
Microsoft will announce marketing agreement for a new AAA title at E3 2017?

According to the insider Shinobi602, at E3 in Los Angeles Microsoft is expected to unveil a new partnership for a large and important unannounced Triple A game that could be just presented at the American event.

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DeadSilence2577d ago

Yup still no exclusives, bad sales and dead brand outside US.

Lennoxb632577d ago

For such an undesirable product, you sure talk about it a lot.

JasonKCK2577d ago

It's obvious fear with the amount of time they spend talking about it.

naruga2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

@Lennox ...it s a gaming forum/site ...that is its main purpose to comment and talk for whatever we want related to gaming .............also about the news --->a new AAA title will be announced just to be canceled in a year

bluefox7552576d ago

Well, the articles keep coming up, of course people are going to talk about them, that's the point of the website.

Gunstar752576d ago

So trolling articles is commentary now?

Angeljuice2576d ago

"For such an undesirable product, you sure talk about it a lot."

His hobby is videogames, genius.

trooper_2576d ago

Oh no, heaven forbid we talk about consoles on N4G.
It's a gaming site, where opinions are allowed.

subtenko2576d ago

I remember when everyone talked about people on bathsalts....no one desired to take bathsalts other than the crazies..... you sure are being silly assuming talking about something = desirable...

Artemidorus2576d ago

Only thing to talk about when it's Microsoft, that or Windows.

nX2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

"It's obvious fear with the amount of time they spend talking about it."

Well you've got it all wrong, noone actually ever feared the Xbox brand - many people would love this console to succeed by giving us unparalled gaming experiences. However the reality is that Xbox, or rather Microsoft, doesn't contribute anything meaningful to this industry while also coming up with the most idiotic business models that people started hating them for. Xbox supporters are a small minority for a reason and at this point, many people wouldn't even care if the brand was being discountinued - it really wouldn't be a huge loss for this industry.

ArmrdChaos2576d ago

Gotta love the armchair engineers and analysts on this site....you all make Pachter look like a genius. lol

pinkcrocodile752576d ago


Can I ask you to say out loud that "Sony have NEVER cancelled a game" and "Sony have NEVER closed a studio". Sorry, I was giggling to myself whilst I wrote that bit; because we all know both statements are not true.

So IF Microsoft show off a AAA new IP, then that's a good thing isn't it. I'm not particularly bothered if its exclusive or not. Though I know a lot of people on this site say that exclusivity is more important than a Doctor Who Regeneration (Nothing is that important)

I-Say2576d ago

I think Microsoft will have a great E3, looking forward to it.

_-EDMIX-_2576d ago

@lenn- Why? Or we supposed to be silent about the system's shortcomings?

I don't see what keeping silent is going to do for you or this install base.

Microsoft confirm themselves thatt they're no longer doing Xbox exclusives, there now multi-platform...


Don't get mad at facts..

Take that up with Microsoft


Doesn't make him wrong, though

strifeblade2576d ago

Im a big xbox fan and not going to give up on xbox any time soon, but if this marketing agreement and fricken that pirate game is all they have for e3... im going to be pissed. Im kinda frustrated actually that they lost remedy and didnt go through with scalebound. The only thing going for msoft is the scorpio, however only if many existing big titles recieve 4k patches, otherwise it is virtually DOA.

Toorah2576d ago Show
Unspoken2576d ago

Ironically, Xbox exclusives run on closed and custom systems and can run at native 4K unlike other systems.

conanlifts2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

I agree with what you say. For me i am a big fan of xbox, but at the moment and after scalebound i am on the edge. The reason i stick with it mostly is so that i can game against a select few friends who only own an xbox. Plus i am a big gears fan. But i am quite disappointed in them since gears 4 was released. For me i do not feel like they have done anything worthwhile since gears and their upcoming exclusives have minimal appeal. Scalebound was a game that did hold my interest but we know What happened there.

Angel9112576d ago

What more can u expect from ponies? They just enjoy shitting on xbox for no reason..It's obvious they are scared of Scorpio as it will demolish ps4 in power..so they are trying to spin it around with games nonsense...When they know MS will announce games at e3...

JhoomBarabar2576d ago


But it won't demolish the juggernaut PS4 in sales. PS4 will slaughter the crap outta scorpio globally so why should us PS fanboys be scared? We've got the whole world that prefer PlayStation, something that your lame xbox won't ever boast about. Lol

4Sh0w2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Yep, we should talk about Microsoft putting their exclusives on pc, just dont forget to talk about either way Microsoft will be glad to take your money, software is King. No doubt this also contributes to Windows 10 growth within the pc space. Less Xbox hardware sells to increase total software sells and their overall portfolio= fanboys talk but business is about making money. Looks like Sony is headed in the same direction with more ps4 games coming to pc too, they just don't have the infrastructure or incentive to go all in like Microsoft.

AngelicIceDiamond2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

The majority of the opinion is biased. So yes he and everyone constantly none stop day in and day out talk about a product that they hate instead of the one they love the most. Either way the fanboys are obviously hurt by this of course doesn't take much to rile up a fanboy especially a Sony one. Promise if this was any other company we wouldn't have hate stupid fanboy comments.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2576d ago
DigitalRaptor2576d ago

Fear that Microsoft gets to show off Assassin's Creed: Origins and Middle-earth: Shadow of War, whilst Sony gets to show off the much bigger games like Destiny 2, Star Wars Battlefront II, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Call of Duty: WWII in addition to their own much bigger exclusive games? Quaking in his boots, I'm sure.

bluefox7552576d ago

Fear of what? Just because many of us are disappointed in Xbox, doesn't mean we don't WANT it to do well. It would be a good thing for all if Microsoft did great at E3. Competition is good for all consumers.

thekhurg2576d ago


LOL so true

2576d ago
2576d ago
GTgamer2576d ago

Lmao it's kills how you guys still think you MS can beat Sony I think you guys believe it more Than MS.

yomfweeee2576d ago

Ya we've been skiing our boots for 3+ years.

notachance2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

the console is dead outside US... while PS and Nintendo enjoyed growing marketshare in new regions that choose console based purely on games.

people in growing regions can't rely on customer support or bullshit entertainment options and their friendlist is still too few to make a choice based on what console their friends at.. so it all comes down to games, especially single player ones to penetrate market in these regions, which PS and Nintendo have quite the strong libraries.

now fast forward to maybe 5-10 years when these regions have catch up with US in terms of profit and marketshare, and they've all been dominated by Sony and Nintendo (exactly like what happened in most of Europe previous gens)

TL;DR f you MS for not releasing any interesting single player games, what are we supposed to do? play Halo against US players with goddamn huge ass latency?

oh, and please... fear? even in your home territory it got kicked hard by Sony, and we still haven't talked about the rest of the world... you know, the one which marketshare still growing all over compared to already peaked US marketshare, soon it will look puny compared to the rest of the world you know? and if by then MS still haven't made the effort to claim these regions, well..

trooper_2576d ago

Oh no, the fear of a console with no proven exclusives!

Whatever shall we do?

subtenko2576d ago

Mannn just stop....dont be pathetic... We all sense BS from Microsoft the same ol same ol thats why no one here is applauding, because there is nothing to cheer about! Its the same game from Microsoft and the same PR talk over and over, we are waiting to see actions!

krypt19832576d ago

@quake let sony spend the money to show them games off , wait till the comparison videos hit the internet and ps4pro version looks like a neo geo version

andrewsquall2576d ago

@DigitalRaptor Holy shit. I AM genuinely terrified now. The last time an AC game was hyped on Xbox first, Unity, it almost destroyed the franchise forever.

81BX2576d ago

It is fear.. fear that they will actually like more than one console. Wow what a shocker!

_-EDMIX-_2576d ago

@Blue-completely agreed.

Even as a person that owns a gaming PC I'm greatly disappointed that there's nothing good by this publisher , even remotely.

Microsoft continuing to do poorly doesn't really help me as a PC Gamer because I don't even have games that I could play by this publisher....

They just all suck .

rainslacker2576d ago

It's good you're getting in touch with your feelings.

Obscure_Observer2576d ago


The simply fact that you biased people are here, says enough. If you are so happy with Sony offerings, i really don´t know what you´re doing here other than downplaying and trolling.

Obscure_Observer2576d ago


I was replying to Deadsilence. His comment has nothing to do with the article and only shows desperation. Why he hasn´t got marked is beyond me.

Obscure_Observer2576d ago


"Or you fear ?"

Me? I´m a multi console owner. I could care less about fanboy crap. I´m just sick of fanboys downplaying anything non Sony related. Look for me downplaying any Sony or Nintendo articles then we can talk.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2576d ago


You may have a point. Gamers are afraid that Microsoft's "vision for gaming" will ruin the entire industry.

DigitalRaptor2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )

@ Obscure_Observer

"The simply fact that you biased people are here, says enough. If you are so happy with Sony offerings, i really don´t know what you´re doing here other than downplaying and trolling."

I'm on an article on N4G, a website for gamers. If the title of an article draws me in there I'll be there. Who it is about, has no influence on my presence. I'm on here to exchange words, you clearly are on here to misrepresent others, which is why you were torn down so easily on your comment here.

Nobody you tried to imply are scared, is scared. They are simply giving their thoughts, much to your discomfort. You are too busy try to discredit the honest things people say just because they are biased. Who cares? If they're right, they're right. If they're wrong, they're wrong.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2575d ago
Erik73572577d ago

I mean even their "exclusives" are gonna be on my pc.....

Have no idea why someone would get a xbox

Chris122576d ago

@Erik, so because you have a PC you don't know why anyone would want an Xbox. Do you trolls read the crap you write sometimes?

And MS aren't bothered if you don't buy an Xbox, it's the software sales that make the cash. Xbox is console and PC now so they still win in financial terms.

candystop2576d ago

There exclusives are not going to be in pc. Quit posting nonsense! There will be Xbox exclusives and pc exclusives.

chrisoadamson2576d ago

I don't have any room for a pc set up. however I do have a sitting room with a 60" 4k Samsung. I don't need to buy any accessories for my Xbox and my mates at on Xbox live. so that's why

2576d ago
Knockknock2576d ago

Or why anyone would buy a ps4 1800p pro

xsta1ker2576d ago

yep and microsoft will take your money for the exclusive game purchase on your pc lol
i can do the same but as an xbox owner i play anywhere for the same exclusives.

_-EDMIX-_2576d ago

@Erik- 100% correct.

All this move does is make owning a gaming PC that much more attractive. Consider if you were even looking into buying an Xbox purchasing a gaming PC makes much more sense because you're already getting all that software plus all the other software that's never going to hit consoles like major RTS games and other independent RPGs etc

I mean for god sakes even owning a gaming PC currently essentially nullifies the reason to even purchase and Xbox.

I own a gaming PC and that announcement that they were releasing all their games on PC essentially solidified that was never going to own a XBone, I only want maybe one or two games one of which is already been cancelled lol

There is only one place you're going to find the Nintendo published switch games and there is only one place you're going to find specific Sony games that are on PlayStation 4.

Thus, you must actually on those platforms that actually play those games.

The combo this generation is literally going to be what it's been the last several generations for me a Nintendo handheld with the switch a PlayStation console with the PlayStation 4 and a PC for Microsoft games...

I mean for several previous generations I've bought things like Halo 1/2 and Gears of War and Fable and even Knights of the Old Republic and just a series of games on PC, that I otherwise would have purchased an Xbox to play.

They've made it very easy for me to decide not to purchase it literally almost every single generation you think just wait a few years will continuously release games on PC.

I mean Alan Wake was literally the last straw that made me decide to never buy the 360 I already owned specific titles that I wanted on that platform anyway on PC.

Yet this generation is basically permanently solidify that I'm probably not going to purchase one of their consoles..

_-EDMIX-_2576d ago

@cand-Quantum break is already on PC, scalebound before the cancellation was confirmed to come for PC and Halo 6 has actually already been confirmed to be coming to PC day and date so I'm not sure what you're talking about..

XanderZane2576d ago

Even though that's absolutely true. Biased fanboys don't want to hear it or believe it. It makes them look silly.


"We’re gonna have games only released on the PC. We’re gonna have games only released on console. And PC gaming is critically important to the company.”
So there you have it. As Phil Spencer claimed, there will be both PC and console exclusives from Microsoft. "

candystop2576d ago

I think the best gaming decision this generation currently is Scorpio and PS4. Yeah I said it and its 100% opinionated but so what I said it and that's how I feel.

GiantGriFFin2576d ago

No. The best gaming decision is ps4, pc and switch. No need to buy xbox just for a few shitty regurgitated games that are gonna play 10x better on pc with free xbl.

candystop2576d ago

Giant you're such a homo but we still accept your idiotic bland gaming tastes.

Unspoken2576d ago


Let me guess, you own a Dell.

4Sh0w2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

"All this move does is make owning a gaming PC that much more attractive."

-Good, because as you know the bulk of the money in this industry is made from software sells, thus Microsoft welcomes your support no matter which platform you choose to purchase Xbox games on. Sure they'd rather get your money from both hardware+software but just software will do too, 'cause something is better than nothing=

You see Microsoft didn't just decide to give all this free love to pc gamers out of the goodness of their hearts, no they made a strategic plan to sacrifice Xbox hardware sales to broaden their potential customer base to include not just the AVG JOE CONSUMER who will buy X1 at the right price point, but also for hardcore PC ONLY GAMERS and PS GAMERS who due to brand loyalty won't buy an Xbox but can't resist playing some Xbox games, no loss to Xbox owners like me as we obviously still get to play the games and others joining in is cool.

ME, YOU, PC ONLY GAMERS, XBOX OWNERS and even PC/PS GAMERS are all contributing to Microsoft building the worlds first truly CONSOLE-PC ECOSYSTEM that Microsoft has envisioned. Personally I'm a console kind of guy so Im gonna gift my X1 to a young cousin on day 1 when I pick up my new Scorpio. Hey btw PLAY ANYWHERE is a awesome benefit thats solidified the Xbox-PC Ecosystem, plus its nice we'll be gettimg more games like Gears4 which allow crossplay between Xbox and pc gamers. Enjoy!

-Oh and don't forget that this also contributes to Windows 10 adoption rate among pc gaming (OS is Microsoft bread n butter)= Smart business, Xbox-PC Ecosystem.

_-EDMIX-_2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )

@4Sh0w- Well yes....pretty sure we all know that buying a MS game on PC, gives MS money lol

I agree with you too. This is the best move MS could have done for themselves.

Not really for XB as its sales will lower because of this move, but for MS as a whole, its a smart business decision.

They own Windows 10, they need to support that platform and XB as suppose to keeping games from it. This move won't help XB sell more units, but it will help MS make more money.

I mean...sorry but I always agreed with that concept. You might have thought this was some fight to the death or I hated MS and didn't want them to have my money etc lol On the contrary, I still buy MS games on PC in the first place. If you look far back, I was the one that was even in support of MS going to PC with all their games as I felt it made more sense for the whole company, even if XB sales will lower, MS money will rise.

This will help the MS brand as a whole, but it will also weaken the XB brand by a whole lot. As in...I might never actually own an XB.

PS and Nintendo systems will always have a place in my home, they have exclusives, MS might just continue to be another publisher to me based on their choice, but I'm fine with that. I only like maybe 1 or 2 games from them, games I was not buying an XONE for, but clearly would buy on PC.

That gives MS money and gets me a game without having to buy whole console to play 2 things.

Win/Win. (Well maybe not for XB console, but win for MS)

I-Say2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )

Hey why so much hate for Xbox?

XanderZane2575d ago

I agree. I have both PS4 and XB1 and an very happy with my purchases. I don't need a beasty PC to enjoy gaming. The most popular PC games will all end up on PS4 Pro and Scorpio over the next 3-4 years. There are only a few exclusive PC games that I would want and it's not worth building a $1000+ PC to play them on it. I literally have over 2500 games to chose from on my PS4 and XB1. There are plenty console exclusives to go around. As for the Switch, it only has 2 games worth playing. I'll wait a year from now, and hoping they will have most quality exclusives to buy. Then I can pick one up. It's not going to have many 3rd party games at this point.

candystop2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )


Stfu you dang idiot! You're spreading misinformation as well as spreading false information! The Xbox console sales will rise hopefully and Xbox is still a must have console with more value then the competition. Read this and quit ignoring facts! MS simply needed a reset and that's what Scorpio is about you freaking hater. I love all the consoles for something but as of the Scorpio launch it is the must have box.


+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2575d ago
Vandamme212576d ago

They probably gonna announce Halo 5 ODLC lol.

XXanderXX2576d ago

So they are going to announce a marketing deal with themselves .............................. .wow

2576d ago
2576d ago
alb18992576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Sad life. No body said happy birthday to you again......even in Facebook?

2576d ago
2576d ago
Gunstar752576d ago

Wish you weren't only dead silent by name.

Zero_Suit_Samus2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

"Microsoft will announce marketing agreement for a new AAA title at E3 2017"

"Phil Spencer wonders why gamers care about third party marketing deals."


MorpheusX2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )


Its Classic MS contradictory behaviors/statements.

They know[ledge] full well having the best & most 3rd Party marketing deals creates that Status, the perception that your "The Man", that platform every gamer should desire to play the biggest and best 3rd games on.

Its not in there Favor this Gen so far, so MS/Phil downplay it. MS Never learns.

2576d ago Replies(4)
S2Killinit2576d ago

the title, Is that news worthy? By itself. I mean if it had more info.

mark_parch2576d ago

why is it that no matter what the topic is on a microsoft article the comments get swamped with trolls talking about no exclusives. everyone knows there have been very few microsoft exclusives over the last 6 months but this isn't an article about that its about a rumored marketing deal so why don't people just throw some ideas around about what the game could be instead of the constant trolling. i have an xbox and like to read up on anything xbox related but the comment sections have just become ridiculous.

butchertroll2576d ago

Jez (not a mimic)‏ @JezCorden
Jez (not a mimic) Retweeted shinobi602
It's called Assassin's Creed Origins :0


LastCenturyRob2576d ago

Whatever you say little troll, whatever you say.

JasonKCK2576d ago

nX odd considering MS invented a universal Achievement system now copied by everyone.

XanderZane2576d ago

If it's so dead, why do you keep talking about it. lol!! You can't get enough of the XBox brand can you?

2576d ago
XanderZane2575d ago

Then you should be talking about the Wii U. That's really the only failure this gen.

2576d ago Replies(1)
_-EDMIX-_2576d ago


With All their games going to PC too, they are pretty much at multi-platform publisher now.

No more Xb exclusives

2576d ago Replies(3)
+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2575d ago
DigitalRaptor2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Assassin's Creed: Origins for sure.

badz1492576d ago

Banking on Assassin's Creed? Against Sony's CoDWW2, SWBF2, Destiny 2 and RDR2? That's like spanking a tiger with a feather.

WickedLester2576d ago

They can have it. I stopped caring about AC years ago.

Markusb332576d ago

Good luck with what ever it is but ubisoft are lazy devs. Broken games day 1 repeated mechanics and systems through their different franchises. Don't get me wrong their games sell very well I just don't know why. For me far cry is the only one that is enjoyable.

krypt19832576d ago

sony fans are so immature what happened to xbox being the dude bro console? yet every game you just rambled off is a shooter hypocrites always being the goal post for a Japanese product typical liberal American go to your safe space scropio is coming..

Raiden2576d ago

I'm banking on Rockstar's NEW GTA game

PFFT2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )


Those games are coming to the XB1 and Scorpio as well. Only difference is that those said titles will more than likely be Native 4K on the Scorpio and not in Chinese Checkerboard. I mean "Dynamic Resolution".

Ding2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

PFFT1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Those games are coming to the XB1 and Scorpio as well. Only difference is that those said titles will more than likely be Native 4K on the Scorpio
============================= ===========

Awww bless.. So whats Native 4K then Bubba??

and not in Chinese Checkerboard.

Then it isn't native 4K is it Bubba???

7680x4320 [8K/UHD]
/2x2 = 3840x2160 [4K/UHD]
/2x2 = 1920x1080 [HD]
/2x2 = 960x540 which is the res of the Vita
/2x2 = 480x270 which is the res of the PSP

So all Sony consoles are HD in that HD is a standardised t-e-l-e-v-i-s-i-o-n ASPECT RATIO of 16:9, based on 35MM [Bluray] film

Crappy PeeCee/ Windozze/ VGA is all over the shop


3:2,4:3,5:3, 5:4, 8:5, 17:9 in fact everything bit 16:9 which is HD.

I mean "Dynamic Resolution".

Thats what the XBone is supposed to do Bubba. Sony said Dynamic 4K .. UHD/4K is the r-e-s-o-l-u-t-i-o-n and is DYNAMIC because of HDR with the new HDMI 2.1 addendum


============================= ==========
HDMI Specification 2.1 is the most recent update of the HDMI specification featuring advanced features for the HDMI eco-system. It supports a range of Higher Video Resolutions and refresh rates including 8K60 and 4K120,
Dynamic HDR,
and increased bandwidth with a new 48G cable. Version 2.1 of the HDMI Specification is backward compatible with earlier versions of the Specification.
============================= =====

Dynamic HDR ensures every moment of a video is displayed at its ideal values for depth, detail, brightness, contrast, and wider color gamuts—on a scene-by-scene or even a frame-by-frame basis.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Game Mode VRR features variable refresh rate, which enables a 3D graphics processor to display the image at the moment it is rendered for more fluid and better detailed gameplay, and for reducing or eliminating lag, stutter, and frame tearing.

The new specification will be available to all HDMI 2.0 Adopters and they will be notified when it is released early in Q2 2017.
============================= ==============

The UBERRACE is already doing what the PC/XBone untermensch will have to wait until the 2nd quarter for.

DigitalRaptor2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )

@ krypt

Nothing about mentioning Sony having those games exclusively available to their marketing department makes anyone dudebro. Sony still has more diversity in their exclusive lineup without these games. The rest of your comment made absolutely zero sense.


That's nice, except Microsoft has been promoting their own version of "Chinese Checkerboarding" called "Sparse Rendering" and believe it or not, it doesn't refer to their lineup of exclusive games. You might be right with the rest, but good luck with expecting Red Dead Redemption 2 being native 4k.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2575d ago
Aenea2576d ago

They had marketing for AC: Unity too, kinda to be expected...

Dark_Knightmare22576d ago

Yeah but than Sony had it for syndicate and before that they had marketing for almost every ac game so it's kind of unexpected

2576d ago
SCW19822576d ago

Please no, let these Tomb Raider reboots die a horrible death and never be spoken of again.

2576d ago Replies(2)
Patriot4Life2576d ago

Nope...new Kotor game.

Trust me on this.

2576d ago
Patriot4Life2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Can't say but MS needs a game to counter Sony's Destiny marketing deal.

Phil has been hinting at this for a while and Bioware Austin will be the developer .

DigitalRaptor2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Man, that would be killer.

I can't bring myself to trust you here, and I don't trust Phil either so... nah.

yomfweeee2576d ago

Please show us all the hints Phil has been giving....

EnigmaSG12576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Sony and Disney are in bed together... from the movie studio/television projects, to games with their Marvel and Star Wars IP's. It would take a hefty bank vault opening from MSFT, one which I would not hold my breath for.

Now it may be the game they are working on that is a "service game" like Destiny (Using Frostbite 3), in which I doubt is Star Wars themed.

RommyReigns2576d ago

'Trust me on this.'

Hahahahahahahaha HELL NO you xbox fangirl, keep accepting turds and praying for Scorpio like it's the second coming of Jesus.

rainslacker2576d ago

Marketing deals are generally more beneficial for the publisher when it's on the platform that has sold more. Otherwise, the marketing deal is more beneficial for the console maker, because it's there to push consoles.

Seeing how disney generally works, they seem to go for the higher install base where such marketing deals would have the most impact for them.

Not that it ultimately matters since if it's on both platforms it'll still sell on both, with maybe a boost on the lower install base platform. But marketing deals aren't just something that is there to push console sales.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2576d ago
DarXyde2576d ago

That's... kind of underwhelming. I would think they'd aim higher than that. I feel like Microsoft would try for a Bethesda game or Rockstar. I'm unconvinced, but I guess we'll see.

I'm expecting a pretty strong show all around.

RosweeSon2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Welcome to it. I actually enjoyed the lastest one as well maybe I'm biased as it was based in London/U.K it was enjoyable but these days and after just having a year off I'd happily take another year off.

Angeljuice2576d ago

Maybe they're confident that they'll be able to use the Scorpio's extra power to produce a bug-free console version (after all that's always been the official Ubi problem with buggy games...underpowered consoles).

If it's buggy as fudge on the Scorpio version, the Devs should retire in shame.

rainslacker2576d ago

Their games suffer the same problems on powerful PC's, so it's more an issue that Ubi has a habit of rushing games out for deadlines, rather than the power being unavailable. For the most part, the power problem just means they have to downgrade graphics, and if they don't downgrade their targets enough, they run into performance issues. In any case, power would have nothing to do with game breaking bugs.

Angeljuice2574d ago


I am aware of that, I'm just highlighting their terrible excuses.

RommyReigns2576d ago

Asscreed's been dead since Rogue, plus Ubisoft have turned into a company that makes broken turds and polishes them with patches later. MS are welcome to take it.

Tussin1872576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Is this really surprising news though? Of course Sony can't have all the deals. Sony still has COD, RED DEAD, and Star Wars. Didn't MS have Battlefield and the Division? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes, most likely it would be a Ubisoft title. They usually have deals all the time.

Oops, forgot Destiny as well for Sony.

AngelicIceDiamond2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

"Now according to the well-known insider, Shinobi602, it was revealed that Microsoft will announce at E3 2017 in Los Angeles a partnership to a large and important Triple A title that is not yet announced"

Not yet been announced so a new multiplat IP it sounds. It helps to read the article you know.

Angeljuice2574d ago

Not yet announced doesn't mean it's new per se. It could be an unannounced sequel, or it could be a reference to the collaboration being unannounced.

Reading the article only helps if your able to understand what is written.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2574d ago
Krangs_Uncle2577d ago

I think these titles should be spoiler free for anyone who doesn't want to know the leaks this year - so that we can just skip the article if we wish and find out for ourselves on the day!

UCForce2577d ago

Should be able interesting to see. My bet is new AC.

XanderZane2576d ago

I doubt it. No one really cares about AC anymore.

UCForce2576d ago

Remember AC Unity ? That game have been marketed by MS. So yeah, we will see it at MS E3 Press conference.

GiantGriFFin2576d ago

Just like shadow of war then?

MarshallSam1032576d ago

Infortunately xbox division could only afford games that nobody cares about because all huge AAA games are with sony

XanderZane2575d ago

I don't think so. The are already doing Shadow of War. AC isn't NEW. AC is an old franchise. Most likely it will be a New game that hasn't been on the market for many years. Could be another Splinter Cell or maybe something from SEGA. We'll see when the E3 gets here.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2575d ago
Gman322576d ago

Yeah i think you might be right on that but we'll at e3

Raiden2575d ago

A waste of profit, if you ask me, 3rd parties are all mercenaries, i can see it now what happened, Sony should have been in profit since 2014-15, it's 2017 and only now they are making profit, Xbox 360 wasted profit the same way paying for timed exclusive times dlc, who are the winners, not MS and not Sony but the 3rd parties, now the big game for Sony this gen so far has been HZD, were the profit on this game, how much did it cost to make, was the cost so high that the reported 60mil console owners couldn't cover it and make it profitable, look I'm not trying to anything good or bad about either of these companies, but I feel that a company like Sony should have a higher profit line by now, yet it don't, and I can't help but feel part of this has to do with marketing, every PS4/pro owners should be buying all first party titles, you all say MS has no games yet profit is been made, none of this makes since, where is all of Sony's profit going, I just believe that 3rd party publishers should do there own marketing.

Gman322575d ago

@raiden i hear what you're saying but at the end of the day its just business microsoft and sony are not gonna stop doing deals like this no time soon

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Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

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purple1011d 17h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky23h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu23h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 16h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo21h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay8h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx23h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple10114h ago(Edited 14h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8522h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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