
Venturebeat Hands-on with PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds, the Xbox One’s secret weapon

Pretty soon, you can be the last one standing on the Xbox One or Xbox One X. PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds (PUBG) debuts on Microsoft's game consoles this fall, and it could be one of the most important titles in a relatively light season of exclusives for the software giant.

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KingKionic 2444d ago

Ah yes the double barreled shotgun which is Battlegrounds.

Only the best for DA X.

morganfell2444d ago (Edited 2444d ago )

Yeah I remember Counter-Strike GO was burning up the PC and when it crossed over to consoles it was going to blow up the world.

KingKionic 2444d ago

CS GO released in 2012. It got to 100,000 concurrent players and 2 million copies sold in 2014 which was almost 2 years after release.


PlayerUnkown Battlegrounds is a early acess title and it already sold 10 million copies and has beaten dota 2 with 1.3 million concurrent players in 6 months since it appeared.


You cant be serious with trying to downplay it morganfell.

Come on now man.

morganfell2444d ago (Edited 2444d ago )

You are missing the point. People always assume some giant PC title will be just as big when it crosses over to consoles. It has happened before, even before CS GO and it will happen after. And time and again these titles wind up meh on the console. You'll see plenty of people raving about how much they enjoy it but the impact over all - driving sales - just will not be there.

I know how big it is on PC. I am not trying to downplay it ...on PC. That is what you do not get. I am a Steam nut with 400 games there. I game primarily on PC. And I realize a great many PC titles, just because they are huge on PC, does not mean they will perform likewise on PC.

Cy2444d ago

CSGO, like pretty much all Valve console ports, was also barely supported on consoles. Battleground is being published by Microsoft, with PC crossplay (I believe). Very different from Valve throwing console players a bone then ignoring them. Also, if you want examples of PC series that did/does better or just as well on consoles: Call of Duty and Doom are two that come to mind right away. So just because something is successful on PC doesn't mean it'll fail on consoles.

Vasto2444d ago

PUBG is the biggest game of the year and its coming to Xbox this holiday!

NotanotherReboot2444d ago

This game is awesome. i just got my first win in singles mode. Enjoy Xbox gamers.

alb18992444d ago

Batlegrounds is the biggest story of this year not doubt about it and is coming to Xbox. I'm so ready for it

Cy2444d ago Show
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Krafton profits up to $171.5 million despite lowest quarter since 2020

From GI.biz: "Krafton, the Korea-based publisher behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, released its Q3 financial results alongside news on how it's expanding its collection of studios.

The company reported that it saw revenues of $328.5 million and net profits of $171.5 million, the latter marking a year-on-year improvement of 27%.

Krafton also announced it plans to acquire Neon Giant, the developer behind The Ascent, and open a new studio in Canada."

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PUBG update transforms battle royale meta, makes winning even harder

The latest PUBG update transforms the weapon meta in Krafton’s battle royale game, bringing changes to vehicles and Deston to make winning even harder

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PUBG is too violent and must be banned, says Taliban

PUBG, the battle royale game from publisher Krafton, will be banned in Afghanistan in 90 days as the Taliban says it is a waste of time and too violent

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deleted620d ago

Taliban is too violent and must be banned, says PUBG.

blacktiger619d ago (Edited 619d ago )

incase you didn't know Taliban is a place not Al qaeda or however you spell them. Just saying

CobraKai620d ago (Edited 620d ago )

“Says Taliban”. 😂😂😂

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