
Apparently, some big changes are coming to the lackluster Fallout 76

Fallout 76 missed the mark on most everything gamers wanted from the game, but Bethesda continues to work on the title with big changes coming in 2019.

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Mutant-Spud1977d ago

How is Fallout 76 lacklustre? Apart from periods of lag I'm having a ball with it, can't put the controller down; the PvP interactions are usually hilarious, the survival aspect keeps the momentum up and the game doles out rewards at a good pace.

Sm00thNinja1977d ago

You're easily entertained is all.

KyRo1977d ago

The game shouldn't exist and I'm not even a Fallout fan (massively overrated series) to realise this. If they wanted MP FO they should of built a game like the past Fallout games but from the ground up with coop in mind.

Wolffenblitz1977d ago

Massively overrated series?? Really?? I guess you're entitled to your opinion, but as a Fallout fan I stayed away from 76. New Vegas was awesome.

KyRo1977d ago

I understand why people like it, the world, the storytelling, the characters etc but that isn't what you play. I just can't look past the bad graphics, laughable animations, clunky controls and the endless bugs.

Nacho_Z1977d ago

Fallout as a series isn't overrated at all if you like adult RPGs. If you're looking for a sick FPS with RPG elements then you'll be disappointed but that's not why people like it.

I don't think an online Fallout or ES is a bad idea because I've often thought it'd be cool to play with friends or meet randoms but the way they implemented it was plain stupid.

OneLove1976d ago

"The game shouldn't exist and I'm not even a fallout fan" lol this statement makes no sense. It would make sense if you were a fallout fan.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1976d ago
neutralgamer19921977d ago


More power to you but to most gamers it's not a good game but we all have our preferences

Elwenil1977d ago

It's a little strange how Fallout 76 has gotten almost universal criticism on this site and suddenly, today for some reason, we have a thread full of Fallout 76 apologists. Moderately fishy, I would say.

EazyC1977d ago (Edited 1977d ago )

"can't put the controller down"

It must be glued to your hand then!

nickanasty2061977d ago (Edited 1977d ago )

I have to agree. There is already a ton of content in this game and it is really not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure improvements are needed, but this already shits all over Destiny 2 when it was first released content wise and has easily as much of a story. It's like combining Rust and WoW and Minecraft in a package set in the Fallout universe. Shooting feels good like Fallout 4 and traversal and discovery in the game feel like Breath of The Wild. I get why people are complaining, but I'm having fun. Please release more content and keep this game alive. I like where this could go in the future. Most people who are complaining haven't even put more than a couple hours into the game to get used to everything. I will tell you from experience that this game is infinitely better on PC than console though. Console suffers from CPU bottleneck issues that may be causing the majority of the upheaval. Was gifted it for PC and it plays way better.

Christopher1977d ago

***has easily as much of a story***

Ooof. You're on your own with that one.

***I get why people are complaining, but I'm having fun***

More power to you.

***Most people who are complaining haven't even put more than a couple hours into the game***

Exactly how many hours are needed to know it's a lackluster game with major issues? I guess we should ignore the many posts on the subreddit as well, which is pretty much filled with hardcore players tracking the issues of the game?

thexmanone1977d ago

I agree, its a lot of fun. In fact i find myself playing this game more then RDR2.

chris2351977d ago

let me guess: your first videogame ever?

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1977d ago

Joke post? The game is a mess. You having a BALL with it is the dumbest defence there is. Good for you,. As a product compared to it's competitors Fallout does nothing well and has many half baked ideas and execution. Please.

Patricko1976d ago (Edited 1976d ago )

Good bait, but downvote is a downvote.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1976d ago
PlayableGamez-1977d ago

Fallout 76 should have been delayed.

Tross1977d ago

In a year full of excellent releases including RDR2, Fallout 76 should have been excellent as well, but Bethesda clearly didn't get the memo. I also really dislike this tactic where companies release some lackluster title and then add stuff to it later to try and make it better, then complain that we don't give the game a proper chance when we don't exactly leap at the opportunity to come back to it. Here's an idea: how about making games that are worth playing from day one? Is that really such a difficult concept for some devs to grasp? Rockstar had no problem releasing a great title at launch. All that tells me is that some companies are more worth supporting going forward over others.

Oschino19071977d ago

Except RDR online launched in nearly as bad of a technical state (still has issues) while having barebones content with serious issues concerning griefers. I can say outside of technical issues FO76 had loads more content at launch and griefing is barely existent outside of some rare cases or you have yourself set to be open to PvP in game instead of pacifist.

I have had both since launch and concerning online I have put well over 100hrs more into FO76 compared to RDR online. I expect both games to get better and add tons more content down the road but I don't see why Rockstar gets a pass and Bethesda is treated like pure evil when IMO I am far more worried about the future of RDR online being balanced and fair concerning the grind and pay to win.

rainslacker1977d ago

RDR2 released as added content to what is probably one of the biggest games in terms of content of the year, which is what a lot of people paid for. Plus, the RDR2 online was always said to be releasing in beta form.

Not going to discuss what I think of RDR2 itself, but the game that people paid for isn't RDRO, it's RDR2 SP....with the online to come later.

dumahim1977d ago

Isn't RDR2 online still in beta?

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1977d ago

No it is not, RDR 2 online has some issues but not even close to Fallout, give your head a shake.

Kabaneri1977d ago

I'll pick it up for $15 after it gets all the inevitable updates.

neutralgamer19921977d ago

Pick it up in few years like no msm sky once they have added more/better content

maelstromb1977d ago (Edited 1977d ago )

Lackluster doesn't even begin to describe the travesty and train wreck that F76 represents for Bethesda. I hope it sinks the dev finally so that a development studio WAY more talented and capable can give the Fallout series the attention it rightly deserves. Call me a troll, but I've been a lifelong Fallout fan since Black Isle's 1st game and the only thing Fallout here is in the name... otherwise this turd deserves to share the same fate as Atari's E.T.; buried in the southwest desert where some poor schumcks will dig it up 50 years from now only to make a documentary about how horrible it was.

KillZallthebeast1977d ago

Lol I was compairing 76 to e.t. just the other day

DJStotty1977d ago

only a child would want Bethesda to fail

maelstromb1970d ago

LOL... OK. I've found that fanboys like you can't come up logical arguments so you revert to shaming those who do not share your opinion. I have my opinion and you have yours. But it's OK, go ahead and continue to pay for and support Bethesda's borderline unethical money-making practices and unfinished, inexcusably embarrassing products.

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As Fallout76 Crosses 20Million Gamers Amid Success of TVSeries, Todd Howard Talks Franchise’s Future

“Fallout 76″ has found a whole new world of players thanks to the popularity of Amazon’s “Fallout” TV series. The Bethesda Game Studios title, which first launched in October 2018, crossed 20 million downloads and plays as of Wednesday.

Obscure_Observer1d 18h ago


Hopefully Fallout 5 will be among next gen Xbox´s launching games.

-Foxtrot1d 17h ago

Yeah will be great. Can’t wait for it on the PS6.

Notellin1d 2h ago

What's the point of mentioning the platform you plan to play on? Tribalism.

Zeref1d 1h ago

Can't wait to not have to pay 70 dollars for it lol

ocelot071d ago

Will probably be decent on the HP Omen Xbox but not so sure about the Dell Alienware Xbox though. But I have high hopes for the Asus ROG Ally Xbox Edition running this game at a stable 60.

thesoftware73022h ago

I'm sure MS can't wait either; all that money they will make.

Everyone wins.
Play it on Xbox, play it on PS, play it on your cell phone, play it on PC, shit, maybe even on Nintendo.
ALL=$$$$ for Microsoft corp, literally all these companies care about.

-Foxtrot22h ago


You new here?

It's Obscure_Observer...and I like to wind him up by saying what he would say to others

I'm not even that bothered, I just find it fun.

Huey_My_D_Long22h ago

Now you're getting it ;)

purple10121h ago

Can’t wait to play this, on my Samsung tv Xbox app,

MrNinosan21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

I'm sure Sony can't wait to be part in 30% of Microsofts profit, without spending $7,5 billion + development cost.

All free money for Sony 👍

Crows9013h ago


You think it's a positive but it's funny how much of a negative it actually is...lol

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 13h ago
just_looken1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Though it would be nice i think tod with his team should stay away from it let someone else take the helm like fallout new vegas.

I also hope after all these success they do not make fallout 76 number 2 sense 76 is the most profitable game they made in the series thanks to monthly subs. Then you got the billion + they made on elder scrolls online.

First thing first is the new elder scrolls title they been working on and we got more updates for starfield to come out but one has recently added a new feature called interactive maps you can see icons along with paths now true next gen.....

So yeah with starfield being there "years" of dev time biggest budget/team size do you trust them with the next fallout title?

MrDead1d 3h ago

The next fallout will be on all systems as Xbox is their smallest market. You don't restrict your flagship games to one of the worlds smallest and shrinking platform.
Bethesda still needs PC and PS as we've learnt from recent layoffs thanks to Microsoft's greed in trying to ban multiplatform publisher's from their biggest console platform.

Obscure_Observer18h ago

Whatever happened to your claims that MS should be boycotted and ultimately destroyed due its greed and monopolistic goals?

You said that the only reason MS released Starfield on PC is because its a new IP, otherwise it would an Xbox exclusive game, as MS ultimate goal is to remove games from players, right?

Now you come to realize that all of your smearing campaign along with all of your doom and gloom prophecies was for nothing!

You don´t really care about MS being destroyed as long Playstation gets some Xbox games.

The moment you find out that neither TES VI and Fallout 5 will be making it´s way to Playstation anything soon, you will be right back where you were a few months ago, shoehorning how MS must (again) be destroyed. Smh.

"Bethesda still needs PC and PS as we've learnt from recent layoffs thanks to Microsoft's greed in trying to ban multiplatform publisher's from their biggest console platform."

Last time I checked, Tango, which released Hi-Fi Rush on both PC and PS5 got shut down while Bethesda (Starfield) do not.

Yes, MS is greed. Yes they do care about the money above most things like every company does.

But just like Sony, they´ll not put their flagship titles on Playstation while damaging their own consoles in the process. I though both Phil and Sarah were clear about that subject when they confirmed that a next gen Xbox console is in development.

That said, the thing that most people don´t realize with all that port begging nonsense, is that Xbox releasing all of its flagships games on Playstation will do nothing but hurt the Playstation brand in the end.

Let me explain:

First - If all games from Xbox land on Playstation, what real interest Sony will have to continue and invest in innovative and multi hundred million dollar single player games that they´re known for? None! I mean, why would Sony take risks when the competitor is doing it in their place?

In the end, Sony will just rest on their laurels by allowing Playstation to be carried by third party publishers and ultimately, Playstation´s premiere first party games will be no more.

Second - After the recent events, you know now how far Sony is willing to go to get that MAU from Steam gamers, they literally banned Steam gamers from 120 countries and regions for it. In Microsoft´s case, you also know they will demand Playstation players to connect to a MS account to play Xbox games, which favors no other but MS itself, because they´ll be "stealing" gamers from the Playstation´s player base, via the ultimate "Trojan Horse".

As a wise man said: "Be careful what you wish for"

Mr_cheese6h ago

Oh Obscure, the irony in what you're saying is crazy.

anast1d 3h ago

Fallout 5 will most likely be 80% generated by AI.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6h ago
anast1d 3h ago

It's a good show. They are really good at live action trailers.

Huey_My_D_Long22h ago

Yall have alot to prove after starfield. Personally I think they will squander the potential for the game, but hey, I look forward to being proven wrong when its released.

RaidenBlack53m ago

Obsidian can still save the reputation with a banger spin off Fallout title whilst Bethesda concentrates finishing TES VI.
Only drawback is Obsidian will have to halt the Outer Worlds 2 development.

RaidenBlack52m ago

They wont.
Too many legacy program scripts to transition to UE.

4Sh0w18h ago

Yeah the TV Series was better than I expected.

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Level 1,000 Fallout 76 player advises new and returning players

There are many who want to help out new Vault Dwellers but this level 1,000 player offers the best advice after spending hundreds of hours in the game.

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Shane Kim15d ago

I have an advice. Go outside more.

OtterX15d ago

You wouldn't say that if you lived in a fallout shelter! ;P

Fonsecap15d ago

Save your time and play something else...


Fallout 76: Skyline Valley Developers Preview

Players looking forward to exploring the new content can now enjoy a preview of what to expect.