
PSVR Sales Soar And Wild Duke Nukem Game Rumors On BJ Shea's Geek Nation On KISW FM

For his segment this week on BJ Shea’s Geek Nation on KISW FM; the Rev and Gareth at Skewed and Reviewed discuss The PSVR reaching 3 Million units sold and what it means for fans. They also discuss the new Elite Pro 2 from Turtle Beach and the wild rumors of a Duke Nukem Battle Royale game.

playnice2102d ago

3 million is nice but is it enough?

Garethvk2102d ago

3 million more than MS or Nintendo and more VR games coming. So others are missing out.

Dom_Estos2102d ago

That's a good way of putting it.

I'm hopeful it'll sell at least twice that by the end of its cycle. That's a good first run out, hopefully enough for Sony to go for another attempt with better trackers, controllers. Just widen the FOV, and even double the resolution for each eye and they'll get my money.

StormSnooper2102d ago

I’ve been meaning to try that! It looks impressive

Abnor_Mal2102d ago

Three million is nice, but it's just a start. Everyone sitting back to see how it does, but it will never get off the ground if all everyone does is sit back and wait to see how the medium grows.
Sony also needs to have some of it's first party studios make games for the device. That would show that they have a lot of confindence in the product. Make a known title be vr compatible, or fully vr. Make a fully fleshed out Syphon Filter vr game, or another series that's been idle for years. Give people more of an incentive to get the PSVR.

Teflon022102d ago

They should bring back a social chatting thing like home. Give it extra function for VR users. Similar to VR Chat. That alone gives people a reason to use or get it. They understand the benefits that way. When it's just a proper first person experience, it's nice for racing but that's it really. Games like beat saber and VR chat are what give you a reason to own. Not Skyrim and doom, even if they're great games because it doesn't really add to the experience in a way that warrants it

Venoxn4g2102d ago

I still believe that Doom VFR with Aim controller was pure amazeness

Abnor_Mal2102d ago

There is something like Home on PSVR call Rec Room, where you can play a few games and create an avatar and have social interaction with others. It also seems to be updated regularly from the emails I constantly recieve.

Abnor_Mal2102d ago

@Venox2008, DoomVFR was insanely fun to play, and in my personal opinion better than Farpoint as far as action goes. The last few levels of Farpoint were a bit boring fighting the humanoid aliens and the sky drones, had more fun with the insects.
I wish I could play the console Doom in full VR also, as I kind of stopped playing and never finished. May replay VFR then go back to the console game this winter.

2102d ago Replies(3)
Bennibop2102d ago

Firewall zero hour should boost psvr sales, it is excellent and so much fun to play!

RememberThe3572102d ago

WTF? BJ does nerd stuff? I thought if it wasn't Alice in Chains or Led Zepplin it wasn't on KISW. This station is freakin timless, we have The Men's Room and now this? I might have to finally trun my radio from 710.

adamwparker2102d ago

BJ is a WAY big self appointed nerd.
His geek nation podcast isnt on KISW 99.9 radio though. Only his rock morning show with Migs is. You have to stream/download it from their site. Mon, Wed, & Fri.


BJ is a huge Star Trek & Lost In Space fan and boardgames every weekend.

Doesn't get more geeky than that. I've been listening to Geek Nation for a decade now. I just enjoy the crew.

RememberThe3572102d ago

Too bad it's not on air, but shows are better as pods anyway.

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Skuletor4h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde22m ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast3m ago

Which ones should they utilize more?


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