior to their "First" game on this console. For example, why don't you compare Halo 1 to Halo 2. There was a massive upgrade to what they could do, and then the original XBox was being called pc-like also.

And why would you compare Gears to Halo 3, they are entirely two different games. One is a 3rd person shooter, the other is a first person shooter. One utilizes more close quarter fighting, the other is more open worldly. Epic has their own propietary engine and Bungie has their own. You can't compare the two. Their respective play styles are too different. I love both of them and have already paid for my Gears 2 copy which i will be there for the Midnight Release. And i can't wait for Halo 3: Recon.

And if you can't understand what i said, let me re-iterate myself i said MS has better developer support. Where did you read that i said MS had better game developers? You need to take all that anger, and bias and take a deep breath, and then read what i initially said.

You showed a clear lack of knowledge when you said that 360 and the Original XBox were the same or "very similar". You showed a clear lack of knowledge when you said Halo 3 was not Bungie's 1st attempt on the 360. You showed a clear lack of respect for me, when you referred to me as being dumb and not knowing it. You also showed a clear lack of observational skills when you didn't realize that Sitdown was not arguing with me and that i was not criticizing him.

Your defense of R2 and the PS3; has you coming off as more f@nboyish or you are exhibiting f@nboy-like behavior, and someone who can't hold a decent conversation. So if you respond to me, i won't be giving you a response back if you continue with the name calling or disrespectful behavior.

P.S. just a quick side note, if i was a programmer, i would want a system to program for that is easy and programmer/developer friendly. Complexity doesn't always equate to being more powerful or better. Sometimes synergy is a more admirable trait.

BWS19825690d ago

(I love all gaming), but wasn't Halo 3 originally going to be on the first xbox? (I could be wrong, I'm honestly asking, if I'm wrong, then it was Halo 2 that was intended to be on 360, I forget, but it was supposed to be one of those I thought).

Dareaver15689d ago

yes, halo 3's development was started on the Original XBox, you are correct.

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor6h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast1h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows43m ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

Abear2117m ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.


All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

With these hidden gems to add to your backlog, it’s time to give some bangers the shine they deserve.

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DarXyde3d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy012d ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.