
When did cutscenes start looking worse than actual video games?

It’s fair to say the days of cutscenes wowing us are at an end. Games just look too good in real time these days for anything to seem so wildly implausible as CGI sequences from previous generations did at the time.

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Hardiman1927d ago

Transitioning from the Genesis/SNES era to the a PlayStation/N64 era was pretty incredible. While the N64 retained the cartridge format and didn't do prerenderd cutscenes, going from Super Mario World/MarioRPG to Mario 64 blew my mind! PlayStation going with CD's was a smart move IMO and at the time the cutscenes were pretty incredible but I did yearn for s time when in game graphics matched or surpassed them and that time is now.

Games like Uncharted 4, HZD, TLOU Remastered,GOW and Spider-Man really shine to me! GOW in particular looks incredible whether it's gameplay or cinemas. From the looks of it Ghosts of Tsushima, Death Stranding and TLOU2 will have killer ones as well.


Any reason you only mentioned Sony exclusives?

UnSelf1926d ago

I’m sure a little bit of the reason has to do with the fact that PS just happens to have games that support the premise of this article

1926d ago
Livingthedream1926d ago

Maybe he only owns a playstation. Seems reasonable.

Prubar1926d ago

Jesus you’re sensitive lol. Never have I seen so many man babies in one website.

mkis0071926d ago

Sony hasnt used out of engine cutscenes for a long time. The cutscenes they do now transition straight to gameplay.

xX-oldboy-Xx1926d ago

GOULDYBOBS - because they're the best at it, by a LOOOOOONG way.

Hardiman1926d ago

Because they look the best! I haven't seen animations , whether facial or otherwise look as good as Uncharted 4, GOW, TLOU2. Ghosts looks phenomenal as well, a big step up from Second Son and GOW is probably the best looking game I've played. HZD looks incredible as well. Hell there are reflections of people and the game world in Aloy's eyes! I also have a Switch. Actually I have a Pro and Switch and my twins have my base PS4 and Switch.

Profchaos1926d ago

Ok rdr2 had some amazing looking gameplay and cutscenes and it's a Multi plat

ABizzel11926d ago

Forza MS and Horizon, Quantum Break, Ryse Son of Rome, and Gears are the only ones I can think of, excluding artstyle which is a completely different category.

The problem is Driveclub / GTS, The Order / Detroit, God of War, and Uncharted all look as good or hands down better then their closest competitor.

And 3rd party offerings look as good or better than the XBO games as well.

Those above games can’t be knocked for their looks but Rza is the only one that IMO has a chance to crack the top 10 graphics this generation and that’s more so for being 4K @ 60fps on MotorSport, and being 4K @ 30fps ole world for Horizon which starts to become more technical achievement, than best graphics.

aaronaton1926d ago

Their production values are greater than most other developers.

william_cade1926d ago

You have to admit they are some of the best.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1926d ago
Orionsangel1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

The last impressive transition for me was going from PS2 to 360. Since then It's hard been hard to be impressed. How much better will PS5 look than PS4? Better I'm sure but not that different. We've reached the end of the line in terms of graphics improving, for now anyway. Until something groundbreaking comes along that makes our jaws drop.

ClayRules20121926d ago

I disagree that we’ve reached the end of the line in terms of graphics improving. I don’t know where or when we’ll hit that wall, but we certainly aren’t there yet. We’ve still got a good ways to go in my opinion”

SkatterBrain1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

when i was playing twisted metal 2 on the Ps1 and Saw a trailer for Twisted Metal Black on the ps2 i was Wowed.
Then when i had San Andreas on the PS2 and Saw a video of SaintsRow on the 360 i was Wowed.
Now Wofenstein 2 WOWS ME ALOT on the Switch, i still cant believe this thing can play that, albeit with long load times

KwietStorm_BLM1925d ago

We literally just got Ray Tracing, which dynamically changes the entire look of a game, much like how proper lighting did after static light sources were no longer used. There are several other areas that improve what a game world game be, other than straight up polygon count and resolution. No chance we're at the end of the line.

Orionsangel1925d ago

I'm pretty stunned by the downvotes I got. You can honestly say that going from PS3 to PS4 was impressive? I'm talking about when PS4 first launched btw. I thought it looked better sure but it wasn't like, WOW! Night and day! It wasn't like going from SNES to Playstation or Playstation to PS2. You could see PS2 games could never be done on PSone, but GTAV is on PS3 and PS4. Yeah PS4 looks a little better but both systems can run the same game and look very similar.

EliteComments1231918d ago

LOL longggggg way to go until graphics are at limit

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1918d ago
KillZallthebeast1926d ago

Cartriages only really have a single downside which is cost per unit. However Cartriages can hold significantly more data while also having absurdly quick data transfer.

SkatterBrain1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

why dont companys just buy micro sd cards encrpt them and throw there games on there slap a sticker on it than taking the cost of producing there own cartridges? bigger bulkier cartridges?

Orionsangel1925d ago

You're telling me. Back in the day at Toys R Us I paid $79.99 for WWF Royal Rumble on SNES. Still get sick to my stomach thinking about it.

Orionsangel1925d ago

I think you mean Cartridges. Not trying to be mean. Just wanna help ya out.

KillZallthebeast1925d ago

Yup I do, and mass production still leaves them being quiet a bit more expensive in comparison to discs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1925d ago
Father__Merrin1926d ago

Literally anything PlayStation related will be excellent I seriously need to jump back on ps4 ASAP had the pc upgrade bug so took a break

VariantAEC1924d ago

I thought PC would be the way to go for gaming too and then I went back to consoles. PC gaming actually isn't as great as everyone says it is. You're locked into upgrading everything to work. Even when the upgrades are free their a huge pain in the •••.

When I update a console's firmware that is a few simple steps and it happens just once. If I connect to the internet I need to update GeForce Experience to use Shadowplay... I can skip the GPU driver update and depending on how long it's been between updates I can skip Windows 10 updates. I will update my antivirus software and all of this can be automated but then it's staggered and sometimes forces multiple restarts and can take over an hour in some cases! Then there are the individual game updates and depending on what storefront you use background downloads aren't available when playing and this can also be a setting adjustment (at least in Steam it is iIrc). Either way just like on console games can't be played online unless updated depending on storefront.
Many more PC games cannot be played offline regardless of anything.
Migrating some games from drive to drive especially when that drive is removable forces online authorization to play again (even on Steam)...
Most of my issues are that it's all disjointed on PC and I have a laptop which makes things worse due to more limited storage capacities. Increasing storage still won't fix some problems like online check-ins especially on Origin (•••• EA!).

jivah1924d ago

They looked great pre ps3/360 era. Then the vocal minority of people complained that they didn't want cgi cutscenes and wanted in engine cutscenes because it represented the game accurately and cause it broke immersion after it went back into gameplay. Yea they cried and got it and it sucked cause i missed the days of great looking cutscenes. I remember seeing it slowly change and i cried inside.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1918d ago
1926d ago
Poopmist1926d ago

Kingdom Hearts 3, FF15, and Halo 5(Really everything from Blur does that tbh) have cutscenes that still wow me.

Donnie811926d ago

Absolutely anything blur does is amazing. The halo 2 cutscenes from mcc are still top notch.

Rangerman12081926d ago

You mentioned Anthem but not Jump Force?

Knightofelemia1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

I remember watching FMV's on the PS1 with certain games and saying shit this looks good for the time. FF8 changed FMV and it was great and is still great for the time. I wish Square would bring FF8 out to PS4. I like in game cinematics they explain parts of the story and draw a person in but there are some games that have too many cinematics and make the game feel more like a movie and all I want to do is play the game.

rainslacker1925d ago (Edited 1925d ago )

The opening cinematic, the dance scene, and the "resurrection" scene in the field were probably some of the most amazingly done cutscenes in gaming. They redefined cinematics for the time, and was the first real showing that games could have the same presentation qualities of movies. I'll still watch that dance scene and love every second of it in not just how well it was done, but how it expressed so much without a single word, while developing and revealing the characters more in a few minutes, than you see in many games through an entire story.

I do agree that sometimes cut scenes are overused. Some games can have long ones that are still interesting enough to keep you engaged and not feel anxious about getting back to the game. Xenosaga series except for a few scenes, the first Valkyria Chronicles which were plentiful, many Square games from the PS2 days really, seemed to have a good balance.

But now, sometimes they draw them out way too much.

-RDR2 did it too much sometimes.
-Kingdom Hearts 3 is god awful, particularly since a lot of it is back story, which if you remember the story is excessively boring, if you don't remember that part of the story, it doesn't really clear anything up. But either way, it's really too long. Lots of dialogue between characters I only half remember, concepts and relationships that were never that interesting, often repeating antagonistic dialogue, overly silly discussion and actions when dealing with anything Sora, sub plots which seem thrown in and unnecessary, a retelling with slight variations of various disney and pixar films, etc.
-Valkyria Revolutions was terrible in this dept. Great story, and generall good dialogue and acting, but there was just so much of it. In the first 2 hours, I literally played two short tutorial missions. Then everything after that was just way to much.

I could go on with more on each side of the fence, but most modern games seem to have them be too long. If they're interesting and engaging, then they're OK, but a lot of times they aren't.

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10 PS1 Games That Actually Need A Remake

With hundreds of games, some of which are considered to be classics that hold up to this day, you’ve got the pick of the litter when it comes to choosing a potential remake

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RaidenBlack59d ago

^This. THIS!
Stop remaking PS4 games!
Remake PS1 and PS2 games à la FF7R, RE1, Mafia, Half Life style ....
Make Legend of Dragoon, Legacy of Kain etc Remakes happen

darthv7259d ago

Legend of Dragoon... WTH is Sony doing just letting this one squander?

-Foxtrot59d ago

I wonder if their mindset is like “meh we have Final Fantasy what’s the point of our own JRPG”

FinalFantasyFanatic59d ago

Square-Enix had a long period there where it seems they didn't know what to do with Final Fantasy, I think that time period would have been a good time to revisit their classics and remake them. Now it seems they're going full steam ahead with the franchise, so they have less reason to revisit those older games. I wouldn't mind if they subcontracted them out to other developers, that and I don't trust SE to remake their older games.

Cacabunga59d ago

Simply because i do not think it will succeed.. maybe a bad example but e we got Medievil remake after many years fans have beg asking... result is It flopped hard. Remaking a JRPG is so risky. Only a bunch of hardcore gamers who played the original would buy it. If Sony put even more budget into it then it’s even more risky.

As i suggested before, i think they should start remaking like square did with Star Ocean. Or something similar to Octopath Traveller. Build up some hype and try on higher scale later on..

Terry_B59d ago

Let me tell you about PS1 games that should get a remake actually.

Jumping Flash (As a VR game)
Ridge Racer 1-4 as Ridge Racers 3..just like the pretty perfect PSP RR1.-2 games but with even more content
Cardinal Sin which was full of nice ideas for its time but was plagued by technical limitations
Bushido Blade ^^ just like CS
Bust A Groove.
WWF Attitude. With the same roster, same voices,Only slightly updated gameplay but current gen graphics
Dynasty Warriors..yes the fighting game that was similar to Tekken 2 while it had weapons.As nice as the DW games are..its a shame they never released a new fighting game

And while I am at it.

Thrill Kill ...hell yes.

KyRo59d ago

Ah Thrill Kill, the game that was banned/cancelled but everyone had played 😂 what a throwback!

darthv7259d ago

jumping Flash would make a great VR game. Im actually quite surprised nobody has thought to do that one... even on the indie side for something like the meta quest.

GhostMirror59d ago

Big yes to Jumping Flash! and Ridge Racer revivals. Bushido Blade was cool as well; it was pretty deep and so much different from other fighting games at the time. Einhander was another good non-RPG from Square, which was kind of rare for them in that era.

Didn’t Thrill Kill eventually get re-skinned and released with a Wu-Tang Clan license? 😂

FinalFantasyFanatic59d ago

I miss Ridge Racer so much, give me a new game or at least a collection of the older games! I had a blast playing Ridge Racer PSP on my PS4 a few months back.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 59d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic59d ago

I cannot understand the current business practice of remaking games from the previous generation, especially when they are very much playable today and still hold up well, it's even worse when people are willing buying them again. The PS1 generation is so ripe for remakes, I know more than a few people who would clamour for a Xenogears remake, or almost any game from that list.

Ravenkiss59d ago

and Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. They did Star Ocean 1 & 2 R already, VPL should get the same treatment.

Redgrave59d ago

I assume this to mean that you aren't considering the PSP port to be the remake in this statement? Like a remake of that one?

FinalFantasyFanatic59d ago

That version is quite old though, that was 18 years ago, so doing a remake in the vain of Star Ocean might be worth it (I did not think the PSP was that old until I looked it up).

Knightofelemia59d ago

I'd be down for FF8, and Xenogears. But I would also be down for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. And I wish Namco would get off their ass and remake or remaster the Xenosaga trilogy.

FinalFantasyFanatic59d ago

There's been talk of a Xenosaga trilogy on the proviso that there was enough demand, I hope that actually happens one day.

Christopher59d ago

1. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
2. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
3. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
4. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
5. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
6. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
7. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
8. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
9. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
10. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

LoveSpuds59d ago

What a fantastic game that was!

Skuletor59d ago

You forgot Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Snookies1259d ago

Why does From Software not do ANYTHING with this franchise... It's so sad... Can't they at least outsource it to someone to try a revival?

leahcim59d ago

masterpiece, best OST of all times.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 59d ago
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The prevalence of parrying: Why is it so popular?

Parrying has been creeping into more games, with almost every high-profile title of the last few years featuring it in some way.  Why?

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phoenixwing73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

4d ago