
Sony's excuse for blocking PlayStation and Xbox cross-platform play is hostile and stupid

Microsoft first revealed it would allow Xbox gamers to play against PS4 and PC players at E3 last year, and Sony’s initial reaction seemed like it would be open to the idea.

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GtR35olution2544d ago

Sony shouldn't help Microsoft to take potential customers away from them or send any messages to consumers to buy an Xbox

Neonridr2544d ago

yeah, instead rule with an iron fist and not give gamers the option to play with more people should they want to.

I'm surprised Sony is so open with allowing PSVR users to play with Rift and Vive owners, but then again maybe they feel obligated to since the install base of VR is so darn low.

GtR35olution2544d ago

With some people's silly logic Sony should be showing adverts for Xbox in the psn store. Last gen so y wanted to do cross platform play but Microsoft didn't want it with the Xbox. Last gen Microsoft had loads of third party exclusive deals but now they complain about it because Sony has a lot for PlayStation. Why would the most successful console maker decide to do cross platform play with one of the worse console maker that they are grinding into dust and there isn't anything that benefits Sony long term. Nintendo will be doing it and using xbl, lol. Do you know the messaging there for new fans? Sony should continue doing what they are doing to be successful because they have the best gaming console in history now

nX2544d ago

If Microsoft wouldn't make you create a damn XBL account to play I would agree that Sony made the wrong decision here... but they want you signed in while playing so I fully support Sony in this case.

Neonridr2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

@nX - That's Minecraft, not Rocket League. And since MS owns Minecraft, that's their decision there.

@GtR - geez, please stop. Your sad devotion to Sony is gut wrenching. Open your eyes. It's anti-consumer to not let people decide if they want to do something or not and just decide for them. How is that for the players?

naruga2544d ago

stupid article for the many that are out lately ...keep going

nX2544d ago

Well it's not Sony's problem if Microsoft decides to waste 2,5 billion dollar on a completely overhyped IP and now tries to come up with ways to profit from it. Even for the actual players of this mediocre kids game this is not the big loss you guys make it out to be.

Neonridr2544d ago

@nX - a completely overhyped IP that averages around 55 million users per month. Yeah.. apparently a lot of people enjoy wasting their time on this "kids" game I guess..

ZeroX98762544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Rocket league doesn't need an Xbox live account to play cross platform.
Minecraft is a different story since it's owned by Microsoft, so I'm not surprised on that one.
Tekken dev also tried to make it happen without success. I can't tell why he couldn't, but judging from the recent interview with Psyonix on the matter, everyone is on board except Sony.

Let's hope that us PS4 owners can make them change their mind on this one and make this happen. more players means a bigger range of skill-based matchmaking for beginners and pro players as well!

freshslicepizza2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

It is hostile just like some of their fans here.






Is this really the image Sony wants for itself and a generalized view of its fans they so desperately want to protect?

GTgamer2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Are you that dense? With cross play people won't need to choose a console hence ruining Sony sales and Sony is ahead so it doesn't benefit them at all.
I seriously don't understand how you Ll fail to grasp this then again you guys are not the majority of the gaming community so this doesn't effect Sony one bit but please keep the articles coming.

S2Killinit2544d ago

Thats exactely why MS is so pushy right now. MS themselves turned down this idea when Sony asked them in the last generation. Now the shoe is on the other foot.

Its wise for Playstation to keep the benefit of their install base and not share it with MS.

_-EDMIX-_2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

"yeah, instead rule with an iron fist and not give gamers the option to play with more people"

Sony allows cross play with SFV, War Thunder, Warframe and many other games....

Edit. "geez, please stop. Your sad devotion" smh. Can you legit stop with the personal attacks. Make your point and move on.

GtR's point is valid. They are asking PS owners to basically sign in on another network, that might legally go against what they have set up, they have security protocols set up etc.

You don't even have a real point, you just keep bashing anyone that makes logical points against you.

Sony, MS and Nintendo have their own policy. MS doesn't allow stuff like free to play or MMO's without gold, Nintendo doesn't even allow you to have Youtube videos of their content....

I'd argue any of those points are "anti-consumer" by your logic. Do you not get that what you are saying imply's ALL companies are "anti-consumer"?

trooper_2544d ago

Rule with an iron fist?!

What is this, Street Fighter?

The drama over Sony's decision is absolutely hilarious.

showtimefolks2544d ago


You mean how Microsoft acted and behaved last gen when Sony was open to cross play and had games cross play with pc?

Oh that's right why remember the past facts. Xbox brand in in distant 3rs after Playstation and Nintendo so now Ms wants to try extra hard abs be Faber friendly

Rude-ro2544d ago

Microsoft has been crying about where to play with online for a year now. They got mad last year with windows gaming having no players and filling out rosters...,
I think this is just furthering their cause.
They want their cake and to eat it to.
If they would have continued building things that attracted customers then they would not be begging people to open up their install base under their name.
This whole topic is ridiculous

morganfell2544d ago

Why do certain people on this site even care about PS games. They certainly do not care about PlayStation making smart moves. They should be applauding what they see as a bad move.

So why do they suddenly care?

They don't. Not about PlayStation.

Don't let them fool you.

They see Sony cutting off a lifeline that MS desperately needs. That is the true nature of their sudden softhearted warmth and love for the poor isolated PS gamers. They see Sony as nothing more than Xbox life support.

ALMGNOON2544d ago

lol if you buy an xbox while you "friends" are playing on ps4 then you are a fking retard

freshslicepizza2544d ago

Sony fans just want to continue to use Microsoft as their arch nemesis while ignoring the wishes of developers like the ones who created Rocket League. Nintendo just made fools out of Sony for being anti-consumer.

How can Sony say it's a good idea to have crossplay with the PC and then have part of its userbase contradict itself and say they don't need Nintendo or Microsoft? What exactly are you supporting with this move by Sony?

Death2543d ago

Allowing Playstation gamers the choice to access all of the content for a game they already bought doesn't take away from Sony's sales in any way. Blocking content might impact future sales though since most people don't want this type of censorship.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2543d ago
_-EDMIX-_2544d ago

Sony shouldn't be opening up their network infrastructure for such a thing if they feel its against their security policy's

Neonridr2544d ago

if that's the reason, then fine. But they have supported cross play in the past with PC on certain titles (FFXIV for example). And the PSVR supports cross play with the Rift and Vive. So why isn't there concern there when it comes to their network infrastructure?

kickerz2544d ago Show
_-EDMIX-_2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

@Neo- " But they have supported cross play in the past with PC"

But those methods are not going against their network infrastructure

Sony also supported mods on PS3, but they supported them a certain way. Seriously, stop making BLANKET statements. ie "the supported cross play" Umm...they also supported it being done a specific way.

"So why isn't there concern there when it comes to their network infrastructure?" Likely because it doesn't put them in security risk with their network

Its not saying Sony doesn't support it conceptually, its saying Sony doesn't support HOW its being done.

Look at Skyrim and Fallout 4.

Its not saying Sony hates mods, its saying they don't support the way Bethesda was trying doing it, ie as to why Fallout 4 and Skyrim have mods now. They worked with Valve for Portal 2 and Epic with UT3, they needed to have it done a certain way, that doesn't mean they are ok with mods IN EVERY FORM!

its a stupid assumption and you seem to want to point the narrative towards them not liking the concept ,when them supporting it for years shows otherwise. Stop cherry picking and leaving out facts to support a narrative or agenda. It sounds bias and way too personal, as suppose to just looking at facts. I mean, by your logic ,MS hates free to plays and MMO's based on them not allowing it without gold ie no FFXIV.

or Nintendo hates their fans, they don't allow them to upload on youtube. So yes, lets just ignore why and just say they hate fans and have NO reason they why they have their policy's

I mean....are you as slow as to think that Nintendo and MS would allow cross play with anyone with ANY METHOD regardless of security risk?

Neonridr2544d ago

you certainly like to flip the script a lot.. but but but.. Nintendo this..

Nintendo is the most kid friendly company of the three, yet they have zero issues about online play with others. Hell Nintendo even mentions on their website that they aren't responsible for what happens when you go online, and that they can't be held responsible. Yet Sony apparently is protecting the youth of the world. What so cross play with PC wouldn't jeopardize their network? No way to hack in that way? Or are we saying that all PC gamers are polite while MS and Switch owners would corrupt the poor sensitive Sony players?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2544d ago
gangsta_red2544d ago

I really doubt anyone playing the same game on different consoles with each other would convince them to purchase that other console. That really makes zero sense.

And even with that logic don't you think it could go both ways and be potentially be worse for MS and having Xbox users buy a PS4?

Teflon022544d ago

You missed the point. You have to be on Xbox Live to play Minecraft for Nintendo Switch. Why Would sony advertise Xbox Live when that's the main competition. It's like Netflix advertising HULU. It's rare to see companies work together and when they do it's compromise in certain situations. Example, FUNimation and Crunchyroll where the main competitors of the anime streaming subscriptions. The started working together and what they did. FUNimation stopped streaming Subtitled shows for almost everything but special occasions like Dragon Ball Super, Attack On Titan and One Piece. But do immediate dubs for the whole catelog they get. In return Crunchyroll does sub streams of FUNimation streams and FUNimation dubs the Crunchyroll shows and handles the homevideo releases for them. It's a win win for everyone. More on Crunchyroll for subs and more for Dubs on FUNimation. ALso more shows get blu-ray releases and dubs now. In this case though, no benefit is in it for Sony. The Minecraft players will still play minecraft etc. No reason to promote xbox live. Sony doesn't mind cross play since FFXIV was on PS3/PS4 and PC but not xbox because of that exact reason ironically

gangsta_red2544d ago


You lost me, and I seriously doubt whatever point you were making was definitely not the point GtR35olution was making. If Sony was worried about sending customers away then why cross play with PC?

moegooner882544d ago

MS probably wants more Xbox Live users to brag about the number in the next quarterly report insead of giving actual sales data lol

Timesplitter142544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

please remove your tinfoil hat right now

fiveby92544d ago

MS has nothing to lose at this point. They are in a weak position install base wise and with attach rate for games. I have a hard time trusting MS. They often over promise and under deliver.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2543d ago
KingKionic 2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Over here at PSN we like to make sure our doors are locked when were sleeping.

Protecting kids...and stuff.

BlackTar1872544d ago

who doesn't lock their doors when their sleeping? What are you even saying?

Neonridr2544d ago

I don't lock my doors a lot of nights. I live in Canada though, so..

whitesoxfalife19762544d ago

he just wanted to type his comment so it looks cool thas all......notice his edit

whitesoxfalife19762544d ago

@neon shit dont them dam bears and whatever else be opening up doors and shit. I saw one news report a bear walked in played the piano went to her kitchen.


My sister even told me that the wild life in alaska were brutal during her time there in the Airforce

JackBNimble2544d ago

Alaska is not in Canada 🍁

Almost sounds like you think we live in the sticks or something, we have pretty dam big cities up here in Canada too... lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2544d ago
freshslicepizza2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Doors locked with duct tape , credit card information on the window ledge for prying eyes.

arkard2544d ago

Keep bringing up something that happened a generation ago but getting pissed when people bring up that Microsoft didn't want to work with Sony last generation. Microsoft is really getting desperate trying to appear like the good guy.

RDF2544d ago

No credit card info was stolen, not one. Yet,you should lookup MS China and how their XBL was hacked compromising all their credit card numbers. Plus not a word from MS, go figure. >.>

Shadyceaser2544d ago

Yea ... But your wallet may get stolen.😀

zerocarnage2544d ago

yeah cus Sony's doors never got bashed in at the rear with that hack rite? Sony has been the worst out of the three for security that is fact.

2543d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2543d ago
ApocalypseShadow2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

If Microsoft were 30 million ahead, you would not see all this "let's be friends" talk.

If cross play required Xbox fans to create and log into PSN, Microsoft would say "no."

If Sony owned the game, Microsoft would definitely not push its base to go out and buy the competitors game.

Sony has cross play with PC that is not considered a direct competitor besides having a 60 million PS4 owner base. Sony don't need Microsoft or Nintendo.

If everyone had to log into a neutral network away from competition, then I could see cross play happening across the board with third party games.

There's more going on behind the scenes than just a small group of PlayStation gamers and a loud group of Xbox gamers begging for it when they were silent last gen about it when Sony wanted to do it.

ZeroX98762544d ago

Rocket league is exactly this! third party servers are handling the matchmakings. This article ain't just for Minecraft, but for all cross platform games out there.

AcidDvl2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

But that cross play already exists, like you just mentioned!!

We're not here talking about something that already exits, but rather something that MS is proposing... Which requires PSN users to register to Xbox Live.

Which puts all the cards on MS's hand.

Which is plain ridiculous for Sony to accept.

No Way2544d ago

I don't understand what you mean. What does the install base have to do with anything? Honestly, it only affects 3rd party games, anyway. Exclusives don't matter here. It would just open up more gaming possibilities on games such as Call of Duty or Battlefield/front.

It's not like they couldn't work together to build an online infrastructure, or combine them, in a way that would allow the players to log into their own service and still cross-play. Paragon on the PS4 allows you to play with PC players.

ApocalypseShadow2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Has nothing to do with exclusives.

Sony already does cross play with PC. And they already have a large community at 60 million. No one says cross play isn't a good idea. But what we are saying is that it benefits Microsoft and Nintendo more than it benefits Sony.

Look at this list, run down the pages and tell me where PlayStation gamers are highly requesting this feature to happen

Not even in the top 10 or 20.I wonder if it's somewhere at the bottom of popularity PS4 fans want?

Edit: not even in the top 50 popular requests that I have seen so far

freshslicepizza2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

In other words Sony would rather remove it completely regardless of what anyone thinks if it has any potential at all to help the other guys. This is called evolution folks. Competition at its finest.

Sony mocks Microsoft on how to play games so they remove the always online before the system ships. Microsoft and other developers say wouldn't it be great to expand crossplay beyond just the PC? Sony answers with a big up yours. What a consumer friendly company trying to push gaming forward but no, console wars is what they resonate right from the top.

No Way2544d ago

Apocalypse, just because it's not requested doesn't mean anything. I'd assume most people don't even think it's a possibility. Not only that, but I'm sure there are many games where people think "man this game is dead, I can't get into any rooms!" This would help that scenario, because there would be another source of gamers playing the same game. It might not be requested, but it would certainly benefit all gamers if they allow cross-platform gaming.

freshslicepizza2544d ago

"Look at this list, run down the pages and tell me where PlayStation gamers are highly requesting this feature to happen
https://share.blog.us.plays... "

What is that suppoosed to mean, that Sony won't listen to request for PSN ID changes and PS2 support on the PS4 that people have been asking for years? Good job showing how much Sony listens.

The official forum is also very heavily moderated,


Topic removed.

Don't worry, you can sign up here. 2,000 signatures already


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2544d ago
zerocarnage2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

You do not know that at all, at the time I don't think for crossplay was rite back then, I wouldn't of enjoyed it at all to be honest. Gaming has advanced so much since then in every department and the fact console has never been so close to pc as it has ever been bringing more n more games across, shows that now is the rite time.

Like I've said i could care about sales, who's in what position I never did care about all that, just what I enjoy playing, so to me with all the great games out now and on the way out it's definitely the rite time for crossplay to go ahead.

With monster hunter world announced for consoles 2k18, I'd certainly enjoy gaming with playstation users as much as I do users of my own console. Games like black desert online, elite dangerous, anthem, even games out now like the division,ghost recon, fifa, battlefield, once they adopt cross play which is only a matter of time I'd certainly get all competitive again. I'd create some clans on games and do this whole console war between PlayStation and xbox like alot of us have always wanted be it for fun or serious.

Wallstreet372544d ago

Playstation guy here but yes dumb and stupid, especially since they were one of the first to open up cross play between consoles and pc in the past. You do most things better but this right here is a big smfh.

ZeroX98762544d ago

Crossplatform with PC was available with shadowrun on the 360 if I'm right (correct me if I'm wrong!)

crossplay between consoles, THATS a brand new thing! I totally understand why minecraft is a no go because of the xbox live login requirement, but for all the third party out there which are handling the matchmaking themselves, why not?

Wallstreet372544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

I already went through this month's ago and won't bother getting the info again but Sony has been doing it for longer or just as long.

Cross play between vita and ps3 was also done a few times as well.

Microsoft doing first cross console play whoopty do great. I care about cross play period as a whole bcus it opens up the player pool whether via pc or consoles.

My point is it should be allowed.

Tetsujin2544d ago


"crossplay between consoles, THATS a brand new thing! "

Really? What's Final Fantasy 11 then? That was Xbox 360, PS2, AND PC.

Christopher2544d ago

Hostile is hyperbolic to say the least.

2544d ago Replies(3)
Ashlen2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Chris gimme a break man you have failed plenty of articles for exactly what was listed, in the past. "no new information".

Show all comments (98)

Is Sony's Adaptive Difficulty A Good Idea?

Sony has been reported to be considering adding adaptive difficulty to all of its games. This feature would likely allow gamers to play more difficult games that usually have a skilled player barrier and also make it so hardcore gamers can get a good experience out of typically easier games.

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shinoff2183146d ago

I don't see an issue. I'm also sure it'd be an option that you could turn off to.

jambola146d ago

If optional yes
if not, awful idea

ApocalypseShadow146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

It should be optional but it would be more interesting to see gamers play more advanced AI. It's been a request since the beginning that NPCs and bots were more intelligent and tougher and not be stupid cannon fodder. This AI I'm guessing will adapt to the player. Which is cool. If the gamer sucks, the AI will suck. If the gamer is a bad ass, the AI will kick some ass and take names.

Based on GT7 Sophy, AI will definitely give gamers a run for their money.

jambola146d ago

but I also don't ever want a case of playing a game I want to be hard, but then it get's easier because I die too much and removes that option
if it's 100% optional, I'm all for it
even ai adapting I'm not against
just any crap like, "you died too much so boss will suck to let you win easier" crap

Noskypeno146d ago

Yeah like everyone said, it should be optional. Sometimes I like to relax from the competitive mp and play a single player that's challenging but in a predictable way. I'll probably use it at times but sometimes I just want to have a soldier yell grenade 5 seconds before he throws it at you in perfect English.

ZeekQuattro146d ago

I don't have a problem with it. A number of games do this already depending on your playstyle.

porkChop146d ago

If you can turn it off? Sure. If it's forced, no it's a terrible idea. Imagine wanting a tougher experience but because you die a few times the game lowers the difficulty. That kind of defeats the purpose of the harder difficulty.

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Sony Wants to Know: 'Does Busting Make You Feel Good?'

A new ad for the PS VR2 sees Sony asking fans if "busting" makes them "feel good," leading to a lot of jokes online.

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Plague-Doctor27198d ago

Apparently this is a reference to Ghostbusters...??

blackblades198d ago

Didn't sound like it, sounds dirty

The_Hooligan197d ago

First it was the 19" of venom and now this 😂. Who's in charge of Sony's marketing team? lol


Aww...snowflakes...too much for y'all to handle?

I remember a time when people weren't offended by this type of advertising.

Don't forget your helmet if going outside.

raWfodog197d ago


I’m thinking how people these days would react to an ad showing an old lady asking “Where’s the beef?!”

blackblades197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

Ads these days be so lewd. Like there's this one had on tv about internet speed saying "I need some of that big gig energy in my life" then sip on some tea with the Look while garage door slowly goes down. I'm not new to it at all cause theres been plenty over the years

raWfodog197d ago

We use to laugh at the ‘naughty’ ads back in the days but people today get so offended at the suggestion of sex in ads. It’s a different world.

Barlos197d ago

Nah, it sounds like a reference to Ghostbusters. That was the first thing that sprung to mind.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 197d ago
Duke19197d ago

I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghost

zeuanimals197d ago

Let me tell you somethin'

FullmetalRoyale197d ago

You're right, no human being would use "bust" like that.

fr0sty197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

"Oh, Uh... There was a ghost! Uh-uh-uh... This is ectoplasm! Did you see the ghost? It ran through here and s-- it slimed me! That wasn't me it was a spooky ghost!"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 197d ago
gold_drake198d ago

in general, yes. very good. lol

gold_drake198d ago

not gonna lie, that does feel good. ha.

-Foxtrot198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

Depends on my mood...

OtterX197d ago

It feels good whether you're in the mood or not.

The thing is, bustin' chooses you. You never know when it'll show up.

.... and just to be clear, we're talking about ghostbusting. 🙄

OtterX198d ago

Leaves me feelin' like a Marshmallow Man.

P_Bomb198d ago

That’s not ectoplasm! 😏

OtterX197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

I ain't fraid of no ghost!


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Sony: "Portion" of PlayStation First-Party Games Changes in Launch Date Impacted Profitability

According to Sony, changes to the launch dates of a "portion of first-party titles" impacted the company's profitability.

P_Bomb298d ago

“No word on which games were delayed, though”

Et tu, Factions? 🤔

KyRo297d ago

We barely know anything coming from Sony. It's all very quiet. Whatever they are doing they are playing it very differently to how they usually do it. For the people who aren't massively into superheros, it's a bit dry at the moment on the exclusive front.

isarai297d ago

I don't know why people are disagreeing, we only know of Spider-Man and Wolverine. We don't have any official announcement of anything else. It's been quiet for an unusual amount of time for PlayStation.

CS7297d ago

But we have the Gran Turismo movie and a live service game from Horizon /s

shinoff2183297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Exactly why I got an xbox , starfield is way more intriguing then Spiderman 2. I'm not really into the superhero stuff. To this day I say my favorite ones were the ultimate alliance games. Spiderman 1 was pretty cool but I doesn't excite me like a starfield or rpg. I'm more excited for store ocean 2 remake then Spiderman 2. My ps5 will have some really deserved cool off time once starfield releases.

jivah297d ago

Crazy thing is that they've been eerily quiet on the Sony front. Like to the point where the let loose a few announcements just to tide us over. But we still have no idea the mountain of stuff that's on the way and being worked on. And to think its been this way since a large majority of gamers complained a few years ago, that Sony showed too much in advanced. And since then, they've held on super tight. Its never been this way.

Hedstrom297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Am i the only one who is excited for Helldivers 2? I think it looks super fun.


FinalFantasyFanatic296d ago

I'm low key interested for the Starship Troopers vibe, unfortunately I couldn't get any friends to play the first game with me.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 296d ago
seanpitt23297d ago

Ps5 lack of 1st party games is really showing 3 years into this gen and it's been pretty bad! All we have to look forward to is GOAS

PunksOnN4G297d ago

Lol funny xbox has had a last of 1st party for over 5-6 years now yal lcoming out saying its a problem for PS but did not once during those 6 years LOL xbox kids down bad but i get bros been last place for over a decade LOL

Amplitude297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Sony's got some ballers in it's arsenal of games. I'd argue way better quality and quantity than Microsoft's got but neither are particularly amazing.

Im a bit underwhelmed by this entire gen on both fronts tbh. Lack of any sort of quality DLSS competitor on AMD's side of things really affected both of these consoles to an extreme and really kinda forced me to switch to PC this gen, which is where i've mostly just been playing older games anyway. I sold my Series X and just use the PS5 for the exclusives and multiplayer stuff with my friends. I kinda wish the entire concept of consoles would go away with how this gen is going. Subscription service wars, microtransactions, paid online which is still insane to me, flat out stupid game pricing with very little in the way of actual upgraded game concepts beyond graphics settings bump ups, practically completely unsupported borderline scam accessories like the PSVR2 and dumb nonsense like the PSVR1 requiring a separate camera than the PS5 Camera. Hell we only just recently even got basic amenities like 1440p and Dolby Atmos over on PS5, and Atmos is almost unusable on the Series consoles.

The software experience and the hardware's all hella disappointing tbh and Insomniac Games is really the only company i can think of pushing the hardware to an extreme at the moment, with their SSD craziness in Ratchet and Spiderman 2, 60FPS RT and 40FPS modes, 3D audio, crazy impressive animation and post processing effects and clear benefits to the actual games. Mad props to them man

fr0sty297d ago

Series S/X didn't have a single first party exclusive game for the first 2 years of their lives... yet certain folks were curiously quiet about that...

CS7297d ago

Why in high heavens is everything about Xbox vs PS5 in here?

It is an article about the PS5.

Xbox's first party output has been garbage for over a decade, no one cares.

Playstation's known upcoming offerings is probably the driest it has ever been in three generations and these kids only care about "hurrr durrrr but but Xbox has even less games!11!!!!"

I don't care about Xbox, I bought a Playstation to play next generation exclusives and that HAS been lacking this gen and the future really isn't looking too bright.

InUrFoxHole297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Surprise! Here comes the but but the other system... Dude just accept it for what it is. You can't keep covering for these companies like they care about you. They'll screw you over every chance they get, just to grab your $$$. The sooner you stop protecting that piece of plastic the sooner you can see things as a consumer and demand better.

FinalFantasyFanatic296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

I've been pretty disappointed with PS this gen, I haven't even felt much of a need to invest in a PS5 yet.

I really miss those really great games, especially JRPGs, which is why I'm happy to help fund games on Kickstarter like Armed Fantasia, 100 Heroes, Penny Blood... I'm still on the fence about whether I'll help out with Ratatan yet, Sony just isn't helping fund these games or giving them the support to thrive on their console this gen.

fr0sty296d ago

You call yourself final fantasy fanatic and yet you see no reason to invest in ps5, despite two of the best games in the series being released this year for it?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 296d ago
Ashunderfire86297d ago

We got so many games coming out this year, why even complain? Many games are making their target release date. Sony got some VR games as well coming and a horror survival game this month for PS5

Ashunderfire86297d ago

Yes Fort Solis PS5 console exclusive, and Daymare 1994 all this month! Horror survival or Survival horror you know what I mean 😆 you can Google all this info like I did. PS5 also has Spiderman 2 we obviously know coming October and HellDivers 2! For the 2 people that disagree needs to do a Google search! This year is stacked with games already.

DOMination-297d ago

Chasing the live service genre is a huge gamble. If they get one hit that's on par with today's heavy hitters, then the investment will be worth it 100x. But history tells us that a huge % of these titles fail - even ones from established studios with AAA budgets.

Over the last two generations, Sony have excelled in making brilliant cinematic single player games. Those games helped them to be the number 1 publisher for both revenue and profits and by quite some distance. Hopefully the lack of releases recently isn't a sign of the business pivoting to a completely different model because frankly, that'll suck. The current model is both commercially and critically successfully so it doesn't need changing on a whim just to chase the GaaS big bucks! #prayforplaystation

Chevalier297d ago

Agreed I really hope they don't pivot too much into GaaS and have a balanced approach with lots of single player story driven games mixed in.

Tacoboto297d ago

Oh they're so in on GaaS that they led their last showcase with a GaaS title that even has a $ in the name.

Magatsuhi297d ago

They have to pivot. With MS buying up everything they can't be reliant on the revenue brought in by 3rd party games anymore and that's what they use to fund alot of these 1st party games. So now they need a successful gaas game to bring in that extra cash flow to fund more 1st party games.

Chevalier297d ago

"Oh they're so in on GaaS that they led their last showcase with a GaaS title that even has a $ in the name."

And yet Playstation releases SP games regularly and Goty ones too. What's the last Goty Xbox game?! Oh right nothing AAA Goty in how many years?! Lol.

Don't get me wrong Xbox has some SP games on the way, but, so far not consistently and no Goty contenders that come close to Playstation.

Amplitude294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

I'd argue that Hi-Fi Rush is a solid candidate for GOTY. That was a good-ass game.
That's about it though lol

talocaca297d ago

Hopefully that means a packed 2024.

I'm mostly surprised that we still don't even know what their major studios are up to. Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog (single player), Bluepoint, Team Asobi, Media Molecule....

Amplitude294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

I kinda get it. These games take forever to develop and Sony's been announcing games much closer to their release dates these days which I think is smart.

Asobi and Media Molecule though, yeah - been a real long while. I still really do think Dreams is salvageable if Sony put in an ounce of effort. Could even be a huge system-seller with a rebrand, ad campaign, pc release, and maybe even a free version of the "Play" mode with ads that could pay creators. The general public doesn't even know Dreams exists and i think anybody that does know it exists would entirely approve of pushing it in any new way

Petebloodyonion297d ago

No Sh+t Louise, Delaying a game to the next quarter means that we won't have the profit of that game this quarter like we budget last year!

I'm Glad we have a complete article on the main page explaining these important things.

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