
Fortnite PlayStation 4 Bundle Leaked with Exclusive Royale Bomber Skin

The team over at the PlayStation Italia Facebook page appear to have announced a new bundle ahead of schedule.

CorndogBurglar2171d ago

I think people are missing the real funny part.

They are offering a bundle. A console that is bundled with an already free game...

Dirtnapstor2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

It will probably include the SP component Save the World.

G3ng4r2171d ago

And a skin to make donations to a good cause that sony steals a cut of.

Ron_Danger2171d ago


So where's your proof that Sony is stealing donations? Because that claim would be a federal crime. Stealing donations for gain is embezzlement:

Now if you want to dive into shady practices for a free to play game, what's your opinion of Microsoft forcing you pay to play Fortnite on Xbox? Xbox is the only device that locks Fortnite behind a pay wall.

Aenea2171d ago

It does include the $/€40 costing Save the World tho...

NewMonday2171d ago

If this becomes a best-seller I don't wan't to hear anymore cross-play rants.

PUBG2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

Hopefully there will be a warning on the box, informing people that their Fornite accounts will be locked to the PS4.

Aceman182171d ago

Hey crossplay fanatics why don't you go complain to MS that they should allow FF14 on the system with crossplay. Oh that's right SE said M$ said no because they only wanted their gamers to play on a separate server.

SE told them nope.

Eonjay2171d ago


How's that law suit going?

admiralvic2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

"I think people are missing the real funny part."

I don't know if I'd say that, since Fortnite itself is kind of funny for the same reason, at least when you think about it. Battle Royale aside, you're talking about a game that was designed to go free-to-play, but was sold, even in retail stores, as essentially an early access title (everything past the second world, at least at launch, was just reusing designs of previous areas), with all the negatives of a free-to-play game. If it wasn't for luck and Battle Royale, I wouldn't be shocked if Fortnite would've been declared a failure.

" A console that is bundled with an already free game..."

That being said, it isn't unheard of to offer paid content for a free game in a bundle. Tera, Warframe and many other free-to-play games offer special bundled versions with exclusive content, though, in this case, it's fascinating how people speculate about something the image, site and Facebook page outright detail (I know, no one actually READS the articles posted here, which is another "real funny part."). It includes a pathetic 500 V-Bucks and a unique skin. I mean, it's better than nothing, but not much more than it either.

However, I'm still happy to have the bundle. Not because it's useful, it really isn't, but because some people are so stupid it makes me wonder how they function in the world. For example, here is a recent interaction:

-gets called over there- Guy "Yes, I hoping you'd have a bundle with Fortnite." Me "We do not, but Fortnite is free." Guy "What do you mean?" Me "It's free." Guy "Yes, but what does this mean?" Me "It doesn't cost money?" Guy "So, I don't need to buy it?" Me "No. It's free." Guy "As in, I don't need to purchase a disc?" Me "Yes. That is what free means." -walks away- Guy "But I still don't know what you mean by free!"

KillBill2171d ago

Everyone commenting on 'Save the World'... come on people you could make that part free and people wouldn't care. Fortnite is all about the FREE Battle Royal... anything else is... meh.

butchertroll2171d ago

Save The World isn't free. It cost 40$

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2171d ago
Godmars2902171d ago

Fat lot of good that would do them. In a sane world.

In ours? it'll like sell well enough to convince them to keep doing what they're doing.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod2171d ago

LOL what? It's hliarious watching Nintendo and MS fans act like Cross play is some huge deal..out side of hardcore gamers no one cares. Ps4 more expensive keeps easily outsellling xbox. Games are more important. Keep doing what they are doing...investing in studios who make great games for their fanbase.

SarkyPlays2171d ago

Nobody cares? Greg Miller (a well known self confessed Playstation fanboy has even called Sony out for this) nd there’s PLENTY of gamers I’ve seen on twitter and other forums calling them out, it seems it’s a bigger issue than some are trying to downplay it to be

bluefox7552171d ago

It's a non-issue, and this is reflected in the fact that it's had zero effect on sales. MS isn't closing the gap now that they are in favor of something they used to be against, because it benefits them far more than it would Sony. I don't know anyone outside of N4G that cares about crossplay.

Lovable2171d ago

I love how people kept on bringing Greg Miller as if he is their All god father. No one cares about cross play. DEAL WITH IT!

Uken122171d ago

Don't be dumb, play a PC gamer on FN with your PS4. You get romped. Fortnite is much better on PC. PS4 delusion is real. All the pros play on PC.

Crossplay is important, people have wanted it for a long time. Sony is behind on this one.

Software_Lover2171d ago

My sons want to play with each other and they are far from hardcore. They are 10 and 12. One plays on PS4 and the other plays on XB1X.

I have never said anything about Crossplay in my home as I don't play multiplayer games for the most part, but they are always asking why they can't play with each other "it's just the internet".

Ricegum2171d ago

Oh of course Software Lover thinks it's a big deal, he's so pro Xbox it's ridiculous 😂

The only people who think crossplay is such a big deal are Microsoft fans and randomers on the internet. In the real world, no one actually gives a damn.

neutralgamer19922171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )


the same fat greg miller who didn't have his friends back and went after corporate money more than standing by his friend(Colin) yeah no we don't want him associated with ps brand. he doesn't represent us and he use to be with PS under ign now he covers all platforms

point stands cross play isn't important
backwards compatibility isn't important
game pass isn't important
ea access isn't important

exclusives games are important
they sell systems

don't believe me look at sea of thieves, PUBG, and SOD2 all selling so well on xbox one that tells us xbox fans are desperate for games because they are buying broken/unfinished and games with glitches in high numbers

Cross play is offered on PS4 with PC, ps4 has more cross play titles than xbox one and switch combined, and ps4 lets you play F2P games without requiring psn. But since E3 MS seems to have paid a lot of people money to talk bad about ps4


the only one delusional here is you it seems since ps4 does offer cross play with PC

sony has a bad history with ms,nintendo that's why we won't see cross play with them

nintendo backed out of billion dollar deal with sony and embarrassed them at E3 by going with their competition and MS executives are on record saying bill gates wanted xbox to run PS out of business yet some of you think sony will jump in

KickSpinFilter2171d ago

Again...the issue is not about crossplay. It's about locking your progression into PS4. Ideally your game save should be able to move from PS4 to Switch to PC and back again. As far as MT's go I think it's fair to have those locked to a certain device. (So your "jacket will not play on Switch for instance if bought on PS4)

Hardiman2171d ago

It is silly because if crossplay is such an issue for Sony then why pray tell is the PS4 selling so much better than Xbox One? It looks to me it's more of an issue for M$ and less so for Sony!

Also Epic can't be too upset because now we have a Fortnite bundle as well!

343_Guilty_Spark2171d ago

Do your knee pads have a Sony logo on them?

ILostMyMind2171d ago

For them it is. Who else are they going to play with?

arkard2171d ago

@sarky those are mostly trolls who have nothing to play on their own console so they latch onto the latest "controversy" and pose as Sony fans dissapointed in their policy

Mikechester2171d ago

Sad to know that ps4 fans like you are mentally braindead and the 49+ n4g users have liked your retarded comment.

MattE2171d ago


How do you know it hasn't affected sales? It's only just started to get headlines

This is the problem with this generation of gamers, spout sh*t out without any thought or common sense just to be part of the winning team

tontontam02171d ago

MS and Nintendo are advertising to bury the fact that you could play fortnite batle royale on ps4 without subscribing to ps plus.

soon nintendo will also be charging for online play.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2171d ago
2pacalypsenow2171d ago

Whatever Sony is doing, seems to be working.

MuddyWaters2171d ago

Same with Electronic Arts too and Ubisoft and Activision. After all you guys seem to think all that matters is sales.

UCForce2171d ago

@MuddyWaters I’m pretty sure MS and Nintendo care about sales as well.

2pacalypsenow2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )


Sony has the sales and the games.

What else is there for a console? Sony wins and the gamers win.

Only ones loosing are people who don’t have a PlayStation.

And if you think MS and Nintendo don’t care about sales, I got news for you.

MuddyWaters2170d ago

You guys complain about how Electronic Arts does business and since sales is all that matters then you should stop complaining, It's the same defense force mechanism you guys display about crossplay. So if one argument is that's just business then please try and be consistent about it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2170d ago
Rude-ro2171d ago

The game will take a hit soon anyways and most likely due to crossplay.
The nerfs going into the game are to try and close the skill gap due to players getting pub stomped by pc players.
Building is getting nerfed and shotguns have been nerfed...
They are slowly taking away the fun of the game. Streamers across the board are getting frustrated.., lose them, lose the larger base market.

Z5012171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

"The game will take a hit soon"

No it won't. It's not even officially released yet. Watch what happens when Save the World goes F2P and people can start farming V-Bucks.

Goldby2171d ago


this is epic we are talkign about. they shut down a game that wasnt even fully released becuase they were losoing community due to nerfs and changes they made that the community is against. if this is happening agian with this, it will happen just as it did with Paragon.

being in early access dont save it from being shut down. and when save the world (which is rarely supported) does become free to play for everyone, they are gonna nerf Vbucks as well, into the ground. would be shocked if it went down into the single or double digits for vbuck farming. 50 max i could see

Rude-ro2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

I’m not saying it negatively for any reason except for that is the current situation.
You can farm all the v-bucks you want, but if the game keeps nerfing the skill gap, players will leave.
A lot of the player base is from destiny.. and we saw what happens to a game if they nerf skill gaps. Streamers leave and the horde follows.
Thankfully they update rather quickly, so if said nerf fails, they will pull it I would think.

DialgaMarine2171d ago

It’ll sell very well, regardless of how bad some people want it to. This whole cross play debate has been on for quite some time now, yet PS4 continues to be the market leader and the console of choice for third party games by the majority of console users. Clearly this whole thing is far more overblown than many claim.

Funny how all these fanboys and media outlets continue to ignore the fact that cross play/ cross progression works fine between PS4 and PC. At the end of the day, Sony doesn’t have a cross play problem; they’ve been doing it with PC since the PS2 era. They have “not wanting to give in to MS and their whiney fanboy temper tantrum demands” problem. I say, keep it up. Xbox fanboys always talk so much crap about PSN and their users, but then cry when they can’t play with us because their precious XBL is drying up. Enjoy the desert, shills.

Also, Gangsta and Septic, stop dodging the fact that MS does the same exact thing to Steam users, yet you refuse to say a word while you continue to call Sony “anti-consumer. Guys like you aren’t pro-consumer; you’re just Pro-MS.

RauLeCreuset2171d ago

Why do people act like they're new to this concept of how consoles make money? Consoles make money by establishing a customer base that buys within their ecosystem. Sony has the larger share of customers among consoles. They don't want to share their customers with their competitors, because they have more to lose than to gain from their competitors' smaller customer bases. MS isn't even pooling all of their customers, because F2P is locked behind a paywall.

Kokyu2171d ago

No its not. Any F2P game is free to play with out PS+

Goldby2171d ago


hes talking about xbox, you need gold to play onlione no matter if its a free to play game or not

RauLeCreuset2171d ago


Yes. Thank you.


I was unable to flesh out my point as well as I wanted. Think of cross-pay/cross-progression as a form of pooling customers. MS is not offering up all of their Xbox Live subscribers in that arrangement, only the Xbox Live Gold subs, because F2P is locked behind the Gold paywall.

Sony doesn't lock F2P behind a paywall. They would be making available all PSN subs, and they already outnumbered Live subs without Xbox limiting the number of their Live subs being shared to Gold subs.

That's a bad arrangement for Sony. Consoles rely on people making purchases within their ecosystems. The odds are far greater that a PS4 player would migrate to a competitor console and spend money in that competitor's ecosystem (through the purchase of F2P add-ons) than a customer from one of their competitor consoles migrating to spend money in the PS4 ecosystem.

DialgaMarine2171d ago

It’s just your usual corporate shilling bro. MS could come out tomorrow and say “Nevermind, we’re no longer interested in cross play anymore”, and guaranteed 95% of these “pro-consumers” will respond with “well, we didn’t really want it anyways”.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2171d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2170d ago
-volt-2171d ago

Cool I can't wait to see it when I cross play with someone.

Rude-ro2171d ago

You can cross play...
You can not carry your account around. You know, like most other games available.

2pacalypsenow2171d ago

I cant carry my BF1 account from the PS4 and play it on my Xbox tho..

I couldn't carry my COD account and stats from the 360 to my Ps4 tho..

Ron_Danger2171d ago


This is reminding me of when Rock Band 4 launched this gen and so many Xbox users switched to PS4 and lost all of the dlc songs they purchased in the MS store. They complained on the Harmonix forums for about a month, then they got over it and it was back to business as usual.

The 10th Rider2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

...But the different between Fortnite and most other games is that Fortnite DOES allow you to carry it between some platforms. With BF, CoD, and countless other games your progress doesn't transfer between any consoles. With Fortnite it transfers between some consoles and there's only one company blocking it from transferring between all consoles. I don't see how that's so hard to understand. How can anyone look at that and defend it?

Rude-ro2171d ago

@the 10th
That’s the point.. why is it such a huge deal being it is a first step in the process?
The issue is opening up your system and Sony is very picky about it for very clear and good reasons.
The overall attack is a publicity stunt from other businesses in the market.
The ordeal is not huge because it is not common practice by anyone else.
In fact, Microsoft’s play anywhere is far worse with consumers because you HAVE to buy the Xbox version to play “anywhere” on pc even if you own the game already on pc. See pubg.
This is fine and was of no issue to anyone, but when a game finally offers it, it is the worst thing a company can do when what they are doing has been what 98% of what all consoles still do.

Ricegum2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

10th Rider

"How can anyone look at that and defend it?"

Because no one actually gives a damn, apart from you Xbox guys.

The 10th Rider2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )


If the issue is about opening up their system, why do they allow it with PC and mobile? Both of those are more open to security flaws than other consoles are.

It is absolutely a big issue. There's literally a company that wants to let you share your progress for a game across all consoles, and only one console maker is blocking it. It doesn't matter if it's not common practice, it would be better for gamers if it became common practice.

Even on the largest PS4 community on the internet, the PS4 subreddit, one of the top posts during E3 week was asking Sony to let people share their Fortnite progress with other consoles. It got as much as attention as anything Sony showed off during E3, so it is absolutely a huge issue for not just Xbox and Switch gamers, but Sony gamers as well.

Around here you guys just try to donwplay the issue and point fingers elsewhere or bring up other things to try put the attention on a different company. It's just sad and pathetic.

EDIT: @Unreal01,

See the third paragraph. Obviously people care about it otherwise it wouldn't be an issue, lol. It's one of the top posts of the month on the Fortnite Subreddit. It is the third highest upvoted post of ALL TIME on the PS4 subreddit, with 10,000 more upvotes than the gameplay of The Last of Us 2 from E3. That's a community of almost 1,000,000 people. Also, I don't own an Xbox at all. I care about it because it would be awesome to be able to transfer data between all consoles and one company is blocking a developer from implementing that.

spartan112g2171d ago

Now that it’s been done, the flood gates are opened. Just like how the iPhone opened the floodgates for touch screen phones consumers are now asking, “well, why not?” You’re all using examples that are no longer relevant since they were pre-crossplay/cross-progressio n. What has been seen cannot be unseen now that Nintendo and Microsoft have shown it’s possible. Also, I platted God of War and Horizon, so don’t @ me about being a fanboy.

RauLeCreuset2171d ago

@The 10th Ridet

"...But the different between Fortnite and most other games is that Fortnite DOES allow you to carry it between some platforms."

It obviously doesn't allow it between PS4 and competiting consoles. That's the point you don't seem to get. Sony has exercised their right not to allow it the same as Sony and competing consoles have historically exercised that right and continue to exercise that right with other games. Do you also get outraged when PSN or XBL have a multiplatform game on sale that the other online store doesn't?

The 10th Rider2171d ago (Edited 2171d ago )

"Sony has exercised their right not to allow it"

That's exactly the point. They have exercised their right to not let block Epic from letting your save data transfer between platforms, even though the system is already in place. They should be encouraged to change their stance on that because it's anti-consumer. Microsoft changed their stance on a lot of things following backlash from the Xbox One reveal. EA changed their stance on season passes and loot boxes. Suddenly when it comes to Sony everyone on this site is okay with anti-consumer policies. As I pointed out previously, on the biggest PS4 community on the internet it is the third highest upvoted post of all time, ahead of anything that Sony showed at E3.

". . . competing consoles have historically exercised that right and continue to exercise that right with other games."

I'd love to know when such a feature was already implemented and ready to go, but was blocked by another console manufacturer.

"Do you also get outraged when PSN or XBL have a multiplatform game on sale that the other online store doesn't?"

What does that even have to do with the situation? It's not even remotely the same thing, lol.

RauLeCreuset2171d ago


"The system" has always been in place. This isn't an issue of technology. It's an issue of permission. Of course Ninty and MS want to give theirs in their position. They stand to gain an influx of customers spending money in their stores while shoring up their online communities. Stripped of this ridiculous notion that Epic has enabled something heretofore not possible, your argument amounts to little more than saying Sony should do something just because their competitors did. That's why I teased you about getting mad at one system when the other has a sale.

The 10th Rider2170d ago

It's not that it previously wasn't possible, it's that no company has done such a thing in the past. You have yet to provide an example where such a thing was in place previously and another console-maker denied it. You can't because it hasn't happened in the past. Now there is a company that has implemented such a feature and there is one console manufacturer that is denying it. It's well within their rights to do so, but it would be better for gamers as a whole if they allowed it.

"Your argument amounts to little more than saying Sony should do something just because their competitors did."

Funny you say that and ignore that I literally said "It would be better for gamers if it became common practice." As I already pointed out, and you conveniently ignored, it got more attention on the largest PS4 community on the internet than *anything* that Sony showed at E3. It's clearly an issue that PS4 gamers care about on top of gamers on other consoles.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2170d ago
Ron_Danger2171d ago

PS4 can still cross play with PC, Mac, IOS, and android:


2171d ago
2171d ago Replies(4)
corroios2171d ago

The New way to try and attack Sony, lol. Cross play Accounts. Go make more ads...

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Let's Be Real, There Is Nothing "Micro" About Microtransactions Anymore

Microtransactions have gotten ridiculously overpriced in recent years, with titles now offering cosmetic skins worth more than some games.

Terry_B27d ago

Yup..this is 100% the sad truth

z2g26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

The elephant in the room tho is personal accountability. It’s easy (albeit basic) to blame the big, bad corpo, but microtransactions wouldn’t be where they are if gamers didn’t spend money on them. As it stands the MTs usually make more than the game. Publishers know raising game prices will cause backlash, so they do MTs to compensate. But the adult conversation is consumers determine the success of products with their wallets. So if MTs are a huge thing, it’s because we as consumers told them we like them by giving them a lot of money for them. So if you don’t want them to be a thing, convince your fellow gamers to stop buying them and expect that games will be decently more expensive. You all can disagree all you want, but reality is a bitch, and eventually you have to live in it.

anast26d ago

Trying to convince people is the least realistic thing. If we are trying to be adults, actual action is what changes things not "convincing campaigns" on platforms owned by the people 'you' are going against. It's madness and idealistic.

ApocalypseShadow26d ago

Easier said than done. I've told gamers for years to not buy micro transactions, expensive dlc, etc. Gamers bought it anyway. Didn't fit on a DVD that would have fit on a Blu-ray disc.

I also told some gamers to not pay for online like Xbox Live because it would force the rest of the industry to only offer playing online if you pay for it. Told them not to support a broken console that Red Ringed. To not support Xbox One because Microsoft tried to take away game ownership and how you play your games. To not pay for a console by one manufacturer where a, now 3 trillion worth, didn't make enough games at the level of Nintendo or Sony who are worth less money.

How much of that did you support anyway with your money then go back and read your comment again.

notachance26d ago

yeah that was like telling people not to do drugs or alcohol, these game companies invested a lot of money in researching about how to make people buy MTs, from creating mechanics like loot boxes, purposely make the game grindy, all the way to menu designs and what color and sound effects played when gamers bought MTs.

It was specifically engineered to take advantage of vulnerable and prone to addiction people.

bradfh26d ago

People always struggle with issues like drinking, drugs, and gambling. But in games, especially those played by kids, microtransactions are another way companies take advantage of them. It's a problem that needs addressing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 26d ago
S2Killinit26d ago

I recommend everyone read this article.

My suggestion is to name these transactions, what they ARE: Hidden-fees.

isarai27d ago

I mean except for the amount of content you're paying for.

Hugodastrevas26d ago

There never was, the only time I paid for a microtransaction was on Blacklight Retribution (PS4) and it was because I enjoyed the game a lot so I felt the devs should get something for all that entertainment (€5 "membership")

-Foxtrot26d ago

The devs wouldn’t get that though, that shit goes straight to the higher ups who do f*** all let’s be honest.

Hugodastrevas26d ago

Probably, but I wasn't as cynical back then and €5 wasn't a big ask to get the guns with grinding instead of renting them, and the game was good (still is on the PS5/4)

CrimsonWing6926d ago (Edited 26d ago )

I couldn’t believe what Blizzard charged for horse armor and cosmetics in Diablo 4…

I remember back in the day when a season pass was $15 and you got everything included in it. Now, I see them at $60 and you still don’t get everything.

CantThinkOfAUsername26d ago

That's just Blizzard. Unlike Bethesda's $0.99 horse armour, Blizzard's first microtransaction, Sparkle Pony, cost $15.

Phoenix7626d ago

Bethesda out did themselves a few years back with 76. They released a Xmas bundle for half price on day of release! So, was meant to sell for only $12 from day 1, but tried to convince everyone it was half price, by marking it at $24!

Shane Kim26d ago

As soon as gaming wasn't deemed nerdy anymore, and reached the casuals this happened. We're smart, but casuals play mobile games and other stuff, and don't really have anything to compare. They think gaming is supposed to be like this and pay for in game purchases.

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Metroid’s Samus Almost Came To Fortnite—Here’s Why She Didn’t

Samus Aran from the Metroid series almost made an appearance in Fortnite, but Nintendo and Epic couldn’t agree on how she’d be implemented.

Read Full Story >>

GaaS – The “Only” Way Forward

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Warner Bros. gaming boss J.B Perrette recently described traditional AAA games as “volatile”, but while that development approach has its issues as well, in reality it’s the GaaS format that best fits this description, as each title is quite literally as likely to explode in popularity as it is to implode."

Read Full Story >>
Alos8857d ago

Live services aren't the way forward, they're an expensive dead end that appeal to execs far more than the gaming community.
For every game that gets it right, at least five fail miserably and make no money at all. What WB and other companies consider to be easy money is actually a much worse bet than a SP title or traditional MP game could ever be.

senorfartcushion56d ago

You're talking about videogames. To these people, they don't want videogames, they want services.

The thing I've been trying to wrap my head around lately is not thinking of services as games. Games are made, games are owned and games are played.

I actually got the opportunity to speak to someone in marketing for a AAA games company and when I spoke about my annoyance regarding ownership they got flustered and actually became weirdly pedantic.

"No, you don't own the games, that's not how it works. You're wrong. They're not meant to be owned and people don't want to own them." Like they were helping people?

It was weird. It changed my outlook on the games. A Fortnite player is technically not a proper gamer. They play Fortnite but they've no idea what Assassin's Creed even is.

FinalFantasyFanatic56d ago (Edited 56d ago )

I think this just goes back to companies trying to force the subscription model into everything, I don't want to pay a subscription to use Office or Adobe, I don't want to pay a subscription for heated seats in my car, I don't want to pay a subscription for multiple games. I want to buy and own the product to use and enjoy as I please, I also don't want a constant internet connection for everything either.

PapaBop56d ago

Helldivers 2 proved live service works, I think there will always be room for good ones that respects the player base but ultimately, how many GaaS games can people juggle realistically before gaming becomes more of a chore than a hobby? FOMO is also a huge problem with these games.

CrashMania56d ago

'how many GaaS games can people juggle realistically before gaming becomes more of a chore than a hobby?'

This to me is one of the main cruxes of the problem. If you try shove 10 GAAS titles down everyones throats, that demand you spend a few hours every day for the 'dailies' and 'weeklies', there's just not enough time for them and they saturate each other.

Cacabunga57d ago

The only way to flop.. ask Rocksteady

RNTody57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

So says the company responsible for one of the biggest flops of the year. This is a pathetic attempt to push an agenda to justify GAAS and mobile monetisation in triple A games. Do you think we're stupid? No one asked you to balloon your development costs by over hiring and expanding and over estimating sales and budgets, failing to meet targets, developing trash games like Suicide Squad that have to be delayed and take 6 years to release because of poor reception, creating mediocrity like Gotham Knights, or over extending on advertising

As the article points out, Gaas is equally likely to be a monkey sink especially post release if it fails like Redfall.

Baldur's Gate 3 and God of War Ragnarok shamed you all. The former for delivering a top quality product without the vices of triple A games, and the latter for releasing an entire game mode and story DLC for free because their product was quality enough to sell beyond expectations.

CrimsonWing6956d ago

It’s already working. I’ve made comments about this and people are happy with Hell Divers 2 and even defending the micros and Battle Passes. We’ve opened the door and traditional games are going to be less and less the norm. Hope you’re happy with the bright future of gaming.

Alos8856d ago

Not when the vast majority of these are failing and losing these studios money. Helldivers didn't succeed because it was live service, but in spite of it- because the devs wanted to deliver a fun game first and a storefront second. It is absolutely not comparable with trash like SS or Skull and Bones.

CrimsonWing6956d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Live Service is Live Service, my dude. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, it’s the thing the industry is pushing for and for a very SPECIFIC reason. You still have your battle passes and micros with Helldivers 2 and everyone has defended it. Why couldn’t it just be a traditional made game with no season passes and micros? Why choose to make the game GaaS?

So, now guess what? You’re going to have many who will just throw everything at the wall to replicate that success. I mean you have Sony looking into pulling an Xbox and publishing on different platforms because sales in traditional game don’t bring a ROI. WB is just hellbent on GaaS because traditional AAA games are “volatile.”

This gen actually has been terrible for Sony with lines like this coming out:

“Sony now expects to sell 4 million fewer PS5 consoles in its 2023 fiscal year ending March 31st compared to previous projections, Bloomberg reports. The revision came as part of today’s third-quarter earnings release which saw Sony lower the PS5 sales forecast from the 25 million consoles it expected to sell down to 21 million.”

““Looking ahead, PS5 will enter the latter stage of its life cycle,” said Sony senior vice president Naomi Matsuoka in comments reported by Bloomberg. “As such, we will put more emphasis on the balance between profitability and sales. For this reason, we expect the annual sales pace of PS5 hardware will start falling from the next fiscal year.” Sony added it has no plans to release “any new major existing franchise titles” in its next fiscal year.”


Have you read the leaks of possibly Sony selling Spider-Man 3 piecemeal? I have no idea why dev cost is so expensive now when the tools to make games haven’t changed. Why are they hiring more people when games don’t radically look different than last-gen games or even worse as is the case with Suicide Squad vs Arkham Knight? I think I even read an article on this very site claiming more people enjoy playing older games than games released currently.

We’re going to see shift in games. I think a lot more AA traditional games (which is what the industry needs to do, the onus is on them to manage budget and do cutbacks rather than expect everyone to pay more for games and buy an insane anount to make up for ROI) and a lot more GaaS.

Chriswynnetbh56d ago

@crimson Helldivers 2 is everything right with service games. The micros and battle passes are not remotely predatory and there are plenty of ways to earn the currency to unlock that content at no cost to the player. Everything is not as black and white as everyone here pretends it is. There are levels to it and some live service games are clearly out to exploit and extract as much money as they can as opposed to games like Helldivers that were obviously made with player experience in mind.

Profchaos56d ago

I'm a helldivers 2 player love the game refuse to buy a battle pass they got my money once I'm happy to grind out the free pass

DustMan56d ago

Best 39.99 game purchase I've made in a long time. Like you, I'm not really swayed to heavily to buy any of the extra warbond tiers. Probably get one after I've unlocked all the standard stuff, but even then that just more of a me thing. Need to be able to spend those bonds on something new eventually, but at least their are multiple choices in tiers, and aren't locked into something like COD where you have to grind 100tiers to get everything it has to offer. Not to mention the game is fairly liberal with the amount of bonds, and SC's you can gather in game.

JackBNimble56d ago

Just because a very few games are successful as a live service, that doesn't mean it's the way forward. Very few dev's/publishers have found the winning formula.
There will always be those exceptions

Barlos56d ago

HD2 being what it is, is the reason I didn't buy it, and won't buy it. Any game - no matter how good it's supposed to be - that is live service is an instant deal breaker for me.

Crows9056d ago (Edited 56d ago )

The micros in helldiver's don't really do anything at all. The super credits are to unlock battle passes ..which you can do by playing and to buy cosmetics.....which you also get by playing. Not to mention you can grind super credits in the game.

You can't buy samples or medals with super credits.

Not to mention they don't function like typical battle passes. No expiration

CrimsonWing6956d ago (Edited 56d ago )

This is my point. Everyone, pay attention to how we’re justifying the battle pass and micros now.

There was a time, not long ago, when the backlash was real to anything like this. We’re ok with monthly battle passes now because they don’t expire. I personally, do not like the thought of continuously dumping money into a game over the course of its life-time and the “roadmap” of the game.

I’m saying why even do them in the first place? Why even design with GaaS in mind over just a good ol’ fashioned traditional game design? Imagine if all games started doing this? But hey, it’s not like the battle passes would expire.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 56d ago
anast56d ago

He really means mobile. Hasbro made 2 billion on their mobile monopoly game.

Tapani56d ago

2.8bn in 2023 revenue. I bet that game also has a very high profit margin, so it must be a bit of a cash flow cow for them.

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