
Microsoft Says It Isn't Working on the Xbox Career System, but It Should Be

The Xbox "career system" isn't in active development, but it would have modernized engagement on Xbox Live in a way achievements no longer can.

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theXtReMe12228d ago

How about Microsoft go back to what they said they were originally going to do with points and let us trade them in for games and DLC on Xbox Live. Every 500 points equals 1 Xbox Dollar. Meaning, complete a games 1000 achievement points and get $2 towards a purchase on Xbox Live. Every 10 games equal $20. Meaning it would take you 30 games to get a free one at $60, but it is still incentive to keep playing and earning achievements.

Maybe Gold members get 1.5x points.

A rewards system to keep gamers playing and coming back for more. Nearly every business has something like this in place now, it’s a shame that Microsoft and Sony don’t have their own.

Xb1ps42227d ago (Edited 2227d ago )

Do you think the video game business can sustain that though? Give away more games than they already do?

I’m all for free stuff but at some point we will end up with free phone app kind of games, it has to be a healthy balance of give and take so that you can innovate..

Shoot all I want is to be able to customize my ui completely.. give me games with achievements that unlock icons, themes and dynamic stuff etc.. that will keep me coming back cause imo ps and Xbox ui are lame as hell.

-Foxtrot2227d ago

Nintendo could have really used a system like this if they kept their Nintendo Stars system and managed to actually do a good online system.

Complete a Nintendo game and it's achievements...get some Star points towards something in the Nintendo store. Get a pencil case or save those points for that highly detailed Zelda statue.

TheCommentator2227d ago

One more indication that MS is shifting it's focus from HW and services as they have been talking about lately.

Kavorklestein2227d ago

Fair point.
I believe they have a solid enough platform by now, that Games should And WILL be the focus for a good while going forward.

WilliamSheridan2227d ago

They actually haven't been saying that. Purple have said it, but Microsoft never said that

TheCommentator2227d ago

See the links posted to jagermaster below... one isn't even a day old and a topic of discussion here at N4G.

WilliamSheridan2227d ago

I misunderstood the post. Yes, they are trying for exclusives

Smokehouse2227d ago

Enough with the systems. I’m glad this isn’t their focus. It could be interesting but they shouldn't be worried about that right now.


Easy Achievements / Trophy Games: Week of April 29th - May 5th

These are the easy Achievement/Trophy Games for the week of April 29th - May 5th, 2024

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72192d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai192d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ192d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil192d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces


Are Achievements Bad For Video Games

Paul Hang: Every gamer knows how iconic that little sound effect is when you get an achievement. However, there are those that aren’t fans of it.

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SullysCigar496d ago

Seems like a bit of a non-issue to me. If you're not interested in achievements or trophies, either ignore them or just turn off the notification. At that point, they effectively cease to exist for you, but at the same time others can continue to enjoy them.

lodossrage496d ago

Yeah I never understood this argument either. It's not as if trophies and achievements are mandatory for a person to enjoy a game. If you want to be a hunter, great. If not, that's great too.

isarai496d ago

They killed cheat codes because devs don't want you to earn them too easily. Also some devs use a simple trophy/achievement as a reward rather than an actual satisfying in-game reward for collectible, which is just lame.

LeeFender496d ago (Edited 496d ago )

There are plenty of games that give you plenty of ingame rewards. What are you talking about? Look at Final Fantasy XV, or any of the AC games for 100% stuff in the games. They give you armor or other rewards.

jambola496d ago

and games like tony hawk remaster or uncharted prove that's on the developers, not the achievements

blackblades496d ago

Yeah and we had this talk in ps3/360 and ps4/one era

Orchard496d ago


If anything, it feels really bare now when you play on a platform without achievements (Switch) or with less focus on achievements (Steam).

Knightofelemia496d ago

Trophy and achievements are fun to unlock. Games that pop trophies and achievements just by making a burger jump is stupid. Games that rely on online to unlock trophies and achievements I stay away from. Games that have the next to near impossible trophies and achievements are a pain in the ass. Honestly if the game is fun I don't mind unlocking the trophies or achievements for it. I had fun getting the platinum trophy for Days Gone and Horizon also enjoyed getting the platinum for RE7 and RE8. Honestly I don't care either way I enjoy not getting trophies or achievements on my Switch, half the time in some games a trophy pops I don't care. I will only care if the game turns out to be fun and I am having a great time playing the game.

TheGreatGazoo30496d ago


Some people are OCD or at lease OCD when it comes to video games. For them, sure I guess. Maybe don't have need to get every ? and see every marker on a map and just play the game. If you live the game, sure, look at the achievements after and see if there is anything you're close to and go for it.

jambola496d ago

I think it can be depending on the person
having a lot of pokemon is great, but if you're a person who has a need to collect everyone, it's a nightmare
same with side quests, collectibles etc
just like anything it has it's benefits and drawbacks

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