
Does Nintendo Need Its Own God of War?

Andy & Steve have GOD OF WAR FEVER! So it got the boys thinking: does Nintendo need an epic Kratos-like experience?

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2pacalypsenow2241d ago

It's nintendo.

Give them another 10 years and they might have a new IP like GOW.

Or they might just release a Mario game in the style of GOW.

UCForce2241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

I think they need to evole character like Link for example. SSM have nailed it right with Kratos. Why can’t Nintendo ? Yes, I do know every Zelda games have different Links and never be a canon. But at least, give Link more layers to make him a character.

quent2241d ago

The words "evolve" and "copy/paste" means 2 different things, try to thing foRe youreself for once and not parrot you're console overlords word for word

Kribwalker2241d ago

Link is fine as he is. Zelda BotW was one of the best games of this generation, and zelda has consistently been among the highest rated games every generation, including the highest rated game this Gen, as well as the highest rated game ever. Nintendo knows what they’re doing with this franchise, they don’t need to add layers to a silent protagonist

UCForce2241d ago

@quent It’s more than that. Breath of the Wild have voice acting cast, but not Link which I found is dumb. Breath of The Wild Ending where Zelda asked Link but Link just stand there with blank eyes. People really think Link need to have a voice. @solidagle I agree with you on that one.

I_am_Batman2241d ago

Just because God of War is an amazing game doesn't mean that every other game should emulate it's formula. Let's not forget that Nintendo has produced 2 titles last year that stand side by side with God of War as the most critically acclaimed games of this generation. There are a lot of ways to achieve greatness that's what makes it interesting.

JaguarEvolved2241d ago

Nintendo needs a proper console and then they can think about games close to god of war 3 calibre on ps3. Afterwards they can think of god of war 4 calibre games.

UCForce2241d ago

@Kribwalker What about God Of War ? People said the game was masterpieces. It has been praised by critics and consumer.

yeahokwhatever2241d ago

You've pointed out a serious flaw in the ratings/review industry. BotW is nowhere near GoW in terms of anything.

gangsta_red2241d ago

Using Link is a bad example as the Zelda games are not about individual characters or growing a character (emotionally) as the game moves on. Zelda games has always been more focued on the gameplay and adventure.

Each game always has some type of gameplay element that is used to separate themselves with each iteration. Nintendo doesn't need their GoW in the same way that Sony doesn't need their own Mario.

It's time to realize that each company is different and provides different experiences for their user base.

S2Killinit2241d ago

I cant believe i agree with Kribwalker. Zelda does not need to evolve. Not all games should be the same. Now, can Nintendo benefit from a game like GoW? Of course, who wouldnt want a game like that in their roster?

UCForce2241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

I know I will get a lot of disagreements for saying it. But in the end, I let Nintendo decide for themselves.

DarXyde2241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

I disagree. Part of Link's charm is being in between mysterious and known. Link is an established character, but also like a user generated character. He has his own personality in some ways, but it's never imposed. It's like you're him, but you're not. More like his God... sort of.

I don't think Link needs to be developed more. Also, every Link is canon. It's the same "soul" at varying points in time (did you play Skyward Sword?).

rainslacker2240d ago

I don't think Zelda needs to "evolve" in the same way that GOW did. But it wouldn't be a terrible thing if they tried to make a game that was more character focused than we typically see in the Zelda franchise. Gangsta said it's more about the game play and exploration, but those things don't have to be removed to have a deeper story and character....as GOW is currently proving.

The nice thing about the way Nintendo handles Zelda, or Mario even, is that it's open enough for each game to be its own thing without affecting the rest of the franchise.

Kribwalker2240d ago


I don’t deny GOW to be a masterpiece, hoping to find out personally myself tonight , but so was BOTW, so why ask to change for the sake of changing?

gangsta_red2240d ago (Edited 2240d ago )

"...but those things don't have to be removed to have a deeper story and character....as GOW is currently proving."

And a deeper story and character doesn't have to be added....as BoTW has already proven.

Hardiman2240d ago

I agree UCForce! I was just talking about that to one of my sons the other day. Zelda being the topic and it's come up before when I was playing through Witcher 3.

We're really big Zelda fans (I've been down since 87) but we all thought it'd be cool if they evolved the series with a more realistic take, especially dialogue.

indysurfn2240d ago (Edited 2240d ago )

Lets face it. Nintendo has a string of AAA games and it has only been out 1 year and 20 days. If it was reasonable, SHOULD have been does Microsoft need a Kratos! Nintendo has Metroid. Many atricles (and common sense) are saying SWITCH WILL PASS XBOX ONE THIS YEAR!.. So who is in need of big sales?

Fire emblem (mainline game) coming this year. Metroid coming this year, And Pokemon coming this year. Plus even more JRPG's and then next year the flood gate comes open on the JRPG's.

If Microsoft had a God of war I would finally turn on something other than my PS4 Pro and SWITCH, In fact I would go buy the xbox one x or f.

2240d ago
deafdani2240d ago


There's zero indication that Metroid and Pokemon are coming out this year. They're most likely 2019 releases.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2240d ago
quent2241d ago

Well Sony released GOW in the style of TLoU so maybe

UCForce2241d ago

Not even close. Even God Of War have a kid and shoulder camera look similar to TLoU, but when you play the game deeply and you know the game is more than The Last of Us.

bluefox7552241d ago

You haven't played it, have you?

HaveSumNuts2241d ago

Closest thing Nintendo ever had to God of War is Mad World on the Wii

bouzebbal2240d ago (Edited 2240d ago )

Haha and uncharted in the style of fifa 3rd person mode? Gtfo

Big_Game_Hunters2240d ago

It's basically TLOU except with shallow dark souls combat and slightly improved "puzzles".

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2240d ago
SuperSonic912240d ago (Edited 2240d ago )

Since the PsOne Nintentendo has been capped.
They tried to advance with N64 and Gamecube interms of graphical powet but their kiddie IPs like Mario and Zelda prevented them from maturing as content creators.
Shigeru Miyamoto's "story telling does not matter" firther more arrest Nintendo's development as a AAA game developer. His conservative stance that games are just games is what's stopping Nintendo.
They wanna stick with the past then so be it.

So unlike Ken Kutaragi whos vision is that computer entertainment will be the ultimate form of entertainment for young and adult people.

Now PlayStation is lightyears away in making video games as a major player in the entertainment industry via maximizing video games' unique way of delivering stories (through integration with gameplay) that rival the best films made by Hollywood.

Now Nintendo is even more relegated to making ptoducts to even younger kids with Labo like they are not targeting children enough already.

Sony and Nintendo are going the opposite ways to run their businesses.

indysurfn2240d ago

Why so irrational? It is irrational to talk about GOW and then dump on Mario? Last time I checked I have been playing GOW for GENERATIONS!!! Irrational is the heart of the fanboy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2240d ago
Scissorman822241d ago

I wouldn't apply a God of War-style of storytelling to say Mario or Zelda. But Nintendo could take a dormant series like a Startropics and turn into an epic tale.

yeahokwhatever2241d ago

I really don't think Nintendo is capable of this level of storytelling. There's 0 evidence they can do it.

franwex2241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

They are kinda subtle when it comes to their story telling. Mostly because they focus more so on the player than the protagonists. 0 evidence is kinda harsh, there is ample evidence. Zelda has a lot of subtle emotional moments. For example when Link leaves the village for the 1st time in Ocarina of Time. Earthbound has emotional moments all over, so does Metroid too surprisingly at the end of Super Metroid. It's not all just Mario Kart.

Scissorman822241d ago

i agree and that's why i think a collaboration would be best. they need to broaden their scope of what story-telling is.

yeahokwhatever2240d ago

"this level" is the important part of my statement. Nintendo obviously can tell some stories. That's not the point. And I definitely agree that Nintendo focuses on the player over the protagonist. After playing a lot of BotW with my kids, I don't feel anything for or about Link. He's this silent face that you're supposed to project yourself into. Which I understand, but it isn't very helpful when you're trying to tell a story. I'm not interesting in pretending to be an adventurer as much as I did when I was a child, I'm more interested in learning about other adventurers and their stories. The way I and my kids play games is different. I accept the story and world-building for what it is, while my kids like to insert their own stories into the canvas. I feel like Nintendo leaves a lot more to interpretation, which younger and more curiosity-driven minds can feed off of. My kids pretend to be whatever their character is, while I am a third party observer while playing.

TallonIV2240d ago

I take it you never played Fire Emblem awakening?

DefaultComment2240d ago

There is a game called legend of Zelda ocarina of time, yeah its an old game of course but that game had an amazing story and CONCEPT. he'll Majoras mark had a deep and dark story but of course you don't know that... You hardly know any better so I pity your lack of knowledge.

Vegamyster2240d ago


The reason they gave to why Link was quite/silent in Botw was kinda messed up, i wasn't expecting it from Nintendo, they're definitely very subtle compared to others.

wonderfulmonkeyman2240d ago

The Thousand-Year Door begs to differ.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2240d ago
ziggurcat2241d ago

No, Nintendo just has to do what they already do very well.

Kribwalker2241d ago

agreed. Nintendo knows what they are doing with their IPs.

Rippcity2240d ago

I'm sorry but Nintendo has no idea what to do with their IPs. It took them years to release a new Star Fox and when they did were so busy trying to sell the Wii U that they completely butchered it. Metroid hasn't had a good entry to the series since the prime days. Kart and Smash get their generational update which they typically don't take any risks on. And BotW was their chance to take Zelda to the next level but instead of taking what people loved about Zelda (epic dungeons, puzzles, unique weapons/items) and expanding on it, they made it into this huge empty explore just for the sake of exploration climbing simulator. Imo I think Nintendo is completely out of touch with what people want them to do with their IPs.

Old McGroin2240d ago

@ Rippcity

Agreed with you up until you start talking about Zelda, it then becomes apparent you have no idea what your rambling on about.

Rippcity2240d ago

@McGroin I realize I'm in the minority here with Zelda but the rest of my argument still stands 😁

G3ng4r2240d ago

No it doesn't. Metroid: samus returns, which was good, hit 3ds last year.

Rippcity2240d ago

@G3ng4r Samus returns is a remake of Metroid 2 which I do not consider a "new" entry to the series. And I was more referring to their console games anyways. Some of their stuff on mobile is good don't get me wrong I'm just not a big mobile gamer.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2240d ago
yeahokwhatever2241d ago

Indeed. Nintendo is great at doing Nintendo. I don't think Sony is great at doing Nintendo and I don't think Nintendo can do Sony.

The 10th Rider2240d ago

Yeah, the whole question is just silly. Nintendo doesn't need their own Good of War any more than Sony needs their own Mario Kart, Smash Bros, etc . . .

Sure, both companies should always strive to broaden their portfolios while continuing with the games that made them as successful as they are, but they definitely shouldn't just copy each other.

rainslacker2240d ago

I don't think Nintendo needs something as violent or dark as GOW. But I would never discourage them from making games that explore deeper story and character elements, or take good things about game design and make it their own.

Need though....that's a word I wouldn't use. I see the comments above assume it would be from one of their existing franchises, and that doesn't really have to be the case. I'd even encourage Nintendo to explore a new franchise if they did something like this.

DaFeelz2241d ago (Edited 2241d ago )

Nintendo doesn’t, but MS does. Both Nintendo and Sony are on cruise control right now and they only need to continue what they’re currently doing. And the closest Nintendo will ever even attempt to get to a character like Kratos, is Samus. So, that’s that.

Segata2241d ago

They have Bayonetta 3 in development. As close as they will get. Besides the new GoW takes some inspiration to classic Zelda games and Botw came out last year reinventing the series to critical acclaim sales and awards.

Moonman2240d ago

You said all I wanted to say. Agreed. :)

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Someone drew Mega Man in the God of War style and it's the Norse reboot you didn't know you needed

Every now and again a video game reboot comes along that completely changes how you feel about its characters, message, and the overall franchise. For many people that was God of War, when creative director Cory Barlog reimagined it in the Norse world. Now this might sound ridiculous, but the next candidate could very well be Megaman. Yes, seriously. Artist Marco Plouffe drew the bright blue hero as if he has been brought up in the harsh world of furs, ale, and gods that are a bit too enthusiastic about killing each other and giving birth to giant serpents.

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Nacho_Z1859d ago

Hats off for the quality of the picture but it's just shaved Kratos with a helmet. Should be blue surely.

Asuka1859d ago (Edited 1859d ago )

His concept is blue in the article. The thumbnail is actually protoman I believe... or judge dredd who knows

yomfweeee1859d ago

No, the thumbnail is Mega Man in GoW. There is also a Mega Man Dark Souls and Mega Man Alien variant.

Asuka1859d ago (Edited 1859d ago )


It's clearly protoman's helmet tho...

CorndogBurglar1859d ago

You are right. The artist's page shows he has a bunch of projects called "Mega Man in...." where he takes characters from Mega Man and fits them in to other franchises.

This project is called Mega Man in God of War, but this is totally Proto Man. It even says it on his page.

devind1859d ago

@yomfweeee The Dark Souls one is not Megaman.

Zeke681859d ago

While this was a great article and concept, I think this "wow let's copy god of war" "wow let's copy battle royal" "let's copy soulsbourne" or whatever is more bad than good for the gaming industry. Why not take, in this example God Of War "style", but put it in let say a middle east setting?
I understand small studios (and ea ms studios) wants to copy everything under the sun, but if you can't come up with your own ideas, why have a studio to begin with?

TLDR; be unique - not a rip off from yesteryear

Zeke681859d ago

Sad to see out 6votes 1 like new, fresh ideas and 5 want another copy and paste game.
No wonder we get a zillion Battle Royal games but not one shooter thinking outside the BR, MT's, multiplayer formula. Why bother do something new and exciting when "the masses" is happy with clone after clone?! I still have hope some unheard of studio is building away on their own unique game like minecraft, pubg, demons souls did back in their beginning. Rather play something new now and then instead of Assassins Creed #57, Need For Speed #326 or battle royal #1057...
Seems I'm in minority here thinking like this. 😩🤔

AK911859d ago

Um no I’m good thanks.

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DrumBeat1881d ago

Look out, Father! Shut it, boy!

He was definitely annoying in combat.