
72% of large UK games firms have bigger gender pay gap than national average

Just a taste:

"Sumo Digital's median hourly rate for women is 34.5% lower than men's."

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2249d ago Replies(2)
MrDead2249d ago

Here is a link to a vid that fully explains the "pay gap"...


kevnb2249d ago (Edited 2249d ago )

women have only been in the work force for a few decades really, give it time for them to get into the higher paying jobs. Until then stop with the misleading articles and stats, you have to examine what is actually happening. To get a better idea start at the schools, look what people are studying by gender. Also, men and women aren't the same... women are more likely to be focused on family rather than the high paying jobs (now this doesn't mean every man and woman fall into this generalization, but there is definitely a difference between men and women in general).

capjacksparrow2249d ago (Edited 2249d ago )

This is ridiculous. There are many more men that have higher positions within the studios, as the article itself says. It would then make sense that, on average, the men would be making more money. If they take two individuals doing the same exact job, one male and one female, and the male is getting paid more to do exactly the same thing, then that is an absolute shame.

Now, if you're to argue that women should have more high pay positions within the industry, that's another story. It should solely be based on merit, not gender, at least in my opinion. Since the gap has been closing between the number of female and male developers in the industry, we'll see even more female leads as time progresses and they master their crafts.

These people are crunching numbers to appeal to a certain political base to strum up some argument. Only when you take a singular studio aside and see equal work for an unequal amount of pay should you shout to the high heavens. Singling a studio out for such atrocious behavior may actually make them change their ways.

2249d ago Replies(2)
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The INDIE Live Expo 2024 event showcased +150 Games during its Saturday broadcast

"INDIE Live Expo, Japan’s premiere online digital showcase series connecting indie game fans all over the world, highlighted more than 150 games during its Saturday broadcast introducing world premieres, new trailers, and updates during its 10th-ever digital showcase." - INDIE Live Expo.

TGG_overlord4d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

"Following a great event in November of last year, DevGAMM Lisbon is coming back to the beautiful and sunny Cascais region to catch up with old friends, connect with game developers from around the world, hear from seasoned professionals, and have a great time all around." - DevGAMM.


Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

shaenoide7d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos7d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb6d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly6d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6386d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly6d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6386d ago

Read the article. Same question.