
First Wave of Original Xbox Backwards Compatible Games Leaked

The first wave of original Xbox backwards compatible games might have been just leaked and it includes some major hits.

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darthv722416d ago

Ninja gaiden black, psychonauts.... yes!

Chevalier2416d ago

King of Fighters Neowave? Whoa. Now I can buy that copy I have been eying for the last year! Thats so awesome.

indysurfn2416d ago

Microsoft said there will not be any boost mode because x1x will ALWAYS be doing it's best! What when did 12 out of hundreds =always! What a bunch of BS

Gotcha52416d ago

If I can't get my hands on that bad mutha...shut your mouth...Ninja Gaiden II. Well you see this cat Ninja Gaiden Black is the private dick that get all the chicks?... can ya dig it... you damn right.

babadivad2416d ago (Edited 2416d ago )

Kotor and Ninja Gaiden does it for me. I hope they make Hunter the Reckoning and both Kingdom Under Fire games.

KoF series is SO unique, it's a shame they weren't more popular. Made you feel like a true field general in large scale battles instead of a near-godlike character mowing down army after army single-handedly like you do in Dynasty Warriors.

If you're army is destroyed, you're done. It forces you to be a great tactician. And the harder missions make you think about how to maneuver your troops for victory.

Like a mission where you need to cross a river, but the enemy has archers on the other side that will slaughter you if you run into the water. A situation several ancient commanders were faced with in the past.

These are the troops you have, this is where you need to get. Make it happen or all is lost. You have free range on how to accomplish this, just get it done. Also the war-room like pre-mission briefings were a nice touch as well.

No other game I've played[on consoles at least] capture this feeling of commanding an army on the field.

This game perfectly blends the strategy of RTS games[which I love], but also giving you the hands on feeling of handling things in real time. It absolutely was brilliant. I could talk about this game all day.

Gaming4Life19812416d ago

Ninja Gaiden on xbox one......The Gods finally answer my prayers

starchild2415d ago

Now if they could bring Otogi and Otogi 2 I would seriously have to consider getting an Xbox One. Also Tenchu Return From Darkness would be really nice. It was the best version of that game and it had a few extra levels.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2415d ago
Nintendew2416d ago

Yes! Never got to do a dark side run on it.

2415d ago
Black0ut2416d ago

Hell yea, great start!

Please please please bring us Brute Force baby! OMG I would melt!!!

mark_parch2416d ago

YES kotor, can't wait to play through that again. one of my favorite games of all time

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2415d ago
slavish02416d ago

Plz give us conker live and uncut

timotim2416d ago

This is a must! With full online Xbox Live support...they have to do it.

PhucSeeker2416d ago (Edited 2416d ago )

That's a pretty far-fetched goal. Original Xbox live has shut down a couple of years ago. They have to either re-make the game for the new Xbox live or get the old Xbox live back online (which, i imagine, is not as easy as it sounds).

Black0ut2416d ago

Did you ever get into Brute Force? Not sure if I'm the only one but I have so many memories of that game. So nostalgic!

timotim2416d ago

My man...im looking at a copy of it right now on my shelf 😉

Donjune2416d ago

One of my early Xbox fav

Valkron12415d ago

Brought Brute Force to 3x LAN party. My buddy and I constantly reigned down nuke strikes on our friend until he screamed broke that big ass controller. Lol! Good times! :)

shaun mcwayne2416d ago

Very nice, a few real good titles, kotor is such a great game, one of the best star wars stories to date in my opinion. And it was the first title I thought of when I heard about original xbox bc, the second was kotor 2, lol. Ninja gaiden old school dark souls. hope the list is real.

2415d ago
NoPeace_Walker2416d ago

Two of my favorite games from that era are on the list. Great start!

mcstorm2416d ago

Not a bad list at all i have none of them but hopfully it grows quickly like the 360 games did and pgr munch and jsrf are added

2416d ago Replies(9)
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COD Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Pride Month Freebies Released; Gundam Mobile Suit Collab Launched

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Ninjamonkey823h ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

Elda18m ago(Edited 15m ago)

Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.


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