
The Amy Hennig Interview: On What Changed With Uncharted 4, Leaving EA, and What's Next

"At DICE Summit 2019, we catch up with one of the industry's most beloved writers and directors."

Hardiman1928d ago

Love Amy and look forward to what she does next. EA truly deprived us of something awesome!

Jin_Sakai1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

Amy Hennig on Frostbite challenges in Visceral's Star Wars production.

“It was missing a lot of tools, a lot of stuff that was in Uncharted 1 ... It was going to be a year, or a year and a half’s work just to get the engine to do things that are assumed and taken for granted."

Nitrowolf21928d ago

The engine is a clear mistake and ea should have never made it a standard. Dice created it and couldn't even get it running right themselves

VenomUK1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

Amy came up with the idea for Nathan Drake and Uncharted so it's sad she wasn't able to complete her version of the story. She says there would have been more layers to Nathan's relationship with his brother, that it was troubled and that they would have reconciled/This is the mark of a great writer, not making someone default bad or good. I would have loved Amy's version. I enjoyed U4 and the opening scene and the conclusion. I don't care about the politics but creatively Naughty Dog should have let the creator of Uncharted conclude the story - I would have love to played that.

SuperSonic911928d ago

So there you go.
In other words: trouble

moomoo3191928d ago


She also wanted you to not shoot a gun the whole first half of the game which i dont think i wouldve enjoyed very much lol. U4 was already a bit of a slow burn

1927d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1927d ago
sinspirit1928d ago

I think she should take over The Order franchise. She knows how to make cinematic masterpieces and has several ideas that weren't used for Uncharted that can be applied. The Order would be a great fit imo. So much potential to it. I can only dream

Hardiman1927d ago

Absolutely that would be a perfect fit! A series teeming with possibilities and Amy's talent, I think would equal success. I so want this to happen now lol!

-Foxtrot1928d ago

"So, it’s a little bit different than him showing up and you know, “Hey bro, I got a problem.” Then, of course there was an antagonistic element to Sam in the final version of U4, but it wasn’t right there from the outset. So we kind of, in my story, it was a little bit more of the journey from this ghost from Drake’s past being an antagonist to sort of reconciliation and reunification"

Her original idea with Sam as a villain would have done 3 things in my opinion.

1) Given Nate an emotional connection to the villain where we actually care about him, his motives and not just being the "big bad". Seeing Nate being powerless against him since he wouldn't to be able to hurt his own flesh and blood making Sam more dangerous since he would be able to get away with more things. Rafe just felt bland in some areas and was basically a spoilt kid.

2) Allowed Sully and Elena to be more involved with the story and given all three of them one last hurrah instead of brushing them to smaller roles. For the last Uncharted game why would we want a game just mostly focusing on Sam, a brand new character who's just been suddenly introduced.

3) Would have made more sense as a character since having Sam stuck in that hell hole for all those years while his little brother, as he would think, "forgot" about him only to hear about all the adventures he never got to go on or experience. That would have twisted Sam's mind over so many years and if he saw his brother settling down, married to a beautiful girl it might have pushed him over the edge. Basically sums up what we heard of Sam in the first teaser video


"with the exception of we didn’t have the flashbacks to his childhood and then we didn’t have the Nadine character"

So no slow paced flashback chapters, something many weren't a huge fan of in Uncharted 3 and also Nadine, one of the most dullest and badly written characters in Uncharted 4 didn't even exist.

I wish I could go to a parallel world and play this

SCW19821928d ago

Pretty damn hot take @Foxtrot

DaDrunkenJester1928d ago

I honestly hated the forced in brother angle and especially that it was portrayed in a flashback.

-Foxtrot1928d ago

It wasn't that I hated it I just don't think a franchise coming to an end and flashing the game around as the LAST EVER Uncharted with Nathan Drake should have brought in a long lost brother who Nate has NEVER mentioned before.

Even in Uncharted 3 when Marlowe sits down with him as she reads documents from his childhood did she mention a brother, I mean that would have been in there and considering the organization had powerful connections they would have saw Sam was still alive, Rafe managed to find out. Not to mention considering they were all about fear and mind games she would have used his name at least to get inside his head.

I know I know Uncharted 4 wasn't written yet at this point but that's my issue...with that sort of plot point in Uncharted 3 and with how far we were into Nathan Drakes story they shouldn't have made him a biological brother, but more like a person a young Nathan clinged to when he was at the Orphanage

It's a forced in story and you should NEVER do something like that in the last ever game. Can you imagine if Harry Potter got 7 films in and went "Oh it's me Harry, your long lost brother that also survived...Garry". The game should have been focused on the main 3 characters and the DLC should have focused on Chloe and Charlie Cutter. Nadines army in Uncharted 4 should have been a private mercenary group lead by Rika Raja who amassed it after her new wealth selling the Eye of Indra. Everything would come full circle.

DaDrunkenJester1928d ago


I fully agree. Also using the flashback to introduce a new mechanic seemed weird. They could have easily omitted that and just introduced it during the prison part for the first time since he HAD to use it to get where he was going... They didn't need to make it some super long flashback to introduce that.

-Foxtrot1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

Funny you should mention the rope mechanic

That should have never been tied to his childhood because it then brings up why he NEVER used it during Drakes Fortune, Among Thieves or even Drakes Deception, hell even Golden Abyss. During Uncharted 2 when Tenzin uses rope in the Ice Caves he never even makes a remark about it.

It's like showing a young Drake using the rope then suddenly for the first time ever he's using it in Uncharted 4...wouldn't that have came in useful during the other adventures? Even the young Nate flashbacks in Uncharted 3, when he's a little older from the flashbacks during Uncharted 4 and meets Sully for the first time, does he have a rope.

When Sam returned he should have introduced his rope skills to Nate and give him his own, Sam would then make a joke being surprised Nathan has never used one during his own adventures and even criticizing how easier things would have been. If Sam was the villain then Nathan could have seen Sam use one only for him to drop it with Nate picking it up.

rainslacker1928d ago

I think you're over analyzing the rope mechanic. If it matters that much, just say he never brought a rope with him in the earlier games.

Pozzle1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

The only flashback I didn't like was Sam's jail escape with Alcazar...that we later found out never even happened and Sam made the whole thing up. It sort of ruins that part of the game upon re-plays because you're spending time watching something that you now realize never even happened.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1928d ago
DaDrunkenJester1928d ago


Yup, fully agree again haha I thought the entire flashback sequence was a mess and not needed.

Knushwood Butt1928d ago

Sure the Uncharted 4 story may have had issues, nut let's not forget that Uncharted 3 wasn't exactly perfection. Marlow was too dumb to ever be menacing as a villain, and then there's the Sully kidnap story padding.

-Foxtrot1927d ago

I agree but despite these issues, ones that I know exist and know only are there because Sony wanted another Uncharted right after striking gold with Among Thieves then only having Amy Hennig behind it director wise since Bruce/Neil left that team for the Last of Us, even having a smaller time frame...BUT despite this it still felt Uncharted like compared to Uncharted 4 which despite being a decent game just feels off at times, the charm is sometimes missing from big things to even the little nitpicks such as the composter changing (no Nates Theme 4.0) or the new look to UI/Title Menu. Look at the difference for example, not a major issue, God no but still


Knushwood Butt1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

I have to admit that 4 is the only one in the series that I've only played through once. Part of the reason for that is that I have spent hundreds of hours on the multiplayer.

VenomUK1928d ago

@Foxtrot. Yes, Nadine was ridiculously dull! She serves no real plot point, this highlights how she was created inorganically by Neil Druckman to have a character for the DLC to reinvent Chloe’s story.

Also, the brother being revealed in the 4th game was jarring and bad storytelling. Your idea that he should have been a mentor from the orphanage is a good one as Sam would have fulfilled the same role and not cheated gamers by retconning the story.

I enjoyed U4 but some of it felt not quite right. Elena should have been in it more and the pacing was uneven and the tone was different. Even ejecting the original AMAZING theme for a downbeat version to underline the different tone. But it did have that great scene with Drake and Elena on the sofa and the epilogue.

-Foxtrot1927d ago

" this highlights how she was created inorganically by Neil Druckman to have a character for the DLC to reinvent Chloe’s story "

It's sad because Chloe should have been with Charlie or even Sully, but they just had to have it so Chloe out of ALL the characters in the Uncharted Universe we know decided to have them find each other, a character no one hardly liked from the 4th game. I mean what are the chances of that happening? Then you have the Sam reveal at the end setting up future games with Chloe, Nadine and Sam...why would we want that when you still can use Sully and you can still use Charlie.

" is a good one as Sam would have fulfilled the same role and not cheated gamers by retconning the story."

Exactly what I was thinking with it and I thought with ND being good story tellers they'd have done it at the end as a twist, they didn't and it seemed Neil/Bruce totally forgot about the other games. If this was the second game then fair enough but not the 4th and last game.

"Elena should have been in it more"

She was hardly in Uncharted 3 and I thought they'd have one last hurrah for them both, she's been dragged into the adventure again during Uncharted 2 and 3 so to see them have another argument again then being drawn back into it like we've seen before was disappointing. I wanted to see husband and wife sticking together and doing the adventure together. What if Sam was a real villain and was bitter towards Nates normal life so he stole whatever Nate had to help him on his quest and burnt down their home, ruining what they built up...then Nate and Elena would BOTH have something to go for, not just revenge but a treasure they'd need to secure another home life.

FalconofLucis981928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

Rafe was awesome. Best Uncharted villain imo. Also, I loved the flashback sequences to the boarding school, gave his character more depth. Speak for yourself.

porkChop1927d ago

They are speaking for themselves, they voiced their own opinion. Nowhere did they state they were speaking for everyone.

spicelicka1927d ago (Edited 1927d ago )

I had a hard time taking any of the Uncharted stories seriously. IMO it was restricted and dulled like a PG-13 movie to appeal to a mainstream audience. You can't show much violence, you can't really kill off characters to create drama, you're always going to have scenes where the main characters are in serious trouble but always escape last second, you're going to have villains who talk a lot but can't really do anything drastic, etc. etc., which means the story is always predictable and repetitive. It's tough to have a deep caring discussion about such stories.

That being said, what's brilliant about it is the incredible voice acting, sense of adventure, and the banter. The banter and character interaction really hold everything together and help deliver an awesome entertaining experience.

Compare that to the Last of Us and the lack of restrictions allows such a deeper and more emotional story that you actually care about.

Germaximus1927d ago

Agree with a lot of stuff said here of course.

But then you get a bit nitpicky about the rope thing. It's really not that big a deal. It's a new game with a new mechanic. They could have just left that part of the story out but not only was it a fun introduction to the mechanic, but it was also used as a way to see Nate and his brother together.

Uncharted 4 is certainly not perfect but it's pretty damn close aside from pacing issues.

-Foxtrot1927d ago

It's not that it's a new mechanic

It's because ND are story tellers and they introduced it in a really poor way...sure it's a nit pick but for being about story they shouldn't have contradicted themselves when it was so bloody easy to introduce it in another way which would not have required any effort, like I said a throw away line in the present day, something that would be over in 10 seconds.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1926d ago
EDKICK1928d ago

Seems like a lot of issues in EA games lately stem from the fact that EA is forcing all their teams to use Frostbite for games the engine isn't designed to make...
Between interviews and behind the scenes info we know Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect Andromeda had serious issues and time spent getting the engine to do what they needed from it. And now again here with Hennig's Star Wars game.

Gamist2dot01928d ago

EA: we would like you to help us on a story for this AAA game.
Amy: Okay. Here it is with some nice plot twist and tear jerkers.
EA: Nope cost too much to make.
Amy: But...
EA: It's not working out.

Goldby1927d ago

Ea execs in backroom
"so did we really just let her go because of the cost?"

"no, the bad guy doesn't eat an apple. if I've learned anything from my years and years watching cinema sins, the bad guy needs to eat apple""

Fluttershy771928d ago

As my Oma says, Did Naughty give her Das Nasty Boot? Or did she shamefully leave?... if that's the case Why would you think EA is in any way better than Naughty Dog? (perhaps tons of dreadful but desirable money)... Is like changing the cream of the crop for the cream of the crap

-Foxtrot1928d ago

She left ND then EA offered her a job

She didn't leave ND for EA, they just scooped her up after hearing she left and because she was jobless along with the fact EA promised she was going to make a Star Wars game, a huge pipe dream for most people, she was obviously going to take it.

Fluttershy771928d ago

Ok. Did she leave or was she fired?

-Foxtrot1928d ago

Not sure since we don't know officially what goes on behind closed doors but I think she left due to creative differences.

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FanimeCon 2024 | Persona / Shin Megami Tensei Cosplay Gathering

The Persona / Shin Megami Tensei cosplay gathering allowed fans of the acclaimed JRPG series to meet up during FanimeCon 2024.

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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff21831d 11h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan21h ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin19h ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

_SilverHawk_17h ago

It's so tragic what happened to days gone. It is such an amazing game but bandwagoners trashed it and it underperformed in it's launch year. Days gone is the best open world zombie game released in the past five years. I was recently playing it on pc and I'm still amazed by it.

Games are very expensive to make and it seems like it's normal for a AAA game to cost over a quarter billion to make so if a quality game like days gone greatly underperforms then people shouldn't be upset when they see a lot of GAAS. I still remember a lot of bandwagoners calling days gone trash but years later it's now amazing when it's considered a failure by sony.

If a game isn't the best thing seen since hats with pockets then a lot of gamers who haven't played it automatically calls it rubbish and whoever made it should be incarcerated

Cacabunga16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Co CEO prefers gamers to boycott.. so be it. I’ll never buy a gaas.
Just imagine buying a game you cannot replay in some years.. this shit must stop.

Days Gone did zombies in a very original way. The story was also so engaging. You actually only meet Zombie hordes later in the game. There are many more enemy groups to deal with.

MrNinosan15h ago

I am one of the few who bought Days Gone on release day and loved it completely.
However, "more online trash" is phrased like Sony has put out alot of trash online games.
We got what, 2 games? Helldivers 2 and GT7, 2 of the most sold Playstation games where both is loved by millions.

You, me and especially shinoff has no idea if Fairgames, Marathon and Concord will be trash.

Just because we (as in you and me) don't love or support online games, doesn't mean millions of other do.

And we don't know what Bend Studio is working with? We don't know if they're forced to make a online game or another amazing single player experience.

The only thing we do know is that it's not Days Gone, sadly due to poor sales the first 6 months.

shinoff218313h ago(Edited 13h ago)

More online trash wasmt meant how insee it comes across. I should've worded it different I was meaning the focus they currently have on it.

Anything online is online trash to me. How long did naughty dog spend on that dumba last of us multiplayer, how about Concord, or even the other couple we hear about. I fk with Sony because rpgs and their 1st party single player games. Been like that for years. I hate seeing them waste time, money, and talent on trash. I understand bot every game is gonna be for me but this focus they've seem to had on multiplayer is extremely disheartening. Even at the state of play the only things I was really feeling were Astrobot and silent hill 2 and I'm content with that, not everything is for me. It's just the online focus I hate. Ms bought up 3 to 4 wrpgs developers, Sony just ignores rpgs 1st party wise.

And a days gone 2 would've been much better then whatever online sht bend is working on. I do know sometimes I get very idk emotional. I do need to work on toning that down a bit lol

SimpleDad3h ago

Ammm let's see... That All-stars, Foamstars, Babilon 5 wass gaas...
Concord... can wait to play that...Marathon uuuu... Last of them gaas... U
Horizon Zero dawn has a project that leaked as a Fortnite lookalike.

They bought Destiny that is a dead gaas...people love ti.

Helldivers 2 was luck.

Jimbo was all in and pushed Sony single player games 5 years behind.

Spiderman gaas was cancelled... I mean every 1st party studio was doing gaas.

Bend had to pitch a gaas game... Open world coop something

I can't remember more... Of that crap.

tay87012h ago

@simpledad. Destiny 2 isn't a dead game. Its the number 5 most played game on steam. I dont play it, but alot of people do.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
-Foxtrot1d 11h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink1d 3h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

shinoff218313h ago

I mean it's not out of the realm of possibility at this point.

Grilla20h ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl52320h ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin19h ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

Redemption-6417h ago

Maybe encourage people to buy the game at full price and not when it's heavily discounted or go on plus. If this game had sold well when it was full priced a sequel would have been in the works. They made a single-player game that most people didn't support until they dropped the price.

Cacabunga16h ago

The guy’s just a moron.. he should have stayed within game development. His choices will have a terrible impact on the brand in the long run.

tay87016h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Dude is pretty pathetic. Sounds like a guy who's girl left him for someone better. Always talking about days gone sequel that never was, even though he is no longer at bend and hasnt been for a while. I for one am not upset about the lack of a sequel. It is one of the worst 1st party games in recent memory. Completely jank, played like an xbox game. The only redeeming quality was the hordes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6h ago
excaliburps21h ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla20h ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

Notellin19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Yeah we should never believe the creators side until we hear the corporate/big business side as history has shown we should always believe billion dollar corporations.

What a bootlicker statement.

derek14h ago

@Notellin, of course you'll believe an embittered ex-employee with an axe to grind because it's evil Sony he's complaining about. You guys act like days gone was this huge success and somehow Sony hates easy money a sequel would have generated. The game was mid and so was the response to it. They're still supporting the developer who is making a new ip that could be great.

shinoff218312h ago

Days gone was fantastic. I bought day one but didn't get around to it for months. When I finally did I was pissed at myself for waiting so long lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 12h ago
P_Bomb21h ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing6920h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

rippermcrip17h ago

Well consider they know the sales... they do know what the consumer wants.

It sold shit.

-Foxtrot12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

But if it’s true what this guy says it sold better than Death Stranding

Yet that got a sequel and Kojima aside out of them both DS didn’t really NEED a sequel compared to Days Gone which ended on such a cliff hanger twist.

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Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

Frame generation technology has arrived on consoles, amplifying frame-rates and potentially transforming experiences.

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purple1011d 14h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky20h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu20h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 14h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo19h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay5h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx21h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple10111h ago(Edited 11h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8520h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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