
EU Commission Ordered Research Could Not Prove Negative Effect Of Piracy On Videogame Sales

ThisGenGaming Says:"While the study analysed old publications and polled users for new info in 2014, the results were not enough to indicate if piracy has a negative effect on the sales of videogames.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t any negative effect at all (as there are without a doubt certain game companies that are more affected than others) but that the research done here failed to substantiate any meaningful data that could be used during the creation of future EU legislation"

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Death2439d ago

In other news, the same group was unable to find terminal cancer had any negative impact on the mortality rate of those affected.

I can only imagine the people doing this study were staking out their local GameStop looking for anyone with an eye patch and a hook for a hand walking into the store.

Goldby2439d ago

Arrrr matey, have ye ever been blown off shore

XiNatsuDragnel2439d ago (Edited 2439d ago )

Piracy is not bad as long as they buy it afterwards.

Cobra9512439d ago

It is very rare to find someone who will later buy what he already pirated. That's lip service, fantasy. But that doesn't mean that piracy unduly burdens the industry financially. Most acts of piracy are casual, and have little impact on sales (because most pirates were never going to buy what they downloaded on a whim anyway). Then there's piracy's ironic *benefit* to the industry--raising general awareness of a product, leading to better sales of that product in the long run (though never with money from pirates' wallets).

I'm not trying to justify piracy. It is still undeniably wrong. I *am* trying to explain why the results of this study don't surprise me one bit. I also hope it helps kill the industry's barefaced lie about every illegal download equaling a lost sale. I wonder how many of us ever really believed that, since it flies in the face of logic and even simple arithmetic. Some kid pirating in his parents' basement couldn't possibly afford to buy even a fraction of what he nabbed online.

Gantrfaxx2439d ago

I don't think that a big percentage of those who play pirated games buy the original afterwards. Piracy is higher in countries with lower standards where gamers cannot afford to buy even 50% of games they would like to play so they play pirated games. I come from one of those countries...

MrFisher212439d ago

Most pirates would have never bought the game. So how would not getting money you weren't going to receive hurt your numbers? I'm curious

2439d ago
blawren42439d ago

The problem is how do you quantify your assumptions. Maybe they weren't going to buy it because they indoctinated themselves to steal everything, therefore not buy. classic chicken and egg scenario. what came first, the game stealer or the lack of desire to buy the game? For someone used to stealing games, why would they buy a game?

Senboza2438d ago

@MrFisher21 ^ This. People don't seem to understand this concept. For most pirates it's either play for free or not play at all. And If I was a content creator I would rather want people to play my game for free, because it's still free marketing. Unless they're gonna hate on my game, then I will sue their *ss for playing my game for free.

yomfweeee2436d ago

While your logic makes sense, there's no proof of your claim.

Doesn't justify theft either. Most theft isn't out of necessity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2436d ago
talocaca2439d ago

I guess this is a country by country scenario.

I'm from Mexico and during the PS2 era it was just impossible to even buy original games. Pirate ones were easily accessible from day one for around $2.

Or you could wait for the original and pay more than $80.

Distribution seems to be a lot better these days and access to the PSN also helps a lot.

bloodyspasm2439d ago

I think having games available at reasonable prices and from stores that have easy access (steam, humble, GOG, ps and xbox store) will be the best remedy. Surprisingly the more digital the offer becomes, the less piracy I expect to see

2439d ago
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Nintendo Issues DMCA Notice to Remove 8,500 Yuzu Clones

Nintendo made a significant move by issuing a DMCA notice to take down more than 8,500 clones of the popular Switch emulator, Yuzu.

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gold_drake28d ago

thats so crazy haha.

it will never disappear.

darksky28d ago

The more they try to stop it, the more publicity it gets. The fact is that Yuzu will forever live on torrent and other sites. Nintendo is fighting an uphill battle.

Inverno28d ago

Another 8,500 will take their place. Smh


There is nothing stopping these people from working on Yuzu clones and sharing them on torrent sites. Nintendo or anyone else cannot do shit about torrents or usenet.

lucasnooker28d ago

lol Nintendo keep fighting this but it never ends. Why do they feel the need to persist? I guess they are in too deep now they have to

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Court Orders RomUniverse to Destroy Pirated Nintendo Games and Stay Offline

A California federal court has ordered the operator of the now-defunct pirate site RomUniverse to destroy all copyright-infringing games within two weeks. The court initially denied the request for a permanent injunction but changed its position after Nintendo warned about a potential comeback of the site.

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roadkillers1021d ago

... why isn't there a Wario kart for Mario Kart Live?

strayanalog1021d ago

I would imagine because he's busy with the next WarioWare and any game that's longer than 5 seconds goes against his principles.

Zerobalance1021d ago

Fritangaplays gonna love all that Pony salt.

XabiDaChosenOne1020d ago

Are you talking about the dude that uses the N word and got his girlfriend banged by his brother?

FlameWater1021d ago

ROM sites will never die, they garner way too much support

blackblades1020d ago (Edited 1020d ago )

True, you can always find them no matter what. Nintendo needs to give up, no one wants to keep rebuying there games. Also there are systems that can play the hard copy if you still got them. Lucky I still got all systems and those retrocons.

Knightofelemia1021d ago

The moment you shut one site down two or three more sites pop up

XxINFERNUSxX1021d ago

Yup, Nintendo will never be ahead and let's not forget torrent sites that have been hosting their roms for years LOL

XxINFERNUSxX1021d ago (Edited 1021d ago )

This does not do anything LOL. There are Nintendo roms on all torrent sites for so many years, plus look at this:
https://archive.org/details... This is archive.org which has so many rom sets of so many consoles but no one bothers them. 😁🤣 What's funny is Nintendo or anyone else will never win, because again, torrent sites and lets not forget Newsgroups. I have thousands of roms for almost every console so easy to get.

Michiel19891020d ago

and you are also able to click links on torrent sites, we got the message now. people do this stuff for 15+ years now, its nothing special and we all have google to find these sites if we want.

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Beautiful Desolation developers plea to those who illegally download it

As we know Piracy in the entertainment and gaming industry can sometimes be out of control, and when it comes to small companies or indie dev teams it truly can be devastating. As it seems to be the case for indie developers The Brotherhood who has just launched Beautiful Desolation is having issues with piracy at the moment and has made a plea to those who are downloading it illegally to think about making a purchase instead.

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MeteorPanda1553d ago

The ppl who pirate indie games are usually ppl who really can't afford games be it because age, country or financial situation. You aren't losing much because of them.

littletad1553d ago

That's still no reason to pirate games and let the hard-working small team go without the means to meet the fruit of their labor. If you pirate games, you're as low as they get.

carcarias1553d ago (Edited 1553d ago )

"If you pirate games, you're as low as they get".

Yeah, forget those rapists and murderers man, copyright infringement is just THE worst ;)

Besides, did you even read what you wrote? You basically said that people not having the money to buy a game isn't an excuse for them to not pay the developers and buy the game. What?

MeteorPanda1553d ago

so do you think watching a streamer play a game and you yourself not purchasing it afterwards is not the same thing? Streamed games have a higher loss of sales due to people who were curious about a purchase get their fill watching it played.

I pirated when l was a kid, now l don't. last time l checked there are still kids around so pirating is going to happen.

carcarias1553d ago

Yeah, it's like you say. Also, the devs are making the age-old mistake of assuming downloads = missed sales.

When pirating a game is as easy as going to a site and clicking a link for all the latest releases, people end up pirating just for the sake of it.

Most games aren't played and those that are often end up being played for a short while and then not touched again until the person needs to uninstall to clear disk space.

I mean, how many people have games they've actually bought just sitting there, unplayed or hardly touched, on their Steam account? If people are like that with games they've purchased then...

I'm sure there are missed sales, just not anything like the amount of times a game gets downloaded.

TehDiTH1553d ago

Anyone who pirates games, enjoys them and then does not buy them is a douche.

PCgamer981553d ago

I feel bad for them since the game isn't even that expensive and It's like 8 bucks on steam right now.

ElementX1553d ago

It just came out, the current price in the US is $18.

PCgamer981553d ago

Well here in my country it's equivalent to 8 bucks.

1553d ago
Sirk7x1552d ago (Edited 1552d ago )

If you pirate a game and really enjoy it, and feel like you should have paid for it, buy a copy for a friend or family member so they can experience it too.

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