
Microsoft's Project xCloud Shown in Action with Forza Horizon 4 Streamed to a Smartphone

Today,  during the latest episode of Inside Xbox, Microsoft showcased the upcoming Project xCloud in action.

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SpaceRanger1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

Some minor latency but it looks good 👍🏼 I’d imagine it being an E3 launch.

Edit: Meant to say, full E3 announcement with launch dates and more gameplay.

Atom6661909d ago

I couldn't figure out if it was latency or she's just really awkward...Why is she tapping the accelerator?

Abriael1909d ago

talking in camera and playing a game on a smartphone screen ain't exactly the easiest thing of the world.

Jin_Sakai1909d ago

“I couldn't figure out if it was latency or she's just really awkward...Why is she tapping the accelerator?”

Because it’s fake and she’s trying her best to mimic what’s happening on screen.

Atom6661909d ago


Just holding in the accelerator seems like an easier route, but maybe you're right.


Nah. Unless she is a master faker. Look at when she hits the gas and the speed. That's pretty impressive for a fake.

Nitrowolf21909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )


She’s not really talking directly into a camera though, I mean the majority of the video she’s looking at the screen.

Knowing that MS probably won’t f this up since it’s just streaming a game, but this demonstration looks hella fake

At the same time the gameplay looks bad enough that it could be her

AnthonyDavis1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

With over 100ms of input lag. I will stick to my traditional local box.

And lol have you not see non-gamers play games. That’s what they do is tap buttons.

rainslacker1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

Because this is fake as all hell. Just look how many times she taps left on steering, and the car doesn't do anything at all. Never once shows her applying the breaks, and yet, outside of constantly driving off the right side of the road, barely ever turns right on the controller, and when she does push left or right, the car never reacts like you'd see in the game itself. There are times where she will push hard to the left, and the car just makes a slight few degree change in direction. Anyone that's played these games knows that doing this on a straight road, knows it will cause the car to go out of control.

If anyone has ever played a racing game, the cars don't just coast at high speeds indefinitely. Tapping the accelerator does not cause the car to drive at a relatively even rate, and the cars in the game react like normal cars when you do the same thing, and do that things where the front raises up when you accelerate, and goes down when you remove the force causing acceleration. Even crappy driving games get that basic principal of physics and inertia right nowadays, and Forza isn't a crappy driving game. To drive at a relatively even rate, you vary the accelerator gradually, or just coast, not constantly press and release it. Pressing the accelerator during when you have the wheel turned, or pressing it over and over again like that, would again, cause the car to spin wildly out of control. Go try it in the game, or real life if you're so bold and on an empty road, and it's pretty obvious.

Oh, and then there is that matter of you can't just display graphics that crisp from another device using another camera. Even in the digital age, the "Images are all simulated" is still a thing, and the quality of the image alone makes this obvious. It could be added in off her actual game play, but it's obviously not her playing the game, because her drive was too smooth for someone who apparently doesn't play many driving games, and generally wasn't paying that much attention to what she was doing.

darthv721909d ago

My daughter plays racing games the same way. Tapping the trigger and you can see the accelerator gauge reacting to the presses.

Does not look fake, she just sucks at forza.

PoSTedUP1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

@rainslacker. its either fake or the game has a mind of its own. OR the latency is so bad like a full second and a half. but i doubt it.

@darth. cmon man it looks like a horrible attempt to mimic whats going on on screen, she puts hard long inputs in with no response from the game. we've all seen this before we werent born yesterday...

1909d ago
Atom6661908d ago


Based on that comment, it sounds like you haven't played the game before. It's controlling like Horizon, which is what makes it frustrating and an awful game to use to determine latency.

Tapping the sticks is only going to result in small wheel movements, which won't immediately result in sharp corrections or spinning out. What game have you been playing?

Tapping the accelerator will also result in maintaining a moderate speed. You can see it reacting accordingly, but because of its control, you can't really see latency.

It's got analog acceleration, so I don't get why she's not just lightly applying the gas. Maybe she's bad or nervous, or maybe she's faking it very well.

If it's going to be at GDC, then we'll hopefully get hands on reports soon. I'm concerned with latency in more action-oriented games.

itsmebryan1908d ago

I don't think the demo is fake. But for sure the hate is real.

rainslacker1908d ago (Edited 1908d ago )

I have played FH, and steady pressing at various pressures is how it's played. If you can tap it like that, and it does play like it's shown on the screen then I wasn't aware of that, because I never once even attempted to try that. I'd have the accelerator pretty much down the whole time on the relatively straight road she was on, and then let up on the accelerator to either slow down to coast, before accelerating out of the turn, or apply the brake to slow down if need be. She did none of this, and if what you say is true, then where is all this talk about how accurate the driving physics are, because in no way is that how a real car behaves.

And a bunch of quick jerks on the steering wheel does slight turning? Really? I jerk the wheel like that and my car loosing control. That has been how most driving games have been since the PS1 days.

Analog acceleration, braking, and steering all mean that you can have various levels of pressure on those components to mimic real life. That's how the game is set up. Just like when you're driving a real car, if you want to coast at a certain speed, you keep the pedal at a relatively stationary position within it's travel length, and pressing all the way down is opening the throttle all the way. With steering, jerking the wheel repeatedly to one side causes the car to jerk to the side, and that's my experience with Forza, and every other racing game of recent times. Just like in a real car, steady softer steering gives a better response, and half the time she pressed the analog, nothing happened on screen. Lag doesn't account for all of it, unless we're talking several seconds of lag.

When I get home tonight, and time permitting, I'll try to play the game the way she does and see if I get similar results. But I'm still thinking this is a staged video, and MS has already had a few staged videos this gen, so I don't know why anyone would give them the benefit of the doubt.

There are other things in the video which show it as fake, but if you guys want to talk up streaming based on this video be my guest. This looked more like a TV show where you have people trying to mimic playing a game, which is fine for those who don't play games, but when we as gamers watch it, we're like, "Yeah, OK, who plays games like that?".

darthv721908d ago

But here is the thing rain... the driving being shown was not 'for show' quality driving. It was crappy driving hence it was very real since the person playing does not know how to play the game.

Generally a "staged" demo is scripted and somewhat precise. This was none of that. She really does suck at this game and her button presses were accurate.

Atom6661908d ago

Lol, come on, rain.They're not jerks, she's just flicking the sticks, which is typical. You're the one talking authoritatively about it to downplay whether it works. Of course it's going to work, but the question is how well it does it.

Maybe it's fake, but I was literary playing last night and most of what you wrote is wrong.

RacerX1908d ago

Well once this gets figured out, no one will ever actually be "working" at work ever again, LOL

RacerX1908d ago

She's obviously driving very slow in the game... Tapping the accelerator because she's obviously not a game, so keep the speeds slow.

andibandit1908d ago


Never really played forza, but I imagine they turned on all driving aids for her, which might counter one or two of your 400 theories

1908d ago
Italiano12345671908d ago

Because i dont think she was playing and if she really was there was major input lag.

rainslacker1908d ago

She's flicking the stick repeatedly to the left. All the way most of the time. All while also repeatedly pressing the accelerator. What game are you playing where performing such an action doesn't cause your car to go out of control at high speeds? That is how cars lose control out of turns, because you press the accelerator at the wrong time, and jerk the wheel to one side or the other. It's not how you drive at high speeds, and at no time in FH were the physics so bad that such actions would result in barely moving in the direction of the steering, or never losing control of the car.

I see people say how good the driving physics are in this game, and I agree with them, but the game responds like you'd expect from the controls, which is when you jerk the wheel like she is, because she certainly isn't doing smooth adjustments to the wheel, and you press the accelerator while doing so, the car loses control. The amount she's pressing to the left also would cause the car to move more than one or two degree in that direction, or in some cases not show any reaction at all, because again, it's not a smooth move to the left, but an actual sharp turn of the wheel the way she's doing it. In FH, and other racing games, that's akin to jerking the steering wheel suddenly.

You guys keep asking what game I'm playing, I'm wondering why you're trying to say this game plays in no way like it does, because what we see here is no way indicative of a realistic racing sim of modern times. Hell, they haven't been like that since the advent of analog controllers.

I don't play the game like this. I use various pressures on the bumpers to control my speed. I use brakes when necessary. I use smooth movements of the wheel for the movements she's attempting. If you can indeed use the techniques here, then this must be a pretty casual game to play for a lot of people, and I'm surprised that so many of you would claim to play it this way, or that's how you do it, because most of you act say you're pretty hardcore and demand lots of realism from your racing games, but if you can do this, then it's not realism.


Maybe that's the case. I hadn't considered that. But it would mean that several rather stalwart fans of Forza here who often claim how realistic it is, also use those same aids. Been a while since I looked at those, but aren't they only ABS and TCS? Maybe manual shifting with a clutch, but can't remember if that's a thing in the game. I can't see how that would affect the acceleration, but maybe it could prevent losing control, although neither of those settings should really be represented in what she was doing here.

VariantAEC1906d ago

Agreed I actually own this game on PC and while I use the Xbox 360 gamepad to play I can't imagine the Xbox One pad being so insensitive to touch. Small but jarring manipulation of the left stick would surely cause her to move considerably in the chosen direction. Yet she stays straight... there was a point where it looks like she was going down the same exact bit of road at the halfway through the video. She was periodically tapping the acceleration... But the car was ALMOST constantly accelerating!
Again unless there are some odd accessibility options exclusive to the Xbox One version over PC or the Xbox One gamepad is garbage or both then this looks really fake to me.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 1906d ago
Jin_Sakai1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

Her trigger finger on the trigger doesn’t match the accelerometer on the car at all. Reminds me of the fake Star Wars demo.


Atom6661909d ago

Lol. Yes it does. Why the hate?

travestyj1909d ago

Yeah doesnt seem like she's playing at all or there is major latency. Pick one.

TK-661909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

You can see the accelerator and speed increase matching so I'm not sure how you're seeing this as fake. Even then theres going to be some latency due to it being streamed and it looks more reliable than previous services I've used so we'll see how it stacks up when its out but I don't have high expectations.

travestyj1909d ago

No it isn't and you can see when she uses the joystick nothing happens. If it is actually playing on the phone then the latency is awful and PSNow is much better.

RacerX1908d ago

All I see is the normal PS4 guys down voting this as much as possible... It's a cool feature no matter what your preferred console is.

gravedigger1908d ago

What a latency. Especially a 0:17 sec.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1908d ago
Sly051909d ago

Yeah Google and MS are going to own this space.

jukins1909d ago

Streaming is really anyone's game. Google Microsoft and Amazon all own there own data centers and tech Sony has tech but not data center capacity of the the others that said none of those companies would turn sony away should they need additional servers

CaptainCook1909d ago

@SpaceRanger that's because PlayStation Now had a 2+ years headstart

NarutoFox1909d ago (Edited 1909d ago )

Something looks off when she's playing it. That control input?

LordoftheCritics1908d ago

It's fake.

She taps left 4 times while car barely moves left.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1906d ago
Spurg1909d ago

One question that she could have asked was if the games would run at their native resolution.
The quality looks great though.

djl34851909d ago

They would run at native resolution if your network can handle it.

sinspirit1909d ago

That depends. It costs a lot more resources to stream 1080p over 720p, and 720p is perfectly fine for streaming to a phone. Until we hear clarification, it's safer to assume the lower setting.

rainslacker1908d ago

She asked the questions MS paid her to ask.

RacerX1908d ago

You wouldn't want to play your PS4 games while sitting at an airport or something like that?

Razzer1908d ago

Sure......if it worked. But in no way did that look "amazing".

averagejoe261908d ago


You have been able to do this on ps4 for years with remote play.

Sonyslave31909d ago

shet look fake idk why her control input not matching what going on the screen.

Eonjay1909d ago

I'm not sure if it's fake or just supreme latency. I'm gonna go with latency because I would like to think that after Crackdown 3 they learned their lesson.

1909d ago
SegaGamer1908d ago

I don't know what I would prefer, fake or latency. If it's fake, then it makes me wonder what it is they have to hide and if it's latency, then that is terrible. There is no chance I would even bother with this if that is a latency issue.

RememberThe3571909d ago

Yeah I'm gonna wait til real gamers get their hands on it. The video just oozes fakeness.

DaDrunkenJester1908d ago

If you watch her finger presses it matches with her acceleration as well as her brakes matching the break lights.

Razzer1909d ago

That does not look responsive at all. And that is on a Wifi connection.

1908d ago Replies(1)
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Microsoft is experimenting with ad views for access to hundreds of Xbox games

Free games? In THIS economy? Well, in exchange for your eyeballs at least. (Figuratively, not literally... although don't give them ideas.)

What you need to know

• Microsoft Gaming CFO Tim Stuart recently described how in the future, you may be able to view ads to gain access to Xbox Game Pass.

•Recent Xbox Series X|S code strings we've seen seem to corroborate this, with the ability to earn 15 minute blocks of Xbox Game Pass access in exchange for watching ads.

•Game Pass across PC, Xbox, and Cloud features hundreds of games in exchange for a low monthly fee.

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darthv72174d ago

Hmm..... I used to earn GP by way of searching with Bing but I hear the rewards program is being revamped. I still earn points but it seems they did change the amount you get per search. I dont know how i feel about this. It sounds like they are going the Youtube route where right in the middle of something you are enjoying, an ad pops up and you have to sit through it (if it does not have a skip option after 5 seconds).

I pay for my GP access, so this wouldnt really bother me but I can see it affecting plenty of others. It reminds me of the rumor about how some game companies (EA, Ubisoft) were toying with the idea of running ads before you ever get into the game. Like the old days of renting movies from Blockbuster and not being able to skip the previews (yes, some DVD had a non skip option for previews). I pay for stuff so i wouldnt have to deal with ads, but even now they are encroaching the very things i pay a premium for.

This whole thing is just..... a bad idea.

purple101174d ago

I remember those dvds with non-skippable adds! Wow that takes me back.

Plague-Doctor27173d ago


Yup. You'd have to pop in the DVD before going to the bathroom, grabbing a snack, etc

174d ago
shinoff2183174d ago

Such a shame cause even if you don't think this is a big deal what's next they put ads on ultimate gamepass and the free one gets more. This is disgusting. Yes even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same. We got enough ads in this world ffs

purple101174d ago

Some recent studies show the average person sees 4000 adverts a day

ChasterMies173d ago

The average person should start using ad blockers.

ChasterMies173d ago (Edited 173d ago )

“even if Sony goes this route I'll feel the same”

This isn’t a “both sides” issue. Sony has never had ads on the PlayStation Home Screen but Microsoft has laden Xbox’s Home Screen with ads since the Xbox 360. Microsoft has put ads on Windows 11 OS! Microsoft is basically the bad guy from “Ready Player One”.

shinoff2183173d ago

I know that hence the key word If. Sonys never given an indication of this where as ms definitely has.

Christopher173d ago

I mean, it's not never, but it's not like Xbox. Sony has promoted things with icons on the XMB, it's just really rare.

EvertonFC173d ago

They could do GP free with ads, GP £20 per month without ads, which one would the casual/hardcore choose ?

Christopher173d ago

"Hi, we've received your comment submission. Please watch this 30s ad to finalize and publish your comment to N4G.com. Thank you."

We're just having our eyelids forced open more and more every day it feels like.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 173d ago
ApocalypseShadow174d ago

You don't say?/S

You mean the company that puts ads on the dashboard, tried to force a camera on Xbox One to push ads is experimenting with ads for game pass access? No. You must be joshing. Lol

Wouldn't put it past them.

crazyCoconuts173d ago

Getting people locked into subs and advertising to them is what passes as innovation at Microsoft.
At least they're keeping Sony on their toes with the threat of competition

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Microsoft Launches New Bing Feature Making Xbox Cloud Gaming Supported Titles Playable via Search

Microsoft has launched a new Bing feature that lets you experience Xbox Cloud Gaming supported games just by searching for it.

Profchaos600d ago

Microsoft still trying to get us to start using bing and I'm still not buying it

darthv72600d ago

It's not a bad way to earn points. Esp if you do a lot of searching for stuff. I haven't had to pay for Gamepass in over a year because i am constantly earning enough points to pay for it. I've had upwards of 161k lifetime points and currently only 2k away from another free month of GPU.

Profchaos600d ago

Do you do a lot of searching because bing can't find anything on the first go? /S


Play Halo Infinite, Deathloop, and More with Xbox Cloud Gaming on the Logitech G CLOUD Handheld

At Xbox, we’re always looking to make gaming available to more people in more ways. So today, we’re announcing that Xbox Cloud Gaming will be available in more places with the Logitech G CLOUD Gaming Handheld when it launches in North America on October 17.

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darthv72620d ago

I can pretty much do the same thing with my steamdeck. I get that MS doesn't need to make their own dedicated portable... not anymore. this unit for $300 looks to be pretty decent for other stuff as well, not just xcloud gaming.

crazyCoconuts619d ago

Fact that you could get a steam deck for $100 more and play a wide variety of games without an awesome network connection... Dunno, this device could be ok for around the house I guess, but for a lot cheaper imo. Like $150

XiNatsuDragnel620d ago

I see very interesting but xbox portable would probably be better imo

Sgt_Slaughter619d ago

The portable market is dead unfortunately. Phones pretty much ended that as we know it. Going from 150M+ units sold for the DS to only 75M or so for the 3DS is why Nintendo combined markets, Phones chewed right into it.

crazyCoconuts619d ago

I agree with you for the most part, but the switch has been really successful and I think I read somewhere that hardly anyone plays it docked, so it's not being used as a hybrid but I could be wrong.
You're right in that the market is WAY smaller than it used to be

crazyCoconuts619d ago

It would be even better for MS to make GamePass/MS store work on the steam deck. That way you're not locked into just their marketplace. But for an Xbox fan (I don't mean this in a bad way) I can see how a windows based portable that just plays PC game pass/MS store games would be a neat thing indeed

darthv72619d ago

to your comment above, I dont play my oled switch docked. to me its a waste of that screen. If i want to play docked i will use my sons regular switch model.

UltimateOwnage620d ago

Cloud gaming on a handheld, hard pass... Cloud gaming is still pretty terrible even on a dedicated, cable connected device let alone one connecting over wifi. Sounds like someone in charge at Logitech loves the buzz word “cloud” and demanded a handheld be made regardless of whether it was a good idea. I’ll stick with my steam deck.

saint_seya619d ago

Well it works great for me. I guess on cloud gaming depends on your net, servers and how far are you from servers. Dunno where the servers are located here in Argentina, but works great for me, feels like is faster response time than playing regular games online with 50-60 latency.

620d ago
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