
New details for OVERKILL's The Walking Dead; PC requirements, game engine, loot boxes and more

In a recent Reddit AMA, OVERKILL revealed some new details about its upcoming The Walking Dead game. According to the developers, their main focus for the game’s E3 2018 build was its gameplay and how to make it fun.

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chris2352165d ago

there have been too many walking dead games that were not worth the dirt under the fingernails. so i somehow doubt this one will be good.

zerocarnage2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

It's not the game I'm concerned with but the developers.

The way overkill and there 505 games went about payday 2 on the consoles was completely embarrassing. I've never seen a dev promise updates every week for a year and half and nothing arrived, yeah for a whole year and half on last gen Xbox and PlayStation the console was left in limbo. There were also other things too along the way which really makes me think can they actually pull this big a game off.

I just don't believe that they can pull it off, I think they have reached for another game which is completely too big for them to do, I still think pay day 2 was with how it was handled.

When you bring a game on on all platform then leave some platforms in limbo in favour of another it really starts to send messages around that not only can't you handle the job, but your basically saying screw the other community's and we have your money already now wait.

It was that bad that I remember the pc crowd even jumped to support the console players and get the devs told. One good thing pc can definitely do it is get a band on the go and organise against developers when something wrong is happening.

One thing for sure is ill be hoping they can pull this game off but so far all I've seen is cutscenes, they really need to get an alpha and beta out there, I want to see thus game in every way as much as possible or I won't be touching it as I'm not being stung by them again.

zerocarnage2164d ago

What I said as a reply to chris235 really does have me concerned, especially when I wrote that before I read the article.

There is absolutely no details surrounding the console release, if there was I must of missed it.

From my experience of these developers and many who went to the forums day in day out for answer on patches and DLC, will know what I am talking about when I say that these devs will throw platforms of players off by telling them lies. As I said before they did it all for a year and a half, hope they have changed and time will tell.

I think ill be watching on this one and that is after release and not just because I think the job is too big for them, mainly it is I don't want to buy the game and it be another payday 2 fiasco that started on one gen, re-released on the next and still had problems.

I do hope however I'm wrong and none of what I've said about the past happens with this new game they have going on, I think they have alot to prove with this game

r3f1cul2164d ago

from the gameplay shown so far, this is literally the single most uninspiring game i've ever witnessed ... seriously youtube it, ITS BAAAAAAD!!!


10 Games So Awful That They Got Deleted

Let's count down games that were so bad that they just had to be recalled, delisted, and left alone as a tale for the history books.

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25d ago

Dhruva Interactive Releases Character Art For ‘Overkill’s The Walking Dead’

Overkill’s The Walking Dead is pretty much dead, in spite of Starbreeze’s intentions to try and make it work with Skybound. And in spite of the unfinished feel of the overall game, there are some things that need to be recognized.

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MasterChief36241910d ago

If I knew Steven Spielberg was going to be in it, I would have been more excited to try it out!


An Update on Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Today Skybound Entertainment released the following statement: As of today, we have terminated our contract with Starbreeze Studios and will discontinue all efforts on OVERKILL’S THE WALKING DEAD.

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Traecy1922d ago

This game future isn't looking to bright.

Literal_Cringe1922d ago

No, that's because it's dead now.

This game only lives up to half its namesake "The dead".

william_cade1922d ago

One of the biggest let downs. I saw the trailer and got hyped. I saw the game-play and well it sucked.

Cmv381922d ago

Just make payday 3, that'll save your butts

Blu3_Berry1922d ago

Not surprised, the game was destined to fail the moment we saw the reveal gameplay. It was so disappointing after those amazing CG cut-scenes they made, and its clear that's where majority of the budget went to. What a shame how this game turned out as it had alot of potential.

1922d ago
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