
Overkill's The Walking Dead Hits 12k Concurrent Players During Its Launch

Overkill's The Walking Dead developer has just revealed that the game hits 20 thousand concurrent players during its official launch last November 6th.

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Valkron12031d ago

That doesn’t sound like much, but they are happy with it. It’s probably over 11k more than Lawbreakers ever had

LucasRuinedChildhood2031d ago

Why does the summary for the article say 20,000 concurrent players when the article and the headline cite 12,000?

ChristiaSF2031d ago (Edited 2031d ago )

Hey. Sorry, I manually typed the summary when I submit the article here in N4G. It's 12,000, not 20,000. I apologize for my mistake.


10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

Dhruva Interactive Releases Character Art For ‘Overkill’s The Walking Dead’

Overkill’s The Walking Dead is pretty much dead, in spite of Starbreeze’s intentions to try and make it work with Skybound. And in spite of the unfinished feel of the overall game, there are some things that need to be recognized.

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MasterChief36241910d ago

If I knew Steven Spielberg was going to be in it, I would have been more excited to try it out!


An Update on Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Today Skybound Entertainment released the following statement: As of today, we have terminated our contract with Starbreeze Studios and will discontinue all efforts on OVERKILL’S THE WALKING DEAD.

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Traecy1922d ago

This game future isn't looking to bright.

Literal_Cringe1922d ago

No, that's because it's dead now.

This game only lives up to half its namesake "The dead".

william_cade1922d ago

One of the biggest let downs. I saw the trailer and got hyped. I saw the game-play and well it sucked.

Cmv381922d ago

Just make payday 3, that'll save your butts

Blu3_Berry1922d ago

Not surprised, the game was destined to fail the moment we saw the reveal gameplay. It was so disappointing after those amazing CG cut-scenes they made, and its clear that's where majority of the budget went to. What a shame how this game turned out as it had alot of potential.

1922d ago
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