
These New GIFs from GT Sport Beta Can Easily Be Mistaken for Real Life Races

The GT Sport beta is underway and a few of those lucky testers have shared some stunning animated images (GIFs) that can pass for real life races.

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odderz2631d ago

It looks borderline photorealistic! I wonder what the difference will be between PS4 and PS4 Pro...

Gazondaily2631d ago


THIS is the visual quality i expect from Polyphony. Those replays could EASILY fool people as being real life footage

bouzebbal2630d ago

every GT is a step closer to photorealism since A-spec.
GT games always delivered high fidelity graphics.

2630d ago
Utalkin2me2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )


Cause he is a known troll in Playstation articles. He is just being sarcastic. He has been trying to change his tune of late. But sorry as bad as he was, no coming back.

Should i really dig into your comments and show?

Gazondaily2630d ago


"He is just being sarcastic."

I'm not? Visually it looks stunning.


Just petty haters. Dont mind them ☺

Utalkin2me2630d ago


"Lol 😂 The pain Forza causes you fanboys amuses me greatly"

"Lmao. Go check the review scores and come back to me. Forza schooled GT a long time ago."

"Forza is King..."

Those are quotes in like just the last 10 hours. Im not even going to take my time to quote a long time ago, when you was straight up trolling PS articles.

xHeavYx2630d ago

Septic a fanboy? No way.
I mean, it's not like there is a video on youtube where he is so happy that the Xbox finally outsold the PS4 in the UK... right?
https://youtu.be/NPTz2DPpOh... (13 seconds mark)

Gazondaily2630d ago

@Utalkin 2

@lets_go- Want proof of how these haters cherry pick? Let me show you how this little hater of mine deceives.

My comment 1:

***Lol 😂 The pain Forza causes you fanboys amuses me greatly***

The comment I replied to said this:

"More like The Jester of racing." In reference to Forza :


My comment 2:

***Lmao. Go check the review scores and come back to me. Forza schooled GT a long time ago.***

Responding to habitual troll and Xbox hater Edmix who said this:

"If the game is good, racing fans would migrate over, sorry but its not happening with this series. Bi yearly is hurting this game and clearly Turn 10 isn't THAT good.

So its going to take them, what 7 or 8 games to get this correct or?"

My comment 3:

***Forza is King***

AND this is proof of why I'm getting disagrees. Rabid fanboys like Utalkin2me cant even handle that Forza has received critical acclaim and is highly rated.

So much is his deception that in my comments that he posted he didn't paste these same comments made:

"Forza is King of racers and has been for some time now. If GT Sport surpasses it then fair play. But for now...Playstation Nation better recognise 😎"

Or my past comments praising the game when i first (quite rightly) critiqued it:

"This is looking so much better than before. Might become the must-have racer of this year. Man the number of killer exclusives is crazy this year on PS!"


AND to put it into perspective how these habitual hating trolls are such hypocrites:

Look at the comment I replied to!

SardoNumspa20h ago
And that is with the Turn 10 clowns crapping out an endless stream of their GT wannabe junk while GT has only a couple games max each gen.


So there you have it. Its just that this community is full of Sony fanboys who represent the worst of the worst. They DO NOT accept any praise if you have previously critiqued their beloved company. They will hate on other games (see their shameful behaviour RE: Zelda vs Horizon) and Forza is just another game that causes them much pain.

SIT DOWN UTALKIN2ME (ps look at this guy's laughable comment history- full on hates all consoles but Sonys)

Gazondaily2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )


Lol here's a video on youtube of me telling people to buy PS4 over Xbox One:

1:59 mark

Wanna fail harder?

You cant even praise PS games unless you form part of the giant human centipede these fanboys inter-digest with 😂😂😂

Utalkin2me2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )


Thanks for proving my point even further...Your trying to get on the good side of PS fans, so your trashy site can get some more hits. Cause it is and was failing as Xbox exclusive.

P.S. keep signing into those multiple accounts.

gangsta_red2630d ago

"Your trying to get on the good side of PS fans, so your trashy site can get some more hits"

I don't know what's funnier the fact that people actually think someone HAS to get on the good side of sony fanboys or the fact that people can't understand that one can be a fan of both GT and Forza but still like one more than the other.

Only a sith deals in absolutes.


pay no mind to the haters my friend. since i started on this site ive been a raging PS fanboy and ive never thought of your posts as troll level, or even far-fetched the majority of the time.

S2Killinit2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Im starting to think Septic and Gangster Red are the same person. Or they know each other.

But honestly, we all know Septic is vehemently against anything Playstation. Which is fine, but then he also trolls anything Playstation. Or at least he did. These days when i see his comments, I just cant believe that he is being honest because he has such a history of it. Maybe he is grown up who knows (i dont mean that in a bad way, i mean it literally). But i cant help feeling like its just temporary. Im waiting for him to go back to it. If he doesnt, then kudos to him.

GTgamer2630d ago

Poor septic we all know about you so idont know why you even try at this point. We're not haters were just people who see you for what you are.

Sunny_D2630d ago

And why would you have ever doubted PD in the first place? Let me guess because of the very first preview they showed of an unfinished build of a game in development? Typical

TheCommentator2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Seriously, all you guys fanboying out on Septic need to chill out. He says the game looks good and you still find reasons to hate.

FYI, these gifs do make the game look way better than the crappy ones posted yesterday. GT Sport actually looks better, visually, than Forza 6 now (a two year old game... just saying). They definitely fixed the trees from the early builds which makes the cars fit into the scene in a much more impactful way. That's good. GT's lighting is better than Forza's too and that has always made the difference, even back in the PS2 days when Xbox had a major power advantage, GT had lighting that made still made it look better in some ways.

I'm just glad that the early GT Sport videos aren't what the game looks like anymore. It did look like crap. Poly said it was a work in progress, I know, but they shouldn't have shown it off so early if it wasn't ready enough. Sony needed to show it off with PSVR though, didn't they. It's the killer app for the peripheral.

That brings up a good question... Does anybody know what it looks like in VR now?

TheCommentator2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

Sunny D, that's exactly why. That was the only evidence to go on at the time. Basing what they are doing today on what they did in the past, however likely it may be, is still an assumption.

If you can assume that Polyphony is going to improve it to "typical" standards, I can say it looks like crap if that's what's being shown to the public... because that's what the evidence supported at that time.

But if you can assume, then I can also assume. Maybe Polyphony were showing off the VR graphics build at the time of the GT Port videos last year since it was debuted with PSVR.

2630d ago
Gazondaily2630d ago


"He literally CHEERS out YEAAA!!! when someone mentions it...it's actually hilarious

but yet here he is, trying to say he's not a fanboy "

Whats hilarious is that I said YEAAH at the end of the video where I was praising PS on tv lmfao.

Why is it so easy to routinely school you keyboard warriors?! Lol you make it so easy!

XanderZane2630d ago

The game looks great. Most GT games usually do. I'm usually never worried about how the GT game looks. In the end though, this will be the most important part.

"Of course, regardless of how spectacular it looks GT Sport will have to be judged by its gameplay first and foremost. "

I'd like to know more about the game, it's modes, customization, tracks, cars, damage, gameplay and the feel. DriveClub looked good too, but that was really it's best feature.

ABizzel12630d ago

It's okay not to care for someone's methods, but some of you guys are taking it a bit personal. I don't know Septic, but he's trying to make something of himself out of something he enjoys, and I have nothing but respect for that. So don't tear down his work and effort of building his site and work up, because of "pass mistakes" if that's what you want to call it, but people grow up and people change.

I can never knock anyone's hustle unless it's at the expense of others, so Septic keep doing what you're doing with your site, and if trolling was something you were doing previously, it sucks you'll have it stick with you for a while, but keep a neutral mind and stay positive, and move on from there. Best of luck from the states.

bouzebbal2630d ago

Some pretty epic posts here..LOL
He is obviously favoring xbox over all the other, but i do think his post was sincere.
no one can deny GT's supremacy. Forza has nothing to do here because the only good Forza is Horizon and that is a different beast.¨
GT expectations are always over the roof because each and every single episode sets the bar higher. It is not flawless, but that's the reason why they keep improving.

UltraNova2630d ago

GT will always be the racing game to beat, no matter the amount of wisfull thinking.

Look at what Grand Turismo Sport is about to start in the world of competitive racing...Polyphony sets the bar, end of story.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2630d ago
Utalkin2me2630d ago


Here is a link to a article going into some detail about the differences.


I must say im highly excited for Sport, i just wish PS4 would support my g27 wheel.

Alexious2630d ago

Good thing I swapped my old PS4 for the Pro!

Bathyj2630d ago

Someone told me about this. I have a G25.


Looks awesome. I think I'll get one.

Utalkin2me2630d ago


Ohh wow, thanks for link. Didnt know they had anything like that =).

Bathyj2630d ago

Yeah. As a bonus if I get an XBOne, I can use my Dualshock 4 on it. Gives it a bit of added value.

Dee_912630d ago

woow. and logitech and thrustmasters claims it's sony fault older wheels wont work on ps4. yet heres a tiny usb stick that can make it work. what a load of bs... that being said the new Thrustmaster GT Sport Wheel looks like a winner to me. Hopefully it has some decent pedals

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2630d ago
2630d ago Replies(7)
Obscure_Observer2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )

It´s really impressive. The article´s tittle is misleading though. The headline should describe beta REPLAY gifs! There´s a no number of articles like this one which shows zero gameplay graphics and yet are not corrected.

generic-user-name2630d ago

Replay mode is a game mode, so technically it is gameplay.

Obscure_Observer2630d ago (Edited 2630d ago )


No its not.

Bruh2630d ago

Probably resolution, I presume around 1440p and including better tessellation and ambient occlusion

xer02630d ago

It's certainly shaping up to be an awesome experience.
I wonder how VR mode will turn out.

Only on Playstation! :)

Tigerblud2630d ago

Dissapointing since the whole game isn't in VR.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2630d ago
Festano2631d ago

Damn, I need to get an HDR TV!

DarkStar12630d ago

I think you people need to go out more, this is no where near photo realistic

Rimeskeem2630d ago

As someone who has 20/20 vision, I disagree.

2630d ago
2630d ago
TetsujinFranky2630d ago

Not a huge fan of racing games, but GT Sport looks awesome

ccgr2630d ago

Wow will have to check this out in person!

andrewsquall2630d ago

Okay, we get it. Stop rehashing the same neogaf post over and over again.

Nitrowolf22630d ago

It's only going to get worse come release, you are going to see a lot of Forza vs. GT comparison articles

generic-user-name2630d ago

Hot tip: Don't click on articles that you don't like.

Cmv382630d ago

What type of foolishness is that? How can one bitch and complain if they don't click on articles i don't like.

Dee_912630d ago

i mean he has a point. i was hoping to see some new gifs too. but i don't mind looking at these again..

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The Lasting Legacy Gran Turismo Sport Had On A New Generation Of Sim Racers

On the day that Gran Turismo Sport’s online services are switched off for good, a reflection on how impactful the game was for the sim racing industry.

purple101123d ago

fantastic game

innovative match making with player ettiquite tasked into account

GT7 improves on it with:

all the same tracks + loads more tracks
all the same cars + loads more cars
improved / new physics
dualsense support + haptics for road bumps
improved lighting + weather changable mid race
much more vast one player races, challenges, leagues etc.

more of an iteration than a revelation, but what they improve, they have improved so drastically it is deffo worth getting.


Why Gran Turismo Sport’s Final Update Bodes Well for GT7's Preservation

GT Sport, like Gran Turismo 7, requires internet to save. But now that its servers are going dark, that requirement is being removed.

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122d ago Replies(1)

McLaren has turned its Vision Gran Turismo concept into a real car

First an in-game concept car for GT Sport and Gran Turismo 7, the BC08 Solus GT has turned the virtual into the reality for 25 lucky customers.

ApocalypseShadow652d ago

Dat Vision Gran Turismo. Always getting new concept cars. Art imitating life imitating art.

If it's not "The Real Driving Simulator," it's definitely "The Real Car Creator."

MajorLazer651d ago

Actually, the manufacturers design the VGT cars so really manufacturers are "imitating" their own creations. Still, the VGT program has some relevance, which I argued on GTPlanet too.

purple101651d ago (Edited 651d ago )

I saw on YouTube the other day Lamborghini have also turned their vision Gt car into a real life car.

DaniMacYo651d ago

Yeah seen this so cool hope it comes to the game.

aaronaton651d ago

It just shows the talent that is at Polyphony Digital when real manufacturer's are that impressed with their designs.
Meanwhile over at Turn10....Hotwheels, Lego, and Minecraft avatars.


What are you talking about... Car was designed by McLaren.


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