
OVERKILL's The Walking Dead Will Have New Characters, Dynamic Levels; 80+ Devs Working on It

OVERKILL's The Walking Dead finally received lots of information concerning its gameplay pillars, setting and a lot more.

The game will feature entirely new characters, highly dynamic levels for better replayability, lots of zombie killing (but human NPCs will be a threat, too).
The first in-engine look at a playable character was unveiled, too.

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Festano2578d ago

That screenshot looks a ton better than Payday 2, I'm glad they upgraded the engine!

2578d ago
The7Reaper2578d ago

Didn't this game get announced in 2015? After that it's been delay after delay.

danny8182578d ago

yes. They did say that they have started development. Been silent then. Im betting more info and gameplay at E3

BongSmack2577d ago

No E3, if the article is to be relied upon.

zerocarnage2578d ago

Yeah it did, I do not trust these guys one bit. I have never known a Dev make out they're doing something yet actually doing nothing like these devs.

I do not trust them, walking dead should of been put in the hands of a developer that can handle the game and believe me they can not. Something will go wrong once it's out and it will take them an eternity to sort it out, or they will support pc version and leave the console versions in limbo, did it for payday and I don't see how they will change.

BongSmack2577d ago

A video game has been delayed? Now I've seen it all.

The7Reaper2577d ago

Wow a sarcastic douche? Now I've seen it all.

Findingcrybabies2578d ago

Fair warning. If you aren't going to buy and Overkill game on PC then don't buy it at all....that is if you like extra content that isn't 5 years behind the PC version and some you don't get at all. Their focus is no secret and what is second rate is no secret.

zerocarnage2578d ago

payday is proof of how they concentrate on pc and keep console about 10 to 20 updates behind. The way they favour one platform over another is one thing but to update consoles that far behind is unbelievable.

subtenko2578d ago

PVPVE? :O Awww snaaaaaaap!!!! There better be some epic promising "this is what you're supposed to do and they did it" footage at E3 this year. and imagine they take all this and make payday 3 even better. RIght now Im looking forward to hearing about SWAT 5 but idk if they will have multiplayer. I love heist games, well payday is pretty much the only 1st person one. Seige is aight but still has potential.

zerocarnage2578d ago

Don't screw consoles over like you did years on end with Paday, it was a terrible fiasco and I will be watching the progress of the game, I also doubt I'll buy it flat out knowing how long it actually takes these guys to do anything. The fact overkill and starbreeze had to call Microsoft in to help sort a problem out that was stopping people from playing payday once it rereleased on Xbox one gives me cause for concern.

The walking dead sounds alot more complexed than payday, and I always said since that, payday itself was to big a job for them to handle as well as handling consoles and pc. There favouring pc support over consoles showed truly how difficult they found handling such a big task.

there no1 guy David goldfarb at the time console players from ps4 and Xbox one for a year and half were in the dark about patches and fixes only for them in the end to ditch support on the last gens, Mr goldfarb once chased down by players and approached via twitter, including I myself asked about patches and updates and got blocked because he was so ignorant.

Yeah the payday devs over and over showed there true colours when it came to the games players. One of the worst, which was not just once it happened is how many times they actually pencilled in patches and updates only for nothing to happen, but the worst thing about it was they had no backbone to even let the games fans know in anyway.

Yeah I was one of the many let down by these devs time after time, and I don't often go by reviews but in this case I'll be reading each and everyone before buying, have been stung to many times by these devs to the point it's still frustrating to this day.

I remember it was that bad even the pc community got involved to defend us console players up and down forums pc players would side with us because they knew how wrong they were.

Ifthere was ever a developer that should of gone to court I'd say Overkill certainly won that award.

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25d ago

Dhruva Interactive Releases Character Art For ‘Overkill’s The Walking Dead’

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MasterChief36241910d ago

If I knew Steven Spielberg was going to be in it, I would have been more excited to try it out!


An Update on Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Today Skybound Entertainment released the following statement: As of today, we have terminated our contract with Starbreeze Studios and will discontinue all efforts on OVERKILL’S THE WALKING DEAD.

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Traecy1922d ago

This game future isn't looking to bright.

Literal_Cringe1922d ago

No, that's because it's dead now.

This game only lives up to half its namesake "The dead".

william_cade1922d ago

One of the biggest let downs. I saw the trailer and got hyped. I saw the game-play and well it sucked.

Cmv381922d ago

Just make payday 3, that'll save your butts

Blu3_Berry1922d ago

Not surprised, the game was destined to fail the moment we saw the reveal gameplay. It was so disappointing after those amazing CG cut-scenes they made, and its clear that's where majority of the budget went to. What a shame how this game turned out as it had alot of potential.

1922d ago
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