
6 Xbox 360 Games That Still Need Xbox One Backwards Compatibility

Here are the seven Xbox 360 games that still need to be backwards compatible with the Xbox One, including one last Call of Duty title and a hip hop artist that needs to find his skull.

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Skull5212109d ago

GRAW2 and Ninja Gaiden 2 and I’ll be set. I’m a little bitter though you can’t buy Splinter Cell Blacklist digitally, I certainly would have bought a new copy to play, I don’t have my disc anymore and I’ll never own another game on disc. Same thing happened with Red River, not sure why it happens but it is disappointing.

Sophisticated_Chap2108d ago

You can actually buy Blacklist digitally:


I agree with you though, we need GRAW2, but the game that I am really waiting for is The Darkness (the first game). I just played through GRAW1, and it was the first time that I had ever played the Xbox 360 version. It was good, but GRAW2 is definitely heads and tails above it in terms of the campaign.

It they could ever manage to release FEAR1 digitally, that would be awesome, but not likely.

AK912108d ago

Would love Dishonored 1 and the Batman Arkham games on BC, the remastered versions of those games is hot garbage.

DivineAssault 2108d ago

Do people actually play 360 games on the xb1 or do they kinda toy around for a while to check out the improvements? Im curious because i cant stand last gen games

2108d ago Replies(3)
2108d ago Replies(1)
annoyedgamer2108d ago

Yes, especially the miltiplayer games. I used it for Black Ops 2.

DivineAssault 2107d ago

I can see that. I dont like shooters but if you play those, i guess youd be really into the BC

Einhander19712108d ago

I bought the Xbox one X because of the backwards compatibility. Last gen games look amazing, Gears, Red dead look incredible in 4K. Still some of the best games were on last gen.

Lon3wolf2108d ago

Infinite Undiscovery is the only one I'm waiting on, I replayed Blue Dragon when it hit BC.

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: New Season 6 MP Map Gameplay Videos

Here is a look at the first two maps of Season 6 for Multiplayer.
La Casa involves intense action in a Vill and Koro Village is a battle in the streets where enemies lurk at all angles and shadows.


Sounds like a remaster of The Darkness game may be in the works

The CEO of Nightdive Studios has said in a tweet that the game is currently on the list for a modern update.

isarai279d ago

Oh I'm sold already, Nightdive does really solid remasters, and to this day I still love the darkness

Leeroyw278d ago

Mike Patton of Faith No More did the voice too. It was such a great game.

Quetzll278d ago

Had no idea and i absolutely love FNM and Patton. Gonna go back and play this game.

Snookies12278d ago

The Darkness was awesome! Here's hoping a remaster might lead to a new game!

RaidenBlack278d ago

Darkness 1 is coming to PC! .... OMG!

isarai278d ago

That honestly might be the biggest W here. Darkness with RTX would be neat to see

I_am_Batman279d ago

Excellent news. The Darkness is one of my all-time favorite games and the sequel is great too. I've just recently had a great time replaying them on my PS3. Unfortunately it's kinda hard to recommend them these days, because they're stuck on PS3 and 360 so a remaster would certainly be appreciated. Nightdive has been killing it lately.

DefenderOfDoom2278d ago

Awesome, I loved The Darkness made by Starbreeze who a lot them are now developers at Machine Games . Yes , again thank you Nightdive !

Dagexon278d ago

Now I'm hoping they remaster more of starbreeze's games. Namely the chronicles of riddick games

DefenderOfDoom2277d ago

Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay , is one my favorite gaming experience I ever had . Great game .!

ModsDoBetter278d ago

Excellent games.
Recently ran through The Darkness 2 on PS3 again.

I hated the switch in style when it first came out but they're both amazing games.

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MW3 shouldn’t leave Modern Warfare 2’s overlooked playlist behind

Modern Warfare 3 is set to be one of the biggest COD games yet features-wise, but it shouldn't leave out one of the best MW2 game modes in the rear view mirror.

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