
Here’s Why EA Sports Needs To Give Up On NBA Live And Go Back To The Old-School

NBA Live 18 seems like it can't catch up with a titan...so WWG ponders why EA Sports just doesn't try to do something different...

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Yi-Long2455d ago (Edited 2455d ago )

I'd LOVE a new NBA Street, although a HD remake of NBA Street v3 would be fine as well...

Loved that game. EA was on fire back then (NBA Street v3, SSX3, Burnout 3, Def Jam FFNY, etc).

nowitzki20042455d ago

Until NBA Live can compete with NBA 2k, I think EA will spend all the money to keep the NFL license.. I don't think they want to be behind 2k in NBA and NFL lol

TheColbertinator2455d ago

EA should get NBA Street or a new Fight Night going.

Lennoxb632455d ago

Fight Night isn't coming back unfortunately because of UFC.

nowitzki20042455d ago

What? That doesnt make sense. its 2 different sports, and EA has done Boxing much better than it does MMA.

eddieistheillest2455d ago

To the people that do not know, the same team/developers that made the fight night series , make the UFC games . And yea EA can have another studio/ team make a new fight night , but do you guys want an Andromeda version of fight night ?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2455d ago
Gemmol2455d ago (Edited 2455d ago )

lot of people do not understand, nba live is arcade basketball just toned down a lot, basically you can get away with a lot of things, if you learn the game mechanics, dunk easily even with defense on you and etc

nba 2k is more of a real simulation, you cannot dunk easily in that game, well you can in 2k10 this why my boy hate newer 2k he would dunk at anytime with Lebron and although you can block, the game would not let you get it as much as you want even if you had good timing..... in newer 2k you cannot just go up for a dunk, there is body physics, just like in real life if you do not have enough space to take off the person body in front of you will stop your momentum from going to the basket to dunk, so you cannot always push your way.......and you cannot do crazy passes like in Live, the computer is ready to steal it just like a person would in real life.....you have to use plays to be good in newer 2k versions, to get your guy open, the space needed to do the dunks or get wide open shots......you need to make plays where the other team have to double you, and by doing that you have a player wide open at 3 point line to make them pay for double teaming you.........2k like real nba is a chess game, right plays help you win

nba live, you can play with out plays, pick and roll every day and the computer cannot defend you properly

nba live from 2005 and lower were more arcade, remember kevin garnett a big player, even shaq doing backflips before he dunk the ball lmaooo, over the years nba live try to tone down the arcade feel of the game to make it more simulation like 2k, they are not there yet.......but nba live 2018 is the right step, right now they at 2k10 level where its easy to get dunks......if they can keep it up and nail it down in 2 or 3 years they will finally get it on what it mean to be real simulation, and then it would not matter which version you get, both would be good games......but I could not leave.....I love my career mode on nba 2k, building a player up from nothing......to a super star........working out, grinding in practice, and etc give the mode a RPG feeling that I like and it works so well

for those that are trying to play me in nba 2k, I moved on from ps4 nba 2k17......next nba 2k will be on the switch nba 2k18

C-H-E-F2455d ago

Nba live 18> Nba 2k17 and if you say anything different I know you're a sheep. Plenty of youtubers who are 2k loyal are saying the same thing, even went as far as to say 2k18 < live 18. I played both and I enjoyed both, Live 18 is more difficult than 2k, however the live grading system is more forgiving than 2k18. Live mechanics feel better to me, but the shooting feels better on 2k. The 2k18 storymode (my career) feels worst than live 18 story mode, seems like another cheesy thing. The playground is an interesting concept but we all know will be a laggy mess. Live approach solves the waiting for 40 minutes to run a game with randoms and lose.

They both have pros and cons, both are decent games, if one had everything the other did then they'd be complete basketball games.

If you have the money get both, if not, TRY the demos and make your decision there, STOP being sheep and choose your own path.

C-H-E-F2454d ago

Graphics looks better than 2k, 2k looks ashy af this year sorry nice try.

Gemmol2455d ago

Your comment can come off like a sheep too, few but still devote live fans trying they best like when last live that came out to get people back on to live, i remember seeing them in each comment saying same thing as you, makes me wonder if it's same person with different accounts or everyone work together,

But i respect your differences, enjoy live

iceman062454d ago

True. There are some diehard Live fans that, much like other games,will ride or die with the franchise...regardless of quality. This exact same thing was said when the last Live was released...even back when the "Christ Bynum" version was released. They are just diehards. Good for them...I guess?! Just don't try to wrap poop in a wrapper and claim you have a snicker's bar.🤔😂

C-H-E-F2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

devoted live fan? I'm more 2k than anybody, i'll be buying both, I'm just saying live has a decent product this year stop bandwagoning and try it out alot of people are opting out of 2k this year that I know of because live is decent this year. I find it funny when you call a spade a spade, mofos be d riding trying to sound neutral ahahha, better go somewhere. So yeah stop all that ridiculous jibber jabber. Thanks!

nowitzki20042455d ago

I dunno about NBA Live 18>NBA 2k17

And even if true, who cares, 2k17 isn't the game NBA Live 18 has to worry about lol

MonChiChi2455d ago

I played live demo and did not enjoy it. I would love to have live back like the glory days. I just don't feel. 2k on the other hand has never gotten worse than previous even if they were very similar, this alone makes 2k a pick for me because I know what I am getting. Call me a sheep but I know what I like and what I want and Live is not it.

iceman062454d ago

I will say that live stepped it up in comparison to what it did previously. However, it still lacks A LOT on the floor (where it matters) in conparison to any 2K after 2k13. Call me a sheep if you will, but that's my opinion. I liked what I played in the Live demo, in terms of options and even presentation. However, on the floor, it was a bit stiff and shallow. Part of the reason that many YouTubers are supposedly "jumping ship" has less to do with Live's greatness and more to do with the need for 2K to have competition. They didn't like the changes that VC made to the shooting mechanics (because they were a bit difficult to consistently understand) and some of the legacy issues hadn't been addressed. (passes feeling floaty, steal spamming, turbo boosting animations, etc.) Plus, after not having anything other than 2K, it felt fresh.
I don't begrudge anyone their opinion. If you like Live better, that's cool...for you. But, we don't have to be sheep if we disagree. Imo, Live is a solid start that could provide adequate competition in the near future. It has some interesting new options. (The One mode, skill trees, etc.) However, mechanically, it's not up to snuff as a simulation of basketball. It probably needs another year or two to tweak and perfect.
2K, warts and all, is still a better representation of the sport on the court. The new animation engine has gotten rid of the passing issue. (no more random soft passes) The AI is much more advanced (on both sides of the ball). The option to level anywhere seems cool. You can play the modes you like and still grow your character. If I had the money to burn, I'd probably buy both. I liked both in different ways. If I were forced to choose, it would be 2K this year and it wouldn't be that close.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2454d ago
BlaqMagiq12455d ago

They need to stop making NBA Live so they can go back to making Fight Night but I know EA is not smart enough to do that.

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Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?

jznrpg884d ago (Edited 884d ago )

I really enjoyed Commando as a kid and it’s not listed . I bet it’s cheap maybe? Beat all 99 levels just to find out you start all over again .

djl3485883d ago

You must be talking about Captain Commando and no it's not cheap...going for about $130.

Jiub884d ago

I'm surprised Illusion of Gaia doesn't cost more

Knightofelemia884d ago (Edited 884d ago )

Any retro console is still worth buying in 2022 whether a Genesis, NES, SMS, TG16. Some systems command a higher price then others but a SNES is still reasonably priced and worth grabbing you can mod the NA SNES to play Japanese games throw in an Everdrive and you're set. I feel sorry for some of the consoles I see on Ebay that have holes in them, yellowed to death, modified with shitty mods that barely work. The SNES might need a little work great way to learn if yellowed just use peroxide and UV light and it will turn white again. If you have a hobby of repairing older consoles that are listed as untested broken for parts some of the repairs are basic you can save money that way when buying a retro console. I just bought a $20 NES listed as broken on Ebay disable the lock out chip and new 72pin connector and it works.

Jiub883d ago

I imagine restoration work on retro consoles is going to become much more important as the years wear on. Sure, hundreds of thousands of certain consoles were made, but fewer exist every year.

Knightofelemia883d ago (Edited 883d ago )

Depends on the console a SNES for sure needs retrobrite the plastic grows brittle and literally falls apart same with the NES. A White Dreamcast also needs retrobrite if I remember right the TG16 needs new capacitors it suffers the same issue as the Game Gear. Most of the old handhelds need new screens since they fail with age my Game Gear had new capacitors put in and a McWill mod done to it. The NES needs the lock out chip disabled when the power light turns on and off maybe throw in a new 72pin as well. Sega Master System has an issue blowing out the 7805 voltage regulator. OG Xbox depending on the board revision needs a clock capacitor removed or it leaks and fries the board. N64 controller needs a new thumbstick Sega Genesis model 2 suffers from the solder around the power supply is prone to cracking hence the system will not power up. Sega CD model 1 the laser dies fast model 2 the rubber feet supporting the drive fail and the model is know to throw the pico fuse so it dies fast as well.

It also depends how you treat the system also I baby my shit. I don't throw it around like a football the systems I see that might need the most help going through the years are the ones that use lasers and discs. I know some systems have problems due to how they were built as well like again certain board revisions of an OG Xbox and the Game Gear. I have bought broken systems and picked them for parts. I actually enjoy fixing older systems it's relaxing and a great way to teach yourself new skills.

Retroman884d ago

Turning 64 this year.....my days playing video games are Now over.... time to move on to Jesus Christ .....I wish all of you Happy New Year . Game on Dudes!!!
It was fun while it lasted.


15 Sega Genesis Games that Hold Up Today

The Sega Genesis is a tad underappreciated. This site has already posted about how this console was great for the RPG genre despite the SNES getting more glory. However, that was not the only genre that flourished on the Genesis/Mega Drive.

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Jiub908d ago

Shining Force is on my long list of game series should be revived. Same with console Phantasy Star

Fonsecap908d ago

Shining Force 1, 2 and 3 were awesome, the third one can only be played with emulation along with the translation project because of Episode 2 and 3 that were only released in JP. But I agree, I don't know why SEGA don't revive this franchise, tactics games are very well accepted these days.

Jiub908d ago

I didn't know that about the third one. After the success of the last Fire Emblem, I can't imagine why we don't get more tactics RPGs out there. I'd even take a tactics ogre at this point

908d ago
gold_drake908d ago

i love shining force. i need a bundle with all the games in it.

but the mobile game is coming soon anyways :)

Petebloodyonion908d ago

I'm sorry but I feel the list has been made by a person checking his own backlog catalog.
Mortal Kombat 2? missing half of the sounds and animation from the arcade.
And can we say Super dark soul difficulty when we say Earthworm Jim 2

Here's my pick for still holding up and fun

- Shinobi Shadow Dancer, not too tough nor too easy with a good arcade challenge 1 hour long to complete.
- Gunstar Heroes
- Nhl 94
- Thunder Force 3

Shuckylad908d ago

The 16 bit era in general has aged better than any pre hd generation imo.

Fist4achin908d ago

Great lost with lots of memories. A reboot of the Shadowrun game and Shining Force would keep me entertained and busy for a long time.

gold_drake908d ago

-Sonic 2, 3 and knuckles, pinball
-that one x-men game i always forget its name
-that one fighting game that has different characters (a fishmen, an assassin lady, a private detective from the 70s etc)
-shining force 2
-dynamite heady (probably the best looking genesis game, imo)
-wonderboy in monster world

those are the ones that come to mind ha.

Yui_Suzumiya907d ago

Sega CD version is so much better though.. I had both versions back in the 90's

gold_drake906d ago

oh yeh, thats the name. i always forget it haha.

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