
Are Co-Op Games a Thing of the Past?

Today on The Xbox Dive, Chris and James discuss playing Co-Op Games on the Xbox One. Both Online and Offline, how important are Co-Op games to you?

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NerdBurglars2518d ago

Local coop is most definitely, but coop will live online and be much stronger there

neolego2518d ago

Pretty solid answer. Why do you think local Co-Op is dying?

gangsta_red2518d ago

I just rented Double Dragon Neon from Game Pass just because it has couch co-op. Love beat 'em up games, I really wish that genre would become popular again.

CorndogBurglar2518d ago

I think the answer is simple. Very few games are released nowadays that have have local co-op features. No split screen. No nothing. The ones that do come out are usually indie games. Not that there is anything wrong with indies, mind you, I love them. But they are for a much smaller crowd than AAA titles. And AAA titles very rarely have local co-op anymore.

madforaday2518d ago

local Co-op back in the day didn't have to compete with online at all. A quick search showed that Double Dragon was one of the first local coop game in 1987 (console). I think the majority of people who play videos games on consoles are around 20 to 40 year old's. When those people played video games back in the day they had a lot of friends who would always come to the house whether it is a birthday party or neighborhood kids. At that time we were young still living with our guardians at the time. The older we got, technology got better, our friends moving away or going to school somewhere else, those people who use to sit next you to play are not in a different state playing with you. In all honesty, it is much easier that way from the perspective of a gamer. Your friend just needs the same game and system as you, instead of asking your guardian permission to have someone come over and then asking your friend and them asking their guardian. I personally went to other people's houses to play their system when I was younger. Don't get me wrong I was outside most of the Summer but when we were inside we would play video games co-oping or taking turns. Now, take those 10-14 year old's who live now and compare them to what we had when we were 10 or 12. They have so many options to choose from compared to us and as a developer you can only do so much depending on your game and of course talent. The easiest solution is to make online co-op because in theory it is an easier process for the gamer's. Of course, I am not a developer so I don't know what is easier for them but that isn't me to decide. Look at the newest Halo, Halo couch co-op SP was a staple in that series since it came out but the developers took that away in the newest installment. Were people upset? Of course! There were tons of articles about it. What it boils down to, I don't think it dramatically hurt the sales because well it has Online coop. Just imagine if Rocket League just had local co-op, that would drastically hurt the sales of RL easily. I was just playing Mario Kart 64 with my gf the other day and I only have a 32 inch tv and guess what it, it was relatively annoying having the screen split between the both of us. I know buying a bigger tv could help that but that isn't the point that is just making the gamer life a litter harder. Also, I know these games that are coming out are ever so demanding that local Co-op can be hard but once again I am not a developer so I don't know too much about that. I think that is what 343i said about the newest Halo that came out.

_-EDMIX-_2518d ago

Online is growing.

Back when gaming didn't have a huge online presence, the only logical way to play with someone was literally on the same system, as a social thing. Nintendo carried this concept for a long time with Mario Kart, Smash Bros etc, but many racing and fighting games actually still had local MP in some form for a long, long time.

Online is edging it out based on pure convenience. Most are not going to someone's house to play a game, same as MOST are not calling someone to talk to them ie texting has taken over.

Other forms of play are just more convenient to the user.

Companies run data all the time, and when they see people in HUGE MILLIONS NOT playing locally, it begs to question why program a feature people are not using? It makes sense to double down on online.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2518d ago
gangsta_red2518d ago

Agreed, would love to see more couch co-op games. My son has his friends over and they always just watch either other play when playing video games.

We need more Double Dragons, Contra and Ikari Warrior type games.

neolego2518d ago

Ah man, I agree about more beat'em ups. The last game I remember loving in that genre, was the Scott Pilgrim brawler that was released on XBLA. I'm going to have to go check if that's backwards compatible! :)

2cents2518d ago

Can I add Final Fight to the list!

IndieFolk2518d ago

I recall playing the hell outta Digimon World 4 and Champions of Norrath with friends and cousins some time ago. We need more 4-players couch co-op games.

jrshankill2517d ago

Nobody picked up the Wii-U and it's totally littered with couch co-op games. Super Mario 3d World, for example, is so much fun with 2 players. Gets a bit hectic at 4 players.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2517d ago
Eldyraen2518d ago

Local coop should see a revival, in smaller doses, if the Switch succeeds.

It's perfect for smaller games that were the best for coop: side scrollers, beat em ups, and top down ARPGs that were quite common until last gen. I'd love a Diablo like game on the Switch, Xmen legends/MUA style beat em up ARPGs, etc. Lego games sort of kiddified beat em ups sadly and replaced the legends/mua games but I'm hoping we might see a MCU or DCU version one day still.

_-EDMIX-_2518d ago

"Local coop should see a revival, in smaller doses, if the Switch succeeds."

Not really.

Consider 3DS had this, DS had this...have you not played Mario Kart on portable?

Local Co op isn't going to see any "revival" based on Switch.

MOST that talk about the market don't really get how it works.

DEMAND comes first, NOT the product.

IF someone wants it, the DEMAND will DRIVE the product, the PRODUCT doesn't not drive demand.

ie if we make it, they will come lol

It exist right now, where are those people?

Several notable games have local co op yet the market is still not responding.



So this idea of making more of it to have it see a "revival" doesn't really make much sense. If those few titles that have local co op are not JUMPING OFF SHELVES, it means the feature is not wanted THAT much.

When you have a feature that is truly in demand, you literally own a market on to yourself, your sales should be HIGHER then the average game, IF the market indeed favors this feature.

For the game to not move huge mega units because of this feature, tells me its not wanted that much, not matter how many games use it, not matter how much Switch uses it etc.

You must remember, the cart must come before the horse.

That is like saying everyone wants gold, but doesn't buy the gold that is being offered, OH but wait til MORE gold comes, then they will want more gold......


Soooo they don't want the gold in the small units it exist right now, but will want more when more is out and about ie less rare? No. It just doesn't make sense.

I'm sure we'll see more local co op from smaller developers, but I don't see this "revival" happening based on Switch, as more games exist on PS4 and XONE with MORE users to show us if such a feature is truly wanted.

KillBill2518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )

Nope, local co-op is seeing more a resurgence than not from my shopping experiences. I always look for local co-op and lately they have been much more prevalent.

jrshankill2517d ago

Overcooked is an excellent little couch co-op game. Loads of fun.

Best place to find local co-op is in the indie section.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2517d ago
MLGecko2518d ago

Depends. When my life is hectic and I can't commit to a three+ hours session, then I prefer my SP games that I can pause and leave. MP nights require much more planning and prep.

neolego2518d ago

I totally agree. I kind of mentioned this in the clip, but as an adult, it's much harder to coordinate with friends to be online and together to play a game. Those nights are much fewer and farther between then they were back in college when I would play almost every night with the guys in the dorm. Ah....the days of LAN parties! haha

MLGecko2518d ago

Yup... too many nights of me sitting for an hour for the "game night" to even start. Meanwhile, I am missing time I could be having with my family. But it is all age. Somewhere, there is another kid in college playing the hell out of his MOBA and another 12 year old cussing about someones mom in CoD :D

Ahhh... many a weekend grabbing my Win95/98 system and hitting a friends house for some late night Duke Nukem or Age of Empire.

Bigpappy2518d ago

That's were I am. but I make some time on some weekends for my brothers who also are working with families.

Eldyraen2518d ago

Nintendo will help revive it with the Switch I think (couch coop especially). What they need is for third parties to support it as well as it's really what makes it special. It's literally a 2 person device right out of the box with 4 barely above the price of 2 on the others (via joycons).

With Metro Prime not saying retro is making it, I'm hoping they're making a totally new coop Shooter IP as it's the genre that Nintendo lacks most and I think Retro could do a great job on it.

I think it will make a return to other consoles eventually. Online focus won't be going anywhere but soon we will hit a glass ceiling in games and they could sacrifice resolution instead of framerate for local coop so a native 4K game could theoretically have local coop mode but a checkerboard resolution instead of native come next gen). It is a better trade off imo tha framerate anyways, especially later on when we have more power than absolutely necessary.

neolego2518d ago (Edited 2518d ago )

Having Retro make a brand new, original, Co-Op FPS is a fantastic idea that I've never even thought about! Great...now that's all I want! haha :)

Eldyraen2518d ago

After e3 and people noticed Prime didn't say Retro a lot of people started wondering what they might be doing. Naturally some went straight for DKC since it's what they've done lately but what Nintendo needs is innovation and new markets.

I just started thinking "what if", what nintendo really lacks, and what the Switch's strengths are. Coop seems to be a huge focus with Switch (even Mario was shown with Cappie coop option) and local multiplayer has been shown in a ton of games. A real shooter would need another pair of joycons or pro controller though but not a huge deal.

Nintendo needs to tap into the older market still and a Shooter is basically the best gateway game you can make. If I was Nintendo I would have looked at MS to model it in though, Halo or Gears specifically. I doubt they'll go gears route (violent wise especially) but both are singleplayer, coop, competitive heavy games with long lifespans and loyal fans that Nintendo could seek to draw on. Metroid is sci-to already so Halo popped into my brain fast.

If they can make the game Halo fans missed out on with 5 (split screen, story driven, etc) than I think Retro had the best chance to do it from an internal Nintendo studio. It could make the Switch that much more viable as it would harken back to the golden era of Goldeneye, Perfect dark, etc when Nintendo was THE home for console shooters really.

If anyone from Nintendo could recapture that spark, I think it's Retro.

2518d ago Replies(1)
_-EDMIX-_2518d ago



Both systems out longer then Switch, sold more then Switch.

Soooo I'd argue if it was ever going to be "revive" it should have already happened.

Demand comes before the product.

"What they need is for third parties to support it"

??? WTF?


What they need is for FANS to support it if they want it.

If they are not buying local co op games in the millions right now JUST FOR THAT 1 FEATURE, what tells you they will with MORE releases?

2518d ago Replies(1)
2cents2518d ago

Looking forward to getting some online co-op in with crackdown and sea of thieves. So I would say no, co-op is not a thing if the past.

If developers make them people will play. Many tastes to cater to in such a diverse community that we are a part of. I have always been a co-op fan.

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Ninjamonkey824h ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

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Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.


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