
Danielle Beaulieu just made a really awesome cosplay of Ashe from “League of Legends”

I (Robin Ek, TGG) just found out that Danielle Beaulieu dropped some really awesome pictures of her cosplay as Ashe from "League of Legends". Well, I liked Beaulieu's Ashe cosplay so much that I decided to write about the matter.

TGG_overlord2213d ago

I know right? Beaulieu is a 10/10 cosplayer in my book.

ThunderGod_Cid2212d ago

I know right.
It's the kind of hotness that SJWs like to pretend don't exist.

Mista20182211d ago

People who keep bringing up SJWs when nobody else mentioned them, are becoming the new SJW.

UCForce2213d ago (Edited 2213d ago )

I think I need a drink for this. Oh man !

TGG_overlord2213d ago

Take one drink for me as well xD

ChrisW2213d ago

Meh... Cosplay, even of game characters, is marginally game related. So much so, that it really doesn't deserve approval on this site. If anything, put this crap on Anime Shinbun.

TGG_overlord2213d ago

How is a cosplay of a game character related to anything of anime nature? As for the "crap" part, that's your opinion, not mine.

TheOttomatic912213d ago

Don’t bother trying to reason with SJWs Overlord they are mentally ill morons.

EmperorDalek2212d ago

@Ottomatic - There was nothing SJW about his comment. This is about disliking YouTube style clickbait as the most popular articles on here.

Let me put it this way...if a girl decided to flash her tits on camera, with a Mario cap on, claiming to be cosplaying as a female Mario... that would have no reason to be considered gaming news. And that's not far off from what this article is.

ocelot072212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

@EmperorDalek If a girl did flash with a Mario cap on then it wouldn't even be submitted here. I honestly just don't get why people get so upset about this sort of stuff. Noting click bate about it at all. Title says someone is dressing up as Ashe from league of legends. I click the link and I see a picture of someone dressing up as Ashe from League Of Legends.

2212d ago
lociefer2213d ago

So soft porn is ok but saying fuck is not ?!

TGG_overlord2213d ago

In what context exactly? As I don't recall saying that.

lociefer2213d ago

I know you want clicks , but how about a pair of new eyes instead ?

marloc_x2212d ago


..I see no depiction of sex here.

blackblades2212d ago

That's n4g for ya "badumchh"

2213d ago Replies(1)
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