
Games That Completely Ripped Off Grand Theft Auto

Rockstar Games don’t own the third-person open-world genre, but they did a lot to advance it with the Grand Theft Auto franchise

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Cy2563d ago

Saint's Row took the GTA formula and perfected it, at least until 3 and 4 ruined the series and 5 actually turned out good. I've said it for years, but Saint's Row 2 is the best GTA game.

winter_hill2563d ago

He might be talking about GTA V.

Cy2563d ago

Yeah I meant GTA 5. VVVV

RosweeSon2562d ago

Perfected it haha it was already perfect in GTA.

Princess_Pilfer2561d ago

I strongly disagree. GTA (at least 3 and 4) takes itself super seriously nearly all of the time, but the most interesting/fun things in the games happen when players ignore the tone that the game sets and does things like engage in prolonged police chases involving the hijacking of tanks and military helecopters and attempting to backflip cars off of roofs.

Saints Row (at least from 2 on) recognize the best elements of GTA are the silly or absurd aspects and instead focus on those, actively rewarding it via challenges and side missions and weaving it into story missions. I'd argue that 3 goes a little too far and 4 is an outright parody, but that's a matter of perspective. The result is an experience that feels much more cohesive and all around better.

The one thing I like better about GTA as a whole (yes, only 1) is the greater diversity in landscape. 3 and 4 (iirc) had fairly significant like parks and stuff, which is a nice visual change of pace and if you built your car correctly they could be exploited to ditch the cops whos cars weren't as capable off road, and Saints row doesn't have many areas like that so little reason to bother with the "offroady" vehicles over a sports car or a battering ram (in truck/APC/Tank form.)

Fist4achin2563d ago

Immitation is a form of flattery. So what, Mario was one of the first platformers, Do we just say every platformer ripped it off?

Bahamut-Shin2563d ago

with that logic every FPS it's a rip off of Wolfenstein 3D,

fei-hung2563d ago

Arguable, GTA ripped off Shenmue and other sandbox that were on the pc.

Zabatsu2563d ago

No it did not, don't display crap like that without getting your facts straight. GTA was the first of its kind hitting the scene in 1997.

Relientk772563d ago

True Crime: Streets of LA and Saints Row

and they were fun

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GTA 6 Still Set for 2025, Significant Cost Cuts Coming but No Current Layoff Plans

"Grand Theft Auto" publisher Take-Two Interactive is working on an "significant" cost reduction plan following mixed earnings results for its October-December 2023 quarter


Mainline Grand Theft Auto trailers ranked from best to worst

As we have all been graced by the release of Grand Theft Auto 6's trailer, we're ranking the best and worst GTA trailers to date.

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purple101179d ago

We be getting these posts All week now lads. Someone noticed a number plate ... Someone noticed a billboard... I can see it now

Just go on YouTube and watch one of the many videos dissecting the whole 1minite 30secs worth.

This site supposed to be for news.

roadkillers179d ago

These updates on N4G are going to ruin whats rest of this site. Unfortunate since I was one of the first members.. The site shows unsecure when i login as well.


Take Two Boss: Grand Theft Auto Games Make So Much Money, Making A GTA Movie Not Worth The Hassle

PC Gamer writes: "Grand Theft Auto 6 is coming, but don't hold your breath waiting for a Grand Theft Auto Hollywood blockbuster."

banger88204d ago ShowReplies(2)
Crazyglues204d ago

Imagine being so rich that another Billion is just not worth the hassle... LoL :) -Sorry just can't relate...

thorstein204d ago

Reminds me of the story of some ultra rich d-bag that had so much wine that he couldn't possibly drink it all so he had to sell like 10 million dollars worth of it. No one has earned that much wealth without exploiting others.

Roarke203d ago

Thats not true.. there are ppl who for example discovered cure are super rich due patent..

Cacabunga202d ago

A GTA movie will end like a fast and furious.. omg one of the worst movie series ever..

Notellin202d ago

@Roarke The scientist that discoveres the cure doesn't become rich. The patent will belong to Lilly, Pfizer, Merck, or Roche.

The money made is then disseminated amongst the executive board members and administration teams who provide zero value to the company. The scientists will continue to be exploited receiving raises and bonuses that do not beat inflation.

Again exploiting others in order to become rich.

gold_drake203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

isnt he also the guy that said that games are way too cheap? haha.

i mean i agree with him saying the gta games make them bank ha.

XiNatsuDragnel203d ago

Well gta is too successful to get a movie can't relate 🙃

northpaws203d ago

Which is fine, I would much rather all gaming companies just focus on making good games.

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