
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild vs. Horizon: Zero Dawn

The fan-fave Nintendo gem can't outperform or outsell Sony's new hotness.

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Erik73572638d ago (Edited 2638d ago )

Not from majority of game critics its not. Go on this site from the average gamer who just has a ps4 and you'll hear differently though.

Maybe the sequel for Horizon zero dawn will learn a thing or two from Zelda and make it to the 90's next time.

I doubt anything will come near Zelda anytime soon, pretty hard to take the throne of highest rated game of all time.

Mario Odyssey maybe?

GtR35olution2637d ago

Horizon zero dawn is a way better game than zelda botw. Zelda botw seems so bland with a lot of pop ins and frame rate issues. Zelda botw is just an open world zelda game that isnt doing anything new while having bad graphics. Can you imagine if horizon zero dawn looked and played exactly like zelda botw with its pop ins, bland world, samey enemy types, and low quality graphics because it would have very low scores. Zelda botw i know is a fun game but most people who arent fanatics knows Nintendo games are rated on a different scale.

Aeery2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

In the end, yes, Horizon is a better game.
This is my opinion of course.

Btw Zelda got a free pass in the scores.

vuduvigeha2637d ago

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naruga2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

@Erik while i consider Zelda a more appealing game for my tastes ... the idiotic statement like "the highest rated game of all time , the king and other such BS are ridiculous as Fk ...the game is an 8 also HZdawn is an 8-8.5 ...though as i just said is just personal preferences when the games are both equal in quality....and while the console of my preference is PS4 ..i like Zelda more

Gazondaily2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

Lol if anyone had any doubts that the Zelda hate is based on Horizon fanboyism here is proof.

The excuses:

Zelda got a free pass

The technical problems- the game looks great and fame rate problems are no where near as bad as some other exclusives people are crying about

Mass reviewer conspiracy - lol what a load of complete utter bullshit.

Now we know where those low scoring metacritic reviews came from 😅

blitz06232637d ago

Just appreciate both games. Haven't played BotW yet, but it'd have to be really good for me to say it's better than Horizon. What GG accomplished with Horizon is unmatched IMO - open world 4k checkerboard with HDR, no performance issues (at least on my playthrough), a fresh take on post apocalyptic setting, engaging combat and no repetitive quests - all this on a brand new IP. Still looking forward to playing Zelda however

Vhampir2637d ago

BotW I couldn't put down until I beat it. HZD, at times, I'm still forcing myself to play. BotW doesn't need a free pass, it's just fun to play.

Defiantmac2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

"Horizon zero dawn is a way better game than zelda botw. Zelda botw seems so bland with a lot of pop ins and frame rate issues. Zelda botw is just an open world zelda game that isnt doing anything new while having bad graphics. Can you imagine if horizon zero dawn looked and played exactly like zelda botw with its pop ins, bland world, samey enemy types, and low quality graphics because it would have very low scores. Zelda botw i know is a fun game but most people who arent fanatics knows Nintendo games are rated on a different scale."

Have you played Zelda? Your in depth review of "bad graphics" and "bland world" and "samey enemy types" seems like a real in depth thoughtful review on something you've gotten your hands on.

Every single person who has gotten their hands on Zelda or seen me play it have said it's incredible. My best friend has poured 60+ hours into it already and thinks it's the best game he's played. We both own every console and I am primarily a PC/PS4 guy. Breath of the Wild is very good.

Here is an incredible thought for you. Breath of the Wild AND Horizon Zero Dawn can both be great games. You don't have to crap on one because it doesn't fit your agenda.

Defiantmac2637d ago

"In the end, yes, Horizon is a better game.
This is my opinion of course.

Btw Zelda got a free pass in the scores."

I am sure you have had enough time to play through both Horizon and Zelda and formulate a very informed opinion on the matter.

MaximusTKG2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

I feel as though none of you have played both titles. I have played both and I do agree in most aspects that Horizon is better. But heres the deal, I couldn't put Horizon down. However, I had a moment with Zelda about ten hours in.

I had just finished up a few shrines, didnt really have a direction to go, no real main quest yet to guide me, and I felt just lost. I almost gave up from the lack of direction, I was just wandering, which normally bores me. Then I found one little secret, then another, etc.. They werent huge secrets, one didnt even have any loot. And then I couldnt stop thinking about this game. Im 25+ hours in now, and haven't even fully completed my first dungeon.

One thing Zelda has over Horizon, is that I promise you have not played a game that makes you feel as free from the sandbox action RPG grind we have been on the last 7-10 years. That feeling simply wont be topped by anyone for a long time.

uth112637d ago

@septic - that's only because of countless articles like this pitting the two games against each other.

Before that happened Sony fans didn't care about Zelda and Zelda fans didn't care about Horizon

AuditorGamer2637d ago

People still care about what a game's score is? What ever happened to just playing both games and making a decision based on your own personal experience and not what some clown reviewer says? Buy both systems and enjoy both games. Make your own assessment of the games instead of listening to reviewers you sheep! I'd like to know how many people who are bashing Zelda have actually played it. If you havent, your negative opinion is nothing more than fanboyism. It's quite pathetic. Zelda is a great game and so is Horizon. End of story.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2637d ago
MRMagoo1232637d ago

The highest rated game of all time 😂

lutfarssmc2637d ago

The highest rated switch game. Not highest rated next gen game.

Bahamut2637d ago


You're wrong. It's the highest rated game of all time. Like it or not.

This includes ALL generations of consoles.

DragonDDark2637d ago

It's not. It's 97 on metacritic

Notellin2637d ago

It's not the highest rated of all time. Go troll elsewhere.

subtenko2637d ago

No, and you know whats funny (just something I'd like to bring up) No Mans Sky got talked about more than this new Zelda.....I just think its interesting. The gaming industry sure is peculiar at times!

EddieNX 2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

I've never enjoyed a game so much. Ive had an amazing experience with it. The sense of freedom and exploration is unparalleled. There's so much diversity in gameplay that it never gets boring. Searching for shrines is so much fun and there's always something else to find along the way. Done 70 shrines so far and I've played it about 75 hours., 50 to go...

It looks gorgeous at 900p on my 4K TV upscaled to 4K as well, the art style is beautiful and memorable unlike much of the dreary, realistic games of today. On Switch its a handheld game as well so it scores an easy 10 in handheld graphics. Maybe it feels a bit dated on wiiu, but not on Switch...

I think with there's been a massive case of denial here when comparing these games, one is a true work of art that will go down in history, and the other, isn't...

97 is definitely higher than 89, much higher. And at the end of the day, the critics decide, not us, sometimes over biassed gamers...

MRMagoo1232637d ago


how is .1 under 9 out of ten ,much less than .7 over 9 out of 10 ? that's not even 1 full point 😂.

Dragonscale2637d ago

More like the most overrated game of all time.

jaredite832637d ago

the game with most perfect scores through all time. Just check metacritic.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2637d ago
-Foxtrot2637d ago

Yes because critics are so trustworthy

Skyward Sword was not good and yet it was praised. Problems like this game were ignored

Final Fantasy 13 was dull and awful

dmc was inferior to past games

GTA 4 was boring

RE5 was even ratted higher as it just came off RE4

I could go on...

ForeverTheGoat2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

That just comes down to opinions which a review is. Nothing to do with not being trustworthy. If you don't agree oh well. Can't do nothing about it.

ChickeyCantor2637d ago

> Skyward Sword was not good

But it was good, having flaws doesn't make it bad.

>. Problems like this game were ignored

They hardly were. If you instead look at the arguments made in a review rather than looking at the score then perhaps you'd appreciate the reviews more.

_-EDMIX-_2637d ago


History has not looked favorably upon some of those games.

acekaze2637d ago

I agree with you that critics are really untrusworthy, but you know whats the worst place we can get our own feedback? N4G comment section, I sware in all the places i frequent about games, this site has to be the most filled fan boy place I have ever seen.

Sirk7x2637d ago

Skyward Sword was an amazing game though...
I thought the way the motion controls were implemented in that game were a revolution in game design. I can understand how some people couldn't get past it though.

2637d ago
Bahamut2637d ago

Skyward Sword was awesome. Your opinion became VOID within your second sentence. Damn shame.

-Foxtrot2637d ago

You know what's so god damn hilarious, none of you and I mean NONE who defend Skyward Sword can say straight away without being asked to actually say why it's apparently so good.

Surely if it was that amazing you'd have a bunch to fire back with but you guys never do. That game like BotW wouldn't be as big if they weren't Zelda

Erik73572637d ago

More trustworthy than fanboys on n4g

RGB2637d ago

Agreed, Zelda is held to a different standard, a trash Zelda can still hit 90+ even when it is rubbish. How Skyward Sword got insane reviews is beyond me, the worse 3D Zelda ever yet 90+ reviews across the board.

GTAIV is trash, a massive bore fest with samey missions throughout and all the gameplay and guts from that San Andreas had been removed yet scored higher than San Andreas and even V, insanity.

If Ubisoft, EA, Activision, MS or even Sony put out Zelda BotW as it looks on PS4, Xbox or PC, it would be getting 7s across the board, not 10s, Nintendo is held to a different standard, which is a shame.

Kribwalker2637d ago

I know right, like how uncharted 4 and the last of us both got free passes since they were made by naughty dog, and Nioh is just another souls game but gets rated high

Imalwaysright2637d ago

And you are trustworthy? You that were downplaying Zelda when the 1st reviews started to appear and had not PLAYED the game yet? Please look yourself in the mirror before questioning other people integrity.

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs2637d ago


Opinion are just a perspective. They don't speak for everyone. Obviously you have a different opinion...good for you. If your point is to say they're wrong, how is your opinion even better?

starchild2637d ago

I am really enjoying Horizon, but I think it's funny how a lot of the hardcore fanboys on this site apply different standards to suit their agenda. If a Sony exclusive gets a high score it's treated as "the truth" and it's rubbed in the faces of gamers on other platforms. But multiplatform games or exclusives on other platforms that receive high scores are always painted as "overrated" by these people.

zaherdab2637d ago

You could go on about your opinions as facts ?
yes you may disagree with critics but doesn't make the games you dislike automatically bad ...
I enjoyed FF13 and i loved GTA 4 and RE 5 was fun for waht it was... it might've been a different type of game than the rest of the franchise but at it was still a good game. ( And yes it's my opinion doesn't make it superior to your or invalidates it)

As for the above comparison yes horizon did draw me more than zelda did but that's coz 720p looks like ass on a 4K TV and i think it's more of a statement about the hardware limitation that Nintendo imposes than the software and games that they make.

DJustinUNCHAIND2637d ago

Metacritic scores are so quickly thrown around here as ammo.

Now they aren't trustworthy.

Which is it, people?

jaymacx2636d ago

-Fox Are forever gonna mention where critics got it wrong? What about when they got it right? That is one criticism of your comments. You can't ever be balanced. It is always a complaint or some slant. Everything has its pros and cons. such is life

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2636d ago
DashArrivals2637d ago

Lets be honest here. If it wasn't about Lnik and Zelda, and it had some new random hero. Just a new IP come out and it was the exact same game and mechanics.... it would NOT have had the same critical praise. It just wouldn't have.
Horizon Zero Dawn is better.

MRMagoo1232637d ago

Horizon is easily better, the game play is light years ahead

dohji2637d ago

It's sad that most Nintendo fans won't admit that.

DJustinUNCHAIND2637d ago

Uncharted 4 got the same treatment.

That game brought exactly 0 new things to the table, and it got over 200 GOTY awards?

Give me a break.

Don't even bring up the rope mechanic.

thehitman13982637d ago

You're kidding right???

Like I honestly think you are just joking and stealth trolling here. Like you cannot be that stupid, lol even for a Nintendo fanboy

2637d ago
2637d ago
bouzebbal2637d ago

keep quiet.
you go after the numbers and you open it big when you haven't played any of them.
i have both, zelda on wiiu and horizon in 4k hdr.
i didn't advance far in HZD but i can tell out of my experience with zelda (almost finished it) that zelda is way inferior to its predecessors in terms of fun factor.
HZD has much more interesting NPCs and much deeper and engaging fighting mechanics.
BOTW is a massive world but has so many shortcomings. you meet same type of enemies no matter where you are located in the IMMENSE world, the animals have no life in them, they are just there like statues until they detect you and they start running stupidly and they disappear (?).
BOTW IS a GOOD game, looks so promising on paper but fails to deliver and reveals a very lazy and clumsy design and adventure progression.. 7/10 at best.

Everytime i finish a castle (or what it is), i have to go back to IMPA every single time so she marks the next missing locations on my map. LOL

madmonkey012637d ago

if zelda was a ps4 game it would be slammed for poor performance and graphics. ninetendo games are held to a lower standard

bouzebbal2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

it is actually not true because nintendo software are always perfectly optimised, but not this one.
wind waker hd looks so much better.

i also miss this sound:

2637d ago
gangsta_red2637d ago

"...if zelda was a ps4 game it would be slammed for poor performance and graphics."

And I'm sure we would read comments right here on N4G saying how the review is clickbait, how the reviewer doesn't get it, how the game was never meant to be something else or any other excuse that comes along with a negative Sony game review.

Wallstreet372637d ago

I have both (feel free to pm me and I'll add you on switch if you even have one which you might not) and IMO Horizon is better than it in spades... From story, to combat, to denser, livelier world, to the music Zelda isn't touching it.

princejb1342637d ago

is not about rating is about taste
i like zelda but that animation of link putting a bomb over his head to throw it gets pretty old
horizon aint perfect but i still love it
zelda botw aint perfect but I'm sure its a great game (haven't played it). Zelda has never wowed me but their definitely fun

InsaneChronos2637d ago

What's the point of high rating if the game is BS?

2637d ago Replies(2)
2637d ago
Sparta072637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

Horizon definitely better game for me.
Can't believe it's 2017 and Zelda still looks like a 1980's cartoon.

Erik, "Maybe the sequel for Horizon zero dawn will learn a thing or two from Zelda and make it to the 90's next time. "

Learn!? Like what? Bad graphics? Frame rates drops? 😂

@@saltic, WTF are you on about?
What a surprise your trying to bring down something Sony.
Right!!! Cause Horizon doesn't get any hate at alll!! 😏

Sparta072637d ago

Sales for the U.K.
1, ghost recon
2, Horizon
Zelda went from number 2 to number 4.
Guess all those perfect scores didn't boost sales.
Looks like the fans prefer Horizon. Guess it is the better game🤗
Before you guys start crying
Zelda is out on wiiu too.

bluefox7552637d ago

Not critics, but the majority of users agree that it is. You have to understand that critics hold Zelda to a different standard.

joab7772637d ago

It's not a PS4 Nintendo thing. Though I am sure I am bias in some manner as we all are. But I have loved Nintendo since I first played the original Zelda. I also bought the WiiU lol!

For me, at first I was more taken by Zelda. It's a phenomenal game! And Horizon just didn't grab me at first. Then, hopping back and forth, I just found the beauty of Horizon to be captivating. Then, the frame rate starts to become a thing. Despite Horizons insane visuals in 4k, it is smooth as butter, which brings me to the reason I have been playing Horizon non-stop. The combat is superb.

I play DS out of lock-on much of the time so I love Horizon. It's fast paced action that never skips a beat. I am playing in hardest difficulty, but I love knowing that when I come upon something that I can gauge the fight. In Zelda, it's like you whoop a boss and then get killed by a roaming enemy cuz you walked over the wrong hill. Crazy difficulty spikes. Love difficulty but it robs you of the moments that are meant to be epic.

I'll go back to Zelda, and actually I will probably finish it on mobile, because that's where it shines for me. It is to mobile what Horizon is to consoles.

Both superb games, and Zelda has nostalgia in droves, but I am actually surprised by how deep the world building for Horizon is!

patchzon2637d ago

What have you been smoking before you wrote that comment?!
Its obvious these two games have not been rated on the same criterias.
Game critics nowadays base their review scores on personal feelings more than anything else.A lot of underated games are actually little gems when you get to play them by yourself.I think horizon zero is far more better than zelda on a lot of aspects.

S2Killinit2637d ago

Whats with comparing these two? They are both great games. Cant we just enjoy both?

XStation4pio_Pro2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

it beat HZD by 7 points on metacritic - which means in actuality they're both pretty good. probably the best for their respective systems. i have HZD and its the best ps4 game i have played. I'm sure zelda is cool but i prefer the more serious, adult themed games these days so to me the question itself is completely invalid.

whats better is subjective to the user, their tastes and what they own. a nintendo user will never say HZD is better because why would they? how would they? they can't even play it and vice versa. i've never played BOTW because i don't own any nintendo systems now. I'm sure its great, but every single one of us has disagreed with points of reviews and thats my bigger issue with this article.

subtenko2637d ago

It may SEEM that way but thats because Nintendo has been lacking in the games category (compared to Sony) and since the switch has a dusty launch lineup, its the best thing since bluray to Nintendo fans.....yes I know, let it sink in.......

kenwonobi2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

Not really no. Zelda suffers from high review of a classic series syndrome. Where the actual play doesn't match the review. Horizon Zero Dawn is getting a new IP treatment where it's scored a little closer to its first try in the series. There are no nostalgia overscoring scores in Horizon Zero Dawns score. Zelda is definitely suffering from nostalgia scores. The two are nearly equal in gameplay and story. I give Horizon Zero Dawn the edge for being new and graphical detail.

Ben Dover2637d ago


If anything Nintendo could learn a thing or two from Sony. Don't fool yourself..

zaherdab2637d ago

I take it you have played both or you just like comparing metacritic scores?

yoshatabi2637d ago

@Defiantmac I played both and I agree with everything that @GtR35olution said. To me the pop ins and frame rate issues was enough for it to bother me. Also the enemies are boring and too predictable. It's a great game but I prefer Horizon.

FanMan2637d ago

How is 97 the highest rated game of all time?

Dark_Knightmare22637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

It's not the highest rated game of all time it's one of sitting at 97 on metacritic and 96 on opencritic. The fact is horizon which is a new ip from a dev who only ever made linear fps knocked it out of the park with their first open world game where it's being mentioned alongside greats like the witcher 3,bioware and Bethesda etc and is sitting pretty at an 89 metascore which would have been 90 if not for the click bait 5. Yes horizon could learn a thing or two from Zelda just like Zelda could learn a thing or two from horizon just like other games have done. I have no doubt that when not if gg releases their sequel it will score in the mid 90s considering their first attempt hit 89 and sequels are always better I can't wait

ShadowWolf7122637d ago

Like weapons so fragile they become a meme? A ridiculously short stamina bar that would get you killed in 10 seconds in a game like Horizon? A story so broken up that you can skip 90% of it and just railroad to the final boss?

lol sure

GNCFLYER2637d ago

Ocarina of time is rated higher. Then there are several 98s then Zelda botw at 97

2637d ago Replies(1)
MagicBeanz2637d ago

Maybe Nintendo will learn a thing or two from Sony and actually put out some new IP. If that sounds suspiciously like trolling its only because your comment was as well.

Ceaser98573612637d ago

I find it funny how people like you held ZELDA as god... stop it... its NOT

2636d ago
mad-dog2636d ago

Can't wait to play Zelda, but Horizon Zero Dawn makes me want to play the game as soon as i wake up.
Unfortunately i have too little time. I can't compare the two yet but Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the best games i've played. No doubt.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 2636d ago
Erik73572638d ago ShowReplies(3)
BlakHavoc2638d ago

I agree. Playing both and I give a slight edge to Horizon.

Bahamut2637d ago ShowReplies(8)
PhoenixUp2638d ago

Well of course LoZ: BotW isn't going to outsell Horizon: ZD when the install bases are so mismatched

_-EDMIX-_2637d ago

Wii had 100 million and Skyward Sword still sold 3 million units

People still buy games because they're good, not simply based on default of nothing else

Horizon zero Dawn is not breaking records for Sony simply because Sony has the install base, it's breaking records because it legitimately is a good game

Sirk7x2637d ago

By the time Skyward Sword released, about 97 million of those Wiis were collecting dust in an attic somewhere. Others pirated it, due to easy modding of the Wii. A very high percentage of Wii owners bought it as a family party toy, and not a game console, which is a bit of a shame, because there were some absolute gems hidden within all the shovelware.

_-EDMIX-_2637d ago

@sirk- be that as it may it actually only goes further to prove my point that the installed base did not exist to buy games and clearly did not like Zelda enough to purchase it in the first place

the PlayStation 4 install base, the PlayStation install base in general actually purchases games.

The ones that are successful clearly do huge numbers accordingly.

PlayStations are not being purchased as simply as family-friendly party novelties.

So all this actually proves is that the installed base of a Nintendo fans on the Wii was absolutely inflated by non-gamers

In the sales that you saw Skyward Sword prove that that is the installed base of the hardcore fans that enjoy that game Series.

That actually means having more Systems sell for Nintendo doesn't automatically mean a 100 percent that Zelda would perform better x 10 or anything like that.

It may not be the case

ie Skyward Sword

So trust me I don't disregard that was likely the situation with the Wii. Simply that it confirms that the hardcore Zelda fans are not in the huge Millions like people might think.

Horizon zero Dawn is selling the way it is more so based on actually being a quality title as opposed to being in a large install base.

The Order 1886 didn't just automatically sell 10 million units easily....

Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U sold over eight million units.

This is simply showing that regardless of install base the game actually has to be good and actually has to have a base of consumers that actually legitimately want it.

Kratos0Ace2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

Totally agree with EDMIX,

I've always thought the same. Install base has little to do with the sales of games made for hardcore gamers. It's the number of actual hardcore gamer install base that is much more significant and Playstation has the largest hardcore gamer install base of the 3.

--Onilink--2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

true, you still need to actually have enough consoles to get the software sales though.

Zelda on Swith cant possibly sell anywhere close to what Horizon does if it barely has a 2 million install base.

Just because Skyward Sword had a very low attach rate (for whatever reasons), doesnt change the fact that BotW sales, being a launch title, are definitely tied to its install base.

The WiiU can give it a slight boost yes, though as with SS, that console is dead in the water by now.

Even then, Zelda has never been the biggest seller for Nintendo

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2637d ago
kevnb2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

It might actually, people are going by first week sales of horizon in uk vs breath of the wild first weekend of sales in uk (it came out Friday). Its not really a meaningful comparison at all. I mean I can just look at amazon.com top sellers and come up with a completely different conclusion (still probably isnt enough information to make a real conclusion).

MRMagoo1232637d ago

The newest sales says Zelda dropped by a huge margin so I doubt it

davand1142637d ago

They're also ignoring the Japanese sales numbers where Zelda outsold Horizon. Apparently the UK numbers are the world wide numbers on this sit now.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2637d ago

well I wouldn't say that. Look how Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 performed on Wii U. over 4m and 8m for those two.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild combined sales for Switch and Wii U could be around 4m-7m by the end of the year.

_-EDMIX-_2637d ago

Yea no.

The biggest problem with this theory is that if you apply the same thing to Mario Kart on the Wii it's suggesting that the Wii U Mario Kart should be around 30 million units not 8 million.

So how could Zelda equal the sales of Mario Kart when Zelda historically has actually not been a more successful series?

Twilight Princess move around seven to eight million units but that was also in the infancy of the wildly successful wii, Skyward Sword shows that install base moved on rather quickly which actually shows that such a number is actually unrealistic.

Historically Mario Kart has sold more units then Zelda.

So I believe it's going to sell better than Skyward Sword but I'm extremely doubtful that it's going to meet Twilight Princess Wii numbers only because that would actually be suggesting that Mario Kart technically should have on Wii U

You're basically saying 100% of the people that purchase Twilight Princess will purchase breath of the wild despite a larger install base not purchasing Skyward Sword......

it mathematically doesn't make sense.

If a hundred million people that owned Wiis did not purchase Skyward Sword in regards to surpassing Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time numbers ,how are you now suggesting that a fraction of that install base is going to surpass those numbers by well over times two in LESS then one year?

100 million vs less then 15 millon


Did those same consumers return to purchase Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U? Many people regard Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U as being far superior than the Mario Kart that released for the Wii

Didn't bring back. 20 + million user base.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

You know you need to stop acting like you know everything and never wrong because you don't and it's getting annoying.

Erik73572636d ago (Edited 2636d ago )

Well support for wiiu has died off and the user base is less active than ever for that console.

Bring up the attach rate of Zelda and Switch though please because its huge. I could only imagine how much it would of sold with Switch being years into its life cycle

lutfarssmc2637d ago

Well of course those Two should not be compared with each other. One is in Next Gen Home console, other is in Next Gen Handheld console. I guess u all know the difference?

Sparta072637d ago

@phoenix, stop the BS.. Botw is out on wiiu also. So stop the crying

2637d ago
fenome2637d ago


I'd rather get a Wii U than a Switch, but I'm still on the fence whether I even wanna bother getting that one either.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2636d ago
TheGamez1002638d ago

Oh boy clickbait, here come the triggers. I have both and play zelda more (being a huge zelda fan so of course), all down to personal preference. Both are great games and are different.

Nu2637d ago

Zelda is a masterpiece but let's not compare the it's unfair

Kaneki-Ken2637d ago

It's no master piece, this Zelda have it down. Boss battle are boring compare to previous game that there was variety of bosses but now all the bosses just look the same and doesn't require work to defeat them. Also in this Zelda, you must figure everything yourself which in the beginning it was annoying since you didn't know how to enter a cold or hot area without dying while in previous game they at least tell you where to obtain weapons or where to go.

2637d ago
badz1492637d ago


"The lack of tutorial screens in BotW was something I really appreciated. Just playing it and figuring out myself was/is so much fun."

yeah...if only there doesn't exist this thing called the internet! this is not the 90's dude where tutorials and walkthroughs are hard to find. putting basic tutorials in games are not gonna ruin it in any way. but anything Nintendo does is innovative, right? suck that Nintendo's dong some more and maybe they will give you a proper, better and well-built console next time around!

Vegamyster2637d ago


The game does explain things but just in subtle ways, he said nothing about it being innovative but it was something he enjoyed and me as well, i have no interest in playing Skyward Sword for the simple reason i hear it holds your hands too much.

davand1142637d ago (Edited 2637d ago )

What's wrong with having to figure out how to play a game on your own? Most gamers that have been gaming since the early gens are good enough to learn a game on their own instead of having the game hold their hand. This is a open world game and IMO open world games should not be telling what to do or where to go. If they do, then it's just a linear game set in a open world and not truly open. The point of a open world game is to have a adventure in a vast world that you can interact with and explore. If you don't like those type of games then you should just stick to linear non-open world games. The bosses in this game are challenging and unique. This game isn't like the other Zelda games where you hit them a few times and they die. The bosses in this game require strategy and will one hit kill you if you are not ready for them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2637d ago
JEECE2637d ago

Lol this is getting out of hand. Just because someone has a different opinion than you does not mean they are "triggered." People had been disagreeing for thousands of years, but that concept was just invented.

WhoCaresWhatMyNameIs2637d ago

That was jmguy's point...dumbass

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Sony Has Added More Titles To The List of Games Leaving PS Plus In May 2024

Sony Interactive Entertainment has added a few more titles to the list of games that will be leaving PS Plus in May, 2024.

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darthv7226d ago

curious... if a game leaves PS+, does it make it unplayable if you have already claimed it before it leaves? I know on the XB side, games leaving Gamepass are no longer playable. You need to pay for them to be able to continue playing after you installed them from GP.

CrimsonWing6926d ago

The 3 monthly “free” games you keep as long as you have PS+ subscription. The PS+ library is like Netflix. They rotate stuff out and replace them with other titles.

MrNinosan26d ago

Yes, PS+ Extra/Premium games are unplayable after the leave the service, just like GamePass and Netflix.
PS+ Essentials games are available as long as you have an active PS+ account.

Profchaos26d ago

Monthly games, special promos like the free games during COVID or PS plus bundle on ps5 are forever yours. Premium and above are time limited

If you claim a game on the premium tier (not yours to keep) and it comes out as a monthly games later e.g. fallout 76 it appears you do not retain ownership on that one.

Notsofast26d ago

The 3-4 monthly games that are free that are part of every service are yours forever I canceled my service over a year and you never lose access. I dont know what these other comments are talking about maybe they are in a different country but in the USA I could play any game I claimed of the free monthly games

MrNinosan25d ago

Then one of the accounts on your PS5 probably has a PS+ Essential subscription.
Because the 3-4 PS+ games you get every month, is not available to be played if you don't have an active sunscription.
It's the same in US, Europe, Japan and everywhere else.

Petebloodyonion25d ago

Essential stays in your library
Extra and premium become locked when titles leave the service.

It's actually one of my gripes with Extra, you can't remove the title from your own library, so basically it countss as one your title but it's locked so you own library become a cluster F... unless you filter your titles.

MrNinosan25d ago

Well you can just chose to hide them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 25d ago
-Foxtrot26d ago

Wonder if Horizon ZD leaving gives credit to those remake rumours

Sigh. If true…another remake that’s not Bloodborne.

SimpleDad26d ago

Probably yes cause of a remake.

Skuletor26d ago

I still remember them giving that one away for free, regardless of if you were subscribed to Plus or not

ApocalypseShadow26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

They did. It was during the pandemic and the "play at home" initiative.

Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition. Sony gave away a lot of games just to push gamers to stay home and not get infected by COVID.

Eonjay26d ago

I think you're right.
There is a separate Bloodborne rumor by the remake is allegedly scheduled for next gen.

Kingrizzy9026d ago

Yes cause of the remake good thing I got the plat
And is bloodborn really that good? I never played it due to being Incarcerated 8½ years but I read the comics. It's pretty dark

Profchaos25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Highly likely I also bet the remaster will be over priced and under whelming.

I'd also bet most people will simply stick with the PS4 pro and ps5 60fps patch over paying to upgrade when it offers the bare minimum.

I hope Sony has learnt from the last of us 2 and stop remastering games that just came out they have nearly 30 years of content to work with but always remaster games that are like 5 years old and don't need it. I assume this was In development alongside tlou2 so fingers crossed this is the last time we get this because what's next god of war on PS4 to ps5 for 70 dollars probably anything outside of bloodborne

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 25d ago
Friendlygamer26d ago

Glad I played sundered and the messenger, both great 2d games

gold_drake26d ago

ahh the messenger is such a good game.

u should play sea of starts. same people, its a sort of prequel to the messenger tok

Friendlygamer25d ago

Oh I will definitely play it eventually, chained echoes too

Jingsing25d ago

Can N4G adopt a policy of games leaving subscription services as not being a new story, it is just spam at this point.

Petebloodyonion25d ago

Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return?
When was the last time that Sony added a PlayStation studio game?
Now I don't expect Sony to have day 1 like Gamepass but I would expect to at least care to make the offering interesting especially when they raised the price by 30% last year.

MrNinosan25d ago

PS Studio Games:
May - Destiny 2: Lightfall
April - MediEvil, Jak&Daxter: The Lost Frontier,
March - CoolBoarders

What Playstation Studio games is it you're missing?

Petebloodyonion25d ago

let me check my comment again
" Is it me or have there been a lot of great games leaving the extra tier but barely anything in terms of wow factor joining the service in return? "
Yeah pretty sure I mentioned the EXTRA tier and not the PREMIUM tier
but glad that you consider a DLC to a free-to-play game a great offering

MrNinosan25d ago

I repeat my question, what PS Studio games is it you're missing?

And regarding the first part of your comment, lots of great games leaving and nothing added?

What great games iyo has left the service?
For me, "wow-factor games added would be".
Dave the Diver, Tales of Kenzera, Raji, Miasma, The Outer Worlds, Resident Evil 3, Ace Attorney, Rainbow Six Siege, AC: Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Watch Dogs Legion, Both Southpark jrpgs, Fenyx Rising, Tales of Arise, Session, Lego Worlds, Vampire the Masquerade Swansong, Legends of Mana....

And many more.

Compared to what has been removed, the adds are better than the 'offs'.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the anti-Breath of the Wild

Polygon: "To get back to the way Ocarina made us feel, it was necessary to reject almost everything about it."

LG_Fox_Brazil162d ago

Ocarina of Time changed my life forever, such a masterpiece

Zeldafan64161d ago

Hard to believe it's 25 years old already.

Cacabunga161d ago

The feeling this game gave me the first time i had my hands on it is indescribable.. i still get the chill from that day..
botw is like a spin off of the series.. it’s fun but with many flaws and the most important which is Zelda formula isn’t there..

FinalFantasyFanatic161d ago

I can't even remember how many times I played through OoT, I finished that game, and collected everything so many times.

Vits161d ago

I generally agree with the author here. However, if I had to point out a single game as the 'anti-Breath of the Wild,' that would be Majora's Mask. Pretty much everything in that game is interconnected, relies on something that the player must have done previously, is timed, and can be considered a puzzle in itself.

gold_drake161d ago

but still considered the best of the seties.

i would have liked botw to be more like ocarina.

franwex161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

25 years from today whatever Zelda is out people would too be looking fondly at Breath of the Wild.

Ah the more simple times of the 2020s.

babadivad161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

It isn't...


DF Weekly: Do we actually need The Last of Us Part 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn remasters?

With the details we now have in terms of features and pricing, I don't think there are any significant concerns remaining - just that perhaps that the term 'remastered' in the title is a little misplaced. Essentially, what we're dealing with here is broadly equivalent to a release along the lines of Death Stranding: Director's Cut. It's the original game with a dash of extra content and additional visual modes that tap into the power of PlayStation 5.

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-Foxtrot184d ago

Bloodborne, Infamous, Killzone, Resistance, Puppeteer, Jak and Daxter etc are all better choices

Even a full on remake of Drakes Fortune I’d take

PrinceOfAnger184d ago

killzone 2/3 definitely a better choice, i have recently finished the games on pc and thought about that, a full remake like demon souls is even better

darthv72184d ago

2&3 are still fine... I'd take the first one as a full remake before the others. They could flesh out more of the backstory that the sequels touch on. Even go deeper into the lore of Helgan.

specialguest184d ago

KZ 2/3 would be amazing. KZ 2 was a graphical masterpiece back then. With today's modern tech, all of those tricks Guerilla Games did to create the effects like the lighting, storm effects, etc, they could now be done in real-time and more realistic

Cacabunga183d ago

Killzone 2-3
Golden Abyss remake
Infamous 2

RaidenBlack184d ago

Uncharted 1 still got a decent remaster for 8th gen ... a remake is not that much of a requirement ...
instead remake candidates should be from 5th or 6th gen
and as for proper remasters (not just lazy res upscale): Killzone 2 & 3 obviously and also Resistance/inFamous (as well as MGS4 :P)

-Foxtrot184d ago

My point with the list is that I’d rather see those titles than what we are getting…titles which are only 3-5 years old and still hold up today

CrashMania184d ago

Sony own the Demons Souls and Bloodborne IP, I wish they'd do something with Bloodborne at the very least.

vfl523184d ago

The way you worded that makes me think you don't realize they already remade demon souls

184d ago
GamingSinceForever184d ago

Not one of those will sell more copies than TLOU2 Remaster. The sooner we realize that these gaming sites and their followers are less than 1% of the buying public the better off we’ll be.

Sure we prefer newer titles but this is business and a business is what Sony is running.

JackBNimble183d ago

Don't you think they could be doing something better with their time and money, like maybe making something new? Or have they become lazy and just reliving the past with the same old games over and over.

Gez ... do something fresh and new already .

notachance184d ago

I'd rather for them to go Square Enix route and remake/remaster their PS1 libraries instead of these unnecessary remaster

come on, legend of dragoon..

Gamingsince1981184d ago

What's with the "need" anyway ? This is video games, no one needs them at all, we need water , we need air, we don't need games.

Barlos184d ago

I would love a remake/remaster of KZ1. For its time it really pushed the PS2 hard and because of that it had a few issues. This is begging to be given the Bluepoint touch and brought up to date. I'd love to see an updated Killzone trilogy collection for sure.

Yi-Long183d ago

Sony killed the game and the studio behind it, but a Remaster of the excellent Driveclub would absolutely be my favorite release if it happened. Just a delicious racing game.

FinalFantasyFanatic183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

So many better choices, I can't fathom why reasonably recent games are getting picked over Classics that are more deserving.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 183d ago
Battlestar23184d ago

Well I want a Horizon Zero Dawn remaster especially if it's an upgrade to Forbidden West Graphics and Animation.

184d ago Replies(2)
Duke19184d ago

Nope. But HD remasters are an easy cash grab that the masses shovel cash for because while they complain about remakes, they still buy them


Not if they release on a platform that never received the original in the first place like PC.

46player183d ago

No complaint here, I want the updated graphics.

Ra3030184d ago

My thoughts on this is do we need Richard Leadbetter's or Digital Foundry's opinion on anything........ever? I know I don't they do nothing for me and never have.

specialguest184d ago

You may not, but tons of people do since the video has 4,700 Likes to 112 Dislikes

Chocoburger184d ago

That guy is a buffoon, DF Direct is the best gaming podcast around. I look forward to it every week.

BehindTheRows183d ago

By that same token, some may not NEED remasters, while others may/do.

Amplitude184d ago (Edited 184d ago )

DF videos are typically absolutely amazing game reviews first and foremost. They have great intros, explain the mechanics well, tell you if they enjoyed it or not (I usually vibe well with John's games personally), and then they have the best tech breakdowns of a game's performance which is very very important to me. I want to know what settings to run at on PC, and on PS5 I wanna know if the 60fps mode runs well or not because if it doesn't... well I'll just get it on PC (If it isn't completely broken there too). DF Retro is also always unbelievably interesting and super well edited and inspired my YouTube channel which just crossed 1200 subs (wooo!). They helped me a lot with understanding game development and got me interested in goofing around with game engines and PC building in general back in the day.

I don't mean any offence by this but you sound like somebody who skims their analysis videos, selectively scrolls to the stats, says "who cares?", and then closes it. Or possibly somebody who watches (stolen) cut clips on TikTok? Even if you are somehow unaffected by blurry images and fluctuating frame rates (some people are and I envy you) I recommend watching a full DF episode one day. They're extremely interesting and I watch literally all of them even if I have no interest in the game.

VonAlbrecht184d ago

"I personally don't enjoy this extremely well-presented and highly informative content so it shouldn't exist."

-Ra3030, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

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