
Destiny 2: 4K resolution confirmed only on PS4 Pro, no promise for Xbox One X

The community manager Deej has said that no promise has yet been made for the 4K resolution on Xbox One X.

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chrisx2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

Any 1 who wants to enjoy 4k console gaming should just get a Ps4 pro. You get to enjoy the great PS exclusives and multiplats like destiny 2 in 4K

Relientk772545d ago

The best Destiny 2 experience is surely on Playstation

sonarus2545d ago

Lmao this is hilarious if true. Man I wonder how Microsoft and Bungie got along while they still owned them. Post Microsoft bungie gives Microsoft no love at all.

Gazondaily2545d ago

This makes no sense. Why wouldnt the more powerful console get 4K but a weaker one would?

2545d ago
naruga2545d ago

however if u think that MS will do the same with (imo) far superior Anthem ...then probably PS-Xbox owners will be even ....i dont like Destiny but from what i saw i will like definately Anthem..... so lucky them i say

Kribwalker2545d ago

MS still owns an unknown equity in bungie. It was announced during the split that ms would retain equity and the right of first refusal on all future bungie games. This reeks of activison/Sony parity clauses

donthate2544d ago

I wonder how people will feel it when the shoe is on the other foot, when MS gets tired of Sony shenanigans and starts paying to devalue your platform. I hope we don't end up there, but Sony is already super anti-consumer, and people keep cheering it on.

Rippcity2544d ago

Think what you meant to say was "The best Destiny 2 experience is surely on PC". Cause let's be honest here, PS4 Pro and XOX will never ever be able to compete PC performance. And K&M will always be better to play FPS games with. Every time hands down.

Dragonscale2544d ago

@septic, no one is obliged to support scorpio, thats up to the devs. Obviously theres no love lost between bungie and ms. Apart from xbox games theres no guarantee anyone else will support it unless ms moneyhat them.

TheCommentator2544d ago

Only a moron would believe that the Pro would somehow have a technical advantage of any type over the 1X. There's no way the best version could ever be on Pro if the power of each system is fully utilized, so if the 1X isn't the best console version then Sony paid for it with their marketing deal (which is the rumor Sony denies).

xwabbit2544d ago

Ill be playing it on PC since I have a some of the best hardware, might as well enjoy the perks.

Mr Pumblechook2544d ago

What a clickbait article written to incite anger to Sony! Bungie can't talk about other platforms because of the marketing agreement with Sony, but definitely 4K is coming to X1X.

fatbastard112544d ago

Really?So native 4k/60 fps max settings on PC is inferior?

Harambee2544d ago

Yes, i agree but I'll be playing on xbox...

mkis0072544d ago


"There's no way the best version could ever be on Pro if the power of each system is fully utilized".

Well the same was true of XB1 vs Ps4 , but the xbox one sometimes came out on top in certain things. So maybe it is up to the dev which version they put more into?

S2Killinit2544d ago

Not to mention the bigger pool of players. Almost everyone i know that plays Destiny, plays it on PS4.

spicelicka2544d ago

And all other games are best on XB1X.

bouzebbal2544d ago

Well done xbox,well done

darthv722544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

The best Destiny 2 experience on Playstation is surely on Playstation Pro.

there... fixed it for you.

@skull (below), some of the bungie peeps stuck around and formed 343. Others went elsewhere but there are some originals still left at Bungie. The funny part about them is they didnt want to keep making Halo games for MS so they left and now make Halo-esq games for Activision.

Skull5212544d ago

All old Bungie talent is over at 343i, they are a mediocre at best studio any more, Destiny was terrible. Sony made a bad gamble with this Destiny exclusivity crap.

dcbronco2544d ago

Mkis007 there is a difference between the two current lead consoles and their base models. One & 4 were a new generation. The Pro and X are refinements on those. Sony added a few tweaks and added about 150% more GPU with new architecture and a CPU clock bump. Microsoft added around 500% more GPU with a new architecture plus some add-ons' from an unreleased architecture. Then they completely re-engineered the CPU. Notice they aren't even listed as Jaguar anymore. Someone on Beyond 3d said they were re-engineered Puma+ cores I think. So it's a huge difference. Plus bandwidth held the original Xbox One back on frame rate and resolution. Pro has good bandwidth for the most part. But Scorpio just has so much more.

2544d ago
jrshankill2544d ago

Anyone who thinks bungle isn't nerfing the XbX version is delusional

Professor_K2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

I AGREE;Getting ripped off by a shitty game filled with Microtransactions and DRM has always been the true Playstation Experience

that being said, ive already learned form past experience to know that Destiny is a shit game, a total underwhelment from the prestigious bungie and any true xbox fan will avoid buying this game. HALO IS STILL KING BABYYYYEEEEEE. Also i doubt this is the final statement something shdy is going on, the XBX is more powerfull than the pspro

Sevir2544d ago

It will be 4k... they just aren't talking about it. The lead platform is PS4 Pro

UnHoly_One2544d ago

People are blowing this way out of proportion.

He isn't able to confirm it. That does not mean the same thing as saying it isn't happening.

Sony, the tyrant of the gaming industry, has Bungie completely by the balls and they probably aren't even allowed to say the word Xbox.

It'll be fine guys.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 2544d ago
Erik73572545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

You mean pc? Sure that's not checkerboard upscaling 4k and not native? How about 30fps which sucks as well?

Nyxus2545d ago

You must've hated Breath of the Wild.

2pacalypsenow2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

"Framrates, resoltuion,etc.....a true gamer sees past it. " - Erik7357

Zelda runs at 30fps with frame drops so it must suck as well?

freshslicepizza2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Yes it does suck but when you have no other option then that's all you are given. How does Zelda come into play here when one game has an option to play at higher frame rates and the other doesn't?

Thankfully Sony doesn't rule the industry and gamers still have some options out there.

I also laugh at how Bungie can get the game at 4K while Sonys in house studios can't for the majority of their games.

2pacalypsenow2544d ago

"Yes it does suck but when you have no other option then that's all you are given"

So it only sucks when you have no other options? So tell me how does 30fps change the experience, just by knowing I cant get 60fps anywhere else? Does it magically make 30fps as good as 60fps?

Because i'm pretty sure Erik7357 made sure everyone knew how much of a masterpiece a 30fps game was, and now hes bagging 30fps...

2544d ago
Ol_Boy2544d ago


Lmao you got exposed.

sizeofyou2544d ago

Is that True 4K, Native 4K, Dynamic 4K, checkerboard 4K, faux 4K, magic 4K, upscaled 4K, descaled 4K or downscaled 8K??
S'ppose it don't matter...PS4P or XBX. Both use all the above. OK...most of the above..!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2544d ago
Letthewookiewin2545d ago

The Xbox X beast is already falling apart. With all the games already during checkerboarding and in 30fps this system has missed the mark in a very pathetic manner. MS still has a sinking ship on its hands.

leeeroythe3rd2545d ago

Falling apart is the release of drive club... the amount of pr trolls sony has is amazing. Penis envy is likely your issue

Ron_Danger2545d ago

Something tells me you aren't a member of MENSA...

DevilishSix2544d ago

It is thinking like yours and people like you that does a terrible disservice to the gaming industry.

Stogz2544d ago

@leeeroythe3rd falling apart is also the release of Halo MCC, in fact is that game still broken? Quit pretending only one side does this.

steveo1234562544d ago

So much salt in here haha

DarkKaine2544d ago

Tell me one console that had the most optimized games right after launch.
Don't worry, I'll wait.

Not even sure why I'm defending this system coz there's nothing appealing to me in the first place but give it some time.

Sirk7x2543d ago

All that power is useless if developers don't find it viable to sink the time and money into utilizing it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2543d ago
XStation4pio_Pro2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

I have one. I'm buying the one x. The pro isn't powerful enough for 4K and one x will run enhanced games better than pro and all other games performance increased too with no boost mode needed. And it has uhd bluray and Dolby atmos. Hell the one x still probably isn't powerful enough to run everything 4K and it's substantially more powerful than the pro.
This whole bungie deal is suspect to me. Sony has content rights and ad rights and now suddenly it might not run at max resolution on the most powerful console? That's super fishy. The one x could easily outclass the PS4 pro in terms of performance so this is business and it's bullshit.

Sunny_D2544d ago

"The pro isn't powerful enough for 4k"

Except the Xbox one X is doing the exact same thing as the PS4 Pro, most of its games are checkerboard and lower than 60 FPS. The only 4K games are a select few and mostly indie titles just like the pro.😂

showtimefolks2544d ago


Last year Ms had a marketing deal for BF1 so EA wouldn't confirm anything on how the game would look or play on pro till very close to launch

Xbox one 900p
Ps4 1080p
Pro 4k
X 4k

All with 30 FPS

People need to chill

leeeroythe3rd2545d ago

Except it doesnt offer true 4k output nor will it. You go right ahead and enjoy it... i am more likely to stop supporting bungie products. First one was blah anyhow

Ron_Danger2545d ago

PS4 uses checkerboard rendering.
XBox One X uses sparse rendering.

Pro tip: they're the same thing.

XanderZane2544d ago

They haven't announce whether it will or won't. Nothing has been comfirmed yet. It's obviously not a problem to do, as the Xbox One X is a beast. Running Destiny 2 in native 4K @ 30fps shouldn't be a problem on XBox One X. Their developers are going to be chewed to bits buy fans of Destiny if the game isn't parity on the game consoles.


I have a Pro Already, But This is NOT right! No way a more powerful console on every front should not be guaranteed to run the same resolution as the pro version... just sayin

Gunstar752544d ago

Your grown-up attitude is not welcome here.
Be gone Satan, be gone!!!!!

XanderZane2545d ago

Gamers will boycott the game if they do this shit. The game will run at 30fps on all game consoles. It won't even be Native 4K on the PS4 Pro. If it's not 4K on the XBox One X, I'm pretty sure gamers will tell Bungie & Activision how they feel about that with their wallets. The PC version will be the best version to get in the end, but I won't buy the game at all, if they f*** this game up.

Ron_Danger2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

The vocal minimum of Xbox Fanboys will boycott it. It won't have any effect on PS4 copies sold, and PC sales will be whatever they'll be.

XanderZane2544d ago

Activision & Bungie will get EAT ALIVE with negative press over and over and over again. Trust me on this. It won't matter what happens on the PS4. I think the only reason they are saying this shit is because it's probably in their contract with Sony to not talk about the XBox One X version and it's features. When it launches however, it will have the same resolution and features as the PS4 Pro, I'm sure.

Dragonscale2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

@xand, do you really think PS gamers give a crap how the game runs on scorpio. It'll sell well on PlayStation regardless like the last one. Tbh most xbone owners will be playing it on the og xbone. The scorpio userbase won't be large enough to merit any upgrades tbh. Also this will happen a lot seeing how PS4 is the lead platform this gen. Get used to it.

jlove4life2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

I doubt it last i checked 60 is bigger than 20 so if a few xbox fans moan wont tilt the balance of PlayStation larger install base if that was the case other ps exclusive games wouldnt exist from 3rd party im not saying its right but xbox 360 held back ps3 games a whole generation its life get over it

XanderZane2544d ago

It won't matter what PS gamers think or how well it sells on PS4. XBox fans will revolt and journalist will chew Activision/Bungie up in the press. So I'm pretty sure the game will be exactly the same as the PS Pro when all is said and done. We'll see what happens when it releases.

cd12544d ago

Revolting Xbox fans...scary [yawn].

2542d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2542d ago
MegamanXXX2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

PS4 is a true beast 😊 I'm tempted on getting a gtx 1080 so I can get Destiny for free and upgrade my gpu. Maybe I should wait for gtx 1180 or whatever it will be called

LexHazard792544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

Lol...Im confident that Nov 7th Destiny 2 will be 4K on the X.

343_Guilty_Spark2544d ago

I don't need you to tell me what I should do with my money. Now what console you get, that's between you and your parents.

cd12544d ago

I buy my own consoles though?

XanderZane2543d ago

lol!! Only console my mother bought be was an Atari 2600. How long ago was that? Been buying all my game consoles since then. Kids...

2544d ago Replies(1)
fr0sty2544d ago

If this happens, it would pretty much confirm the parity clause rumors, I doubt Sony will shoot themselves in the foot like that, but we'll see. It could just be that Bungie can't talk about 4K on XBO:X as part of the agreement.

Aceman182544d ago

Honestly i love seeing the ppl who constantly troll on here lose their sh*t like it will ruin their lives if the game doesn't run in the magically 4k hahaha.

This is some classic sh*t hahaha

Relientk772544d ago

I'm getting some good laughs from these comments

DarthZoolu2544d ago

I don't like those exclusives, to much narrative based linear gameplay. I play Elite Dangerous the Most and can't wait to play it on XoneX and I'm gonna skip Destiny this time around.

kickerz2544d ago

Its not confirmed on xbox1x cause its not out yet . Plain and simple. It will easily run 4k on xbox .

XanderZane2543d ago

They can only announce the specs for the XBox One S, because it's the only game console on the market. They have to wait for the X1X to launch before they can announce all the specs for that version. I'm sure it will be the same as PS4 Pro.

2544d ago
XanderZane2543d ago

Just like I said. It will be the same or maybe native 4K. We'll see.

Masta Kaos2544d ago

I love Sony but this is just bullshit....

Uken122544d ago

LOL, PS4 Pro is way weaker and XBX doesn't get 4K?! What a joke.

This actually helps the theory that Sony is making sure the XBX version is gimped. There is no way it can't run 4K.
What a joke of a company Sony is, and I love all the cronies stating how Sony is great for this. This is absurd and absolute trash. Destiny 2 shouldn't sell for the same price then on XBX.

pinkcrocodile752544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

@chrisx I'll buy the games I want on the console I want. Nobody and I mean NOBODY gets to tell me which console I can play 4K games on. The PS4 Pro is great and my husband loves it, but my boys and I want the Xbox One X and thats what we will get. Have you got that!

On topic, this is a none-story, nothing has happened yet.

However If it does happen I'm sure the game will be boycotted and rightly so. Though with Bungie in Activision's pocket I'm pretty sure it will be fine

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2542d ago
Saijahn2545d ago

Bungie at least has to hit the 4k mark on X1X. If they don't, I can't see the destiny franchise surviving on Xbox and PC. Content exclusives are one thing, but intentionally hurting a game because it's not on your partner's console is insane. I'm an avid Destiny player on Xbox, I don't mind the content exclusives, but knowing I'm getting Xbox One X and it's the better hardware yet Bungie is being foul ...it's just not right

ninsigma2545d ago

Why would the X1X resolution affect PC??
I do think it's stupid if they don't do at least what they're doing for pro for X1X.
I'd imagine that they will support it but just can't talk much about it due to the marketing deal.

Aenea2545d ago

Exactly, last year we didn't get a clear answer about Battlefield 1 on the Pro for the exact same reason...

We only knew once the game was released.

ninsigma2545d ago

Yup. I'm certain that is the case here. They have a marketing deal with one company, can't exactly go talking too much about the version elsewhere.

Rude-ro2545d ago

I think it is a safe bet that it will be 4k or checkerboarded on the xox...
If it is not, I think it will have to do with getting the dev kits into their hands on time.
But, I would be shocked if it is not supported.

ForeverTheGoat2544d ago

I doubt that getting the devs kit at certain time would be an issue hearing other devs hitting 4K with their games in like 1-2 days.

343_Guilty_Spark2544d ago

Why would it be Native on the weaker Pro and Checkboard. 4K On the XOX?

Rude-ro2544d ago

@forever ehhhhh I have not seen enough to go along with those statements. Those statements also came from indie developers(?) or older games right? I do not know for a fact and not stating as a fact.
No one has seen a game on it outside of e3 and no one knows which games have been in development and what effect the xox has. So to me, that is just pr fluff.

@guilty, I did not mean it that way. I just was going off if pro and xox were using checkerboard technology broadly from bungies developing. Not that the xox would get checkerboarding vs native on pro. I do not think that would happen at all.

letsa_go2544d ago

@343_Guilty_Spark It must feel good that after 4 agonizing years, you don't have to overwork your pea-sized brain coming up with excuses as to why games on the xbox one look worse. Finally, you can rest easy! No more settling on 900p!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2544d ago
XabiDaChosenOne2544d ago

Destiny is going to be 4k 60fps on PC so how is it hurting PC?

mark_parch2544d ago

i don't care what anybody tells me. If destiny ends up with a better resolution on the weaker system then there's is something dodgy going on and people are going to be really pissed

BoriboyShoGUN2544d ago

I have a PRO but it will be 4K on the new Xbox it has to be! There is no way they could intentionally gimp your version like that. I can't stand Xbox but even they don't deserve BS like that!

Sirk7x2543d ago

It's possible that many 3rd party companies might not see the extra time being worth it at all, which would be a terrible thing for Microsoft. They might end up having to foot part of development costs with certain companies.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2543d ago
Jurat2545d ago

seems strange that Bungee would scupper the Xbox X like that; could this be a tactic to squeeze money out of Microsoft, knowing how much a decision like this could potentially damage XBX sales?

Either way, it doesn't bode well - it bolsters the argument that gamers eyeing the new console should just invest in a decent PC (although for people like me, the point is moot - I'll still be getting XBX at launch).

sk8ofmnd2544d ago (Edited 2544d ago )

I think xb1x sales are already going to be moot which in return will = a pricedrop fairly quickly. The xb1x needed to be 399-449... Whatever greatest potential the xb1x might have sales wise will be more and more diminished evertime something like this happens. Can you imagine a 399 pro with destiny 2 bundled in the box just in time for the holidays... While the xb1x owners have to shell out 499 + 59 for no exclusive content, lower rez, ect... Yikes...

This type of move would be catastrophic to the xb1x... Even ms fans would opt for a pro.

whitesoxfalife19762544d ago

dude your comment is lame as hell. sk8ofmnd just saying....I will buying my XBOX come this holiday I was never a destiny player to begin with soo with that being said find a better comment to say ....

Condemnedman2544d ago

made up facts are real 😉

2544d ago Replies(4)
Neonridr2545d ago

lol, if it doesn't hit 4k on the One X then we know that Bungie is full of shit and clearly there is some collusion going on. You would have to be a moron to honestly believe that it wouldn't be possible on the One X but yet somehow on the Pro.

Rude-ro2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

I think the misunderstanding is in the fact that this console was rushed all together.
I know many of the fans will not believe it, but the signs are there if you just put the pieces together.
IF it ends up not being supported, it is most likely because of the dev kits vs game production, not some "deal".
Hard to tell with How much paint Microsoft puts on its pr spins.


WHAT? The Pro was the rushed console and Pieced together, literally the same Chip Set, Same RAM, Same everything but they doubled up on the GPU and slightly over clocked the CPU... The X1X is literally new in every aspect and is the smallest console.

2545d ago
Gunstar752544d ago

X1X has taken 3 years to come together.
If you'd bothered to do any research into the hardware and the thought that had gone into it, you would know that.
It must be fun living with fanboy blinkers

Cuzzo632544d ago


So all this power to have the best multiplats????... And a Prettier Halo Gears and Forza???... A new system with no games huh

Uken122544d ago

Seriously I laughed so hard at this. XBX was not rushed in any way. They took their time announcing it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2544d ago
BarneyS2544d ago

Yeah it would be weird if the more powerful console wouldn't be able to do it. If PS4 Pro can do it at 4k the Xbone x should definitely be able to do it.

Bruh2544d ago

Half point operation, PS4 Pro is actually 8 TFLOPs, Xbox One X trash for trash gamers

Neonridr2544d ago

so does that mean that the One X is 12 TFLOPs by your logic?

Lennoxb632545d ago

You're going to piss a lot of people off if that's the case Bungie. A weaker console pulling off 4K while a stronger console can't? C'mon, you can't be serious.

Letthewookiewin2545d ago (Edited 2545d ago )

Really, how many people are you really pissing off. Everyone is going to own a Sony system soon. No reason to have any Xbox.

Edit: true Metal

2544d ago
PigPen2544d ago

Speak for yourself, I don't need a Sony system. I have no plans to buy a PS4.

jlove4life2544d ago

Especially When you can have pc play all xbox games better

Kiwi662544d ago

Thats funny as my two sons or any of my friends who are gamers have been told that they will own a sony system anytime soon, so i have to ask when was that announcement made

Kiwi662544d ago

I mean't haven't been told lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2544d ago
FyBy2544d ago

Maybe they will piss off many xbox fans but dont hurt many. There will not be many xox sold. I dont have anything against xox. But its more expensive then pro, it doesnt have vr benefit (I think many pro users are also vr users), and xbox user base is half the ps.

If they have marketing deal with sony to 4K console exclusivity for some time they will maybe piss off few people but sooner than later 4K will arrive on xox.

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