
Bloodborne vs. Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: Which FromSoftware Game is Better?

Author Writes: A battle for the ages; is Bloodborne or Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice the definitive FromSoftware experience? Let's see which comes out on top.

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DaDrunkenJester1889d ago

Indeed. I'm enjoying Sekiro, but Bloodborne is much better.

AnthonyDavis1889d ago

Bloodborne is the game of the generation. Sekiro focuses too much on breaking the guard and parrying.

mandingo1888d ago

Game of the generation. Yikes

robtion1888d ago

Bloodborne and TW3 are my games of this gen. Being an old school Tenchu fan I still really like Sekiro too.

I think Bloodborne got the difficulty balance right. Bosses are difficult but hugely rewarding.

Certain(many) bosses in Sekiro go too far and are just frustrating. This saps fun and diminishes the sense of achievement.

starchild1889d ago

Sekiro is my favorite From Software game. I find the combat, traversal, narrative and setting better.

UltraNova1889d ago

You are welcome to your opinion but after putting in more than 40 hrs in Sekiro I have to admit that, for starters I frickin love it and that BloodBorne is the better more complete/realized game of the two. I mean its not even fair.

1888d ago
Alek831888d ago

Same here. Bloodborne is just better overall. I liked Sekiro, but I loved Bloodborne.

The better question would be Bloodborne vs Dark Souls.

UltraNova1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

Interesting but not a fair question since BB doesn't play(its faster and more aggressive) nor does it have heavy RPG elements like DS did. BB vs Sekiro is a fair question since they are very similar in game play (sans grappling hook), have limited RPG elements and aggressive combat.

That said, one could make the argument that without a Stamina bar and co-op/PVP Sekiro is effectively out of any Vs Soulsborne questions by default...

gravedigger1888d ago

Well, Bloodborne was made with heavy influence by Sony Japan Studio ( Bloodborne is their idea ), maybe that's why Bloodborne is so special

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CP_Company1889d ago

on the way to platinum Sekiro.

Bloodborne is better and not by a little, by huge margin.

Silly gameAr1889d ago

About to plat Sekiro? Nice man. For real.

CP_Company1889d ago (Edited 1889d ago )

Silly gamer. Yes on the way. I had left 4monkeys, purple monk and shura ending + upgrades. I did 3 endings on my first plauthough.
Hard game, I am not very patient man, so I die a lot because of that, but I never give up and I want to master the game so it drives me forward.
Great game on its own merits.

Dark_Knightmare21889d ago

Yeah I really liked Sekiro but bloodborne and it’s world just can’t be touched

KOIMOJO1889d ago

Pretty much this. When it comes to my fav fromsoft games it always feels like I'm picking my favorite child. But little Bloodborne.... He's just special.

starchild1889d ago

I don't agree, I prefer Sekiro. The scores for Sekiro are just as high for Sekiro. But of course the majority of fanboys on this site are going to claim Bloodborne is better just because it's an exclusive. So predictable. "Better...by a huge margin" is just ridiculous fanboy hyperbole.

Dark_Knightmare21889d ago

It’s fine you like Sekiro more and yeah I don’t agree it’s by a huge margin but bloodborne is still FromSoftware highest rated game and most polls from sites like resetera pitting the two against each other have bloodborne coming out on top. Sekiro is a damn fine game but bloodborne is a masterpiece which is the reason why you still have crazy amounts of people wanting a sequel.

pwnmaster30001889d ago

So I’m guessing because you like the multiplat better doesn’t make you a fanboy? So anyone who likes blood borne better is a fanboy.

mandf1889d ago

Only ps fans can say which is better as only they can play both.

starchild1889d ago


No, because as I've said many times, Bloodborne is a masterpiece along with the Souls games, but I actually liked Bloodborne a bit more than Dark Souls. Now I like Sekiro a little more than Bloodborne. They're all amazing games though. I think From Software is generally just getting better and better with nearly every game. Especially when they start fresh with a new IP.

I'm not saying that nobody could legitimately prefer Bloodborne. I'm sure some people do. But people claiming Bloodborne is way better or "Sekiro is not even close"...yeah, most of those people are fanboys, plain and simple. They are saying it's better just because it's an exclusive. From Software could literally make the best game of all time and it be three times as good as Bloodborne and those people would still be claiming Bloodborne was better. It's no coincidence that most of the people saying that kind of thing are also the same people that act like sony shills day in and day out. I like Sony and I think they make awesome games, I just don't like the kind of blind and biased fanaticism that's so prevalent among users of this site.

Kiwi661889d ago (Edited 1889d ago )

Not everyone who prefers Bloodborne is a fanboy as like with any game it has its fans

Kribwalker1889d ago

“mandf1h ago
Only ps fans can say which is better as only they can play both”

Not really, if you don’t own a ps4 you could stream it to your PC with PSnow and play it.

You sir are correct

DrumBeat1889d ago

I wouldn't say by a "huge margin" but I definitely feel that it's a more complete game in the sense that there's more to the story, more to the Hunter, more excitement with the bosses, and more to the game as a whole.

I feel compelled to beat Sekiro because I bought it and leaving it unfinished would only taunt me. It's still a great game, but for me, it's only memorable because of it's difficulty.

remixx1161889d ago (Edited 1889d ago )


It really is a bit ridiculous to jump to the "you like BB alot more so you are a fanboy" conclusion, it just sounds kinda generalized and ignorant.


I'm not surprised you support his opinion, though your opinions are generally irrelevant lol

To compare the 2, I've only put about 5 hours it no sekiro but so far bloodborn's theme and world design trumps sekiro while the enemy design in bloodborn so far is also better but I'm not to far into it so we'll see how far things go.

Master of Unlocking1889d ago

I don't own Sekiro, but I've seen plenty of walkthrough gameplay and speedrun vids on Youtube, and I also think you can't really argue that Sekiro is even in the same league as Bloodborne. Not because one is exclusive to the PS4, but rather because it's objectively a lot more fleshed out than the other. It's an A-RPG for a start, with stats to boost up, lots of weapons, lots of items, lots of different environments to explore, lots of choice to create your character, lots of garments that act as armor... Sekiro is just a lot more straight-forward, it's not even a game with actual stealth sections as advertised, it's more of an action-adventure game like Onimusha or Devil may Cry, or the God of War of yore, but with a lot more platforming sections.
...oh, and the enemies really guard way too much in Sekiro, lol

mandingo1888d ago

You have to be a ps fan to own one? Not a fan of ps but have it for the exclusives

1888d ago
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FTLmaster1889d ago

Only played a few hours of Sekiro but so far, I’d say Bloodborne.

LegoIsAwesome1889d ago

Bloodborne > Sekiro > DarkS1 > DemonS > DS3 > DS2

I love the intensity of parrying in Sekiro but nothing beats Bloodborne's transforming weapon imo

1888d ago
Gardenia1888d ago

I would say that Sekiro is the most different from all Souls games. Bloodborne is just on a whole other level, a true masterpiece

Darkborn1889d ago

I honestly prefer dark souls 3 over bloodbourne too. I never finished bloodbourne, but I plat'd DS3 and DS1, and I loved demons souls and even appreciated DS2.

DaDrunkenJester1889d ago

Saying you appreciated DS2, but never finished Bloodborne triggered me more than I thought it would Haha

I know DS2 got better with the Scholar update, but damn, the launch version was tragically bad.

salmonade1889d ago

@ DaDrunkenJester... he's probably a magic user LOL

Darkborn1889d ago (Edited 1889d ago )

So like 80% of the souls player base started with bloodbourne, so thats all they like. I started since day one with demons souls on ps3, the souls games are just developed better and I just enjoy the sense of freedom and the choice of weapons. I didn't beat bloodbourne because I got to the spider boss on the lake without dying and that's where I died initially. The game just bored me and I didn't like how it only had like 12 weapons in the game.

Also I have at least 5-6k hours on demons souls through dark souls 3 and I played like 15 hours of bloodbourne and just didn't like the style of it. I also pre-ordered it and was super hyped for it.

Darkborn1889d ago

Also @salmoade thats part of the problem. I'm actually a dex main, however it seemed like it was only strength builds or dex builds in bloodbourne and that's it. Since demons souls I've made like 10 separate builds that all hold their own and have different styles and completely different weapons. I can be a parry prick with a dagger or a strength build with a giant mace. On bloodbourne it's like two options.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1889d ago
bujasem_891889d ago

I prefer demon souls...
........................... To be fair, I can't get my DS4 to work on Sekiro yet.

SCW19821889d ago

I freaking love Sekiro, it’s a masterpiece but Bloodborne is one of the best games ever made.

starchild1889d ago

Really? How is it better? Because I can easily say that Sekiro is one of the best games ever made from my perspective. It's in a close running for my favorite game of all time.

PowerOfTheCloud1889d ago

The setting alone makes bloodborne imho stand out above all the other fromsoft games.

LightofDarkness1889d ago

I'm an extremely impartial gamer when it comes to system loyalty, but Bloodborne is in my top 5 games of all time. My first playthrough of that game was magic, the likes of which I've rarely seen. The setting, story and ever increasing dread that Bloodborne inspires is legendary. Sekiro is still great, playing it on PC right now, but Bloodborne is lightning in a bottle. And I have absolutely zero loyalty to Sony.

cyber_daemonx1889d ago

Bloodborne ain't on xbone, maybe that explains why.

XabiDaChosenOne1888d ago

Why are you getting so offended by peoples opinion? You come off as a radical grow the f**k up!

remixx1161888d ago


Lol facts bro starchild is up and down this comment section kicking and screaming like a child

The Wood1888d ago

Wow bro. . Seems you're hella guilty of what you accuse others of doing. So many here have played both and come to the same conclusion. You're tackling a guy who is saying it's one of his best games . . . . .why?

DrumBeat1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

Of course it's all subjective, but I can't recall a single character as badass as Father Gascoigne in Sekiro. That dude has so much personality and some great lines.

"Beasts all over the shop. You'll be one of them, sooner or later."

"The sweet blood. Oh it sings to me. It's enough to make a man sick"

None of the characters of Sekiro have colorful personalities or cool backstories. They're all just severe, stoic, Japanese warriors, and I suppose that's the target, but I definitely enjoyed the colorful characters of Bloodborne a lot more than I did the bland, serious, oath bound forgettables of Sekiro.

Bloodborne is a richer game all around. So memorable. Just check out this fight. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1888d ago
jelloaceomega1888d ago (Edited 1888d ago )

I read this comment with Kanye West's Voice. :D

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25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom23d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Games That We Would Like To See Remastered

BLG writes, "Over the years, we’ve seen some truly incredible games come out. However, as technology has advanced, a lot of these games are now dated or not accessible anymore.

This list compiles the games we would want to be remastered."

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CrimsonWing693d ago

How about sequels instead of just replaying the same games with better performance and fidelity?

I would’ve taken a Dead Space 4 over Dead Space 1 Remake, especially knowing the sales on 1 Remake killed anything for the future.

xHeavYx2d ago

I agree, but there are some games that would really benefit from the new tech though, like the first 2 InFamous games. Some of the old Tenchu games (for us old people)

darthv723d ago

No remasters needed... things can be upgraded with post release patches and DLC. There should be more new games or at least sequels that people have been asking for. Give me Bloodborne 2 over a remaster any day.

anast3d ago

I agree. But, sadly, at this point, I would day 1 a Bloodborne remake or remaster.

neutralgamer19923d ago

There are many new games being released monthly so there is space for remakes and remasters

MinnesotaFatts3d ago

You say that, but the only way I can get 60fps on Bloodborne is with a cracked console.

D0nkeyBoi3d ago

This is the most boring console generation yet. I can only ever find new games on Steam. PS5 and especially Xbox are boring right now. Less more remakes please.

anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I enjoy renting a new janky CRPGs on PC from time to time. But, I've been playing new games on the PS5 since it came out, and a lot of those games people want to come to PC because the game selection sucks over there.

Fishy Fingers3d ago

PC game selection sucks?

Come on bro, its cool to like your console but but no need for the obvious passive aggressive comments. PC and Nintendo are basically the only platforms with exclusives these days. PC is getting all the big console (PS5/XB) games sooner or later.

anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

All the CRPGs I care to play/rent have come to console for the most part. No need to use my gaming PC much these days. Now, those old games are severely overpriced on console which would be a point to argue.

slayernz3d ago

what you on about mate???? lol, i never said anything about AAA only being on console, i replied to original post from donkey saying heaps of games out there, ....just chill out bud

slayernz3d ago

think you should open your eyes mate, there are a ton of games to play, i havent played a so called 'AAA' game in about a year, been having way too much fun with indies

anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I play Indies on console. My eyes are open. You might need the eye opening if you think only AAA games are on console.

Friendlygamer3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Remasters are interesting for less accessible titles, things like silent hill 4 the room, alundra, viewtiful joe... remastering stuff that's already avaliable is a bit of a waste. I would love a kings field/shadow tower collection

truthBombs3d ago

A simple update or port on more powerful hardware is enough. Improve framerates to 60+ and that's good enough. I would love to play Bloodborne on Steam Deck.

anast3d ago

If they optimized Bloodborne like they did with Doom. I would have that game on every device in the house.

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Before Miyazaki Retires, We Need To Get A Sekiro Sequel

A sequel to the studio's acclaimed title, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, would be the perfect swan song for long-time video game director Hidetaka Miyazaki.

H951d ago

Man you didn't have to do me like that with the title

LoveSpuds51d ago

I just don't see it happening given the success of Elden Ring. I think we'll be seeing a sequel to Elden Ring before anything else.

Demetrius51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

I'm not into souls games but it's good to see that this dev studio stick to what makes their titles unique, there's alot of souls copy n pasted games but they rarely get talked about cause they're looked at as copies and not original created ideas, the souls games are unique cause they offer they're own identity instead imitating I respect that

jznrpg51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Or Bloodborne 2 preferably both but that’s a lot to ask if he plans on retiring sooner than later

Leeroyw51d ago

Bloodborne 2 or I'd simply love a 60fps remaster. I'd also love a bloodborne randomiser option.

toxic-inferno50d ago

I'm definitely holding out hope for a Bloodborne 60fps remaster still. Some extra features thrown in would be nice too.

With regards to a sequel, I'd actually rather From Software make another new IP with a different setting. That is what made Bloodborne so good - the fact that it took a proven formula and applied it to a completely new setting.

anast50d ago

The hype would be insane if they announced Bloodborne 2.

Inverno51d ago

What if they made a Sekiro/Bloodborne mix?

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