
Shuhei Yoshida Proves That Metacritic Is Important To The Industry

Metacritic plays an important part in the gaming industry and Shuhei Yoshida and his latest tweet regarding Horizon: Zero Dawn confirms that.

Gaz from Gameondaily discusses.

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chrisx2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Good job to sony for producing quality games all the time, others(ms,etc) need to look at sony and learn how a game gen should be. Can't wait to play Horizon and explore its secrets

Why o why2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

He needs to start reppin open critic. The lack of transparency in meta in regards to who they list and subsequent weighing of each site/publication is questionable

Some dedicated gaming sites aren't listed yet some film and tech sites are. Some get instant inclusion whilst others wait years. Flawed

UCForce2654d ago

I prefer Open critics, but I do understand MetaCritics is still important to industry even I don't like their directions.

TFJWM2654d ago

Went to opencritic for the first time, It has Zero Dawn at 88 same as meta....

IamTylerDurden12654d ago

Even opencritic is imperfect.

nix2654d ago

There are games when you see the trailer/gameplay and you know you're going to buy it. I use Metacritic if i want to see how good a game is if the game's been under the radar or if i missed it.

Nothing beats your own perception when it comes to games or anything creative. After all it's subjective, you know.

rainslacker2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Wonder why they don't just give the option to the user to have a regular aggregate with no weighting or display the weighting.

I'd really like them to say how each site rates. I'm sure it's a scaler that would be easy to display simply.

My biggest gripe with meta is that they will assign a score to reviews that never had a score assessed based on their arbitrary measure of what the content of the review is and how that translates to a score. IMO, that is beyond their scope, and not fair overall.

Anyhow, I usually find that after most of the reviews are in, with the rare exception, the final meta score often comes up to about what I'd score a game within about a point or so....except when it comes to some niche Japanese Otaku games which tend to review poorly in the US, but I rate them based on different criteria than most reviewers because I have different expectations from them.

Captain_Mushroom2653d ago

oh, so now it's important, but when metacritic had that 40/100 score on uncharted, you all screamed the opposite. you ponies and a bunch of delicious hypocrites; i love it

2653d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2653d ago
Deep-throat2654d ago

Yes all the time.

The Order 1866
Hardware: Rivals
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
Fat Princess Adventures
The Tomorrow Children
Killzone ShadowFall

Quality AAAs.

UCForce2654d ago

Quantum Break, Halo 5, Gear of War 4 , Recore and some other.

Nyxus2654d ago

Most of these games are at least decent, if not good. So if that's the best you can come up with, the point you were trying to make kind of failed.

Kaneki-Ken2654d ago

Well at least PlayStation have more quality AAAs games overall while Xbox only have Halo, Gears, Forza.

Deep-throat2654d ago


Bro why bother mentioning Xbone games here?

If Halo 5 and Gears 4 (84/100 on metacirtic) aren't good games, then these games aren't either:

The Last Guardian
Yakuza 0
Gravity Rush 2

UCForce2654d ago

Well, Halo 5 and Gears 4 are great games, but how long they going to keep that momentum after Epic and Bungie left ?

Overload2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Never heard of The Order 1866.

If you are going to insult something, at least spell it's name properly.

Aeery2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Such troll.

and btw, Driveclub is a feaking amazing game.

Deadpooled2654d ago

The perfect name for a troll, because that's what trolls take down their gullet when ganged up after a butthurt rant.

Rangerman12082654d ago

But I liked Killzone Shadowfall, Fat Princess Adventures, Bound and Until Dawn rush of blood.

FunAndGun2654d ago

You know each of those games have plenty of fans, and your list just points out why Playstation dominates. Playstation has something for everyone and they take risks in searching for what players want. I see your list and it encompasses all genres.

remixx1162654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Umm dude cherry pickin at its finest huh
Uncharted 4
Ratchet and clank
The last guardian
Until dawn
Gravity rush 2
The last of us remaster
Horizon zero dawn
Yakuza 0

Try looking up the meta scores for those games and then come back here

Lol I love how you picked the until dawn dlc....

Skankinruby2654d ago

Lol digging that deep into sonys library to fish for mediocre games shows utter desperation. Of course with a username like yours I guess you can't expect much else.

LP-Eleven2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Lets see (since you don't know the definition of AAA)

- The Order: 1886 (get the name right, at least) - yep AAA
- DRIVECLUB: Also AAA (and loved by its fans)
- Knack (AAA and so bad that it's receiving a sequel. Cool)
- Hardware: Rivals (did not have a AAA budget)
- Bound (no AAA budget)
- Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (also no AAA budget - and funny how you skipped the highly praised full game that IS AAA)
- Fat Princess (not AAA)
- The Tomorrow Children (not AAA)
- Killzone: ShadowFall (you had to go back to launch titles multiple times now to prove nothing, except that, yes, it's AAA)

This is the problem with ignorance - it usually invites you to dance with it on thin ice.

Big_Game_Hunters2654d ago

@UCForce those aren't Sony games bro.

S2Killinit2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

The Order was amazing by the way (: and so is Unti Dawn Rush of Blood.

Also, I think what you fail to see is that Sony ACTUALLY makes games. If a game flops, it's not a sign that things are bad, it's a sign that they tried something new and it didn't pay off, they learned from their mistake and next time they will deliver something epic. MS on the other hand fails to even make a game unless it's one that somebody made it already and it was a hit. That's why you get halo/gears/forza over and over. Why else do you think Sony exclusives are so much better and more abundant than MS's?

GrontB2654d ago

Say what your will, Deep-throat. At least there is a plethora of games. 2017 from January-March? Nioh, gravity Rush 2, horizon, neir automata, kingdom hearts 2.8, kingdom hearts 1.5+2.5, yakuza 0, tales of berseria. All well recieved. I would love to see a more diverse exclusive list for another platform that rivals that, if you can supply one.

IamTylerDurden12654d ago

The Order 1886's Meta score is a joke. Ppl are foolish to attempt to enclose this game in a box and deduct points for what it's not, but instead they should praise it for what it is. The Order 1886 is a polished, high brow exercise in artful game making and it's outright criminal what was done to the game.

Driveclub - is you think Driveclub's Metacritic score in any way reflects the quality of the game as it plays today you are very misinformed. If any game deserves a re-review it is DC. Driveclub is a polished, content rich gem atm that hardly resembles the weatherless, broken server mess that garnered a 70 something Metacritic score back in October of 2014. The best weather system ever in a racing game, new modes, cars, tracks, gameplay and server improvements, visual/technical improvements, photomode, and more have been added to make DC a vastly superior game that deserves closer to a 90 Metacritic in its current form.

Anyone who thinks Driveclub (currently) is a bad game simply has no idea or is too clouded with bias to see the truth. Driveclub is a visual achievement and one hell of a game atm, i'm proud of what was ultimately accomplished with this gorgeous racer.

Until Dawn Rush of Blood - now i know you have never touched these games and really aren't all that informed about them. Check ppl's reactions to Rush of Blood over the past few months since it launched. Rush of Blood is easily one of the best games on VR and it is an absolute joy to play. Super Massive nailed both Until Dawn AND Rush of Blood, it's funny you think RoB is a "bad game". Arkham VR also has a low 70's Metacritic, but like RoB it is among the best experiences on VR and both are massive hits that've sold huge numbers due to word of mouth. RoB is required gaming if you own PSVR, it's so good. It's the best selling VR game to date at about 500k physical copies on just one platform.

trooper_2654d ago

That's the best you can do? Most of those games are solid.

Try harder.

Ceaser98573612654d ago

I personally liked The Order 1886.. I hope there is a sequel to it..

IamTylerDurden12654d ago

Bound - was developed by Plastic, not Sony. However, Bound was a beautiful and artful experience that is dramatically elevated in VR. Bound, on PS4 Pro in PSVR is spectacular and gorgeous. There is much more to Bound than its initial, PS4, 2D release. Bound also got a phenomenal Pro mode for PS4 and VR. Bound is a great game on Pro in VR.

Killzone Shadowfall - i think was a good launch title that did not deserve to be rated worse than CoD Ghosts. It was rushed for launch and the sp wasn't perhaps as riveting as the previous games, but the mp was terrific and it was a visual and technical achievement at the time. It wasn't a bad and it probably deserved higher scores based on the mp, visuals, and the undeniably awesome OWL companion bot and the way it influenced gameplay. Judging SF against KZ2 and 3 makes it seem like a disappointment, but judging it strictly as a gorgeous FPS launch title with solid mp makes it appear more like the solid shooter it is.

Knack - the general consensus is that Knack was more enjoyable than it's ridiculous Metacritic score would indicate. If Knack was as hideously bad as the score leads you to believe i don't think it would've sold 2 million copies and gotten a planned 2017 sequel. It's funny how Knack got docked for the nostalgic that other games get praised for. Knack was by no means perfect, but it was gorgeous and it helped fill a demographic that PS4 was lacking at launch. In many ways it was a success, but i believe Knack 2 will be an unequivocal success not only commercially, but critically as well.

Say what you will, but Uncharted 4, Horizon, Bloodborne, Infamous, Nioh, Ratchet & Clank, Yakuza 0, The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, Alienation, Resogun, Transistor, Helldivers, Salt n Sanctuary, Enter the Gungeon, SFV, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Tales of Beseria/Zesteria, Dragon Quest Heroes, MLB The Show, World of Final Fantasy, LittleBigPlanet 3, Grim Fandango, Uncharted Collection, TLoU Remastered, Tearaway Unfolded, Gravity Rush R, Everbody's Gone to the Rapture, and Soma make one damn impressive list of exclusives/console exclusives thus far. This is off the top of my head and excluding the games you listed, and including only the exclusives that received good Metacritic scores. Sony is dominating.

Rachel_Alucard2654d ago

You forgot basement crawl and infamous second son.

Also remove the "Quality AAAs" line, only 2 games you listed were touted as and marketed as AAA must buys. Hell hardware rivals was on PS+ when it came out and tomorrow children is a f2p game, and VR can't be AAA until it's widespread and common

xX-oldboy-Xx2654d ago

You're unfit to use that avatar mate. Instead of dumping on Sony for trying new ips - you should applaud them.

Not everything will hit the mark, but thats the nature of the beast.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2654d ago
lelo2play2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Honestly, I think the average score of most games in metacritic (or opencritic) are exaggerated. Lot of reviewers out there overscore in their games reviews.
Nowadays, any piece of crap game gets perfect scores.

Reviews can be bought... and that's happening more and more, specially reviews of AAA games.

2654d ago
2654d ago
Bathyj2654d ago

Maybe metacritic should discount scores that are too low or to high from the average.

For example, I don't know what number they would assign, let's say 30%. If a game is averaging 60 and someone gives it a 100 perfect score, then that shows it's not really to be trusted and should be removed. If the game was sitting on 95 and got a 60, then it's not reliable either.

Anything too harsh or too overly praising compared to the average is deemed way off the mark and would not influence the score and stop the sensationalist review.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2653d ago
TheOptimist2654d ago

He justifies it and that's the biggest problem. Metacritic is basically averaging out everything and if a game is not liked by a few people it's average goes down. And fanboys, instead of accepting that the certain reviewer might not have liked the game, take to the internet to become keyboard warriors for their favorite game developer/publisher.

OC_MurphysLaw2654d ago

I would be happier with Metacritic if they would throw out the top 5 and bottom 5 scores when they look at their Average score. They can still post and reference the top / bottom 5 but I feel they Metacritic need to address these sites that clearly go super low / super high just to garner views...and yes, it does happen we all know it so why not try to address in some fashion?

RpgSama2654d ago

when you have more than 10 sites with 10/10, you can see a tendency in that direction, the lone 5/10 is the one that sticks out like a sore thumb, specially when it gets the average down one or even two points, 'cause according to Metacritic not all sites have the same weight, and we don't even know how they choose who is more important than the other.

Deadpooled2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Yep just like in statistics when you get a line of best fit and generate the R squared value, anomalies are generally excluded from the analysis so they don't effect the overall statistical value (although the anomalies need to be explained as to why they appeared)

gangsta_red2654d ago

Why would you throw out low scores? What would be the reason?

I see a lot of people complain about low scores but no one seems to mind perfect scores. As if any game can be truly 100% perfect.

There will always be low scores, not everyone has the same taste. There are reviews that hate classics like The Godfather, Citizen Kane and Starship Troopers. It happens.

I dont think they should be thrown out at all because then we get into a very grey area of tweaking reviews only to our liking. Throwing out the bad reviews and leaving the good ones only to feel better about ourselves.

Everyone deserves a voice even if you dont agree with what theyre saying.

calactyte2654d ago

I agree wholeheartedly. What you are describing is called taking the "trimmed mean" which is exactly what they should do since one or two low or high scores shouldn't have the same effect as an average does. A trimmed mean of say 5%-10% would be a great way to keep everything fair.

ItMatters2654d ago

I can agree with that totally. Games like uncharted should not be getting any 6's, it's a 9-10 game imo. It should be the same for Xbox games also then, there is clickbaiting on both sides.

ColonelHugh2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

"I think there’s certain reviews that are written more to get clicked on than they are to actually accurately reflect the quality of the game, and that kind of bums me out."

"Spencer here was referring to the score of 4 given to Forza Horizon 3 by International Business Times UK. It was the only publication to give the title such a low score on Metacritic, which actually dragged the overall score of the title down but which still currently sits at an impressive score of 91. You can bet your bottom dollar that Spencer wouldn’t give a shit if IBTimes UK were not on metacritic."
I have to agree with Spencer and the author. Except about the part that Spencer wouldn't give a shit if IBTimes UK were not on metacritic. I think at the time, he definitely would have given a shit. It's how I feel every time I see crazy scores popping up. I would shit all day every day if it got the clickbait out of reviews.

Reviews are supposed to be how the general gamer views a game that sounds interesting to them, not how your aunt's feminist friend thinks, not how a fanboy thinks, not how the financially astute think.

OC_MurphysLaw2654d ago

@gangsta_red "Everyone deserves a voice even if you dont agree with what theyre saying" I whole heartedly agree with that statement. That was why I was suggesting that while Metacritic could pull the top 5 and bottom 5 scores when creating the average they should still post those score / reviews in their list so someone can read them. And while I hear your concern about tweaking a review and creating grey areas I would say if a game is generally well received or generally poorly received and even in the middle on the scale, this system would still accurately portray that. What this does eliminate is one or two sites inflating or deflating a games overall score with their outlying divisive review...which lets be honest, often those reviews come out just to be different and get the views.

Outside_ofthe_Box2654d ago


While at first I disagreed with your notion, the more I think about it, the more I can see where you are coming from. Your solution might not be best, but it is at least an attempt to sway people from giving dishonest scores.

We definitely need a system that discourages people from trying to bring the average down or up and instead encourage just plain old honesty.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2654d ago
Wallstreet372654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Metacritic is very very flawed. First the weighted reviews suck and we don't know what reviews hold more weight.

Secondly you have some of the highest scoring games on top but they only have like 10 to 15 reviews counted? That makes no sense and is not fair to the Uncharted 2s of the world that have over 100 reviews aggregated into its score and still gets a 96 but isn't regarded as the highest rated game. We all know the more reviews factored in the higher the probability that the score will go down. A 96 with 100 reviews factored in is more of an accomplishment and higher rated than a game that gets a 98 but only has 10 reviews factored in.

Wallstreet372654d ago

Yeah alot of other aspects of metacritic ppl don't see. It's more to it than just looking at the score. It's like going into the Android play store and seeing a a five star app and saying "oh this must be good" but then trying it, it sucks and your realize it got those five stars only because five ppl reviewed it lol

Ashlen2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

I can't believe you are getting so many agrees.

There is not liking a game which is fine, but there are people who are just doing flat out troll reviews with scores that are less than 50% of the games average score for no other purpose than to get clicks. They do this because they know there review will be on the front page of metacritic if they have the lowest score.

And on top of that a review isn't supposed to be if a person likes the game it's supposed to be an analysis of the quality of the game when compared to other similar games.

I don't care for Call of Duty or sports games but if I was called on by a professional website to do a review I am not going to give it a 1 just because I don't like it. That's unprofessional. I would take it and compare it to other first person shooters I have played and make a review based on those factors.

gangsta_red2654d ago

So who or what determins a troll review? Who decides whether the review is valid or not?

How can we tell if that person reviewing is being honest or just a "hater"?

"...a review isn't supposed to be if a person likes the game it's supposed to be an analysis of the quality of the game when compared to other similar games."

I strongly disagree with this.

You could have a FPS game that has the best graphics, no bugs, no glitches, and the best net code for online play. But if it's still boring or uninspiring then it's not fun and you wouldnt like it, that should be considered above all else with video games.

Ashlen2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

So if the average review for this "FPS game that has the best graphics, no bugs, no glitches, and the best net code for online play" is 80 and the second lowest review is a 65 but there is one review that is 30 you think that's a fair review?

I can't even believe your justifying this.

I can understand a person saying o.k. all these things are great but I didn't find the game to be fun and knocking off a point maybe even two but to give a game a review that is WAY out of the spectrum of the other reviews is not acceptable.

It blows my mind that you can't see that people are abusing the system for clicks.

gangsta_red2654d ago

"I can't even believe your justifying this"

Okay, how about if a game is getting a majority of mediocre or horrible scores and then a review comes along and gives that same game a 10? Will there be outrage, disgust and the need to call that review clickbait and a call to throw out that review so the meta wont get a point higher?

This outrage only seems to be geared at the low scoring reviews. Low scoring reviews only seem to be seen as clickbait. But no one bats an eye at the perfect scores that could be just as much looking for attention.

No one is justifying this but I see a lot of comments trying to persecute reviews because they don't conform to the majority or dont align with another's opinion.

That is where my concern is.

TheOptimist2654d ago

I would give COD 4/10, not because it's a bad game, but because there is no evolution. I am practically paying for the same game year over year with increasing microtransactions and questionable business strategies. That is not unprofessional. Thinking that letting the hook off a mechanically stagnant game is unprofessional. If I give FIFA 15 a 9, I would give FIFA 16 and 17 a 6 and 7.5 respectively, because again, they do not evolve much.

Media is scared of activision so they do not give it that low of a score, and this is where Metacritic gets theadvantage.

Outside_ofthe_Box2654d ago


Optimist brings up a good point, but I think simply giving COD a 4/10 wouldn't be fair if the only reason why you are doing so is be cause it didn't evolve enough. 4/10 would reflect that the game is bad in your opinion not that it didn't improve upon the last entry. A 7 or a 7.5 would reflect that as that would be saying that the game is Okay or enjoyable it just didn't have you jumping out your seat like the previous game because it's just more of the same.

In my opinion a low score should be reserved for a game that is truly not enjoyable.

Ashlen2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

"Okay, how about if a game is getting a majority of mediocre or horrible scores and then a review comes along and gives that same game a 10? Will there be outrage, disgust and the need to call that review clickbait and a call to throw out that review so the meta wont get a point higher? "

That doesn't really happen. And that brings up a good point, why not? And the answer is because that doesn't generate clicks.

It again is surprising that you find what I say to be so wrong when on this site you see pure click bait articles all the time. Even on the review side alone, time after time the most "heat" reviews on this site aren't the most well written in depth or high scoring review but the review that gives a ridiculously low score.

But if it became the case where people were giving falsely high scores to generate clicks then I would agree that would be a equal problem.

gangsta_red2654d ago


"That doesn't really happen"

It doesn't? How do you know this?

"time after time the most "heat" reviews on this site aren't..."

And who's fault is that? Any and all bad news will get the most heat on this site. Determining what's clickbait and what's not, especially when it comes to reviews, judging just from this site is suspect as it is.

My problem and what I find equelly surprising is that people are quick to label anything they dont agree with as clickbait. Hardly anyone disagrees with 10/10, a perfect score, meaning the game is PERFECT, no flaws, no glitches, no bugs, absolutely perfect. That type of clickbait will get celebrated and posted on a trophy stand with no type of controversy.

But give a game a 6, 5 or below and people will give you all sorts of definitions on what a 5 or below should entail. People will become angry, violent and start throwing out labels like "hater" and "clickbait".

Again, my problem is the way people want to control what reviews are seen, people want to only label the reviews they dont like as clickbait, people want to remove bad scores from meta of their favorite game. Its not right plain and simple.

If you have proof that these low scores are doing it on purpose then I would agree that person has an issue. But right now all I see is a mob flocking to one or two reviews out of many good ones only to scream and vent that they hate that particular score.

Ashlen2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

"It doesn't? How do you know this? "

Well go to metacritic and try to find a couple of games with 2 or 3 average meta that also have a 10 in them.

Listen, click bait isn't an opinion. If anything it's an art form or a science. I could generate click bait titles in a second. Just say something sucks or x is better than y about popular things.

If your going to pretend that people don't do things specifically to generate clicks than I really don't know what to say to you. People can and do manipulate people and systems and rules to generate clicks which in turn generates money.

If your going to deny that happens then I have nothing left to say to you because it's a fact that it does, and I don't actually believe for a second that you don't think this is the case. I would only believe that you will say it doesn't for the sake of your argument in this thread.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2654d ago
admiralvic2654d ago

"He justifies it and that's the biggest problem."

Honestly, the biggest problem is that Metacritic is flawed. Not just because they weighted reviews, but for two other reasons.

The first and honestly biggest issue with Metacritic is that they're comparing the average of scores that define the numbers differently. Stevivor, one of the sites that gave Horizon a lower (7/10) score, has some pretty high expectations for the last couple of numbers.

"8/10 – Even better. See 7/10, but now we’d start throwing in “genre-defining” into the mix."

"9/10 – At this level... It transcends genre, race, sexuality – EVERYTHING. You need games at this level as part of your collection."

I mean, I loved Bayonetta 2 and would give it a 9/10, but by this logic it would only be a 7 or 8/10. I wouldn't say it transcends everything and really only think it could get an 8 because it was genre-defining to me, but still, even that might be pushing it for some.

Even extreme examples like that aside, this is how Metacritic views gaming scores.

The reason for this special treatment for games has to do with the games publications themselves. Virtually all of the publications we use as sources for game reviews (a) assign scores on a 0-100 scale (or equivalent) to their reviews, and (b) are very explicit about what those scores mean. And these publications are almost unanimous in indicating that scores below 50 indicate a negative review, while it usually takes a score in the upper 70s or higher to indicate that the game is unequivocally good. This is markedly different from movies, TV or music, where a score of, say, 3 stars out of 5 (which translates to a 60 out of 100 on our site) can still indicate that a movie is worth seeing or an album is worth buying. Thus, we had to adjust our color-coding for games to account for the different meaning of games scores compared to scores for music, movies and TV."

Even though this is what Metacritic considers it, Stevivor considers a 5/10 average. Even the heavily criticized USGamer, who gave it a 2.5, views a 3 as average (translates to a 6/10) because they have a 5 point scale and 3 is equidistant to 1 and 5. So, when you have sites going 5 is average, 6 is average and 7 is average, with the company that combines them going 7 seems to be the average, it can have a SUBSTANTIAL impact on the final score, even if all the places are saying the same thing and that is a problem.

Another is the approval process for two reasons. The first is that, someone from Metacritic reads the sites reviews and decides if they think the site is good enough to be on Metacritic. One of the sites I wrote for was actually rejected because the evaluator didn't think our writing matched the scores. This was a frustrating rejection, especially since some games could have flaws you talk about in length, but still be fun, such as any Dynasty Warrior title, but also silly. Regardless of who they accept or reject, the site itself has permanent green light. So, if I was the main reviewer of the site someone rejected for the score and writing not lining up and I joined USGamer, then I would be automatically approved for Metacritic, even if my opinion/writing/whatever isn't good enough for Metacritic.

Also, while they don't seem to do it anymore, back in the day they use to take scoreless reviews and have someone on the site read the review and score it based off the feel. Though they still convert letter grades.

TheOptimist2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Well.... Personally my scale is this (And think that this should be the general scale)

1- Broken,unplayable and non enjoyable
2- A bit better than what a game with 1 rating is
3- Either broken or not enjoyable
4- Just an OK game
5- Average- Mechanically the same as many others does not do anything new, but is bugless
6- Decent, mechanically sound, tries something new, but doesn't stray too far from the general trends
7- Good, does something different, succeeds at it, but in trying something new, it leaves space for some flaws
8- Very good- A new concept, or something that is not prevalent, and the game pulls it off pretty well, and leaves less space for flaws
9- Extremely good- Genre defining, a new concept built from scratch, less flaws, and pure enjoyment in terms of gameplay depth
10- Perfect- Says it all I guess.

While I do like scoreless reviews, I do prefer scored reviews with 80% objectivity and 20% subjectivity. I am saying that scored reviews are good if done right, not like most media today giving every alternate game a 10.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2654d ago
OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

So less than 100 people reviews and receptions are more important than 1K, 10K, 100K, 500K, 1m or even 5m people receptions.

If that the case then/
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS) 2nd best game ever made
Grand Theft Auto IV (X360) 5th and 3rd for PS3.

Deadpooled2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Pro Skater 2 was an incredible game with skating mechanics well before it's time. The benchmark of every other skating game that has released afterwards, no need to belittle it. GTA IV on the other hand, that deserves belittling.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2654d ago

yes it was but is the 2nd best game ever made?

Deadpooled2654d ago

In my honest opinion, no it's not the '2nd best game ever made', there are others I would consider to be up for that accolade. But if it was based on how perfect a game plays that it cannot really be improved except by things unrelated to gameplay like updated graphics etc, then yes I would definitely put Pro Skater 2 up there.

Dragonscale2653d ago (Edited 2653d ago )

Loved pro skater 2.

2654d ago
UnSelf2654d ago

Vieetiful Joe at a 93. Bout time that game gets the recognition it deserves even if it sits higher than the GOAT, San Andreas

uth112654d ago

The problem with user reviews is they are often manipulated by fanboys and those on a hate crusade against a game.

rainslacker2654d ago

The only review and reception that is important is the one that people personally assign to the game for themselves.

That being said. the Meta is good to get a decent idea of the overall quality once revews come in, but one has to use some judgement on their own to figure out if they're likely to enjoy the game or not.

personally, I don't really even need reviews to know this anymore. Been around long enough to have a pretty good feel for what I'd like, and nowadays it's a lot better than the old days where we'd be lucky to get a trailer. Now, you can see quite a bit of a game before launch. Way back when, you had pics in a magazine, and if you were lucky, some video or demo on a disc you brought with some magazine. Reviews are hardly necessary anymore for anyone with a modicum of critical thinking skills to look at marketing and tell if it's something they'd be interested in.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2653d ago
Fishy Fingers2654d ago

When it's favourable.

People didn't seem to like it when I used it to suggest the GT franchise has gone downhill.

Trez12342654d ago

He just said it's getting awesome reviews And didn't use it to downplay anything.

Overload2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Compared to? You better bring something to back up that statement.

Gran Turismo is rated very similarly to 95% of racers on the market and sells more than all of them combined. Do you want to see all the metacritic averages and sales numbers?

Don't get it confused the media and forum hate on for GT is based on it's complete dominance of the genre, similar to Call Of Duty.

Fishy Fingers2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Previous games in the franchise... :/ that's how you tell if a franchise or series has improved or in that case, not.

The meta scores are the 'something'. That's the thread subject is it not.

GT - 96
GT2 - 93
GT3 - 95
GT4 - 89
GT5 - 84
GT6 - 81

Point I was making is metacritic is great when it backs up your argument but invalid when it doesn't. The usual hypocrisy.

Now feel free to go off on some unrelated tangent about some Xbox/Nintendo/PC game sales figures.

Overload2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

It was completely different back then, games rated higher and there was less competition.

Current racers

Dirt Rally (85)

Forza 6 (87)

Project Cars (83)

Gran Turismo 6 (81) which is a last gen game released during next gen.

Asseto Corsa (73)

0.6 seperates all the major players and like I said GT sells more than all of them.

Fishy Fingers2654d ago

So you're saying the early titles only reviewed well because they were generous and didn't know any better?

Overload2654d ago

To a degree, yeah. Last gen was more generous with scores than this gen as well.

KZ2 for example (which I love) was rated 91

That is higher than ANY FPS this gen, higher than Horizon, higher than pretty much everything aside from a few games. Halo 4 has a higher score than Halo 5.

Mass Effect 3 has a 93

Last gen was way more forgiving than this gen.

Fishy Fingers2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

I guess we could discuss it until the cows come home and I concede it was probably easier to please/impress 'back in the day' when we were less spoilt but I also believe based on my own experience that the franchise doesn't have the magic it used to. 3 A spec was the s***.

But we go off point, I was just trying to suggest we're fickle beasts and promote something when it backs us up and choose to ignore it when it doesn't (I included myself in that).

I appreciate a sensible debate though so I respect your opinion/point of view. I think you occasionally let your heart rule you head in these threads (as we can all).

constantine_man2654d ago

Dominance of the genre? Are you serious? This isn't the PS2 era anymore. GT does not have the same weight in 2017 as it did in 2003. Stop with this dominating talk. It dominated during the PS1 and PS2 era, it fell right off a cliff after that.

Overload2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Gran Turismo 5 sold 12M, Gran Turismo 6 sold 6M launching after the PS4 on PS3.

No other racers come close to those numbers.

rainslacker2654d ago (Edited 2654d ago )

Consider that over the years there are more reviewers. Gran Turismo has 13 professional reviews making the aggragate. GT2 has 23. Keep going up the chain, and it keeps getting more reviewers.

The more scores there are in any aggragate, the more likely the score will go down. That's just a fundamental of statistics and averages.

On top of that, I'd say that standards have changed, and GT games have more competition on consoles, and there are reviewers who hold it to standards that didn't exist 20 odd years ago.

The overall quality of GT has improved with each itteration. It has it's faults, and in some areas it hasn't advanced as fast as in others, but the core fundamental part of why GT games are really good has always gotten better.

Just as an example, GT6 IMO, was the 2nd best GT in the franchise, only being beaten out by GT4, although GT6 is better in some areas. how it rated lower than GT5 or 3 is kind of odd if you really look at it analytically, so I'd imagine a lot of the lower scores were more because people were expecting more, not because the quality of the games themselves have gone downhill.


Yeah, I'm afraid it does. It's a game that sells quite well with each release. Maybe look outside the gaming forums, and GT is one of the few games which can actually be said to be a system seller.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2654d ago
greywolf392654d ago

Well, I dont think so that metacritic or opencritic is that important. For example look at Resident evil 7. It is not selling nearly as good as Re6 and it has better score than 6, so what do you think Capcom is going to do

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FanimeCon 2024 | Persona / Shin Megami Tensei Cosplay Gathering

The Persona / Shin Megami Tensei cosplay gathering allowed fans of the acclaimed JRPG series to meet up during FanimeCon 2024.

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Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

Frame generation technology has arrived on consoles, amplifying frame-rates and potentially transforming experiences.

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purple1011d 17h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky23h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu23h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv721d 17h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1011d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo22h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay8h ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx23h ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple10114h ago(Edited 14h ago)

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy8523h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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Trying to push players over from PC to console is a terrible idea, PlayStation

As PlayStation announces its new strategy to encourage PC users to choose PS5 it is a bitter-sweet moment for PC gamers.

Christopher1d 15h ago

I mean, it's a business based on hardware market. Do we expect them to not even try? It's not like Nintendo doesn't do the same by not putting any games on PC and Microsoft until recently did the same. I don't care what they attempt, as long as they don't abuse the community or lie about their goals/requirements.

Will it work? Not likely. Should we care? No. Let them waste their time, it doesn't affect anything.

RaidenBlack1d 15h ago

let them try ... at the end of the day, we get few extra PC games ... yay ... and also promotes game preservation via PC ... so double yay.

LordoftheCritics22h ago

If only Playstation games provided the ease of pc gaming features.

Primary being very few PS games support m/kb.

Christopher15h ago

If only PC games supported controllers more. Main reason I play primarily on console. So many games have shit support on PC. Playing Dark Envoy now, and it's quite frustrating since I have to switch to keyboard during cut scenes just to make sure advancing conversation doesn't also auto-select a decision. Let alone it's quite rough to select between characters and inventory screens are bad bad bad.

Anywho, similar complaints for both I find. But, I 100% agree that both PC and consoles should support both as best as possible.

crazyCoconuts10h ago

PS may push more kb support in the future to get more PC converts, we'll see.

Flewid6389h ago

As someone with a high end PC, I feel like the ease is on PS5. Too many PC games are a troubleshooting nightmare, which few people have the time for when all you want to do is pop in a game & play it.

Yui_Suzumiya1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I just use an Xbox controller on my laptop for everything 😆 .. I haven't used a keyboard / mouse combo for PC gaming since 1996

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
LordoftheCritics14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

I don't think you understand what I mean by the lack of m/kb support on PS.

Over a thousand titles have PS controller support on PC.

Not even 30 titles have m/kb support on PS5.

Once you are done with the single player title, you'll go back to playing your daily shooter/looter/mmo etc which the pc gamer has mastered with their mouse and keyboard.
Why would any pc gamer make the switch?

jznrpg5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

PC is secondary to PlayStation for them. Mouse and keyboard would affect development. Live service will have it but most single player games aren’t going to have it as PC is not the focus

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
Fishy Fingers1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

I wish them the best of luck.

But PC players are often a patient bunch, many will even wait for Epic launcher exclusivity to end until a game comes to Steam.

If they didnt buy the console when its games were exclusive, why would they do it now theyre not?

MrNinosan1d ago

Way more do than you probably think.

ravens521d ago

All you need is that one game that'll make a few switch at a time. Like a game a PC player REALLY wants.

porkChop11h ago

It just doesn't work that way though. Plenty of the best games ever made were never available on PC. That didn't make PC gamers buy consoles to play them. This kind of strategy has never worked in the past and it won't work now. It's fine for PS to hold their games back and release on PC later, but to think that will boost console sales is wishful thinking. All this will accomplish is some double dipping, which is obviously good for business.

JackBNimble11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

People aren't going to switch from pc to ps5, why would anyone do that for a game?
Most sony exclusives aren't all that to begin with, and pc has the option to upgrade what they want when they want it. Having access to some ps5 games, gamepass and steam.

Thinking this would happen is naive

outsider162420h ago

I mean if there's 10 million pc gamers out there...getting atleast just 1 million from there is probably a good thing..right?

romulus2318h ago

PC players are not a monolith, I don't know why people keep thinking they speak for the entirety of all PC gamers like they all know each other personally. You think out of the millions of PC gamers not one single person will be impatient?Well Sony is willing to bet there will be. Why would they do it now? People's feelings change and new PC gamers come along all the time that may also feel different about waiting, that's why.

Yui_Suzumiya1h ago

Just like how I'm waiting for Alan Wake II to hit Steam 😆

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
-Foxtrot1d 14h ago

PC gamers are just too patient and loyal to their gaming set ups, something they've spent a lot of money on to perfect. They have backlogs of games which many never get round to finishing or get round to at all and will always have other multiplatform releases to keep them going.

Over the many years Sony has published so many awesome titles such as The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Dreams, Puppeteer, Resistance, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo, Motor Storm, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne

If none of those games BEFORE all these PC ports convinced a hardcore PC gamer to get a PS5 console then why on Earth would porting them them to PC now make any difference? All PC gamers now know 100% is that they just have to be patient, which they are good at anyway to get a PS5 game 2 years later.

I get GaaS games or multiplayer focused titles but if people really want to play these games they'd have gotten a PS console years ago.

Crows9021h ago

Not sure they're aiming to convince the hardcore PC gamer.

Not sure why people are obsessing over his comment...it seems pretty simple to me.

He will do all he can to entice gamers to move to his ecosystem. As you say....exclusives existing hasn't moved many gamers over. But if they get to try them and love the games then they might change their mind about waiting 2 years.

We're in an echo chamber on this site...I've Personally seen people with Xbox and PC setups but no PlayStation. I've also seen people with small PC setups but no console. Not every pc gamer invests thousands and many may decide to put one in the living room.

They're not looking to convince all of players to buy a PlayStation...just a few...and really it is just a PR statement after all...they have to give a reason why single player won't release day 1....not to mention they also have to ensure current PlayStation gamers don't jump ship to PC. It goes both ways and they're ignoring the big L by putting any of their games off their platform.

anast20h ago

"Not sure they're aiming to convince the hardcore PC gamer."

Right here

Kakashi Hatake20h ago

PC gamers think tomorrow is promised. Sorry, don't have time for that.

Michiel198919h ago

it's not just about loyalty or sunk cost, pc is an open platform while consoles are closed platforms. If you for example want to mod, you will play on pc, no question about it. Also if you like indie games, steam is a fucking goldmine for that. I've been playing a lot of indie games over the last years and there just seems to be an endless amount of them on steam. Also not having games locked to a certain fps is a prettty big deal for me and I assume a lot of other pc players.

Walalon18h ago

And don't forget steam sales, you can get a ton of games on an awesome price.

badz1499h ago


Sony has been doing sales constantly on the PS Store nowadays.

jznrpg5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

@Walalon Steam sales are basically the same as PS sales. I was going to buy a Steam Deck and I heard about these Steam sales but the games I was interested in were not any cheaper. Indie games were cheap and older AAA were cheap but the same can be said for PS store sales. I didn’t end up getting the Steam Deck as there weren’t any games that I wanted to play that wasn’t already on PS and prices aren’t much different

romulus2318h ago

And how do you know out of the millions of PC gamers that not one single person ever went ahead and bought a PlayStation console for one or more of those games? People keep speaking for the entirety of millions of PC gamers like they know them all personally. Here's one example for you, I'm currently typing on a recently purchased PC that cost me over twenty five hundred dollars and is more than capable of running any game including Sony exclusives that come to PC and yet I still bought a PS5 so apparently I'm not patient or loyal enough to my set up, hope it's not mad at me for not being loyal.

jznrpg5h ago

Some of those people will consider getting a PS5 some wont. I was a PC gamer for a long time and I’m a console only gamer now. Everyone’s different.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5h ago
helicoptergirl1d 13h ago

Who cares? Then just stay on PC and play the waiting game. No big deal. Sony wins in the end anyway.

Number1TailzFan1d 13h ago

I mean if there's any single player Sony games that I actually want that aren't on PC then I would buy said console to play them on. But the ones that I like that aren't on PC are few and far between anyway so no loss for me.

If I game, it's usually multiplayer titles, otherwise I like playing around with some other software.

Amplitude15h ago(Edited 15h ago)

Astro Bot is the game that just did it for me. I'm gonna have to grab a PS5 again for that.

I did this for Ratchet Rift Apart too but ended up selling the PS5 after getting my plat. Rebought it on PC and other than GoW Ragnarok and Horizon FW (which eventually I could get anyway), I haven't had a reason to downgrade my graphics, controller features, ease of recording, and increase my game costs and monthly subscriptions throughout this entire generation.

I play on a TV with a controller but this has been the absolute worst console gen for both consoles. Never in my life thought I'd be a PC gamer but I've been spoiled by the cheap costs, cross-platform controllers and mostly the unbelievably useful Steam controller config.

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