Doge2077d ago

Holy crap.
They actually listened!

uptownsoul2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

Yup…Switch & PS4 now allow cross-Everything play AND do not lock access to this online, free-2-play game behind a paywall.

Nitrowolf22077d ago

And now we sit and wait for the
“Sony is to late” articles

Kribwalker2077d ago

Yep, now MS needs to drop their Paywall on free to play games.

Eonjay2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

The next articles will be demanding Sony to release its exclusives on Xbox. In all honestly though, a great response from Sony once again showing their willingness to work with the community. However, what we are really gonna see is a wave of those who can't ever be satisfied about anything. Fake rage can never be satisfied because there is no real issue to begin with.

darthv722076d ago

There should be no paywall on any F2P games. Hence why they are called Free 2 Play.

MasterCornholio2076d ago

That paywall is just dumb in my opinion for FTP titles.

Lovable2076d ago

I bet Kribwalker will not post multiple article about MS not dropping their paywall unlike what he did with this insignificant cross play

2076d ago
badz1492076d ago

OH NO! Sony, why are you taking the only bullet left in the xbox fanboys barrel?? without this stupid cross-play agenda, what else is there for them to use to bash the PS4? they were so busy fighting over this dumb thing they didn't realize MS was using them to cover up that they need XBLGold to play F2P games!

Suave_Langosta2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

@eonjay your logic leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'll just ignore your claim of Sony "listening."

No one is going to cry about exclusives, if they do then they are idiots, just saying. Real gamers, ones whom are not blinded by loyalty can and do enjoy multiple platforms. I own all 3 major systems and enjoy the full spectrum of games, people should try this. Xbox is my main multiplayer system, playstation offers me my badass single play and Japanese market games while my switch let's me tap into Nintendos market.

I get some cant afford them all, and that's cool, I just dont advise being a blind loyalist in a industry that should be about togetherness and fun.

TheCommentator2076d ago

And here I was happy I didn't have to listen to people defend Sony's anti-consumer practices anymore... but they just move the conversation to something else negative to say about Microsoft instead.

TheCommentator2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

@ Eonjay

"Sony once again showing their willingness to work with the community?"

Why would you even say that? We've had so many articles about Sony not doing it that people didn't even want to hear about them any more. That's stubbornness, not willingness. Also, how is it showing willingness when Sony submitted to relentless consumer demands?

Liqu1d2076d ago

There's TheCommentator showing how much of hypocrite he is. Sony refusing crossplay is anti-consumer yet damage controls MS being the only ones locking free games behind a paywall.

antz11042076d ago

Lol but I thought ps4 users don't care about crossplay, or need it? At least that's been the mantra here ever since this issue with Fortnite came up.

starchild2076d ago

Why did Sony do this? I was told countless times that crossplay is an unimportant feature that PS4 owners don't care about (even though I am a PS4 owner and do care about it). Many of these people even said they don't want crossplay because they don't want to play with gamers on other platforms. I guess those people will be unhappy with Sony's decision.

I applaud it. Crossplay is a good thing. It should consistently be encouraged no matter who is or isn't doing it.

TheCommentator2076d ago

@ Liqu1d

"There's TheCommentator showing how much of hypocrite he is. Sony refusing crossplay is anti-consumer yet damage controls MS being the only ones locking free games behind a paywall."

Sorry, but the topic is crossplay on PS4, not MS hiding F2P behind a paywall. I'll tell you what, Liqu!d, you write an article about MS hiding F2P behind a paywall and I'll tell you why I think it's wrong...

PowerOfTheCloud2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )


"Why did Sony do this? I was told countless times that crossplay is an unimportant feature that PS4 owners don't care about (even though I am a PS4 owner and do care about it). Many of these people even said they don't want crossplay because they don't want to play with gamers on other platforms. I guess those people will be unhappy with Sony's decision. "

Sony gave in to the MS and Allies introduced marketing (smear) campaign. It is unfortunate that they let the competition blackmail them into changing their business policies in fear of negative pr. Plain and simple.
And i'm sure that many who rooted against crossplay with x1 just were against the fact that ms, who is the most useless and lazy company of the three and most definately try to force sony, who did an awesome job this whole generation, to change their stance on crossplay under the guise of being pro consumer.

I wonder if these "journalist" who sided with ms by releasing article after article on how anti consumer bad bad sony was for not allowing crossplay with the competition and the gamers who spoke out against sony, now put in the same effort in fighting ms' paywall on free2play games. If not they will be outing themselves as major league hypocrites.

BlackTar1872076d ago

I love the way you xbox guys pretend n4g represents the entire community of ps4 gamers and Sony is listening to us idiot's on here bickering in order to make the final decision.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2076d ago
ZeroX98762077d ago

We'll finally be able to play with some of my Xbox friends :)
if they can bring this to other games like black ops 4/fallout 76/BF5 that would be pure awesomeness

ZeroX98762077d ago

wow @ the # of disagrees!
well there's always the option of disabling crossplay for users who prefer playing with PS4s only :)

spartan112g2077d ago

Look at all of those downvotes for breaking down walls.

isa_scout2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

I didn't disagree with you about console cross-play, but universal cross-play isn't a good thing if it includes PC players. I play PC sometimes, as well as my PS4 and if you guys wanna get wrecked by mouse and keyboard players in a competitive shooting game be my guest, but I think a lot of console gamers are fine with the way things are. You ever seen how fast PC players can equip attachments and manage inventory in PUBG and Blackout and that doesn't even take into account the clear aiming advantage that mouse and keyboard provide.

81BX2077d ago

ISA has a point. I just got my 1st gaming PC. I've been playing heroes and generals. I went back to COD ww2.... it took me time to adjust. The controls felt sluggish and less accurate.

crazyCoconuts2076d ago

That would be awesome. I hope they're really willing to go that far. I'm sure we'll have to rely on game chat vs. party chat, but that's fine.

ZeroX98762076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Quick reminder that Rocket league crossplay isn't activated by default, and my guess is nor will any game whatsoever, so if YOU don't enable it, you're just not affected by this change at all.

that's what so nice about this, people complaining about crossplay won't see the difference and us that wants to play with more friends can if we want to.

Good point about the KB/M, it can be a pain when against them with a controller :/

SierraGuy2076d ago

Pure awesome with the mod tools available on PC to hack blops 4?

Last_Boss2076d ago

Agreed 1000%!!! It would be like my Bad Company days.

sampsonon2076d ago

And this is why Sony just put the first nail into their coffin.

this is the beginning of the fall of PS.

zodiac9092076d ago

It's times like these when I question the point of having multiple consoles to choose from, if they all play the same games..

Suave_Langosta2076d ago

God people disagreed with this? It's a good move for consumers and gamers as a whole. People should not be so loyal to brands, we as gamers should all be able to enjoy playing together regardless of platform. I'm sure there are ways to limit whom you will play with, for those who dont like the idea. I just dont get the negativity surrounding the idea of togetherness.

Liqu1d2076d ago

Fallout 76 isn't happening. Bethesda were lying about wanting crossplay so they could bash Sony for something.

ramiuk12076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

the problem is if you are on a ps4 pro and playing against a base xbox there is a huger advantage o the pro player due to draw distance,framerate,resolution etc.
the pro and x would be ok but gamers on the X would also have a huge advantage over a ps4 slim due to resolution,draw,clarity,framer ate .

ad a pc into it and will ruin the game

PoopsMcGee2076d ago


You're wrong. Rocket League IS crossplay by default and it sucks.

The option to turn it off is buried in a menu so the vast majority of players are in the standard crossplay matches with PC.

The only way I would tolerate crossplay is if it is reserved for private matches only.

Otherwise, IMO it will completely screw up competitive online MP.

Crossplay may be "consumer friendly", but it sure isn't "gamer friendly" (that is, if you're a gamer who cares about an even playing field for online MP)

rainslacker2076d ago

Im still curious if this will allow you to connect directly with others on another network. It may just be random matchmaking at first. PSN and XBL both handle connecting players, and it takes a completely separate account on another network to match you see in MMO's, with their own username database.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2076d ago
DarkVoyager2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

Finally. Now we don’t have to listen to Xbox fans anymore about not being able to play with PS4 gamers.

Doge2077d ago

I'l let you in on a little secret.

ᵀʰᶦˢ ʷᵃˢ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵃ ˢᵐᵉᵃʳ ᶜᵃᵐᵖᵃᶦᵍⁿ ᵇʸ ᴹᶦᶜʳᵒˢᵒᶠᵗ ᵒʳ ˣᵇᵒˣ ᶠᵃⁿᵇᵒʸˢ.

Linktothepast2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

"Microsoft confirms it's talking to sony about cross play"

"Microsoft reveals Sony is blocking Fortnite PS4 vs. Xbox One cross-play"

"Sony 'still isn't listening to gamers' about cross-play, says Xbox exec"

NoPe, nO SmeAR caMPaIgN tHEre AT all.

Let alone the fanboys!

CarlDechance2077d ago


oh.....there were quite a few xbox fanboys that wallowed in this like a pig in shit. Cross play articles brought them in droves. Don't fool yourself.

Doge2077d ago


Where's the false accusations in those articles? Sony had several people that either said "it's a safety concern" or "because PS4 is the best place to play", which btw the latter is a fact considering their place in the market right now.

Facts were reported from interview sources. This is like calling out Trump's bigotry a smear campaign.


You say quite a few, and yet a good chunk is making it out to be the majority of gamers who weren't okay with Sony's policy to be an Xbox fanboy. Like yeah no shit you'll see fanboys running amok, but the fact that people were using that as a crutch to deflect the main issue was what drove me up a wall.

A platform's fanboys that's close to be in 3rd place in the market will not, and never be able to discredit how much of a massive success the PS4 has been to Sony. No matter how hard they try.

spartan112g2077d ago

Finally, we don’t have to listen to Sony give out tone-deaf press releases.

CarlDechance2077d ago

I'm not talking about a majority of anything. Fanboys are never the majority, they are just the loudest.

bluefox7552076d ago

@Doge You might be able to make the argument there was no smear campaign by game journalists, although that would be pretty flimsy, but fanboys? That's literally all they do.

Doge2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )


Dude they could be as loud as a wet fart for all I care, and people here STILL saw and blamed any negative press Sony got for their horrid PR as "an issue brought up by Xbox fanboys".

Doesn't matter who, what or where. It was all just either Microsoft or Xbox fanboys. Like, y'all. Epic's game was being held back on the biggest console. Accounts were being locked out from being played on other consoles. People were legitimately upset that this was an issue.

Like, come on man. I wanna see more games do this. I don't give a rat's ass about some dumb console war :/


Dude, they're literally reported facts from PR, verbatim. How is that flimsy?

I'm not trying to defend fanboys because I know how much of a nuisance they are. But it isn't fair to have an issue completely ignored just because of some garbage trolls. I sat through this exact same crap when Sony launched the PS4 without being able to capture footage with a capture card. I don't need to see this again. Be it cross-play, PSN name changing, or even 1440p support for PS4 Pro (which god please make it happen).

CarlDechance2076d ago

"Dude they could be as loud as a wet fart for all I care" just got through saying Xbox fanboys didn't engage in a smear campaign and now you are saying you don't care if Xbox fanboys engaged in a smear campaign?

WTF, man? You are all over the place. Done with your nonsense.

Doge2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )


Then go ahead and follow the general consensus (on N4G Dot Com) that only Xbox fanboys wanted cross-play and all the media outlets were on Microsoft's payroll. Because that sure as shit what it's been for the past year and change.

It's fake outrage apparently.


Obscure_Observer2076d ago


"Finally. Now we don’t have to listen to Xbox fans anymore about not being able to play with PS4 gamers."

Yes. And we´ll don´t have to listen that PS4 owners don´t care about crossplay or that crossplay would hurt Sony´s business either!

Sony has sided with gamers and casted a mute spell on haters!

Great job, Sony!

EmperorDalek2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Yeah I'm against this, I don't want to have to put up with toxic Sony cultists passing themselves off as "gamers". Don't even know why they'd play Fortnite, I thought only exclusives count as games to them.

Dragonscale2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

@doge, so there was no negativity from the fanatx over this? So we must have imagined it all then. Talk about denial lol, its all they've been banging on about for months now fgs.

Why o why2076d ago

Let's see the same energy on free to play being 'free' to play on Xbox. . . . I bet it won't be a fraction despite it allowing more players to play against. . .🤔

Neonridr2076d ago

are you kidding me? What about all the articles from devs themselves saying crossplay should be there. I remember Epic, Bethesda, Psyonix and plenty of others all saying it should be there.

sampsonon2076d ago

and sony just lost future $$$$.worst move they cold ave made. MS's xbox isn't the companies main stay, ps is sony's an they've just given a potential sale away.

investors must be supper happy.

NXFather2076d ago

Somehow I doubt that but, I see the /S in the hidden script.

DragonbornZ2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )


Some of you need to get out of your little fanboy bubbles.

Epic, Psyonix, Bethesda, Studio Wildcard, Blizzard, etc., have all shown an interest and/or have pushed for crossplay; all of them I believe except for Blizzard acknowledging Sony as the limiting factor.

You need to stop only paying attention to whatever reenforces your narrative.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2076d ago
lxeasy2077d ago

Finally! Looks like gamers won

2077d ago Replies(7)
Sm00thNinja2077d ago

Not gonna lie Eonjay the exclusives releasing on Xbox got me dead 😂

Obscure_Observer2076d ago

Awesome News for all gamers around the world!

Realms2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Damn Sony you are so anti consumer stop it oh wait they are not, I guess enough PS gamers wanted it after all so they made it happen. MS fanboys are going to have to find something else to complain about. LOL

Nu2076d ago

This is good for us all. Nintendo now needs to get their online infrastructure up-to-date

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2076d ago
slate912077d ago

Good news for gamers. Not so good for Sony business-wise.

-T9X-69-2077d ago

Good thing were all gamers. Right?

Highlife2077d ago

Going by this site sales and pixels mean more.

EddieNX 2077d ago

Ikr , who gives a .... What some CEO is earning.

This is amazing news for the industry! Well done Sony.

TekoIie2076d ago

Apparently not given how many people were defending Sony's previous stance on this policy.

AmUnRa2077d ago

Why is it not good business for Sony?

ocelot072077d ago

It's good PR. But now it means people have the option to buy skins on Xbox or Switch and transfer them over to PS4. Instead of them using the PSN store to buy them. Meaning Sony don't see any of the money.

Yes they could do this already with PC and mobile but EPIC seen all of that money not Sony's competitors. Unless there is a deal in place where all company's share a pool of the profits from each sale? In order to use the skins on what ever console they want?

-T9X-69-2077d ago


While the PS4 is the most popular home console. This game is also on mobile and A LOT of kids play it on their phone. There's more smartphones out there than PS4's. Sony cant' use the leverage of "We have the highest playerbase" because that is not relevant when mobile in involved. Thus, the PS4 being a money making machine isn't a priority for Epic when they're making more off mobile. Sony was at the disadvantage for once, and they made the right call. This will only help convince casuals that don't own a home console yet, to grab a PS4 for Fortnite rather than another platform.

rainslacker2076d ago


It also means that people could buy the stuff on Sony's platform as well, and use it elsewhere.

Either way, I never felt that the loss in terms of revenue would be a huge hinderance to cross play. But up to this point, and even now, a lot of people were confusing cross play, and cross progression. But this new beta seems to address both issues.

I knew Sony would have to make policies to get this to be enabled. Said so back when the Rocket League dev first started all this debate.....which some people vehemently denied was true. This beta seems like they've been looking at this for a while, since they just didn't throw it out overnight or in a month. The beta will probably be used to refine the policies until they can make it more ubiquitous, and included in their compliance settings and API's for any developer to use.

TekoIie2077d ago

No, Sony is 4ThePlayers this is what they want amirite?

Very good to see them beginning to reverse their stance on this and taking the pro-consumer route.

lxeasy2077d ago

I remember when so many sony fans were saying this isn't a big deal and that they didn't want it lol now they're celebrating

jukins2076d ago

@it easy can you point out who said it wasnt a big deal and are now celebrati ng or just making an ignorant statement assuming everyone who is celebrating were previously saying it wasn't a big deal. . .

Obscure_Observer2076d ago


"I remember when so many sony fans were saying this isn't a big deal and that they didn't want it lol now they're celebrating"

Yes. They were calling it a "wise business decision"! To allow crossplay between consoles would only hurt Sony´s business, brand and community. Sony fed those people a crow dinner.

AspiringProGenji2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

There’s always the facetious xbox fan when Sony does something good. Who is exactly celebrating? Everyone is just talking about this. What is your problem?

Bnet3432076d ago

the fact that PS fans actually supported it shows how immature the fanbase can be. I know its not everyone but you guys are nuts if Sony was in the right about it. It had nothing to do with console wars. Its about not hindering the progress of gaming connectivity. All games should have cross platform if you ask me. glad they came around.

chiefJohn1172076d ago

Ikr and they're hypocrites they stayed bashing MT then have the nerve to say crossplay is bad for business so Sony shouldn't support it lol gtfoh.

wonderfulmonkeyman2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Something tells me this isn't going to do a single negative thing to Sony's bottom line on PS4 profits.XD
Cross-play isn't the community-ruining boogey-man than certain negative elements in the community try/tried to paint it as.

ShadowWolf7122076d ago

I think they're also looking toward the next gen where it will be beneficial given they start with a blank slate again. Same reason they're likely to have BC with PS4 games there.

rainslacker2076d ago

I don't think it would ever hurt Sony, or any company to enable it. I think having cross play enabled does help competitors though, which I can see not being something that most companies care to do. But if its available across the board, then the effects are mitigated.

crazyCoconuts2076d ago

How's this for a crazy theory - what little risk exists for Sony's bottom line on this is the group of people that will now buy an X1X due to more power and not having to sacrifice their friend base due to cross play. But it'll be a year or so (probably more) before you really see cross play make it's way to most mainstream 3rd party titles. By then Sony will have a new console announced that will leapfrog XB1X, and actually go the other direction to suck userbase out of Xbox Live. Using the opponent's force against him?

zivtheawesome2076d ago

that's wrong, they get positive PR from this so they would start next gen on the right foot.

2076d ago Replies(1)
Gh05t2076d ago

How does this lose any business for Sony? The only business they stand to lose AT ALL would be those people who only bought a PS4 because all their friends did but they really wanted an Xbox. Otherwise Sony still has everything it had before. Games, Service, VR, and more.

And why would you want your fellow gamers to be forced into buying a product they dont want?

smashman982076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Consumer friendly business is good business. You cannot underestimate having the Goodwill and trust of your consumer base.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2076d ago
bellome2077d ago

And now we can all move to the next futile internet controversy!

Jinger2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

Now we pressure Xbox to get rid of needing XBL to play F2P games online.

porkChop2077d ago

That policy certainly needs to change.

UltraNova2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )

Are you suggesting Sony should take one from MS's book and start their own smearing campaign, advertising their true free to play offering?

Well, that ain't a bad idea...

As for Fortnite I'll happily keep my settings to PS4 platform only since keeping up with players on a mouse/keyboard is futile.

-T9X-69-2077d ago


Keeping up with players using mouse/keyboard is futile? So how have you been keeping up this entire time considering PS4 and PC has been crossplay/crossprogression since day 1? Sounds like the only "smearing campaign" is coming from uninformed fanboys.

UltraNova2077d ago (Edited 2077d ago )


You do know that you have to be invited on a PC user's party to play with them while on a ps4 and that the game doesn't automatically mix PC and PS4 gamer pools right? Evidently you don't....

"uninformed fanboys" smh...

-T9X-69-2077d ago


Ummm no. A PC player can join a PS4 party and can use mouse and keyboard. If I join my cousin playing on PS4 and he selects duos, it will matchmake with other PS4 players while a PC player is in the party. You could be in the same game as me and I'll be using MKB while you play. Why do you think in August they put out a state of development to include "input based matchmaking"

The more you know.

ninsigma2077d ago

Well I would have considered that more important than the crossplay issue myself but whatever, let's see of the media will be as pushy about that as crossplay. Considering the length of time f2p paywall has been a thing for xbl, I doubt it.

Jinger2077d ago


Absolutely. I also implore that if any of you guys on here are a writer for one of the smaller sites that submit their articles on here, please make a fuss about it like everyone did for Crossplay.

TekoIie2076d ago


Then start writing articles about it and make it a big deal if you want to artificially create a story. No point complaining otherwise.

Jinger2076d ago


I don't have a platform to write on unless you want me to write a user blog that no one will care about haha

chiefJohn1172076d ago

Yup it need to go. That's the next thing on the list
No drm ✍️
Better dualshock rubber✍️
More power ✍️
Psnow downloads ✍️
Crossplay ✍️

All that's left is
Half life 3
No gold for f2p

Obscure_Observer2076d ago


"Now we pressure Xbox to get rid of needing XBL to play F2P games online."

YES! This is an anti-consumer practice that needs to go away ASAP!

wonderfulmonkeyman2076d ago

Sign me up for that fight; I don't even own an Xbox and even I can see that that's one policy that should be tossed out a high window, along with whoever suggested it, AND the chair they were sitting in for good measure.XD

wonderfulmonkeyman2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

If Sony somehow finds a way to enable PS3 bc, I'll put everything but Smash Ultimate aside until next year, and start working towards a PS4 within the next 3 months.
That feature would instantly sell me on the system; I have waaaay too many good games on PS3 that I would love to play on a newer and more reliable Sony console.

Teflon022076d ago

Fortnite isn't a game where you're really at a disadvantage on console ever since builder pro. Iplay on both and I leave mine defaulted to Crossplay just because I play on both, it's the same on both ends for me honestly

ILostMyMind2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Good luck at that. PS users have no reason to get involved in this matter. We can now see how loud XB users can be when the problem is on their platform.

NatFanBoyRestricted2076d ago

Sony fanboy agendas change quick around here. One moment they don't care about Xbox, next moment they want policy changes.

MasterCornholio2076d ago

I firmly believe that a game isn't FTP of it has a mandatory online subscription attached to it.

Time to tear that wall down and allow Silver gamers to game with everyone else.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2076d ago
IMissJimRyan2077d ago

Time to write articles saying that it's too low and too late for PlayStation.

wonderfulmonkeyman2076d ago

God, I hope not.
This is great news and should be accepted as such.

Cohagen4202076d ago

So more stupidity, got it. Wonder where are all the ppl that forgot to ask why Xbox were the ones against it last generation, interesting how that's never brought up..

rainslacker2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Probably something more about how its doing it wrong somehow.

99% of websites and bloggers/streamers would go out of business if they couldn't find something negative to write about. Same holds true that at least 50% of all news media outlets would go under if they didn't provide a constant stream of negative news to keep people engaged.

spartan112g2077d ago

Only idiots thought this was futile. The goal should be to have less walls than more.

Gh05t2076d ago

It literally was the opposite of futile... results were produced, this article is the proof.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2076d ago
Bhai2077d ago

Yeah in a practically non-existing war! ;) heh heh ...

SuperSonic912076d ago

No winners no losers. Just gamers.

Platformgamer2076d ago

xbots and nintenfanatics won, not gamers

Mr_Writer852076d ago


Awww is the snowflake fanboy going to cry?

Suave_Langosta2076d ago

Haha salty Sam over here, get over it, cross play is beneficial to all despite your brand loyalty.

starchild2076d ago

I guess you should change your name to "SinglePlatformGamer" ; since that's what you sound like.

Crossplay is a great thing for gamers who want to play with friends on different platforms.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2076d ago
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