
‘Destiny 2’ Will Support Xbox One X But Activision Doesn’t Have Anything To Announce Yet

INQ: The Xbox One X released this week with various enhancements for over 70 different titles at launch and more planned in the future. Destiny 2 is curiously missing from that list after showing up in console review packages sent to media outlets. The shooter may not be listed but Activision and Bungie have something planned.

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Kribwalker2398d ago

both destiny 2 and Call of Duty WW2 don’t show up on the xbox onex enhanced update list yet on my xbox, both have ps4 marketing deals. coincidence?

TankCrossing2398d ago

Fairly high profile games to be late to the party. Even more suspicious, Activsion released the Diablo 3 patch in no time.

Kribwalker2398d ago

maybe the patch is one year exclusive like some strikes etc

freshslicepizza2398d ago

Maybe there is a 1 year deal with Sony like the DLC?

XStation4pio_Pro2397d ago (Edited 2397d ago )

relax your boner, bro. COD enhanced is available. it just wasn't showing up in the enhanced section. its not the only enhanced game to not show up in the section. if you install it like i did, you will quickly notice that it is in fact enhanced.

D2 was too busy s'n sony's D with exclusive content to be bothered with making their console version look the best it could look on superior hardware. thankfully they are the minority developer for enhancements so far.

TankCrossing2397d ago

Actually thinking about it, I don't think Overwatch has a patch yet either.

I'm sure they're all coming.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2397d ago
MegaMohsi2398d ago

FFXV had a marketing deal with Sony but they've been pretty vocal about the X1X improvements. Think you guys need to just take off the tinfoil hats sometimes, not everything is a conspiracy.

AngelicIceDiamond2398d ago

FFXV came out almost a year ago. And FFXV didn't have any special DLC content on PS4 except some exclusive advertising, plus I remember both Sony & MS showing off FF at E3. COD and Destiny both have content deals through PS. They both want COD and Destiny to be the best place to play deals on PS despite 1X being the stronger hardware.

So they're holding off on 1X version until further notice.

No tinfoil hat/conspiracy just simple logic.

Obscure_Observer2397d ago


It´s not about all Sony marketing deals. It´s about Bungie´s marketing deal. They got this locked content thing going on since the first Destiny and they are the only devs doing such bussiness right now. They said they would talk about the X´s enhancements prior its release date. So far nothing! No patch. No information. Nothing!

Steveoreno12397d ago

Well I've been waiting on the HDR ps4 pro update that they said was coming after launch.

MattE2397d ago

COD is enhanced.. you might need to remove and re install.. or try and transfer between HDD and internal?

Aenea2397d ago

Battlefield 1 last year didn't have any announcements from EA about Pro enhancements, we had to find out once it released. I'm sure the One X will get a great patch but they won't brag about it due to the marketing deal with Sony

Obscure_Observer2397d ago


Bungie SAID they would talk about X´s enhancements prior its release. So far nothing! Due the controversy surrounding parity, they should have done this right now. Sounds fishy AF!

XStation4pio_Pro2397d ago

its definitely there. i have it and its working... COD that is.

Kribwalker2397d ago

it wasn’t there tuesday night but wednesday night i had it.

Rude-ro2397d ago

Destiny kept parity between Xbox one and PS4... coincidence?
Ubisoft flat out said they were not wanting to flame the console wars and kept parity between console and now, they want to use hardware to its fullest with Xbox one x.. coincedence?

Obscure_Observer2397d ago


"both destiny 2 and Call of Duty WW2 don’t show up on the xbox onex enhanced update list yet on my xbox, both have ps4 marketing deals. coincidence?"

Not at all. I said they are a bunch of sellouts and fanboys got mad. That´s only further proof of their shady ways doing bussiness with Sony. Exclusive content, marketing and larger user base and some closed door chats, really works for Sony.

Don´t worry, it will backfire on their faces. The longer they hold off this information from Xbox One X users, the longer their will be hurting their image and reputation .

Rude-ro2397d ago

You are such a sad human being.
Breaks my heart.
Free hug and I hope your day is awesome!

Obscure_Observer2397d ago


Thank you, you´re so kind. :)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2397d ago
Neonridr2398d ago

It could be possible that the enhancements for the XB1X version might set it above that of the Pro version. And since Desinty 2 is advertised as being best played on a PS4, that would sort of contradict things. So it's possible they want to wait a little to figure out how to spin this :P

freshslicepizza2398d ago

Maybe they are upset with Microsoft who said there is plenty of power to get games to 60fps but its a developers choice because as far as I am concerned competitive shooters should be 60fps.

meka26112397d ago

Never understood this, the human eye cannot see past around 24 fps. If a game can be locked at 30 fps that should be fine for everyone.

Ricegum2397d ago


Are you joking? You forgot the /s

Liqu1d2397d ago

Destiny 2 is CPU bound. The Jaguar is not good enough no matter how "evolved" it is.

Mulando2397d ago

Well, actually xb1x gets native 4k while PS4 Pro gets adaptive/has adaptive 4k. But Destiny isn't that much of an hardware killer like DF already showed in multiple videos.

slavish02398d ago (Edited 2398d ago )

How would a marketing deal get this bad. This is shady.

Rude-ro2397d ago

Ha! Coming from a Microsoft fan? Lmao 😂

j15reed2397d ago

Still hanging onto to last gen...

Rude-ro2397d ago

What has changed outside of cutting loose third party exclusive content for paying for all out third party exclusives or timed exclusives. Ryse, dead rising(one exclusive, one timed), titanfall, pubg, and tomb raider.
3 consoles this gen and not one new AAA 1st party game...
Lots has changed for sure.


Patch or no patch D2 DEFINITELY looks better on my X1 than it did on my S.

maybelovehate2397d ago

Definitely runs better. Load times and menu responsiveness etc

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