
Destiny 2: PS4 Pro "Couldn't Run" Game at 60fps

"Our game's this rich physics simulation. It wouldn't run - not enough horsepower there yet."

slate912571d ago

This is ridiculous. DON'T MAKE IT 4K THEN! This is not on the PS Pro. This is an awful development decision in my opinion.

naruga2571d ago

who the F..K! cares if the game literally runs or not 4K on PS4pro?? ...i say None except some people who already try to overtonely promote a next gen console AKA Scorpio...

Gazondaily2571d ago


So yeah FPS over 4k...

uptownsoul2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

As much as people want FPS over 4K (which I agree with)...BOTH Sony & Microsoft have policies that neither Pro nor Scorpio can run games at higher frame rates than the other sku's within the same family of consoles. And I'm not sure vanilla PS4 or vanilla XB1 can run Destiny 2 at 60fps regardless of any compromises Bungie could make.

Obscure_Observer2571d ago


"BOTH Sony & Microsoft have policies that neither Pro nor Scorpio can run games at higher frame rates than the other sku's within the same family of consoles"

The policies you mentioned only applies to MP modes in first party tittles from both Sony and Microsoft.

uptownsoul2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

@Obscure_Observer - "The policies you mentioned only applies to MP modes in first party tittles from both Sony and Microsoft."

The policies do not only apply to first party titles, the policy applies to MP modes of ALL titles. Microsoft wants all XB1s (vanilla, S & Scorpio owners) to play MP modes together on BOTH 1st party titles & 3rd party multplats. Sony has the same policy for their PS4 line of hardware

uptownsoul2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )


I stand corrected...Xbox does NOT mandate frame rates between consoles even on MP

Mike Ybarra just confirmed it https://twitter.com/XboxQwi...

Obscure_Observer2571d ago



I understand your point though. I don´t think MS would allow third party devs to give an edge to Scorpio owners over the Xbox One owners.

If the Scorpio turn out to be able to run Destiny at 60fps, they might just choose to use dynamic resolution for the Xbox One version to maintain locked 60fps just like Gears of War, Halo 5 and BF1. ;)

freshslicepizza2571d ago

"I stand corrected...Xbox does NOT mandate frame rates between consoles even on MP

Mike Ybarra just confirmed it https://twitter.com/XboxQwi...

That is quite interesting, although Scorpio doesn't really have a next gen CPU either it is still more powerful than the PS4 Pro so we will have to wait and see. The most disturbing reason if it didn't offer 60fps on Scorpio would be Sony forcing parity as part of their agreement with Activision/Bungie. Either way it looks like the PC version is the one to get because I can tell right away the difference in response times, it just makes the experience so much more enjoyable to me.

Ju2571d ago

Do you guys care to read? It's CPU bound, no matter what resolution, it wouldn't be possible to hit 60fps.

PistolsAtDawn2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

@UptownSoul That isn't true in the case of MS. https://twitter.com/XboxQwi...

Then combine that with the fact that MS also allows XB1 to Play Gears of War 4 to play with PC, which can run a much higher FPS

Edit: Ok, I see you got this...NM

joab7772570d ago

@uptownsoul you are right, so why lie about it!

Forn2570d ago

Bungie and Activision are such trash. Resogun has far more physics calculations and runs @ 60fps without a hiccup, lmao. I hope Destiny 2 flops HARD.

Babadook72570d ago

This was obvious I would say. Scorpio is the same. To double the framerate would require either a different engine or a cpu with 2.5x the cpu power of base hardware. 4k is fairly easy to implement on the other hand.

NecoTehSergal2570d ago

I'd argue more people have 60-120hz/FPS-capable monitors than there are fucking customers with 4K TV's -_-

NohansenBoy2570d ago

As a PC gamer I be all like; FPS > game quality settings > Resolution. I'll do whatever it takes to get 120FPS.

Sevir2570d ago

The game is also A PS4 GAME... ITS ENGINE IS BASED ON BASE PS4... if it's 60 on PS4 Pro then it would need to be 60 GPS on PS4.... Which would mean concession and cut corners on physics, lighting, graphics AI, textures, character models and and the size of the worlds, weapons gear etc....

Also, pushing for 60 GPS on PS4 Pro makes for an unbalanced multi-player gaming experience for base PS4 since they share the same servers. Destiny at its core is 30fps, run perfectly fine, and it's shooting and polished game play mechanics is pristine... They game runs without a hitch. So complaining about 60 fps is stupid...

The Scorpio version will also be 30fps for the very same reason... It's based off the 30 fps version of XBO... Sharing the same multi-player servers making it 60 fps on Scorpio breaks the game experience on core XBO and XBO S which the game was made to support at base levels...

It's like you've all forgotten... The Scorpio and Pro are not next generation Hardware, they are iterative enhanced refreshes of the SAME DAMN FAMILY of consoles!!!

You want a 60 fps Destiny 2 experience? Go play on your PC...

Developers will always choose what is best balance for sake of performance.

Get the hell over yourselves with this elitist BS... Game development isn't easy and these developers do so much into making a damn good polished multi-player experience that's 100% solid and consistent across every platform they've released this game on in the past.

Leave your friends list and console of choice behind and go choose a PC if you really seem 60 fps a deal breaker... You now have that option.

MadMax2570d ago

No way. 4k over fps any day! 30fps is fine for me. Just because you and many others haven't upgraded to a 4k tv, doesn't mean us 4k adopters should have to suffer. Make it an option then and choose from fps or 4k. Then everyone can be happy.

fr0sty2570d ago

It isn't a dial they turn to turn up FPS or turn down resolution to give or take room for physics simulation. It doesn't always scale so linearly. It may turn out that even without 4K it couldn't run at 60fps.

FinalFantasyFanatic2570d ago

I would have preferred 60fps, then the pro/Scorpio can use their extra processing power for higher res (I'd accept even 1440p)

DigitalRaptor2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

@ Septic

Both Sony and Microsoft are prioritising resolution over frame rates, if their marketing is anything to go by. And I cannot imagine that third-party publishers are going to want to upset the status quo when it comes to multiplayer, or the several million people who already own the original console.

@ moldybread

"The most disturbing reason if it didn't offer 60fps on Scorpio would be Sony forcing parity as part of their agreement with Activision/Bungie"

Look at him setting up his narrative already.

boomtube19872570d ago

I dont give a toss about campaign. Make it 720p, 1080p 1400p 30fps but the real issue here is the 4 VS 4 player on player is running 30fps. For F××× sake. People always wonder why CoD continues to sell....simple 60fps.

Year's ago i didnt know much about these frame rate but i always felt that playing COD felt ultra smooth and fast and when moved to another FPS shooter it felt slow and not so smooth. I learned it was the higher frame rate that was why COD felt this way. Higher frame rate in competitive MP should always take priority at any cost. Its the big reason i couldnt enjoy FPS.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
Erik73572571d ago

I think they would of if they could.

Obscure_Observer2571d ago

Totally agree. Sony has been their prime partners from the very beggining, no reason to lie about it.

rocketpanda2571d ago

Sure, Activison and Bungie would never lie.

dirkdady2571d ago

Am I the only that is okay with 30fps? I didn't mind it on destiny.

ABizzel12571d ago

Doubt it.

IF the base PS4 and XBO couldn't do 60fps, there's no reason they would even try with the Pro or Scorpio because it would cause a fps rift between the consoles, with Pro players having 2x the fps as base model players. That would suck for a game that's heavily focused on an online world when it comes to consistent performance. For Pro players it would be great, but they would have an advantage in all aspects, which defeats the point of console consistency.

PS4 Pro and Scorpio will simply be resolution boosting machines, with at times better textures and anti aliasing. I'll save my $400 - $600, on the PS5 and XB4.

Ju2571d ago

They said it pretty clear in the article. Their problem is, its CPU bound. Not enough faster from PS4 o Pro to make this 60fps to begin with.

UnHoly_One2571d ago

I'm with you DirkDady

Destiny 1 ran at 30 fps at it was one of the best feeling shooters I've ever played. I mean it just played and felt perfect. Why change that?

Also, Erik7357 -- "Would have", not "would of"

That's the second time is as many articles I've seen somebody do that. Infuriating. lol

bluefox7552570d ago

This comment shows zero understanding of how game development works. They designed the game with a graphical focus, not a performance focus. We see other games at 60fps, so obviously any of the consoles are "capable" of 60fps. This game is not 60fps because it was a design decision. What he really means is, "we couldn't run it at 60fps on the Pro because we optimized the game to run at 30fps on consoles". He cited the CPU as the issue, which means it'll be the same deal on the Scorpio as well.

2570d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
Obscure_Observer2571d ago


According some users from N4G, Scorpio wouldn´t be able to run Destiny 2 at 60fps either since it has the same Jaguar processor as the PS4 Pro slightly overclocked :/

Ceaser98573612571d ago

Bungie will stick to 30fps with Scorpio too.. such lazy devs...

GearSkiN2570d ago

"according some users from n4g" lmao

mmj2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

I can't believe that you have so many downvotes Obscure_Observer, what you post is fact based on logical reasoning. To anyone that understands hardware this post having so many downvotes is like a "The Earth is round not flat" post being heavily downvoted.

Scorpio has the same Jaguar CPU that is only 150Mhz faster, it will have same major CPU bottleneck. It's a 4K Xbox One NOT a next gen console.

2570d ago
Ashunderfire862570d ago


It is not going to be enough, maybe they will unlock the framerate and go 1440p checkerboard upscale to 4K on this game. Even GPU heavy Titan pascal X struggles to hit 60fps on some of the most demanding games without the help of cpu like i5 or i7. You need something like an i5 or i7 cpu on consoles to run Destiny 2 60fps, but the resolutions is going to be an upscaler than true 4K gaming.

pinkcrocodile752570d ago


It's not often I get to whitness an utter schooling from one user to another but @ImGumbyDammit has just given you one hell of an education.

@ImGumbyDammit, well done.

bluefox7552570d ago

That's a pretty rational conclusion.

Braveheart_NZ2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

And according to facts The Scorpio's processor is highly modified, so much so, that Microsoft don't refer to it as a Jaguar core anymore, and any current and future DX12 PC game will run easily on Scorpio since DX12 is taken away from the internal modified processor of Scorpio and is baked directly into the GPU's command processor to significantly reduce instruction sets meaning the communication from the game to the GPU is super efficient. Sony do not have that on there console. It is like Apples to Oranges here sorry and the two consoles can not be compared. I am assuming that Destiny 2 will be a DX12 game so it could easily run 60fps at 4k on Project Scorpio. If it doesn't, it isn't because it cant because it is capable enough. It will be a parity issue with Sony having marketing rights and not wanting another console to have the better version, that, or laziness on Bungees part who can't be bothered..

DigitalRaptor2570d ago

@ ImGumbyDammit

Your entire comment is overstated. It has already been confirmed that this DX12 command processor was already in the original XB1, and all of that particular stuff presented to Digital Foundry was fluff PR that they later clarified is just a slightly more evolved version of that for Scorpio. https://twitter.com/digital...

Obscure_Observer2570d ago


"It's not often I get to whitness an utter schooling from one user to another but @ImGumbyDammit has just given you one hell of an education."

Have you ever heard of something called sarcasm?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
Xx_Pistol_xX2571d ago

I could be wrong but I don't think anyone is going to pay 400 dollars for 30 FPS.

mmj2570d ago

4K television owners will and that's who it's aimed at.

boomtube19872571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

So Destiny with 4 vs 4 MP crucible has better physics than BF1 running higher than 1080p resolution and in 60fps with 64 players online in large maps with tons of destruction. ahahahahahahhahahah! Destiny proves my point of lazy devs, keeps on copy and pasting and calling there work state of the art. Destiny 2 isn't even in my list of top 7 games with great graphics and physics. It doesn't even look better than COD. How the hell in 2017 we have a MP game with 4 vs 4 in 30fps. I don't think the problem with AAA is the cost of game itself rather paying the cost of developers. Who sit there copy and pasting for the most part. Pure lazy madness. Destiny 2 proves it.

TankCrossing2571d ago

Key difference being Battlefield games are server hosted, and the server takes care of the important (shared) physics calculations.

Bungie say they don't need servers, despite offering this glaring evidence to the contrary...

freshslicepizza2571d ago

It's not about lazy devs because they have already proven they are doing it on the PC. This is all about Sony and their parity clause for any competitive online game where it has to be at parity with the regular PS4. Battlefield does give a bit of an advantage to Pro users because they get better draw distance but the game is not locked to 30fps on the regular PS4.

I would like to see Microsoft continue to show they are much more open than Sony and allow the developer to offer the choice. With Bungie announcing native 4K on the PS4 Pro to me that shows Sony is already trying to prepare itself and I bet they have asked Bungie to try and make the game not inferior to Scorpio version. If they take it one step further and ask them to also limit it to 30fps on Scorpio as some sort of parity agreement then that is something that needs serious backlash.

butchertroll2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )


Quote :
This is all about Sony and their parity clause for any competitive online game where it has to be at parity with the regular PS4

Deal has nothing to do with parity. Your post is bullshit. Got a problem with your pathetic life??? If parity exists, why Sony didn't forbid MS to sent devs to Bungie to push first Destiny to 1080p?

vega2752570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

@ butchertroll

I know you really want defend sony and the ps4 pro. Sony doesn't own bungie. Which is why they can't "forbid" MS or anyone from working with bungie.

All sony has is a marketing deal. Which sony want to gamers to buy the game on ps4 or ps4 pro. But they don't want the differences between ps4 pro and scorpio to be too big.

extermin8or2570d ago

Wait is it really @tankcrossing so you mean battlefield is actually already doing the cloud computing made out to be new and unique to crackdown (if it ever releases)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
Princess_Pilfer2571d ago

Physics. So CPU bound task. Same reason fallout 4 runs like garbage on consoles. Chances are, they could run it at 720p and it still wouldn't hit 60FPS.

boomtube19872571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

@Princess_Pilfer and yet DICE are able to run Battlefield 1 on PS Pro well above 1080p and at 60fps with its heavy physics, large maps and player count with far better graphics than fallout 4 and Destiny 2 combined. It must be that DICE have devs who actually work rather than do allot of copy and paste.

Ju2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

They could probably offload more to GPU compute to limit that bottleneck, but as in the here and now, their engine requires more CPU grunt. So that's that. It's not like one can rewrite that in a day or so. I agree, though, that I don't feel Bungie has THE engine tech (or engineering capability) to do that. Well, maybe if they'd switch to Frostbite some day...

Princess_Pilfer2570d ago

It's almost like Destiny is an MMO with way more to keep track of than random Battlefield maps, and that has an impact on CPU usage and performance. Funny that.

AnubisG2571d ago

I agree with this. Don't get me wrong, I love 4K myself but I much rather have 60fps instead.

_-EDMIX-_2571d ago

I mean I don't think this situation is an either or

I think it actually just makes sense for them to have an option that's just 60 frames 1080P and 4K option at 30 frames...

I'm not even entirely sure why they're selecting one over the other when they could just have both , there has been a couple of games that have multiple options for that.

Obscure_Observer2570d ago

The PS4 version is the reason. If the PS4 version can´t hit 60fps, Bungie will not give PS4 Pro owners an edge over PS4 owners on MP.

_-EDMIX-_2570d ago

That doesn't matter it's still saying that they're choosing to not make it run something that they know they could make it run.

That still means is developer dependent

2571d ago
joab7772571d ago

It can. As it won't be 4k on the X1 and PS4. There should be an option to run at 1080/60. The issue is two-fold. They don't want it to be 30 on one and 60 on another during trials etc. And, Sony doesn't want Destiny to sell Scorpios, so probably demanded that consoles remain 30 fps.

I love Sony and I know I will play on the Pro because of friends and exclusivity, but they put out a lot of money, and already have to compete with PC. It cannot become the 3rd best option.

Obscure_Observer2570d ago

Sony doesn´t have THAT kind of money to prevent Bungie from deliver the superior console version on Scorpio. MS will never accept a PS4Pro´s checkerboard version instead of a native one on the Scorpio.

mmj2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

Knockknock let me explain, the Destiny developer says that PS4 Pro with a 2.15Ghz AMD Jaguar processor is prevented by the CPU from reaching beyond 30fps, the Xbox Scorpio has a 2.3Ghz AMD Jaguar processor which is roughly 7% faster. A 7% faster processor won't give you 100% increase in frame-rate no matter how much Xbox users wish it to be the case.

rainslacker2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

Does it even matter? The original was only 30fps wasn't it? If people were OK with that, is lack of 60fps a problem now?

Anyhow, the options are nice, but it's this issue with people complaining that 60fps gives an advantage over those who play at 30fps, when I think it doesn't really even matter in the end. A good player or a bad player is good or bad regardless of the frame rate or resolution. Same thing that the Xbox One elite controller won't make you a good or better player.


I'm pretty sure since Sony has the marketing rights to the game, so they certainly can dictate what will finally be delivered on the Scorpio. If you think Sony won't flex that agreement to get parity, your kidding yourself. While they may not be able to influence the devs, that money can certainly be used to influence activation.

It does suck for Scorpio owners, but from reading the article, it appears the issue is the CPU bound nature of the game which wouldn't be able to handle the physics on any of the systems, since they're all pretty much the same across the board. Scorpio's CPU isn't so much more powerful that it would likely matter unless they were right on the edge of power with PS4P.

Obscure_Observer2570d ago


"Does it even matter? The original was only 30fps wasn't it? If people were OK with that, is lack of 60fps a problem now?"

Yeah it is! Case you don´t remember, Destiny is an OLD GEN game, a PS3/360 game developed on "Tiger" an OLD GEN heavily modified engine used on Halo games. The very same engine they are using now for Destiny 2 30fps for a game which features less player count than its predecessor on multiplayer modes running on a much more powerful hardware than PS3/360 is just unacceptable.

"Anyhow, the options are nice, but it's this issue with people complaining that 60fps gives an advantage over those who play at 30fps, when I think it doesn't really even matter in the end. A good player or a bad player is good or bad regardless of the frame rate or resolution."

Imo that was a pretty naive statement and i´m positive you´re not familiar with the competitive multiplayer environment. Just saying

"I'm pretty sure since Sony has the marketing rights to the game, so they certainly can dictate what will finally be delivered on the Scorpio. If you think Sony won't flex that agreement to get parity, your kidding yourself."

Wrong! YOU´re kidding yourself! If you think there will be parity between the Pro and Scorpio versions of games which Sony has the marketing rights like Battlefront 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, CoD and Destiny 2 because of money-hatting or install base, you´re really setting yourself up for huge disappointment! Devs will never limit the potential of their multiplatform games for the sake of the less powerful platform. Never!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2570d ago
CrimsonPheonix2571d ago

4k requires GPU power which the ps4 Pro has, 60 frames requires CPU power which is bottlenecked on the Pro

Bennibop2571d ago

And bottlenecks on Scorpio also

Knockknock2571d ago

@bennibop, What would these scorpio bottlenecks be, since you know everything about scorpio specs.

Ju2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

Marginally cpu higher clock.

To push this to higher framerate, the CPU would need to offload tasks. Scorpio will have an advantage, but the core problem remains: The engine needs to be redesigned; if this is even possible. Some general purpose tasks just can't run on the GPU (efficiently enough).

cellfluid2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

These devs are full of bs excuses. Why don't they just give the user options on fates and resolution for campaigns and make two fps lobbies when online.. Make a lobbies that's 30fps @ what ever suitable resolution if the user chooses that option to play the game @ that rate. And make a lobby that's 60fps @ whatever suitable resolution for users t@ chose t@ option PROBLEMS SOLVED.. Now the user based isn't SPLIT UP the players are just given the OPTIONS to PLAY HOW THEY WANT!!! Enough with the excuses... Lazy devs

Knockknock2571d ago

It most likely won't be native 4k anyway, most likely 1800p sold as 4k by fony.

Ceaser98573612571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

"It most likely won't be native 4k anyway, most likely 1800p sold as 4k by fony."
awww!!! if 720p didnt bother you on xbox one... This shouldn't bother you either... Had you been more knowledgeable Sony always marketed as dynamic 4k, checkerboard tech... Sony never said NATIVE 4K ... so move along salty Xbox fangirl

Ceaser98573612571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

This bullshit.. Bungie is a lazy dev... they could have easily made Destiny 2 run at 60fps but they wont .. They have always maintained 30fps even when they made Halo... Disgusting and most will blame the console for this... and the "60fps not possible due to cpu constrain" is pure Bullshit ... There are no huge crowd environment, The physx takes place on screen, They no destruction physics nor environmental physics. Bungie Need to man up and stop all this stupid excuses ..

also why is nobody pointing out the PVP count low then its predecessor?? Ridiculous.. First time i guess a game where they are lowering the PVP count low instead of raising it...

starchild2570d ago

You don't know how their engine works nor what it's doing from a technical point of view. That's like looking at a person's phenotypic characteristics and thinking that you know exactly what their DNA is. Which is wrong, wrong, wrong.

It's irrelevant to point to some other game and say "that looks better" or "that has better physics and runs at a higher framerate". That's simply your subjective impression and doesn't actually tell you what each game's technical demands are.

Consider the fact that MOST games on the PS4 Pro do not have a 60fps mode. If it was so easy we would see most games running at 60fps on the Pro. But it's not that easy. Many games are CPU bound whether you think they should be or not.

Ceaser98573612570d ago


It was a KNOWN FACT that the PRO cant do 4k 60fps but a 1080p 60fps or 1440 60fps is possible on the Pro but Bungie went with 4K 30FPS on the pro.. Lets not defend the devs here

and i bet my ass when the Scorpio version will be 30fps locked most will blame the Pro for it and NOT the dev...

Knockknock2568d ago

Who said I owned an xbox. I couldn't care less about resolution I leave that for fony fan girls like you and their salty tears for the inferior pro. And why sell a game claiming to be 4k when its not.

Ceaser98573612568d ago (Edited 2568d ago )

knock knock

"Who said I owned an xbox. I couldn't care less about resolution I leave that for fony fan girls like you and their salty tears for the inferior pro. And why sell a game claiming to be 4k when its not."

omg!! Really?? So people like you dont game but wants to be salty lil girl when it comes to Sony.. GTFO here with your bs assumption with claiming "to be 4k" When sony didnt even say it so... People like you will spread lies since you have less knowledge or has to much time to waste in being salty... You certainly need HELP!

Knockknock2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

I am a gamer and have been for over 30 years. I don't care about resolution, I would prefer to play an amazing game at 900p than a dog turd at 1080. If pro games aren't claimed to be 4k why are they sold as that. I learnt more about games while you was still sucking on your mums nipple.

Ceaser98573612567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

" I learnt more about games while you was still sucking on your mums nipple."

lmao! Whats your age again? or are you a 40 years old big fat baby who cries to his mama aloud.... You Sir, have zero knowledge ..
"If pro games aren't claimed to be 4k why are they sold as that."
Pro games aren't claimed to be 4k never did they.. God!! are you that illiterate or you trolling here on purpose... Get back to you basement UNCLE .. Oh! and if 900p doesn't bother you and you care jack about resolution they why are you whining about Sony did this and that... You're nothing but an irritating adult who needs to get a life... such a dick!

Knockknock2567d ago

OMG You just went full retard, was you not told to never go full retard.

Ceaser98573612567d ago



i am absolutely fine but looks like you got butthurt for nothing but then i cant blame a troll can i.... Anyways i'm out from this thread since i dont wanna be drag down to your level of stupidity... Good luck and ya! see a Psychiatrist, you need help ...

Knockknock2567d ago

Looks like you went past full retard. Think you need to be placed in special class with the blunt scissors and round paper. Your so easy to wind up.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2567d ago
vulsker2571d ago

My point exactly. Or why not give people the option like they are supposed to. So I'll take a wild guess and say that those with non-4k screens and a pro get no benefits then?

I would definitely take FPS over 4k.

ABizzel12571d ago

Has nothing to do with the Pro running 60fps, it has everything to do that this game has to be the same 30 FPS across all consoles because the Pro and Scorpio player still have to play with original PS4 and XBO players, which also means Destiny is not cross platform with PC.

The base consoles are locked at 30fps, which means the Pro consoles have to be locked as well for consistency since the entire game is build around online. They aimed for parity (which I get), at the sake of better performance for those who are willing to spend more. Ultimately this is why I didn't upgrade to the PS4 Pro and likely won't upgrade to Scorpio. The base consoles will always hold them back, until the development mindset changes in a couple of years where they need more power and PS5 / XB4 are being discussed.

Chriscrinkle182570d ago

Mike Ybarra stated that it's up to the developers and they wouldn't enforce any parity between Xbox One and Scorpio.

ShadowWolf7122571d ago

I love how literally no one pays attention to the "why".

They went for 4K because the GPU DOES have extra power. The CPU being a Jag is the issue because of the effects and physics.

Cobra9512571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

I eventually saw this writing on the wall, with much chagrin. The consoles went after 4K at any cost, with 30 fps as the continued acceptable target. That's when I lost interest in both the Pro and the Scorpio. Why buy a system designed for a resolution I can't display, and which I have no interest in paying to display? If they at least provided the option to work at 60 fps at a lower resolution, I might have stayed onboard. That may be the case with some individual titles, but the overall philosophy is 4K first, frame rate second. That is simply not acceptable.

Rhythmattic2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

For MP, i agree... and that it seems, is the conundrum....

butchertroll2570d ago

It's the CPU, man. Jaguar CPU is crap

Corpser2570d ago

Developer said the game is CPU bound, reducing resolution to 1080p it still won't run at 60fps on pro

timotim2570d ago

I'm pretty sure it wont be running at native 4k anyway, but could you imagine the uproar if Bungie made the game native 1440 or even 1080p on Pro just to hit 60FPS, then MS announces "True 4K" for Scorpio at E3??? Heads would roll! Sony is in a bit of a jam with Pro...they have to keep the terminology relatively the same between Pro and Scorpio, this means checkerboarding to 4K, just so they don't put themselves at a disadvantage, yet not having enough in the tank to reach higher performance.

Bruh2570d ago

How does that work in Destiny? lol you would literally have 2x advantage over base owners, they clearly did it for parity reasons

Soc52570d ago

Yeah but then how are they gonna sell all those 4k tvs? That's the real reason,
most people don't realize that one of the biggest reasons they are pushing 4k so hard is the tv industry,

fenome2570d ago

So what was the excuse last time? Sounds like they want to keep it capped for no reason. Hopefully it'll run at 60 for the diehard hopefuls, not even joking.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

It's a cpu limitation. They could do for 4k30fps. but 1080p60fps would still be too much cpu strain. Besides that it would give a raw advantage to the Pro users in competitive modes.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 2567d ago
lelo2play2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

So the PS4 Pro couldn't make Destiny 2 run at 60fps due to CPU constraints. It will be curious to see if Scorpio can run the game at 4K/60fps.

PS4 Pro has a decent GPU but the CPU is crap. No wonder there are rumours about Sony launching the PS5 in 2018.

Neonridr2571d ago

which would be suicide if it did come next year. Imagine all the Pro users who just shelled out $400+ for this mid gen upgrade only to be shafted a year later.

slate912571d ago

Would hurt the gaming market if they released ANOTHER console so soon. I hope ms/sony both wait until 2020

mogwaii2571d ago

Sony dont care how much money you poured into their products, the more the better, you can bet gamers would still buy PS5 regardless.

Kingthrash3602571d ago

Bit then again.....people would still buy a ps4 as well. Let say the scorpio can run D2 at 4k 60....would it be enough to hilt base ps4 and pro sells? Are people willing to leave their friends for power?
I don't think so. Sony playstation 4 will sell ....period. it's exclusives aline will sell it. Smh they won't sell a ps5 next year....it's just a rumor.

morganfell2571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

If the policy pertaining to compatibility between the PS4 and the PS4 Pro is extended to the PS5, far far less gamers will be upset than you think. People said the same thing about gamers that just purchased a PS4 having a fit over the Pro launch. Where is all that outrage so many claimed would occur?

Corpser2570d ago

Suicide? What are ps4 gamers going to do really?

Ju2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

Not really. If they can make the Pro cheap enough and a PS5 $399 (again), I wouldn't mind. I probably wouldn't upgrade right away, but maybe will get it eventually. Some PS4 owners who think the step to Pro could however be convinced (before those get lost to Scorpio). I don't think it will have a huge impact. It really depends if Sony can lower the Slim price even further or replaces the entry level with the Pro. I fully assume, the next Playstation will also play PS4 games. No matter how it'll be called.

timotim2570d ago


Why is it that the vast majority of your comments comes from a perspective of sales??? Lets say they are able to get Scorpio running at 4K/60...what does sales have to do with that at all. Should I feel bad about my 4K/60FPS Scorpio experience just because Sony continues to sell PS4s??? Would a 4K/60 D2 not benefit Scorpio users and make it the best console version? Your perspective that these negatives are ok because sales will continue just reinforces that you are a fanboy more than a gamer. We can play sales figures dude, but we can play 4K/60FPS games and have a huge smile on our face while doing so...your smile comes from the fact that Sony continues to lead in sales...how lame haha.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
Erik73572571d ago

I think it will be a little longer. Still have not seen last of us 2 man!

uptownsoul2571d ago

Scorpio CAN'T run the game at 4K/60fps...Phil Spencer already said that all XB1 sku's had to run games at the same frame rate (same goes for PS4 sku's too). And we all know neither vanilla consoles will run the game at 60fps

Obscure_Observer2571d ago


Again. Only on MP/Competitive modes.

snoopgg2571d ago

Yeah obscure, on mp where the majority will be playing destiny 2.

rpgenius4202571d ago

Never said that. Can you get the quote? Lol on PC the fps are no where near the same dependijng on your rig. There's no advantages there. People make shit up it's hilarious.

Z5012571d ago

He said 'No one left behind' right?

Kribwalker2571d ago

I know you posted this higher up but here's the quote that says the exact opposite

And why would it be any different then PC? People pay more money and get better pcs that run games at 60 vs 30. That really only seems right

mwjw6962570d ago

No phil never said that. And they have updated if you look above. No parity anymore. WOHO!

zerocarnage2570d ago

Phil ain't said anything and bungie ain't saying a thing on destiny scorpio till e3.

Braveheart_NZ2570d ago

He might have said that ages ago but since then they have changed there minds which they are entitled to do. MS is not mandating any framerate or fidelity requirements on Scorpio including in MP Gaming . Developers will decide what frame rates to allow for there own games. That was from Mike Ybarra himself over on his twitter page yesterday. Do your homework! Go to Twitter and read what he says for yourself.

Braveheart_NZ2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

Wrong! He did say that a year ago but they obviously changed there minds. Mike Ybarra yesterday posted a tweet on Twitter saying Developers are free to choose how they use the power of Project Scorpio for games. We have no requirements limiting framerate or fidelity.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
Obscure_Observer2571d ago


I think the Scorpio will not run this game at 4K 60fps either based on the PC version. Bare in mind that a powerful PC powered by a GTX 1080Ti only achieve 4K 60fps on MEDIUM settings for this game. Once you set for HIGH, the frame drops below 60fps.

If the Scorpio manages to run this game at 4K 60fps, then i´ll finally understand why Digital Foundry used the word "unprecedented" to describe the Scorpio specs.

Ceaser98573612571d ago

PS5 wont launch before 2020... This are all childish excuses... That CPU Constrain is straight up lie... Destiny 2 has no proper destruction physics or environmental physics.. Also its funny how people overlooked that Bungie decrease the PVP count... It was 12 to 16 in Destiny 1 and now its 4x4 here on Destiny 2... Lazy devs that's all..
They spoke about "improvements" lol! they could have easily updated it on destiny 1 or could have given it as an expansion pack... Cash grab that's all.

rainslacker2570d ago

I wouldn't say crap, but close to the same as the PS4P. Slightly better, but nothing that would make the difference here.

Hard to say in this case since I haven't seen the physics in the game, but it's possible that they just don't have a very good physics engine in place, and making it CPU bound nowadays is kind of backwards, and tends to indicate that they were pushing for graphics over performance. Either that, or PC is their main focus, and they just don't care to adapt their code to console more....which would be quite the job really.

bluefox7552570d ago

The CPU on Scorpio is ALSO crap, lol. It's the same Jaguar cores...slightly overclocked. Scorpio doesn't stand a chance in hell at running the game at 60fps.

rainslacker2570d ago

The Scorpio's CPU is only slightly better than the PS4P. Even with any customization, it's still going to run into the same issue.

The CPU's are the way they are to keep costs down, and for games that are CPU bound, we see this problem. This is why both console makers heavily emphasize the use of GPU compute to get better results, because the CPU's in these systems aren't mean to take heavy loads.

After the Scorpio's spec reveal, this is the biggest criticism that was stated against the console. While a valid criticism to some degree, it also disregards that games on the system aren't supposed to be programmed like this.

Since I haven't seen the physics involved in D2, I can't say if they could have done it through GPU compute, and maybe toned down the resolution to achieve 60fps, but for now, I'll take the developer at their word. But I will reitterate that this will be the same on the Scorpio.

2570d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
Next_gen_20152571d ago

There is literally zero reason to own a pro.

Traingamez2571d ago

Agreed bought both the xbone-s and the ps4 pro and returned them ... On my 4K Samsung HDR display I didn't notice much of a difference at all and got my money back I already have the vanilla version so there was no reason to upgrade that goes for Xbox and PS4 they both need to launch a new console

Ju2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

Why not? It's only $100 more. Really depends your budget. Pro is the better machine, regardless. I think its well worth those extra $100

Uken122570d ago

Companies need to invest in games and not mid gen upgrades that are limited. PS4 is powerful enough, no reason to make the PS4 Pro except for the VR move. They should just invest into more games.

Same goes for MS, actually MS has really duffed it (Sony not so bad). Xbox One Game..... And now Scorpio with no games. Sweet.

Saigon2570d ago


You are either lying or do not know how to setup your rig. It took me a while, but I was able to setup everything. Had to place everything in the right HDMI ports, etc. and then setup the system to apply the HDR functionality under the right video options and the PS4 Pro runs everything itself from there. Your comments will misguide people and it seems like your doing it on purpose. Either way, if you look at @uptownsoul comment through this thread he is correct, it has nothing to do with what you claim.

MadMax2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

There's plenty of reason. I own both standard and a pro. The difference on a game like horizon, injustice 2 or mass effect is well worth the extra $100 for a pro!

rainslacker2570d ago

Why? because D2 doesn't run at 60fps?

While I feel that it's not really necessary to own one over the stock PS4, it's a nice console and does improve the games that take advantage of it, so if one has the money(only $100 more than the stock PS4), then might as well get it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
ILive2570d ago

People on this site aren't too funny! You guys crack me up.

2570d ago
Neonridr2571d ago

Can PS4 Pro users choose a 1080p/60fps option instead then? I don't want to be handcuffed at 30fps if I can take a lower resolution with a higher framerate.

Erik73572571d ago (Edited 2571d ago )

Nope. Pc it is

Neonridr2571d ago

damn, that's silly. Might have to look at the PC version.

DragonDDark2571d ago

I might just get it for pc. 60fps > all

darksky2570d ago

Who's to say it will be hugely successful on PC though. It's multiplayer game so relies totally on player base and usually the PC playbase is much smaller than PS4.

Princess_Pilfer2571d ago

Physics. So, it's almost certainly CPU bound, not GPU bound. Resolution is probably not a factor here.

Not that your point in general is invalid, 1080p/60 with higher settings > 4k/30 with lower settings. It's just graphics performance is probably not the issue here.

Bigpappy2571d ago

Well you know Horizon runs at 30 fps too right? That games is Sony's 1st party and not at native 4K.

Ju2570d ago (Edited 2570d ago )

^^ Give it a rest. HZD is the benchmark for sustained 4K@30 at that fidelity. Show me one game that looks better in 4K, CB or not, and actually has that consistent frame rate.

rainslacker2570d ago

Physics doesn't have to be CPU bound. In fact, the majority of the processes meant for GPU compute are actually physics calculations, because the GPU's are designed to process that kind of math with much better efficiency than even the fastest CPU that exists.

CrimsonPheonix2571d ago

This is why I skipped on the pro.

Corpser2570d ago

No they said th game is CPU bound , reducing resolution won't help frame rate

FPS_D3TH2570d ago

No and thankfully not. Rather not have a few gamers get dumb advantages over base consoles.

Neonridr2570d ago

so then Sony is flat out lying about the Pro then. They were saying there were going to be Pro enhancements for people without 4K TV's. That is quickly turning out to be untrue as less and less games are giving us options.

In my case I have a 4K TV so it's not a big deal, but just something to notice I guess for those who haven't made the splurge.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2570d ago
corroios2571d ago

Jag cpu are crap no matter howmuck overclock.

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FanimeCon 2024 | Persona / Shin Megami Tensei Cosplay Gathering

The Persona / Shin Megami Tensei cosplay gathering allowed fans of the acclaimed JRPG series to meet up during FanimeCon 2024.

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Every PlayStation Studios game available now on Windows PC

Windows Central writes: "Many PlayStation Studios games that are ported to PC get dedicated PS5 DualSense support, which allows users to experience haptic feedback and adaptive trigger support without actually having to own a PS5.

According to Hermen Hulst, head of PlayStation Studios, it's still the company's intent to launch the bigger single-player games on PS5 first, before later bringing the games to PC. This might not be the case for multiplayer games however, which are considered okay to launch simultaneously on console and PC."

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ocelot072d ago

My guess is after god of war. Probably last of us 2 that's a almost 4 year old game now and by the time it's released on pc it will be more than 4 years old or close to 5.

Elda2d ago

Every old Playstation game that is now on PC.

shinoff21831d 17h ago

Right. I definitely see what a headlined from a website named windows central was trying to do though. It's cute little wordplay to help out the green box

Flewid6381d 15h ago

Are PlayStation games no longer good or worth playing once they are old?

Elda1d 15h ago

I'm guessing my comment went over your head.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good at least they can sell hardware


Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

Frame generation technology has arrived on consoles, amplifying frame-rates and potentially transforming experiences.

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purple1012d ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky2d ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu2d ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv722d ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1012d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo2d ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay1d 14h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx2d ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1011d 21h ago (Edited 1d 21h ago )

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy852d ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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