
DICE fails to quell Star Wars Battlefront 2 controversy in reddit AMA

Eurogamer: DICE's much-anticipated, and impressively civil, Reddit AMA (that's Ask Me Anything, sort of like a Q&A) for the controversial Star Wars Battlefront 2 has now occurred. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't the bringer of too many revelations.

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UltraNova2389d ago

"Brannvall did at least make one promise, "We were incredibly saddened by the negative response from you, the community on reddit about the game.

"In fact, we hated it, we truly did, because we want to make a game that you love. We've made a really cool, fun and beautiful game but it was overshadowed by issues with the progression system. We will fix this."

Are you, will you Dice/EA?

-Foxtrot2389d ago

Course they aren't

The whole AMA was basically "We might add new things and fix our system in the future so buy our game and...trust us"

You know it's funny they'll say for the next game they'll do that they've learned from past mistakes, make a load of promises how they've changed then in the end the next games online will still be riddled with MTs, Loot boxes and P2W features.

Eonjay2389d ago

Now we know why they got rid of Visceral and Amy's Star Wars game. It wasn't designed to gut the hell out of consumers. EA saw that it only satisfied consumers and didn't generate a windfall income stream for the 'investors' therefore they got rid of it. The choose not to develop for the Switch because they can't figure out how to rape those guys yet. EA is a cancer.

fiveby92389d ago

I imagine many at DICE want to make a Star Wars game everyone wants. But EA's suits are not Star Wars fans. They see Star Wars as a guaranteed money making tool only. They will use the backdrop of Star Wars to advance their destructive GaaS business model. Sadly, many will fall victim to their plans. But I am glad to see many core gamers pushing back. But voices are not enough.

The loudest voice is the silence of your wallet! EA is listening alright. They should hear the sound of silence.

Imalwaysright2389d ago


That was pretty evident in the statement that was made by EA when they backstabbed Visceral.

"It has become clear that to deliver an experience that players will want to come back to and enjoy for a long time to come, we needed to pivot the design"

In other words gaas heavy on MTs/loot box p2w crapola.

Jinger2389d ago

So fox... just hypothetically here.

If they get rid of the star cards in those paid lootboxes and only have cosmetic stuff. Then they also make the only way to collect star cards by unlocking specific achievements or by using the scrap you can get.

Will that satisfy you and you will buy the game? Or will your mentality still be "too late"? Further proving there is no reason for them to change anything for the complainers?

bloop2389d ago

@jinger: If EA literally just announced they were actually going to do that and did overhaul the progression and unlocks to something more realistic, removed loot boxes and dropped the f2p/pay to win model completely, I'd be going straight down to GameStop in the morning to buy. This was one of my most anticipated games this year, but I won't touch it with a barge pole unless EA do something drastic.

gamerz2388d ago

You are wrong about EA suit's not being Star Wars fans. Any one of them can quote the exact $ each movie earned in the theatre, physical release, how much in merchandise, which demographics spend the most, and in each region. They are huge fans, just in a different way than us.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2388d ago
yomfweeee2389d ago

I actually believe him when he says they hate it (probably the devs and community managers), but corporate makes the decision.

UltraNova2389d ago

They hate the fact that they might lose some money over this, dont fool yourself its EA. And btw the days where a bunch of guys sat down and made a game they wanted the world to play and love as much as they did are long gone. Try indies, instead.

uth112389d ago

This. They listened to the community on a number of things from the last Battlefront. . Got rid of the controversial expensive season pass.

But that lost season pass revenue will be made up for in other ways, its mandated from above, not Dice's decision.

If they drop loot crates, they will be replaced with something else that gamers will hate just as much

GNCFLYER2389d ago

I believe him. Dice is an incredible dev. My question is did they do it or was it mandated by EA?

Serious question because I don't know the details between. Publisher and developer.

Thinking about it and knowing EA it had to be one of the requirements. So that statement he made, he probably doesn't have the authority to do that without EA telling them.

The_KELRaTH2389d ago

But it's like they listen with blinkered ears :)

The season passes in themselves aren't the issue for me:
it's the fact a dozen or so maps cost as much as the main game with similar amount of maps at launch
Season Passes rarely get discounted in the same level as the game
Season passes are locked behind a digital only format so not resalable 2nd hand.
And these days the main games are getting less and less maps ie. Cod WW2 has only 9 rather than 16 - that's not far off half a season pass!

fiveby92389d ago

It's EA who paid for the rights to use the Star Wars brand from Disney. Not DICE. DICE is merely the mechanism to produce the product. So sure DICE is complicit but probably only insofar as they have to go along to get along. Did anyone really expect DICE staff to step out of line in the AMA? They can't do that.

Reject EA's business model but not buying this game. Unfortunately, DICE gets caught in the crossfire. But such is life.

Kiknyonutz2389d ago

I believe him but I don't believe they'll be able to fix it in time to save the community

rainslacker2389d ago

I think given the number of downvotes, and utter domination the topic is getting in the media leading up to release has more to do with EA's concern over the issue at the moment. I doubt the devs are sitting there rubbing their hands together evily, but as developers, they will support the product and the company which financed it. It's what expected of them.

In any case, EA wants the sh*tstorm to stop, and the amount of negative attention they're getting, coupled with what is a extremely impressive number of people who aren't happy with EA showing up on reddit alone, not to mention everywhere else, including their own twitter accounts, they probably think that the backlash is going to severely negatively affect the sales of the game.

While the game will probably sell extremely well compared to a lot of games, I have no doubt that EA has goals set by Disney on how many copies of the game must sell, or they run the risk of having their license pulled. That would be typical of something like this. They had the same thing with the NFL for the longest time, and probably still do if I had to guess. While the game will probably sell better than a lot of other games will, which may deserve it more really, losing a significant number of sales is still not good.

Losing out on what could be half a million is sales would take a huge number of loot box sales to make up that revenue, and that's the real world that EA is now living in. Despite there being plenty of people willing to spend money, they're losing maybe 1/2 million potential MT buyers, and 30 million in revenue. That's a lot of casuals and impatiant people when you consider most probably only spend $5-10 here or there.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2389d ago
2389d ago Replies(1)
spicelicka2389d ago (Edited 2389d ago )

i do feel bad for everyone on that team who isn't involved in the MT decision making. They must have worked so passionately on their respective areas and now all that effort is overshadowed by the fuckery of EA.

PapaBop2389d ago (Edited 2389d ago )

Honestly, in a sense they were most likely being sincere. I mean think about it, you're one of the most talented, most respected and most successful online MP developers in the world, you pour your heart and soul into a Star Wars project only to have that work get completely overshadowed by the suits upstairs.

They won't fix it though, they can't. Nobody at Dice has the power to change this, it must be a pretty shitty position for them to be in really and the people responsible are more than happy to throw them to wolves in AMAs like that.

fiveby92389d ago

Sincere? Maybe but also some hypocrites too. EA probably just said, "come up with some MT systems proposals which we can review and decide upon". So off goes DICE happily designing exactly what they know gamers won't like. I'm sure they'll happily have their hands out for the bonuses EA bestows if it is successful. So let's not assume some at DICE are not part of the problem.

ziggurcat2389d ago

if they truly hated it, they wouldn't have included it in their game.

subtenko2389d ago

they will screw you over on the next game. wouldnt be surprised if this was all planned and they get your money and then betray you all again like the goldfish people are nowadays

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2388d ago
XiNatsuDragnel2389d ago

Good now EA just remove lootboxes and or MT P2W BS please

2389d ago Replies(1)
rpvenom2389d ago

they're not going to do anything different. this is empty promises and damage control.

"just go on those forums and say we are looking into it and will make changes to better our game. okay moving on, now that that's done, how do we make more money ...."

rpvenom2389d ago

guys.. let us put aside our console differences and call a truce to stand together and fight this one evil.. Microtransactions.. #consoletruce #gamersagainstMTs #donotbuyEAgames

bigmalky2389d ago

But... And here's the kicker... Microsoft like this idea. Don't forget the words of Phil Spencer about how Games as a Service is the future of Microsoft.

Star Wars Battlefront is the epitome of GAAS.

Please people, see this for what it is. Not a dig at MS from a fanboy, but a warning of the way the industry is moving. You can hold a boycott on a game, but if you have invested yourself as a loyal console fan, you are going to see much, much more of this on an Xbox branded one.

DeadSilence2389d ago

In not buying anything EA other than Respawn tittles now because Respawn means quality.

jrshankill2389d ago

Thought you said Titties there

UltraNova2389d ago

Respawning titties?? Where do I sign?

Ittoittosai2389d ago

You the respawn EA just bought? It will mean no more quality than any other dev EA has bought.

-Foxtrot2389d ago

Respawn will not be the same...they might JUST get through the game with small "changes" to the way they work but give it a few more years after and they'll be a shell of their former self

Knightofelemia2389d ago

Respawn have to listen to what EA says since EA does own them if not Respawn could get shut down like other studios EA bought pver the years.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2389d ago
Ittoittosai2389d ago

"Requests from AMA participants to hear DICE's internal averages were sadly ignored - particularly disappointing given that the highest-rated question throughout the AMA had been, "In the numbers you all have run, how many hours would it take the average user to unlock all items available at release without spending additional money?"

Of course they arent going to tell you bcause my guess is everyone on reddit who has done the math is pretty close and they will say its over estimated if its even off by 2hrs but they are going to tell you that.

"Other key questions that were left unaddressed included inquiries around whether EA would lower the number of microtransactions in the game, or why the company had opted for loot boxes that affected gameplay, rather than being purely cosmetic."

No they wont. They optes for loot boxes that effect game play because they want to see if we will accept it and it will bring an ass ton of money if we do, they are doing the same thing they always do "will the market lets us get away with this?" And if we do its game over for gaming.

Gamist2dot02389d ago

If their MT/loot system becomes a success, it won't be long before we see loots box prices increase. Soon we'll see the cost of a loot box the same as a console and it won't stop there - smh.

Ittoittosai2389d ago

Keep making fun all you like its got this bad because people didnt listen when it was cosmetic stuff only.

RegorL2389d ago

What if they have designed a system were you are not expected to unlock everything?
I mean you can not equip everything at once anyway...

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B29d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7229d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii29d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast29d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife28d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit28d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife28d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Expanded Mod: A Whole New Galaxy to Explore

The Star Wars Battlefront 2 Expanded Mod adds over 23 new heroes, 20 reinforcements, and 2 new vehicles to the game, providing players with a wealth of new options and gameplay experiences. Download it today and experience a whole new version of Star Wars Battlefront 2!

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Battlefront 2 grew into the best Star Wars game we've had in years

PCGamer: DICE managed to turn things around, and I'm sad that it's over.

1493d ago Replies(1)
Xaevi1493d ago (Edited 1493d ago )

Imagine if it were this good from the get go, then grew into something even greater. Good on DICE for supporting the game for as long as it did, but people seem to forgive and forget too fast. I would never blindly praise any game that took years to get to a point where it's actually worth playing AFTER I payed full price on release day. Also Fallen Order says hello