
Failure of The Walking Dead Infuriates CEO, He Blames His Devs

Starbreeze CEO was fired last month for poor sales & failure of The Walking Dead. In His last email to the staff of game, he shifted the whole blame on devs

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porkChop1951d ago

He should have accepted some of the blame. As CEO he was overseeing everything that was going on at Starbreeze, so he absolutely has some fault here.

However, he does bring up a valid point. The game sold poorly because it was a bad game, and it was bad because the devs clearly didn't put much effort into it.

It's lazily slapped together, as if the devs didn't care to push themselves creatively. If devs come in every day and do the bare minimum it won't result in a good game. They worked on the game for four to five years, they had more than enough time to make a good game.

Cmv381950d ago

Devs possibly didn't care because they rather work on payday 3 instead of this walking dead crap.

1950d ago
81BX1950d ago

It's still their job. If you don't like your job then go find another one. It's called having pride in your work. They should want their name to be taken seriously. Maybe I'm just old school like that?

Godmars2901950d ago

Sounds more like they were given little to no time to make a good product, switched games engines, and lost even more time they didn't have.

porkChop1950d ago

But they worked on the game for four to five years. That's two years longer than the average game.

But even if they were somehow strapped for time, that doesn't excuse the complete lack of creativity. Every aspect of the game is essentially bare minimum.

And as shloobmm3 brought up, Payday 2 suffered from many of the same issues. So this wasn't just some one time thing.

DarXyde1950d ago

I don't have much sympathy for him, honestly.

I'm willing to bet that if the game was great, he would gladly accept the credit for that. But it's a dud of a game that got him fired, so of course he's going to shift the blame entirely.

Godmars2901950d ago

"And as shloobmm3 brought up, Payday 2 suffered from many of the same issues. So this wasn't just some one time thing."

Industry burnout then. No matter how much effort and passion the dev team thought they were putting in, they were just going through the motions while being run ragged. Then the game engine change, crunch time to satisfy execs and stockholders, but though they knew it was only a wet turd they pushed it out regardless.

Its not like it the only case of a so called AAA production utterly failing. If anything its becoming typical which is only a bad thing.

Fearmonkey1949d ago

If you read the Eurogamer article, the sad part is the devs weren't really lazy. The CEO and upper management killed the game because they bought a half baked engine called Vahalla and worked on making the game with it, only to much much later decide it isnt working and switch to the Unreal engine, causing alot of work to have to be redone. The dev team warned upper management that they should switch much earlier and were ignored.

Sirk7x1947d ago

If you're heading a company, it's also your responsibility to make sure proper management is in place to hire decent employees, train them well and make sure work gets done.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1947d ago
Bismarn1950d ago

It's so strange: the blurb here, the actual article, and the quotes in the article all have the same horrible grammar, like english as a fourth language. In My comment to writer of story, I shift whole blame on devs.

1950d ago
Godmars2901950d ago

Rather odd how someone who made the gaming industry a thoroughly passionless assembly line complains about it being a thoroughly passionless assembly line.

bluefox7551950d ago

When you're in charge, part of your responsibility is having the right talent. So even if his devs were incompetent, it's still his fault.

PoopsMcGee1950d ago

...And keeping your talent properly motivated and engaged by making good decisions and creating an atmosphere where creative juices can thrive.

The suits are to blame. Always.

Stanjara1950d ago

I didn't even know this game was out.

ziggurcat1950d ago

I was gonna say: is this game released yet? We keep seeing articles about this, and it always seems like the game is still in development.

KeeseToast1950d ago

I think the console version is still not out, yet. On PC it's been available for a while now

1950d ago
saimcheeda1950d ago

I came here to write the same

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25d ago

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MasterChief36241910d ago

If I knew Steven Spielberg was going to be in it, I would have been more excited to try it out!


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Traecy1922d ago

This game future isn't looking to bright.

Literal_Cringe1922d ago

No, that's because it's dead now.

This game only lives up to half its namesake "The dead".

william_cade1922d ago

One of the biggest let downs. I saw the trailer and got hyped. I saw the game-play and well it sucked.

Cmv381922d ago

Just make payday 3, that'll save your butts

Blu3_Berry1922d ago

Not surprised, the game was destined to fail the moment we saw the reveal gameplay. It was so disappointing after those amazing CG cut-scenes they made, and its clear that's where majority of the budget went to. What a shame how this game turned out as it had alot of potential.

1922d ago
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