
World War Z Game Announced With Trailer

A New game based on the World War Z movie has been announced and the new trailer looks great.

Ashunderfire862369d ago

Awesomeness right here cant wait!

Garethvk2369d ago

Loaded up some pictures as well.

Army_of_Darkness2368d ago

This looks siiiick! Days gone and world war z! F#@k yeah!

Summons752369d ago

Great, Days Gone being a rip off World War Z and now World War Z...how many boring and dull generic zombie games do we need?

Ittoittosai2368d ago

Agreed so tired of FPS and Zombies, the industry seriously needs to move on to something else.

The_Sage2368d ago

Days Gone is not a FPS.

brich2332368d ago

yea, cuz days gone was the first zombie game ever made that looks like this. This looks more like Left 4 dead.

Summons752368d ago

Did I say it was? Nope, please read before failing to troll. It's just another generic zombie game on top of another.

Usperg2368d ago

AWW poor you, is another zombie game going to affect your quality of life, will you struggle with daily living???.

Seriously GET OVER IT already!

Summons752368d ago

Woooooooow you're triggered, mad that people care about the quality of the gaming industry. Must be an EA employee still bitter Battlefront got lootboxes taken out.

Scar-2369d ago

I hope it's in third person.

Smitty20202369d ago

Can’t wait for this I just love zombies haha

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a2369d ago

Is it based upon the movie, or the book? The book is a genuinely original take on the global social and political ramifications of a zombie apocalypse, whereas the movie was, well it was missing a lot of elements that made the book great.

TricksterArrow2369d ago

Yea. The movie is okay, but in a summer blockbuster kind of way... which... is weird considering the book and the themes.

KeeseToast2368d ago

I thought the movie was okay, but it definitely was only loosely based on the book. The game is definitely based on the movie since it has the same kind of fast paced zombies, the same logo and is licensed by Paramount

Ukgamer2368d ago

A script was written based on the book but it was “Hollywood” enough so was scrapped and they just used the name so I believe

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WWZ Switch Owners Get A New Update And Trailer

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World War Z review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "The game takes inspiration from both the 2006 novel and the 2013 movie but isn’t heavily based on either property. It starts off rather simple with not even an intro cinematic. It throws you right into the menu where you can select between the campaign, multiplayer, gallery collection, and settings. WWZ 2019 is fairly light on the story and most of the lore can be outright ignored. The experience focuses greatly on the gameplay as it expects you to jump right in."

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