
EA Is Now Ironically Stuck With $60 'Battlefront 2' And No Good Way To Re-Monetize It

When DICE and EA announced that they were temporarily turning off microtransactions in Star Wars Battlefront 2 as a response to the great loot box backlash, fans celebrated, but cautiously. Right there in the initial statement it was made clear that microtransactions would return, in some form, at some point.

Tetsujin2380d ago

This is what happens when you think with your pockets first. No one should have to pay $60, a season pass, AND loot boxes just to get the "full experience." The argument of "we have families to feed" and other nonsense is for the CEO's, Investors, and management, not the actual employees putting in hours to barely make ends meet. Hopefully this is a wake up call to stop trying to find any way possible to squeeze money out of your fanbase.

The one factor I have seen but not many people talked about; children. Something of this magnitude needs to be investigated because it's a T rated game, on top of enticing people to spend more $ for a "chance" to get what they want. There needs to be a line drawn between spending $ towards an experience and just pure greed. After my situation with Fortnite I no longer will spend $ on "chances" because it's the holding out a carrot to later find out you will never get it.

Omnislashver362380d ago

Yeah, gambling is legal, but illegal gambling is illegal no matter how you spin it.

Skull5212380d ago

My fear in this is it will lead EA to believe there is no money to be had in AAA gaming anymore if this title doesn't do well and we will be left with a bunch of crappy Star Wars games from here on out. May also lead them to cancel most if not all the DLC like we saw with Mass Effect.

Nodoze2380d ago


I fully expect EA to state they can no longer support DLC for this title. I can almost feel it. EA is the kid on the playground that when things do not go the way they want...they grab the ball and leave. Expect them to leave Battlefront to rot and all in all will not have learned a damn thing from this fiasco. They will blame gamers for being whiners. The real tragedy here is that underneath all the BS is a great game waiting to emerge. If they fixed progression, allowed for customization, adjusted game earnings to align with performance...we would be on to something really good. The first game was a shell of a game with a Star Wars veneer. It got boring very fast. This one is fun, but broken.

Please EA....LISTEN to the feedback. Adjust your course. Allow DICE to do what they do and you will have the money you seek.

badz1492380d ago

EA relies on MT too much these days.up until last gen, they were still kinda god with many titles and new IPs but once they discovered MTs, they only focus on sure money makers only. no more taking risks with new IPs or SP games. this gen's EA is truly the worst!

Bhuahahaha2380d ago

@skull EA just hold the rights not own the IP(starwars). disney could pull the plug and give it to other publisher/dev

Malacath2379d ago

Except loot boxes are not gambling. You are paying for a box. The box has random loot.

The loot has no real monetary value and cannot be exchanged for real cash. Which means IT IS NOT GAMBLING.

All this whining has basically doomed the game to probably never get any DLC.

If EA promised free DLC then they would have been planning to fund it with microtransactions.

Because of all this bullshit about lootboxes being gambling when they are not there will probably be no DLC for the game now.

All I say to you whining freeloaders with entitlement issues is SERVES YOUR RIGHT if the game get abandoned and received no free DLC.

Omnislashver362379d ago

WTF, please keep your cancer elsewhere Malacath. You're gambling for items that have monetary value, obviously, they're in the game and cost money.

pinkcrocodile752379d ago

This isn't an EA only issue as we know Activision are HUGE on MT's.

I personally don't care about MT's, I just ignore them. Personally I don't understand the fuss. If you don't like them, then ignore them.

The cancer for me is second hand game selling. That F@cks the studios up and ends with MT's as a way to make up the difference or DLC.

I'd ban second hand games if I had my way but would also put a mandatory price drop on all games after 6 months and then at 12 months.

That way the studios get their money, customers don't get screwed and those who can't afford £40 learn to wait and save up.

tontontam02379d ago

This skull521 is really stupid.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2379d ago
CorndogBurglar2380d ago

To be fair, the DLC is free. So no one has to pay extra for a season pass or content.

But you are still right. It shouldn't take all of that. Also, replacing paid DLC with what they tried to do is even worse than paid DLC.

Nodoze2380d ago

This is assuming we get stated DLC. There are no guarantees.

Malacath2379d ago

I personally would rather have free DLC funded by optional lootboxes than pay for DLC.

But then as they promised the DLC would be free they can't really charge for it so EA are stuck.

Expect the game to get abandoned and receive no DLC at all now.

2379d ago
Wenis2380d ago

I agree, except for the part where you talk about the actual employees putting in hours to barely make ends meet. Game developer salaries tend to be relatively high. I'd bet the average developer at EA/Dice is making over $80k.

RegorL2379d ago

Average a year? Making $80k (top earners possibly when counting in employment tax - Arbetsgivaravgift)


DJ2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )

80K sounds nice on GlassDoor, but here’s the reality. I only got offered $19/hr to work on Call of Duty Black Ops 2. The reason HR gave me is that I was anticipated to push 60 hours a week, so my offer was lower than normal to make up for the 20+ hours of overtime per week. There is no guarantee of overtime though; it was a BS carrot on a stick offer to ensure aspiring artists make less money than they would working for Costco.

rainslacker2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )

Probably closer to 50-60K for artists. 80-100K for engineers. Top brass probably in the $150 range.

But most employees who worked on this game were contract employees who were let go when their part in the development was done. In fact, I'd say close to 80% of the people who worked on this game have already been let go, and hopefully, have moved onto their next contract.

Almost all developers working in the inudstry today are contract employees, even when working for the bigger studios. Some which have fluid dev cycles to make more than one game at a time can keep more employees though, but even there, usually half the employees are contract employees.

Unless those people had poor financial management skills, or some other influence which affected their bills, they'd probably not be suffering. They wouldn't be rich or anything, but they certainly wouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck more often than not. I don't know a single developer(and I know a lot since I work in the industry), who's really struggling for money when they are employed. I know some which don't handle their money well....or suffer when they are going through the times where they don't have a job.

The "the devs have families to feed" is just a way to make us feel guilty for not wanting to spend more money on a product, despite these products making much more money than they ever have. Most of these devs aren't paid off the sales of the games, and rarely do the devs that stick around during down times get to share in those bonuses that comes from the sales. This is particularly true with devs owned by a publisher, because they don't receive the same kinds of bonuses that independent 2nd party studios do off of the sales.

DJ example shows what you often see with contract employees. $19/hr is excessively low for an engineer, which can easily make $30-40/hr in any other IT profession as a contractor, and often will get overtime without some false promise that it may be there. I'm assuming he's an engineer, because I don't know any contracted artists that get offered up to 80K a year.

Usually it's the lead artists which make around that much. It's the top earners in game development which make the numbers look higher than they are....but the reality of game development now is that there is a major shortage of qualified engineers, so they always have to put in a lot of hours, and even they're underpaid based on what they could make going to less demanding jobs. Most do it because they love games, but they quickly get burned out because the money isn't there, and priorities in life change quickly....leading to a situation where it's even harder to keep qualified and more importantly experienced engineers. Personally, I was lucky to land a job in tools development, which is much less demanding, and pays really well....and it's not a contract job.

fenome2380d ago

Google "Child runs up bill on parents credit card playing Fifa" or anything along those lines. I just looked it up for something I was going to post elsewhere and there's just article after article about kids spending ridiculous money on these kinds of games. One kid even hung himself after running up a bill on his parents card, it's freaking terrible.

JackBNimble2380d ago

I'm a parent and there is no way that my kids would or could buy anything from an online store like psn. My credit card needs my password and I hold the passwords to my kids accounts and they don't even get to know it.
I did this because my youngest was a victim of a scam and tried to game share and gave out his info and had his account stolen. I was able to get it back but I locked it up.

fenome2380d ago


That's exactly how it should be. I'm shocked by how out of the loop some people are with this kind of stuff, especially when their credit cards and other info is on the line. I was honestly shocked when I saw all those links.

rainslacker2379d ago


Yeah, If I had kids, no way would I give them unfettered access to my credit cards, or ways to spend my money. Not just because kids don't usually understand the value of money or what they're buying, but also because I wouldn't trust them to keep my information secure. Having been a victim of identity theft, which over 10 years later I'm still having to deal with at times, it's just a silly thing to do.

All the tools are in place to prevent this from happening so kids can't rack up huge bills, which forces the parents to report fraud and leave their kids open to legal ramifications, or just pay it off...potentially going into large amounts of debt. However, there are too many instances where it's obvious that there are just too many people out there who are way too nonchalant with their financial information, and place way too much trust in their kids before they teach their kids the value of a dollar, or the worthlessness of MT.

thekhurg2380d ago

Well there was no season pass for Battlefront 2. So your assumption is partially wrong.

Realms2380d ago

EA historically has been a garbage publisher they are as corporate as a game company can get. They started with the monoplization of Madden and FIFA buying the rights to make games under these trade marks has given them huge leverage over those popular sports. Allowing them to control this demographic and make tons of money by marginally upgrading those games yearly and spoon feeding them to the sheep that buy them no matter what every year. They have ruined many games and shutdown so many studios it's not even funny. EA is reaping what it has swone they want to make games for investors fine I just hope enough gamers have the sense to take a stand to make EA do right by Star Wars that is loved by so many people.

FPS_D3TH2380d ago

No season pass as far as I know but still, get your ftp bs outta my paid game.

JohnnyPremo2380d ago

Fantastic comment! We pay to play the full experience not just parts of it. If I gave a baker money for a cake I'd get everything icing included. The sad part too is we are fans and the way they treat their fans is disgusting.

Psychotica2379d ago

of course on the other hand, if you buy a pizza you pay for any extra topping above sauce and cheese

2380d ago
Radiozero2379d ago

There is no Season Pass though

Psychotica2379d ago

Excluding the loot boxes, isn't the base price + cost of a dlc common practice across software in general?
For example if you purchase Visual Studio to do programming, you have a choice such as the Pro version and the Enterprise version that costs the most to get the "full experience". You buy what you can afford, there is no entitlement to get the Enterprise version and the full experience. Even Windows operating system does this.

rainslacker2379d ago

Visual studio is a bad allegory.

Visual studio offers up quite a bit more for that extra money, and you may actually get things you need to make your project...assuming you don't want to write those things yourself.

OTOH, with games....or at least this game...All the content exists for every player, but to get the full experience takes a tremendous amount of time. On top of that, the extra purchases offered up are unknown, so you never know what you're getting. That's not the same as VS, as when you pay for the Enterprise version over the Pro version, you know what additional capabilities you're getting.

C-H-E-F2379d ago

Fortnite? it's FREE why spend money on a FREE game... lawd jebus if people like you learn to NOT spend money on MT then these things won't even exist...

joab7772379d ago

Good point. Are they gonna fix the progression system. I don’t have the game, but without loot boxes, how do you progress now?

rainslacker2379d ago

I'm not fussed if they have no good way to remonitize it. Considering this game will sell probably close to, or more than 10 million copies, they will make many times what they invested in it. Disney and EA will make a hefty profit on it, they just won't make that extra profit from something they literally had to invest almost no money in, as the content is already there.

If EA can't make money on a way to deliver the same content they already have in the game, then it's fine by me.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2379d ago
The 10th Rider2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

I know people here generally don't like Forbes, but this article actually has some interesting insight and I hadn't seen it posted here. Here's a summary of some of the points:

1. Battlefront got backlash for having a $50 season pass and launching with barebones content.

2. In Star Wars Battlefront 2 they changed the system and promised free DLC while using microtransactions and loot-boxes to monetize the game.

3. Thanks to the backlash, they have removed microtransactions . . . but they've stated that they're planning on reinstating them.

4. If they do bring back microtransactions tied to progression then they will still face backlash.

5. If they bring back lootboxes with only cosmetic items they'll still draw ire. They've already enticed responses from multiple governments on the issues of lootboxes.

6. That leaves them with really only one path forwards that won't bring back a ton of backlash: Implementing an online store with microtransactions to purchase cosmetic equipment. No randomized lootboxes at all. It's likely that wouldn't sell as well and certainly wouldn't be nearly so profitable.

7. At the end of the day they promised free-DLC, so not delivering on that makes them look bad. At the same time the game sold significantly worse than the first game and they won't be making the money they thought they would on microtransactions and lootboxes. Not releasing the promised free DLC would upset those that bought the game. Essentially they've backed themselves into a lose-lose situation.

KillBill2380d ago

They can simply go the way of DOA5 where they flood the game with DLC clothes and stuff. Easy to make and profitable. Annoying for sure seeing that much DLC but maybe they can group the items into larger sets to reduce pages of DLC purchase items like DOA5.

rainslacker2379d ago

True, but DOA5 still offered up plentiful content without tedious grind. Plus, most of that extra stuff came well after the game released, and is completely unnecessary to enjoy the game.

Critic4l_Strik32380d ago

Good. Well deserved then. Hopefully its a learning lesson for them and any other developer out there who was planning on doing something similar.

Malacath2379d ago

Yeah it's a learning lesson never to promise free DLC again.

CorndogBurglar2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

Everything you mentioned is 100% accurate.

I also find this important about the cosmetic stuff: The game doesn't have a single piece of cosmetic gear. Not armor, weapons...nothing. You literally can't customize your character or their gear at all. At least not cosmetically. Everything thatbis customizable adds bonuses to your character's stats.

So if they do decide to reinstate MT's for cosmetic items only, then they will have to put in extra work creating all of that cosmetic stuff, because as it is it doesn't exist. This means more dev time creating more content, which in turn means more money spent. Would cosmetic MT's really be enough to make up for what they already lost AND cover the costs of creating new cosmetic content? I doubt it.

The 10th Rider2380d ago

Yeah, if they go cosmetic I'd only really expect a few reskins, which wouldn't take nearly the same level of work.

_-EDMIX-_2380d ago

@10th-agreed if they bring it back and it's just cosmetic I don't think I'm really going to care.

I only want to see it back literally limited to that capacity.

If not, I don't think they should bring back any microtransactions whatsoever.

OB1Biker2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )

They ve already been working on cosmetics for a while but it wasnt ready for launch, or so they said.
tbh a miminal customizing should be part of the free content too.
The points in the article is what Ive been expecting. Whats really unpopular is the loot crates random system really. It just doesnt make sense and could easily be removed. Hopefully they do just that. They ll probably keep some instore purchase like previous game and many other games that people are not so aware also give some progression advantage though I dont like them

Seafort2379d ago

Star Wars is Disney's IP. They won't allow any old customisation in their products. EA has to get permission from Disney to change anything. EA have only licensed the Star Wars IP they can't change anything they want as they have to pass through Disney's strict policies to change any cosmetic item.

This is the downside to licensing as EA have no rights to change anything without Disney's say so.

I'm surprised Disney haven't removed the Star Wars license from EA yet. This fiasco has tarnished the Star Wars name as well as EA and Disney.

The 10th Rider2379d ago


Well, they need to be cosmetic and it should be implemented in such a way that you know what you're buying, you're not buying a *chance* to get a certain item or whatever. A MT store instead of lootboxes. There's already governments looking into lootboxes as gambling and so they really need to be careful with bringing it back if they don't want to ignite a firestorm again.

bigmalky2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )

Loss... Have you seen EA's yearly profits?

Devs don't generally get money from MT's, as they've already developed what is in the loot boxes and have been paid for that work, it goes to the already rich publishers. If devs have to create more cosmetics, they will have to be paid their hourly rate.

More power to the devs, they already have a shit time watching their work and art be slashed to bits by publishers looking to buy a fifth supercar.

You know what they say about offering sympathy to the devil...

_-EDMIX-_2379d ago

@10th agreed. That is the only way I think it needs to be done.

I stopped playing until they fix the progression system (plus I got other games to finish lol)

rainslacker2379d ago


reskins would probably take more work than what they already have. What they were offering in loot boxes was already created. All loot boxes did was provide a delivery mechanism to obtain that content. I could write a RNG radomizer to run server side of this nature with a couple lines of code. The only thing required is making a storefront structure and a way to accept CC payments....something that is already provided on the consoles, and on EA's own storefront.

RegorL2378d ago

Cosmetics in a Starwars game? Remember the out roar when you could have helmet less troupers?
Different heads? Not on trouper side or droids.
Different color schemes? Nah.
Different cloth sets? Only if THE RIGHT set for this map.
Different races? Not without their unique abilities - and that would mean pay to win!
Different weapons? Only if they exist in film - pay to win!

So what acceptable cosmetic gear are there in Starwars?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2378d ago
Gaming4Life19812380d ago

I completely agree with everything you said. I really like this game but EA really screwed up big time with this game and it's sad cause the game is actually really good.

_-EDMIX-_2380d ago


The biggest screw-up is the progression system I can't even properly that level up in this game even though it's a very fun to play against other people and it's clear the design work is some of the best I've ever seen in gaming regarding the Star Wars Universe the progression system just ruins all of that so I'm really hoping they updated to fix it.

freshslicepizza2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

Wet should actually thank EA for abusing the model because now everyone will think twice. If a small developer tried to abuse Microtransactions it would not have gotten much attention.

As games have gotten more expensive to make, more expensive to market and more expensive to maintain there has yet been a standard of what gamers will support. Season passes, paid DLC that splits the userbase with maps, season passes, Microtransactions,,etc. They will continue to try new means to extract more revenue because the $60 model just does not work any more in the AAA market.

Vanfernal2379d ago

"If they bring back lootboxes with only cosmetic items they'll still draw ire. They've already enticed responses from multiple governments on the issues of lootboxes."

Most people don't have an issue paying for cosmetic dlc. They could still do it. The problem is with lootboxes in itself. Paying real money for a CHANCE to get the dlc you want is throwing aways money and where the gambling factor comes in. I think if they just go back to regular cosmetic dlc they should be fine.

Btw, I'm in no way, shape or form condoning EA's behavior. I hope this serves as a lesson and that other big companies take note and stop being such greedy bastards.

Bobertt2379d ago

Honestly i don't see the government in America doing anything.They will propose laws or bills to pass but that is all for show to make them get re elected in their state. EA or a group of big publishers will give them a few million to not have the bill or law get enough votes cause long term they lose a lot more if they ban it. I think they will bring back lootboxes.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2378d ago
-Foxtrot2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

No matter what they do...they are f*****

It's glorious

I hope people don't get suckered into Battlefront III...even if it looks great and they've put their best PR team on it I would honestly wait after launch just incase.

Best thing to do at this point is take the old Battlefront and Battlefront II, remake them, put them together in one huge package and then release it. THEN they will see how well it will sell.

The 10th Rider2380d ago

I really hope they learn their lesson and keep this s*** out of the next Battlefield. The rebooted SW Battlefront is a series I'm not too invested in and I'd only have picked it up at a discount if it was cheap and was well received, but Battlefield is a series I've been playing since BF1942 and it's generally my go-to for my shooter fix. They better not f*** Battlefield up.

Chexs19902380d ago

Trust me, it'll be in the next battlefield... Maybe not as obvious, but they will find a workaround :P

andrewsquall2380d ago

What is even more unbelievable is that the statement they made regarding Amy Hennig's Star Wars game being cancelled and wanting it to be more like SW Battlefront II in its design is even more heart breaking now.

-Foxtrot2380d ago

It's funny because now I bet they are thinking

"Shit...we should have brought that game out, I wish we never closed Visceral...we only did that and bought Respawn because we wanted another online multiplayer focused game like Battlefront II with more MTs/Loot boxes. Now what are we going to do? They are onto us"

Should have waited before cancelling the game idiots.

JBaby3432380d ago

That is an excellent point I hadn't thought of. They were banking on having these cash cow multiplayer games and that seems to have gone up in smoke. They will be under intense scrutiny for every upcoming game. Everything came together in the most hurtful way and they will be paying for it long after battlefront II. I'm glad because I was really looking forward to Amy's/Visceral's SW game.

It's great for gamers because the whole industry learned a lesson from this.

rainslacker2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )


I highly doubt that's what EA is thinking.

Knowing them, they're thinking about how to bring MT back into the game with the least amount of push back from the community. They have to be thinking about how no matter what they do, people are watching them closely, and won't give them much latitude.

For the first time, EA has to really address their greedy practices people have been complaining about for over a decade now, and they aren't in a position to actually dismiss it anymore, because one of their biggest games, which will likely make them a huge amount of money, is under fire.

It sucks big time the Visceral's game was cancelled. It's been a while since we had a good SP SW game, and I was really looking forward to it with Henning writing the story, and VIsceral who generally makes good games. It's a damn shame we're going to have to wait, and sucks more EA will probably have to be stripped of it's exclusive rights to make SW games to see it even happen.

A high quality SP SW game could have done gangbusters, and turned a nice profit. Unfortunately, EA chased over the higher profit margins that come from GaaS type games, and screwed over SW fans and gamers everywhere.

RegorL2378d ago

You want to wait for the game that had not really shown anything but people working on it? Even worse than MassEffect Andromeda?

Sorry, but my gut feeling is that Visceral would not have been able to bring that to closure.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2378d ago
TheVetOfGaming2380d ago

EA are a terrible excuse for an "Arts" company. They are more like a dodgy salesman who puts a couple of extra digits on the price of a half broken car.

Tedakin2380d ago

At this point if and when they bring back microtransactions, it's going to be a sh-tshow. Everyone is gonna go bananas. They almost can't now. But then they're so clueless they may have the audacity to do it, then expect us to thank them for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2378d ago
decapatata2380d ago

I think people are missing the most obvious business move here.... EA will most likely not allow a single piece of DLC to come out for this game and gimp the number of firmware updates. Then they will tout this as some shining example of a dystopian future where games no longer receive continued support after launch if they can't have their "games as a service" model. That way they avoid backlash for charging for previously promised as free dlc, avoid the crap they would catch for reintroducing microtransactions, and have something to spin for their narrative that microtransactions are essential to all games moving forward.

The 10th Rider2380d ago

But at the same time anyone who put down money on the game and was expecting free DLC won't be too happy. And those are the people they need to keep happy so that they run out and buy the next one.

My guess is they tone down their current DLC plans, but still finish up and release whatever is already in the works. From there they'll release a handful of skin packs or something to squeeze out a bit of extra money out of those that bought it. They they'll try to sweep the game under the rug and hope people forgot about the whole fiasco.

-Foxtrot2380d ago

Thats actually a good point...this will do terrible like Mass Effect Adromeda.

DLC and updates will be cancelled and they'll parade it around about how it's the death of AAA gaming because gamers aren't supporting titles when they are made. Basically a classic arrogant developer/company move when they make out it's OUR failt.

DillyDilly2380d ago

All that will happen is another Video Game Industry crash

2380d ago
DillyDilly2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

It will be the death of gaming if EA refuses to meet half way here & other publishers will follow suit. Would they prefer another Video Game crash happening because they cant have their precious lootboxes & microtransations ?

Mr_Writer852380d ago

"EA will most likely not allow a single piece of DLC to come out for this game and gimp the number of firmware updates."

Good luck to them keeping the Star Wars licence as exclusive when people stop buying the games.

Disney won't renew their licence if it's not making money.

The only losers in this are EA. Short term star wars fans miss out on regular Star Wars games, but by standing firm either EA bend to OUR will or lose the license and whoever gets it next knows that they can't take liberties with the Star Wars license.

Let's be honest, if you make a good star wars game, your going to make money. Make a great Star Wars game and your laughing all the way to the bank.

JBaby3432380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

You are spot on. This is not their own IP that they can do whatever with. They have to answer to Disney as well as gamers. They have to stick to the plan and look as accommodating as possible or they will lose a lot more. Star wars will sell just off name alone. Half your marketing is already done no matter what the product.

They lost this one. There is no where else for them to go with it and nothing else to do. They have to suck it up and HOPEFULLY... learn a valuable lesson.

_-EDMIX-_2380d ago

Where did Electronic Arts State they were no longer giving out free DLC? Titanfall 2 is still giving out free DLC....

ChristopherJack2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

That would be fine if the games they released were complete. Just like the good ol' days.

The real issue is that MP games will have a shorter lifespan- not because of the lack of new content but because publishers will pull the plug on servers even earlier than usual.

RegorL2378d ago

Please name any non open source software where you get everything for the lowest price.
Microsoft Windows?
Microsoft Office?
Microsoft Studio?
Cubase/FL Studio/...? (look at their plugin market)

Complete - what is complete?
Is a Spiderman game complete if it does not tell ALL stories there is?
Is a game like Hitman, that releases a few assignments now and then worse than one the release 20 to at first and none later? What if you get ten to begin with and than get two new per month as long as you subscribe?
Will you keep all you paid for when stopping your subscription?
What if it is a multi player game? An additional map?
- wait to next release
- only for paying customers (per dlc, subscription) => splits players in have and have not
- players that want to pay pays (cosmetics, loot boxes, support fee)

rainslacker2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )

I'm sure they will. We're already seeing signs of them implying this will be the case. As if games can only exist if they have paid MT or DLC. They did the same thing last gen with used games sales, and even last gen to defend undesireable MT practices. They even have their financial analyst setting things up for them, and all these shill sites reporting how the devs have to feed their families.

EA is welcome to go the GaaS route and avoid putting out more compelling SP experiences. The market will determine if they'll support them. Long term, focusing on nothing but GaaS models means that they may make more money off those products, but that bubble is likely to burst, so if they don't keep in the more stable markets where you know you will always sell games, they may go through some rough times.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2378d ago
TheColbertinator2380d ago

Oh boo hoo. EA execs will just lay off the studio staff and the devs will blame gamers.

kneon2380d ago

It won't surprise me if we see an increase in studio closures over the next few years. They are really pushing the boundaries of what people are willing to pay for games, yet costs to produce them continues to rise.

The problem is that there are just too many games chasing a finite amount of cash, that means less for everyone and only the great games and popular franchises will be making money. This is why so many studios and publishers are afraid to step out of their comfort zones

2380d ago Replies(13)
_-EDMIX-_2380d ago

That's extremely doubtful , especially considering this game is actually still selling.

Pureg2379d ago (Edited 2379d ago )


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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B29d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7229d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii29d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast29d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife28d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit28d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife28d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Expanded Mod: A Whole New Galaxy to Explore

The Star Wars Battlefront 2 Expanded Mod adds over 23 new heroes, 20 reinforcements, and 2 new vehicles to the game, providing players with a wealth of new options and gameplay experiences. Download it today and experience a whole new version of Star Wars Battlefront 2!

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Battlefront 2 grew into the best Star Wars game we've had in years

PCGamer: DICE managed to turn things around, and I'm sad that it's over.

1493d ago Replies(1)
Xaevi1493d ago (Edited 1493d ago )

Imagine if it were this good from the get go, then grew into something even greater. Good on DICE for supporting the game for as long as it did, but people seem to forgive and forget too fast. I would never blindly praise any game that took years to get to a point where it's actually worth playing AFTER I payed full price on release day. Also Fallen Order says hello