
Can Microsoft Escape The Shadow of Sony's Killer First Party Line-Up?

This week the discussion turns to how well 2017 is shaping up for Sony and PS4. Not only with some fantastic existing releases coming in so early in the year but with platform exclusives coming down the line that have the guys very excited. WIth Resident Evil 7 in PSVR, Nioh garnering well deserved praise, Horizon Zero Dawn nearly upon us and many other exclusive titles (some being new IP’s) awaiting us down the road it is, once more, a great time to be a gamer.

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chrisx2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

Ms is sony's direct console competitor so no there's no escape.they will always be in sony's shadows as far as video gaming is concerned

Gazondaily2657d ago

There is no escape. The shadow of the PS4's killer 2017 line-up is too big for Xbox. It will be dominated all the way through to 2018 and maybe even beyond. Sony's only real competition is itself barring a couple of genres.

ninsigma2657d ago

For me, E3 is really the last chance to giving MS to show they're actually going to change their strategy. If they don't come out with new killer IPs, or even revive some og xbox IPs on that stage when we are really full swing into the gen now then we know they have no intention of changing and don't want to invest in some decent studios.

naruga2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

would be good for Xbox just to announce now some games even if E3 is far away....would be good for their fans that are massively jumping from a sinking ship...the games dont need to be released in 2017 -18 they just need to be announced .... if MS has a plan to stay in console gaming business as Xone is already considered a failed console and Scorpio would be to late to stop the avalanch effect of PS4 s library

darthv722656d ago

For me, there are no limit to the number of chances that these systems will have to impress me. I'm already impressed by the hardware and I know that good software takes time. I'm in no hurry but I do think that more risks should be taken. Especially from a company as large as MS.

The only shadow they really need to escape from is that of the execs in the board room and their limiting of the scope that the xbox division is wanting to achieve but can't.... at least for now.

DevilOgreFish2656d ago

Microsoft just needs to take towards broadening their ideas with games and seeing them through. The more they let their projects die off; the smaller their user base and game selection will be.

I'm sure they have been seeing this pattern for some time. They were getting somewhere with other ideas like sunset, ori and D4. It's not much different every year.

Anyways E3 is still some months away. It would be great for them if they strengthen their commitment to gaming and news. They shouldn't be keeping so much out of the loop.

Major_Glitch2656d ago

I've said it once, and I'll say it again: MS isn't competing with Sony for first place. It's competing with Nintendo for second. MS needs new exclusives, and it needs them now.

bouzebbal2656d ago

Why are people talking about escaping the 1st party shadow ?that's what a console should offer in the first place and the only way is to offer exclusives, which obviously isn't in xbox plans

Raiden2656d ago

I find many things interesting about this title, ESCAPE, lol, MS can't and Sony can't escape each other, MS problem is that they have there fingers in too many pies, if MS dedicated its full on financial backing it would be unfair to it's competitors, but they can't, they want to be in gaming but its not a life saver for the unlike SONY gaming is a lifesaver for them, declining sales in TV they ditched there laptop business so the main other income.
Now what are the sales of the PS4 in its homeland, 4.4million, shouldn't it be higher, so the bigger market sale is outside, so for the shit 💩 that the fanboys/girls give MS, be thankful they don't use there full financial backing, but this is business and no company wants to come last, so let's wait and see what happens from E3 onwards and answer this question again, also expect news on scale bound positive or negative. Game on

2656d ago
andrewsquall2655d ago

"the games dont need to be released in 2017 -18 they just need to be announced"
@naruga Haha I wish article publishers on N4G would agree with you. Apparently that was one of the big article topics in 2016 about Sony "announcing games too early" at events like E3 and their own PSX. Its quite evident now that its not the case but more of a strength.
Because as we all know, the announcement of The Last of Us Part II 3 months ago did nothing but damage to PS4 console sales lol.

guitarded772653d ago

Thing that bothers me is why Microsoft feels the need to announce a completely new console so soon. To me, that just shows a lack of support for the XBOX One. If they're announcing a new console, I expect a lot of resources are looking to the new hardware and not developing as much for the XBOX One. So yeah, they may have a more powerful console than Sony sooner, but they still have their resources split. At this point in a console's life cycle development should be streamlined, and games should be pushed. That's what we see from Sony.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2653d ago
joab7772656d ago

Cannot get over confident. Remember how Sony got with the PS2 and we got the PS3.

They need to remain humble and focused on gamers and what they want. This starts by lacing the regulations in mods.

BlackTar1872656d ago

Ps3 was an amazing system what are you talking about?

InTheLab2656d ago

Yes they were arrogant but after the ps2 we got the number 4 best selling console of all time with a classic lineup the rivals the ps2.

Phill-Spencer2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Yes ps3 and its exclusives were amazing. That gen brought us gamers the last of us, uncharted, resistance infamous, little big planet (+karting), heavy rain, motorstorm, gravity rush, demon souls and puppeteer as completely new ip (maybe more), while we also got a few ratchet and clanks, killzone 2+3, god of war 3, gran tourismo 5+6, metal gear 4 and more. So i'm perfectly fine with what ps3 had to offer and it's great that even playstations "worst" console's lineup was way ahead of the competitions best selling console's lineup.

DarXyde2656d ago


Let's be very honest with ourselves: PS3 ended up belonging to the PlayStation family as a quality console...but fresh off the heels of the PS2, the PS3 looked to be a massive flop. It showed up a year late with an underdeveloped online infrastructure, very mediocre software in the early stages, expensive, forced Blu-Ray onto consumers, and the CELL architecture very early on frustrated developers. Doom and gloom concerning bankruptcy and the like floated around until Sony caught their footing. I ended up enjoying PS3 the most last generation and the console ended up being great, but you really cannot deny that Sony coming from the PS2 got VERY arrogant and it scared some of us. Don't forget: Kutaragi--and I love the guy for giving birth to what I believe is the greatest series of gaming platforms to date--mentioned that he wanted us to work more hours to be able to afford a PS3. That's pretty bad, dude.

BlackTar1872656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )


He said he'd like you to feel like you'd get a second job to get one as in wanting it above all else. Not get a second job cause it's gonna be super expensive.

The ps3 was a fantastic system and imo talking about the first couple of years as separate from the entire generation is a cheap tactic. Every single ps system of all time back to ps1 started out slow, it's happen 4x in a row you could say that's how it works and why early adopters are so important.

Online wasn't as good as a SW company don't it since the beginning fine, which is why the hw was legit. The cell was good and if you're old enough you'd remember devs saying the same thing about ps1 and ps2 mostly ps2. Really ps4 is the first gen it's been super easy. I don't know what's better we'll have to see if we get the step up last year games like we did on ps2 and 3 like GoW2 ava Tlou.

CrimsonPheonix2656d ago

Just like I figured these people are all 15 years old, they don't know anything about that.

DarXyde2656d ago


I replied to you, but my post was over 4,000 characters long. I'll try to summarize:

1. If you look at multiple sources with that quote from Kutaragi, never does he mention a second job--he says 'more hours'. The second job part is actually a frequent remark by journalists about that quote. You misattributed that part to Kutaragi. Just an FYI.

2. PlayStation does get a slow start and consistently. Still, the PS3 should be treated as an aberration. On top of the aforementioned criticisms, it had the traditional slow start. For a while, multiplatform games underperformed and, put bluntly, the results did not justify Sony's original asking price. Sony lost a good amount of market share last generation to their competitors but they appear on track to take it back to PSOne/PS2 success levels. Sure, you can say that the X360's numbers were inflated due to people replacing their consoles from hardware failures, but let it sink in that, apparently, people really wanted another X360. The PS3 just didn't do the numbers of its predecessors despite the extended length of the generation.

3. I don't want you to think that I hate PS3. I honestly adore what it eventually became. It's still hooked up actually. I only disagree with anyone who believes Sony did not lose sight of their consumer trust last generation. PSOne was their first foray into the gaming console industry and it rocked. They kept that momentum going with precision and very well spaced out games worth getting. PS2 to this day still takes my crown for best gaming console of all time. The message behind PS3 was just different and their arrogance became apparent. They called it a supercomputer and you could hook up a printer to it and it had Linux and performed complex protein-folding calculations for research, etc. All nice things, but those did not make PlayStation great. You would think Microsoft would have learned, but the mistake Microsoft made this generation was the same mistake Sony made last generation: they marketed its features as a living room master device, not a gaming machine. The statements from Kutaragi really made it worse. So do I think showing up late at a $600 premium, little to play at first, and often inferior multiplatform games (early on anyway) comes off as arrogant? To expect consumers, coming into a generation where online features matter quite a bit, to snatch it up in droves so you have friends to play with at THAT price? Yes, I would definitely say it's arrogant. It's in the past though. PS4 more than made up for the PS3's deviation.

4. For the stealthy disagreers, normally I would disregard your downvotes as people with no interest or means of constructing a counterposition. In this case, I should say that you need not--rather, ought not-- write off Sony's follies. They need to be pressured and you should not look at any of these companies with rose-tinted shades. You are consumers and are allowed to criticize a product you enjoy because it isn't perfect. It's that type of devotion that brought about the PS3's early problems to begin with.

UKmilitia2656d ago

lol waht was wrogn with ps3? i was a 360 gamer but apart from the stupid way it installed games and did updates the ps3 was awesome console which i owned for exlusives

jaymacx2656d ago

Despite PS3 being a good system , Sony did get besides themselves and it allowed MS to get a greater market-share last generation. However MS ironically didn't learn from Sony's previous hubris (pride) and Xbox lost a lot of foothold it once had with ill-conceived Business Vision. At least with Sony they learned from their mistakes and started making changes that put PlayStation back in the lead. MS did make some changes but it still has a ways to go before it is on equal footing with PlayStation. The barrier that separates the two isn't graphics or any other features ;its GAMES.

Kleptic2656d ago

on our end the PS3 was great...from a business perspective, though, its launch window was a bit of a mess. Sony went from dominating the industry to literally being an underdog almost over night.The PS3 was always a superior system, but it was priced high enough to diminish the value, especially around launch.

It's still crazy to me that after the missteps Sony made with the PS3's release...and MS gaining a whole bunch of market share because of that alone...that MS would turn around for the Xbox One and somehow do it worse, and lose literally everything they gained and then some.

DivoJones2655d ago

He's probably talking about the $500-600 price tag that torpedoed it's launch numbers. It did recover nicely later on during the cycle, but not in time for the 360 to control that hardware generation.

andrewsquall2655d ago


BlackTar187 "Ps3 was an amazing system what are you talking about" that ALSO supported mods. When you have idiots like Bethesda that design their mod system for Xbone first and then can't go back and change it, of course you are going to have problems bringing it to other platforms. Lol it actually took the studio that makes Farming Simulator 17 to show just how easy it is to add PS4 Pro support AND mods to a game, not a complicated mess which, lets not kid ourselves, really is a staple of Bethesda

Even the PS3 ALWAYS supported the feature with the only game that Epic Games ever made for the system. What a waste of the potential of that studio last gen.

andrewsquall2655d ago

@DarXyde How convenient for you to forget the built in wifi Sony forced on us, or the forced any usb wired controller support, or the forced free PSN, or the forced universal Bluetooth headset support or any usb wired heatset or forced 99.9% supported PS1 games or 85%+ PS2 support at launch or forced HDMI port at launch (seriously 360 didn't QUIETLY get hdmi ports in the console until Oct 2007, imagine you just bought one in September 2007 lol). I don't think I need to go on.

joab7772655d ago

I love the downvotes lmao! Either I'm getting too old or ppl have the foggiest memories!

Coming off the PS2, the greatest selling console ever, we get an introduction for a $700 mammoth using tech that took devs 3 yrs and more to understand. Despite all of its power, ports were better in 360 for awhile.

And the memory oversight was aweful b/c it bottlenecks all of the PS3's power advantages!

Did they catch the 360 by the end? Yes! Did they use the lessons they learned for this gen? Yep! But software won the day for Sony! Because the 360 had better online experience, Summer arcade etc!

I love Sony and my PS3 and I am equally perplexed by MS's decisions this time around. But to forget what the PS3 was like at its launch is very narrow sighted!

DarXyde2655d ago


Uhhhh, okay...?

I think you completely missed the point of what I mean to say. The simplest way I can say this is to look at the PSOne, PS2, and PS4. All of those were introduced with gamers in mind first. The PS3 was introduced as a supercomputer basically with outrageous quotes from Kutaragi. Among them, "4D", the fact that the PS3's HDMI could produce colors the human eye cannot even perceive (seriously?), working more hours to buy one, etc. They marketed its non-gaming features quite a bit when that was all tangential to why people bought PlayStation historically. The message was not one that you would call "for the gamers". In the end, Sony MORE THAN made up for it with killer exclusives, great console updates, and really brought their A game. But there's a reason the Xbox 360 was pretty popular early on during the last generation. Eventually, Sony got it together and they carried that momentum into the PS4, which is a phenomenal console.

PS3 turned out great, but Sony's concerns early on during the generation really forced them to acknowledge they had a problem. They addressed it and now we have 4 great PlayStations in a row...it's just that the PS3 had a bit of a handicap early on.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
S2Killinit2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

In my opinion MS can escape Sony's shadow the way MS always has, but only in the short run. They will spend big on PR, and advertising at launch of their new systems. Buy a couple of big heavy hitters to get people excited, which is what they've always done. The strategy pays off, but little by little people wise up to it.

If MS wants to TRULLY be a permanent competitor, they need to stop focusing on PR, stop the twisting of facts, stop it with merely buying exclusives and actually MAKE some proper studios so you can continue to have exclusives down the line, they need to see gaming as an end to itself and not just as an excuse/means to get their console into people's homes for non-gaming related business opportunities, they need to continue to support their consoles past the half-way mark of each generation, they need to contribute to the gaming habitat by making their own exclusives (they need to stay on the gaming cutting edge, there is no excuse why they didn't invest in their own VR headset for example) they need to take risks, make games that are risky, they need to have new ips that flop or miss the spot so they can learn from them. They need to stop their bully tactics when they are in a good position, play nice with their customers and the industry. God knows they have money to burn. But if they keep trying to monopolize the industry by out-muscleling their competition they will fail in the long run. They need to see themselves as a gaming company.

rainslacker2656d ago

VR is a great example to bring up on MS ideas for how to handle the market.

A few months before MS announced the Scorpio, Spencer actively said he didn't see VR going anywhere, and said he'd wait it out. It's that lack of willing to take risks, even if they did the bare minimum at the time by partnering with another company, that keeps them held back.

There's a old business philosophy that the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. Sometimes those risks don't pay off, and you lose out in the short term, but when you hit it big, you become successful, and those successes help you become even more successful. In the long term, those losses even help you, because for all those failures, you still have people that enjoy the work, and you start gaining a reputation of being a company that takes risks, and provide for all types, which attracts all types to you.

MS isn't taking any risks with VR for instance. The people excited for VR on Scorpio just miss the point completely. MS is just offering a solution to VR. They don't support it to the point of actually making a difference in it's long term development. MS see's VR as a way to attract customers, not progress the technology. But then you look at Sony, they of course see it as a way to attract customers, thus money, but they also see it as a way to progress the technology.

It's not even rocket science why MS falls behind, and Sony pulls ahead. Sony takes risks, MS plays it safe, and only uses gaming as a means to an end, not a way to advance technology. MS once became successful by advancing PC technology for the common man. But for the past couple decades at least, their primary MO has been to simply buy their way into technology and use it to push their own agenda with little concern over the benefit to the consumer.

MS and risk have not lived in the same building for a very long time now. Even the original Xbox wasn't a risk, it was a way to combat Sony's PS, and achieve their goal. The people who designed it had the right mindset to advance gaming, but the higher ups were all about MS goal, with the technology being secondary.

Mulando2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

You know that Sony is also buying exclusives/studios all the time. The difference is, if MS does it they get a shitstorm. They are also investing much into PR campaigns. Or where do you think all those TV spots come from?

S2Killinit2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

You're missing my point, I'm saying MS needs to stop RELLYING on bought games for their exclusives. MS's strategy means they buy games at the beginning of each generation to create excitement but when the install bases get larger, MS can no longer buy exclusives, THAT is why their consoles don't get a lot of exclusives in the second half of each generation while Sony consoles get better and better.

As far as PR, I think MS should just stop spencer articles, NFL sponsorships, celebrities in their conferences, and coordinated staged conferences, and use that money to MAKE GAMES.

zeuanimals2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )


Yeah... You're completely wrong. The problem with how MS "buys" exclusives is that they simply pay for them to not show up on other consoles and they're ambiguous about how "exclusive" the games are. Just look at all of the terrible wording over Rise of the Tomb Raider. They got flack over that because nobody was sure what was going on with that game's exclusivity and it was clear that they just paid for it to not show up elsewhere. Other than that, they get plenty of games by supporting the studios or getting studios to make games for them and nobody complains.

The problem with them buying studios is this, just look at the studios they've bought. Bungie had to buy their way out because they wanted the creative freedom to make Destiny and MS were too short sighted to see how big of a hit their game could have been. You can be damn sure they're kicking themselves over that one. And look at Lionhead and Rare. They ran one into the ground and closed it and the other was close to following that lead until finally being allowed to make something unique after so many years of destroying that studios good name and legacy.

If they're going to buy a studio and they don't want to piss people off, then they should run the studios they already have better so people can trust them to not run their new acquired studios to the ground.

Meanwhile, Sony's unambiguous about their exclusivity and most of their acquired studios are doing amazing. Some aren't doing well and a few have closed down, but none of MS's acquired studios have done great since being acquired. Just compare Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games and Sucker Punch to Rare and Lionhead. Rare used to be the more renowned studio compared to ND. Now it's the other way around and ND has been able to secure themselves as industry giants. Guerrilla Games was allowed to break their mold and their latest game is set to be a massive success. Sucker Punch was allowed to expand from their humble beginnings and created the PS4's first system seller. These are all successes Lionhead and Rare could only dream of.

brewin2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Nailed it! Love my xbox one but these are great points and what bothers me about MS. I really feel like theyre not supporting the system the way they need to. Im a little bummed that they rely so much on the same few franchises and basically have no new IPs this gen. Its so bad that theyre trying to get us excited about og xbox games like Voodoo Vince and Phantom Dust. Those are 15 yr old titles wheres the new big budget IPs? Nothing they have looks as good or new as Horizon Zero Dawn.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2656d ago
trooper_2656d ago

Microsoft better start throwing punches, otherwise they're down for the count.

Godmars2902656d ago

Would require them to consistently make decent if not great new games, as well as new IPs, and they just haven't shown that ability. Give their customers their money's worth for their products, not just say they are while trying to charge for every little thing.

Brohan2655d ago

^^^ This guy is full of shit

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2653d ago
chrisx2657d ago

Its the Ps2 allover again literally with so many amazing diverse exclusive games on the Ps4, and so much more incoming. The xbone is a long way down,with ninty to overtake them soon. At this point the xbone console is for the ms die hards. Can't wait to play Spiderman and God of war 4

freshslicepizza2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

that diversity you are talking about is coming in the form of japanese content. that does not equate ps2 all over again and that is because the ps2 also doimintaed with western developers too.

i asked people to list exactly what this 1st party killer line-up is each year and nobody can. uncharted 4 was big and horizon will be huge too but there really isn't all that many killer 1st party titles released as of yet. gt sport will hopefully be out later this year.

what was the killer 1st party lineup for 2013?




2657d ago
freshslicepizza2657d ago

"Why do you even try to defend Microsoft when it comes to games? Sony is king in that department. Just let it go"

i am not defending microsoft, they are doing worse than sony but sony has been given a free ride as well because of it. so how about that list?

ninsigma2657d ago

You literally have no argument in the games department. Playstation has more and better exclusives than Xbox at this point with more announced and unannounced. They are supported by devs all over the world and have snatched Microsofts big 3rd party deals from them. The Xboxs strong years were at the beginning when both Sony and MS came off of last gen effectively on even footing so grabbed a few nice console and timed exclusive deals. Now that we're into the 4th year of the generation and those deals have dried up we can see the cracks showing. The lineup excluding the usual 3rd part multiplatforms are paltry in comparison to Playstation. The Last few E3s, gamesCon and PS4 events, Sony have brought an abundance of new games and sequels to show while Microsoft have shown the same games every year while claiming greatest lineup in history only for those games to be delayed or cancelled. There's no defence here, MS suck in the games department this gen.

freshslicepizza2657d ago

"You literally have no argument in the games department. Playstation has more and better exclusives than Xbox at this point with more announced and unannounced. They are supported by devs all over the world and have snatched Microsofts big 3rd party deals from them."

in the form of dlc which oddly enough people hated when it ws microsoft getting dlc and timed exclusive deals.

"The Xboxs strong years were at the beginning when both Sony and MS came off of last gen effectively on even footing so grabbed a few nice console and timed exclusive deals. Now that we're into the 4th year of the generation and those deals have dried up we can see the cracks showing. The lineup excluding the usual 3rd part multiplatforms are paltry in comparison to Playstation. The Last few E3s, gamesCon and PS4 events, Sony have brought an abundance of new games and sequels to show while Microsoft have shown the same games every year while claiming greatest lineup in history only for those games to be delayed or cancelled. There's no defence here, MS suck in the games department this gen."

and yet here we are and you being the third person to be unable to list this incredible killer 1st party lineup for 2013, 2014, 2015 and even last year.

2657d ago
ninsigma2657d ago

What difference would it make if anyone did list them?? You would say they're all crap. If halo and gears became ps4 exclusives you would call them crap. No one is going to bother pandering to your demands when they know you're a hard core fanboy.

moegooner882657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

I only Googled 2013, but here you go :

Ratchet And Clank: Into Nexus
The Last of Us
Beyond TS
Sly Cooper TIT
GOW Ascension
MLB 13 The Show

Feel free to Google the rest of the years yourself. Not every game will appeal to everyone, but that's the point of diversity, to cater to everyone's taste.

OB1Biker2657d ago

Oh come on!
Are you going back to the war list time and how some games are not 'decent' or 'worthwhile'?
Just use google.
Plenty of great game from 2014 when I picked up the infamous SS bundle and loved it

FallenAngel19842656d ago

You really not pay attention to the awesome first party support Sony gave to PS3 in 2013?

notachance2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

dude... at this rate you're just making people either pity you or laugh at you, there's not one people here who seriously takes your comment anymore...

come on, even if it's you, you must've realized it by now man

Bathyj2656d ago

What Killer 1st party line up do Microsoft have in 2014, 2015, 2016, 17, 18 etc? Nothing yet to make me buy one. I though Quantum Break was going to be it, but, well....you know.

Stop deflecting. Just for once, turn that microscope off Sony and point it at MS and say WTF MS, youre so rich yet this poor company is running circles around you. Xbox should be twice as good as Playstation by all rights, not half as good.

Have a go at them Moldy, it will feel good to get it off your chest.

freshslicepizza2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

"What Killer 1st party line up do Microsoft have in 2014, 2015, 2016, 17, 18 etc? Nothing yet to make me buy one. I though Quantum Break was going to be it, but, well....you know."

they don't, which is why i said sony is getting a free pass this generation. people think the ps4 is this generations ps2, its not. people say sony has a killer 1st party line-up, ok, what is it? silence, instead it becomes about xbox one. just because microsoft is doing poorly with 1st party does not mean sony is offering a killer line-up.

they have relied on third party to carry them and a bunch of remasters, indie titles, with just a few big titles each year to show sony is still making games. and then people think sony is doing this amazing job. no, what it points out is how lackluster this generation has been and with microsoft not giving sony much pressure it means sony can float along. which they have been, and nintendo hasn't even been in the running since n64.

this is why a game like horizon is so huge, its because only once in awhile a major title from sony comes out and people forget that they have been coasting while getting 3rd party to overshadow sony's own efforts. so instead of admitting this, it becomes about how bad microsoft is doing.

BIGBOSS082656d ago Show
ItMatters2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

PlayStation is doing better in the games department The first half of this year but that will change come E3. What does playstation really have the second part of this year ? GT sport and uncharted dlc.
Xbox has
Sea of theives
Crackdown 3
State of decay 2
Halo wars 2 this year.

1Victor2656d ago

i asked people to list exactly what this 1st party killer line-up is each year and nobody can.
Ok moldy just because you can't name killer lineup FIRST PARTY in the last 8 years of Xbox outside of halo ,gear, forza doesn't mean PlayStation don't have games. Show us your list before you start demanding one

kayoss2656d ago

Infamous? The last of us (it was on PS3 but it's a Sony exclusive)

_-EDMIX-_2656d ago

Be that as it may, even when you exclude the Japanese developers you still have to understand that Sony is giving their first-party teams that they own full permission to create new intellectual properties.

So you're not seeing Syphon Filter from Sony Bend you're seeing days gone

you're not seeing Killzone from Guerrilla games you're seeing Horizon zero Dawn , Sucker Punch is also working on a new intellectual property.

Consider even when you're seeing some of those properties you're still seeing new properties

At the end of the day Microsoft does not have an answer to days gone or Horizon zero Dawn or the order 1886 or anything like that.

This is not about Sony this is actually about Microsoft.

Sony is delivering in regards to lots of first party games...

Microsoft has so few teams that 1 delay essentially destroys their entire year

That's very bad

If Sony was working on Horizon zero Dawn since 2011 for PlayStation 4 what was Microsoft doing in terms of a new property for the Xbox one since 2011?

Why even try to criticize the PlayStation when they are the ones that are actually doing everything correct?

It's better to look towards your best interest as opposed to trying to criticize the PlayStation because at the end of the day you're looking at a line up like days gone Horizon zero Dawn Sucker Punch working on a new intellectual property Detroit Wild etc

So what you're telling me is it's not going to benefit you as a consumer to have Microsoft deliver more properties?

Buy more teams?

You know what's even more hilarious? Is I'm actually missing some games that I even listed

You know what's even funnier than that? Is I'm not even counting the developers that just released titles last year that are likely working on other games this year and Beyond.

Microsoft is going to continue to get lapped in terms of titles if they don't buy more teams they don't need to well us at E3 this year but they actually need to do is start preparing for the next several years cuz they don't even have enough teams to even promised a strong first party delivery.

Unless Microsoft could go back in time they cannot do what Sony just did regarding titles like days gone, Horizon zero Dawn what have you

The onslaught you're seeing on the PlayStation 4 didn't just happen out of thin air Sony didn't just decide to start beating the crap out of Microsoft in 2017 buddy they've been planning this since probably 2006 for this type of Destruction. All you have to do is follow the teams that Sony purchased and you'll see they've been building their Arsenal for this type of generation.

This isn't Checkers , this is chess.

It's too late for Microsoft to do anything about how they're getting beat right now what they actually need to do is prepare for the next several years by doing something today and buying more teams to actually prepare to even be seen as a respectable publisher.

You also defend Activision making the same exact crap thrown up over and over again with the exception of Destiny?

starchild2656d ago

Well, I kind of see both sides. On one hand I do think Sony has the best lineup of exclusives by far, for my tastes. On the other hand, it does seem like people sometimes exaggerate how many good exclusives actually get released each year. Things are picking up a lot, though, in 2017 and 2018. Sony has always seemed to do better and better as the generation progresses. About midway through the generation the games start hitting more frequently and they tend to keep that pace for the rest of the generation.

trooper_2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

I like how you ignore games such as Nioh and Persona 5. It really warms the heart.

kreate2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

I think it's something like this:

Killzone:Shadow Fall
Infamous SS

Little big Planet 3
Until dawn
The Order

Uncharted 4
Last guardian

MLB the Show 17

Days gone
GT Sport
God of war
Death Stranding

Persona 5
Yakuza 0
No man's sky
Tales of berseria
Star ocean
Gravity rush 2
Valkyria chronicles
World of final Fantasy

I would say the ps4 has a edge on first party exclusives over the X1 up to this point. But the 3Rd part exclusives on the ps4 really dominates the X1. Where it puts the X1 to shame.

Another issue is that while ps4 has plenty of first party titles coming out in the future. The X1 has exhausted it's first party exclusives. almost everything they got already came out. Just onesies and twosies left. Like crackdown.

What makes things worst is that there are no rumors about MS doing anything about this. They're not buying any studios, they're not making any other games, they cancel what remaining they had. And they are offering scorpio, something nobody asked for. Gamers wants games first. Or does scorpio has its own launch titles?

Edit: u also gotta take into account Sony supported ps3/vita as ps4 was in the market. But MS pretty much left the 360 in the dust.

CoinOrc2656d ago

You asked for it. PS4 exclusives followed by their metascores:
2014 - Infamous Second son (80), Driveclub (71), MLB 14 The Show (83), Little Big Planet 3 (79), Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (86)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 4
2015 - The Order 1886 (63), Bloodborne (92), Until Dawn (79), Tearaway Unfolded (82), MLB 15 The Show (80)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 3
2016 - Ratchet and Clank (85), Street Fighter V (77), Uncharted 4 (93), The King of Fighter XIV (80), Guilty Gear Xrd (84), No Man's Sky (71), The Last Guardian (82), MLB 16 The Show (85), Dragon Quest Builders (83), World of Final Fantasy (77)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 6
2017 (so far) - Gravity Rush 2 (81), Nioh (87), Yakuza 0 (84), Horizon Zero Dawn (88)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 2
Total number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 3
Total number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 15

Now let's look at Xbox One:
2014 - Sunset Overdrive (81), Titanfall (86), Forza Horizon 2 (86)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 3
2015 - Halo 5 (84), Forza 6 (87), Screamride (71)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 2
2016 - Gears of War 4 (84), Quantum Break (77), Recore (63), Forza Horizon 3 (91)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 1
2017 (so far) - Halo Wars 2 (81)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 1
Total number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
Total number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 7

As you can see, PS4's lineup has the edge every year

Outside_ofthe_Box2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Moldy, give it up already.

Sony is not getting a pass.They've been delivering ALL generation.

Like what do you want people to complain to Sony about? All of Sony's major 1st party studios have dropped an 80+ meta game by now apart from Polyphony Digital, Santa Monica, and Media Molecule all which their upcoming titles look like they'll continue the trend of quality.

Do you know how game development works? Quality takes time. A lot of Sony's 1st party studios have dropped or are working on new IPs and as such are starting from scratch so obviously to expect each studio to drop a new title every year or every other year isn't even a realistic thing to assume. Please excuse PS gamers for not grabbing pitchforks and demanding that Sony release incomplete games... You can't rush quality man.

And on top of that Sony has 2nd party and 3rd party exclusive games as well. So even if 1st party was lacking, which it isn't, 2nd and 3rd party exclusives are there to fill the void. So please excuse PS gamers for not being up in arms of lack of exclusives to play... lmfao

rainslacker2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Who cares where it comes from? Diversity means not all from the same place or all being the same thing.

Basically your comment boils down to that MS first party line up is no better than Sony's, because you now dismiss big games. How many games do you get to dismiss for your arguments against Sony, while MS gets to somehow keep all it's big and small releases as somehow indicative that they have this super amazing line up.

Face it, MS line up this whole gen has been extremely week. They have the few big games thrown in, but outside the launch window, and that one QB game, their line up has been pretty lame. For MS lower profile releases, they failed to sell or get much attention or hype. For their bigger games, they did well in sales, and are simply repeats on MS oft criticized cycle of staple releases.

MS diversity is not terrible, it's just not really that prevalent. It's not doing anything for the system, and isn't really catching the interest of gamers in general.

Also, I'm sure people have constantly told you what the killer line ups were. You just fail to listen, and have the memory of a gold fish when it comes to remembering that Sony actually has released quite a lot of games this gen, and the third party exclusive support is tremendous, which only adds to that diversity. Basically PS has something for everyone, whereas MS has stuff from time to time for everyone, with the yearly staples for those Xbox fans who have the same mentality that buying yearly releases of games is normal and keeps them content.

But again, why list anything? You pick and choose what is considered applicable. If you think UC4 and Bloodborne are the only games worthwhile on PS, both of which you've downplayed as important in the past, then the problem isn't Sony, it's you willfully ignoring the line up.

Inzo2656d ago

"i asked people to list exactly what this 1st party killer line-up is each year and nobody can."

There is a little thing called Google, a simple search will give you exactly what you need and at the same time prove how wrong you are. You cant expect people to do all the work for you.

"sony has been given a free ride as well because of it."

Are you actually suggesting that Sony has first party exclusives because ms has none? And please elaborate on what you mean by "worse than Sony" Are you suggesting that Sony has a poor exclusive lineup.

2656d ago
2656d ago
Kratos0Ace2655d ago


There is no guarantee those XBone games will release, there have been a number of cancellations recently and in all honestly Crackdown 3 has shown so little so far even after 2014 reveal that is hard to say if it will release and when. Insiders are saying it has been under troubled development. E3 will show definitive lists for this year for both but on PS4, the second half of the year can include some of these:

1. Gran Turismo Sport
2. Uncharted Lost legacy
3. God of War (many rumors)
4. Days Gone (4+ years in development, could be ready)
5. Detroit (featured on a trailer from Sony about 2017 games)
6. Dreams

AmUnRa2655d ago

Stop dude, every post of you is haling the xbone and stealthtrolling the PS4.

You are a xbonefanboy, and one of the worst. You wonder you getting so much downvotes. Take a good look to your self and the b*llshit you spouting. You make your self look bad.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
freshslicepizza2656d ago

Not very compelling lists when they are made up of mostly remasters. Like I said Sony has gotten a free ride due to Microsoft fumbling and scrambling to rebrand the system and Nintendo being out of the competition even before the bell rung.

Goldby2656d ago


Resogun was released at launch, great title that i still play to this day.
2014 - Infamous, Last of us Remastered
2015- Bloodborne, Rocket league
2016 - Salt and sanctuary, Uncharted 4
2017 - Nioh,

Bathyj2656d ago

Ha, so youre saying people go easy on Playstation because its not Xbox?

Thats hilarious because its exactly how I feel about Phil Spencer and Don Mattrick.

ShadowKnight2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )


Microsoft didn't have a killer first party line up in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and so on lmao

KwietStorm_BLM2656d ago

Just stop. It's a little mental at this point.

freshslicepizza2656d ago

Goldby10m ago

"Resogun was released at launch, great title that i still play to this day."

cool, an indie title that was thrown in with plus memberships.

"2014 - Infamous, Last of us Remastered"

many thought it was worse than the first game (it also scored less) and tlou is a ps3 game. fine, that's one big game for 2014.

"2015- Bloodborne, Rocket league"

fine, thats 2 big games, rocket league is on all platforms and not a big title sorry.

"2016 - Salt and sanctuary, Uncharted 4"

thats 3 big titles, seems to be a pattern here, one major game per year.

"2017 - Nioh,"

third party game, sorry. lets add horizon, we are now at 4 big titles.

Goldby2656d ago


Being an indie doesn't change the fact it is adding to the shadow.

If it wasn't for Sony, Rocket league wouldn't have the community, wouldn't have the recognition behind it. it wasn't PC that made Rocketleague, it was Sony, no ifs ands or buts about that.
a remaster is still adding to that shadow, and a game that alot of Xbox players never got the chance to play last gen. no harm in that.
as for 2016, i only mentioned two games, Salt and Santuary, and Uncharted 4. again, both added to the shadow. and as for as games go, these are only my picks for some of the best games sony has released.

i could start naming all of them if you like, that'll be a much bigger list.

but hey, while i am playing this game, would you mind playing a game with me too.

can you make a list of compelling games that can only be bought on PC for me for the last 4 years?

you are always pushing examples off as either fanboyism or something else that is completely unrelated to push the converasation to something else. and only against Sony as well.

i expect this now from you, most of us do. at least keep up the reputation and put some effort into your trolling.
you're giving green furry bread a bad name

1Victor2656d ago

WHERE IS XBOXONE KILLER LINEUP FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS or should I wait for the next 4 years for you to find it MOLDY

WePlayDirty2656d ago

2013: Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack. (End of the Year).

2014: Infamous Second Son/First Light, DriveClub, Last of Us Remastered, Little Big Planet 3,

2015: BloodBorne, Until Dawn, The Order 1886, MLB 15 The Show, Yakuza 0, Dragon Quest Heroes.

2016: Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, Rachet and Clank

2017: Horizon Zero Dawn, Nioh, Gravity Rush Two, Neir Automata, Detriot Become Human, Gran Turismo Sport, MLB The Show 17, Crash B. Triology, Kingdom Hearts 2.8

There might be more ‘bigger exlcusives’ to these years... but the point still stands. “Not compelling lists when they are made up of mostly remasters”... really only God of War, Uncharted, and The Last of us have had Remasters... Your argument is deeply flawed.

_-EDMIX-_2656d ago

Not necessarily Microsoft fumbling it's because Sony actually invested in their first party last generation by purchasing a lot of teams as to why you're even seeing something like Horizon zero Dawn or that Sony Sucker Punch is working on a new intellectual property or even Days Gone.

I'm sorry but PlayStation 4 is not selling record numbers right now by accident game consoles do not sell based on comparison to other consoles, people buy game consoles based on what they want not based on what they don't want.

That's like saying the PlayStation or the Xbox is only popular because it's not the Ouya or something.....

Or, or.. they're probably popular because they do something correct.

I'm sorry but PlayStation 4 is not breaking records by default because that's not really all sales work in the entertainment industry technically that works and other industry where the items are Necessities but that actually doesn't work that way in the entertainment industry.

This is a very simple business concept people purchase things in regards to entertainment based on what they want and what they like.

People purchase things in the medical industry based on dire necessity.

So the sales of a specific medical item may not be because it works best it may actually be because it is the only default option for the consumer base.

Technically speaking that does not work that way in regards to entertainment people do not buy things they don't like simply because they need to have it in regards to entertainment unless mentally something is wrong with them lol

I'm sorry but you have to give credit where credit is due the PlayStation 4 is out selling not only the Xbox one but it's even pacing the PlayStation 2.

It is very clear that Sony invested better than Microsoft did last generation in purchasing teams or Microsoft was purchasing timed exclusives.

So tell me this how many Xbox Ones is Dead Rising Lost Planet Bioshock Oblivion selling for Microsoft right now?

Sony chose to invest within themselves based on no longer having the dominant Market and they were very much correct to.

Microsoft chose to try to get instant gratification and they neglected to purchase multiple Studios to prepare to invest for the future generation as to why Horizon zero dawn has been in development since 2011 from a team Sony bought in 2006.

You have to understand that in an alternate reality if Sony never bought Gorilla Games I'm pretty positive that team with its writers and artists and directors were always going to want to make Horizon zero Dawn so if Sony did not invest in this team and purchase them for all you know Horizon zero Dawn would be an Electronic Arts or Ubisoft or Activision game.

Sony is doing well right now because they treat their teams with enough respect so that way when they do have a new idea they're going to Sony first not looking for outside investors.

Bungie left Microsoft to make destiny.

Naughty dog and Gorilla Games stayed with Sony and made Uncharted The Last of Us and Horizon zero Dawn.

See the difference?

freshslicepizza2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

"can you make a list of compelling games that can only be bought on PC for me for the last 4 years?"

i didnt invest in a pc so i can go to the forums and tell everyone you cant play these games unless you support my platform. i'm not a child, i dont get upset if others dont support my system of choice and act like my games are better because you cant play them unless you buy my system. i bought a pc to enjoy the best versions of games while having some sense of freedom. valve isn't going to tell me i cant join ea access are they? the pc offers the most diversity out there and i dont have to worry if my games will be unplayable if i upgrade my system either.

i'm enjoying rimworld, halo wars 2, total war warhammer, forza horizon 3, rainbow six siege and smaller games like overcooked that are a blast with a buddy. and i dont have to be limited to 30fps gameplay because the developer has decided graphics are more important when i can have both.


you proved my point, about 2-3 big games per year that are worth talking about and this is what causes all these console warriors to come out of the woodwork! there's a big world out there with tons of games. it's ok to leave behind the mass marketing and having your paid memberships to play online so they can afford sponsored dlc exclusive contracts, you dont have to remain loyal. there are thousands of games one click away.

trooper_2656d ago

Sony did not get a free ride. Sony got where they are through consistent exclusives and not announcing silly DRM policies.

Chano2656d ago Show
Nitrowolf22656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

"cool, an indie title that was thrown in with plus memberships"

Wait being included in plus is a bad thing? Why.....

Sorry if the game doesnt suit you, and being indie shouldnt matter. Naughty Dog started off indie, insomniac games consider themselves indie, cause you know they are independant. Media molecule who are doing some amazing things were indie. Almost everyone starts indie.

Being indie should have no relevance, as long as the game is good.

And concerning what games got for average scores, so what they arent garbage still and still very enjoyable experience. You asked for a list, people gave it to you and now you are looking for another excuse to dismiss it. Jeeze

You complain about remasters, yet xbox fans are quick to rush to old backward supported titles. Yeah differnece is you can get those dirt cheap and werrnt charging a full price when they became capatible, but point still stands

Sparta072656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

😂 " cool, an indie title that was thrown in with plus memberships. "
😂 And you list this
Indie's titles 🤣🤣
Then you keep saying all Sony put out are remasters!!!
Ummmmm ok🙄
Wasn't there a halo remaster?
Wasn't there a Gears of war remaster?
How about that phantom dust that's coming out!? Isn't that a remaster? 🤔
You are the biggest hypocrite on this site.
Saltybread just google the great games that came out on the PS4 compared to the Xboxone and hopefully you can snap out of it. You blind SOB. 🙄

2656d ago
Elda2656d ago

Pure denial...lol & smh.

Trez12342655d ago (Edited 2655d ago )

Sometimes I think you don't understand gaming at all. People comparing the ps4 to the ps2 due to the diversity and quality ( second half of last gen was insane for Sony too).

Like the ps2, ps4 is getting killer ips from both east and west. Maybe you didn't have a ps2 because you would have atleast 2 or 3 so called niche games that you rate as a " killer " ip alongside the the other more popular killer ips.

For example I loved the metal gear solid games, pro evolution soccer, GTA etc..but I also rate budokai 3, gateway, shadow of the colossus, killswitch, onimusha etc..and list goes on.

Online wasn't a big thing then and I think gamers played different games and weren't afraid to try something new. I don't think you had a ps2 to be honest because even though I don't think the ps4 has reached that level, they're certainly on the way.

Kratos0Ace2655d ago

Ok moldy,

The PS4 has had atleast 2 if not 3 must buy games per year, let's see, in my opinion:

2013-2014 (launch and 1st year):

1. Infamous Second Son
2. Resogun
3. The Last of Us Remastered (meta 95, sold over 5 million on PS4 just retail, clearly a system seller, and arguably better than any game on PS4 and X1 from their first year) (2013's unquestionable best game and game of the year, over 200 awards, an essential game, right?)


1. Bloodborne (meta 92, winner of multiple game of the year 2015 awards, system seller)
2. Until Dawn (unappreciated but must play game, at least once)


1. Uncharted 4 (meta 93, winner of muliple game of the year 2016 awards, system seller)
2. Ratchet and Clank (pretty much the only true 3D platformer around so far, excellent)
3. The Last Guardian (winner of 2 game of the year awards 2016 believe it or not, system seller)

Let's put in perspective:

The PS4 currently has these 3 games rated 90+ metacritic:

1. The Last of Us Remastered 95
2. Bloodborne 92
3. Uncharted 4 93

X1 has just 1:

1. Forza Horizon 3 91

The PS4 has the following 4 games that are game of the year receipients:

1. The Last of Us Remastered
2. Bloodborne
3. Uncharted 4
4. The Last Guardian

The X1 has just 1:

1. Forza Horizon 3

So in conclusion, the PS4 has been the best console to own and is supported by critic acclaim, game of the year awards, and deservedly by sales as well. I'm leaving many games out. The PS4 currently has a legion of 80+ meta exclusives that are worth checking out.

Braxmapoutras2655d ago

I'm just gonna copy paste a comment from Coinorc as it seems that you either skipped it or missed it for "some" reason.... Read it as many times you like as it covers everything this generation so far....and unfortunately I own both consoles....wish I didnt waste my money kn xbone...welp at least I can play games I owned on my second RRoDed xbox 360...

Now for your list from Coinorc :
2014 - Infamous Second son (80), Driveclub (71), MLB 14 The Show (83), Little Big Planet 3 (79), Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (86)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 4
2015 - The Order 1886 (63), Bloodborne (92), Until Dawn (79), Tearaway Unfolded (82), MLB 15 The Show (80)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 3
2016 - Ratchet and Clank (85), Street Fighter V (77), Uncharted 4 (93), The King of Fighter XIV (80), Guilty Gear Xrd (84), No Man's Sky (71), The Last Guardian (82), MLB 16 The Show (85), Dragon Quest Builders (83), World of Final Fantasy (77)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 6
2017 (so far) - Gravity Rush 2 (81), Nioh (87), Yakuza 0 (84), Horizon Zero Dawn (88)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 2
Total number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 3
Total number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 15

Now let's look at Xbox One:
2014 - Sunset Overdrive (81), Titanfall (86), Forza Horizon 2 (86)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 3
2015 - Halo 5 (84), Forza 6 (87), Screamride (71)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 2
2016 - Gears of War 4 (84), Quantum Break (77), Recore (63), Forza Horizon 3 (91)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 1
2017 (so far) - Halo Wars 2 (81)
number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 0
number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 1
Total number of exclusives scoring 88 or higher: 1
Total number of exclusives scoring 78 or higher: 7

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
darthv722656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

So many people say that but I'm just not seeing it. Maybe its nostalgia goggles that people are seeing this through but in reality, while the ps4 is amazing hardware, the end results for the games are nowhere near the diversity of the mighty ps2.

I'm sorry but this beast of a seller just isnt wowing me this gen as the majority of games are not AAA quality and the others are remakes of ones that arent even that old. With the PS2 you had a few remakes here and there but there was WAY more hidden gems for it than what we got on the PS3 let alone the current PS4.

I remember seeing stories about how even Sony was surprised at how well the PS4 was doing when their big hitters weren't even out yet. It's a great system, don't get me wrong, but it has allot of work to do to equal the legacy of the PS2. It will be lucky if it equals or succeeds the legacy of the PS1.

_-EDMIX-_2656d ago

Yes you are correct the PlayStation clearly still has a couple more years before it reaches the legacy of something like the PlayStation 2 but all you're actually doing is admitting that Sony's only competition is themselves.

As of right now it is very clear that Sony is in A League of Their Own

rainslacker2656d ago

I don't think it's reached the point of PS2 golden age yet. but I'm starting to see and feel that same excitement from this gen that I saw back in the PS2 days. Might be more perceptive to this than some around here because I was an adult during the PS2 gen, and an early user of the internet so I spoke with a diverse crowd before it was common practice so I saw first hand how people felt. And I see a lot of this now in the forums.

I think the console wars are bringing it all down though. That's always been around, but it's gone to extreme levels of stupid since last gen.

Time will tell how this generation is remembered. Probably closer to the end of the gen, or even into the next. Often legacies aren't recognized until after they're over.

zeuanimals2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Game development didn't need millions of dollars and giant teams during the 6th gen (PS2 era). It had what was considered middleware, games that could be made on a smaller budget with a smaller team, sell 100 thousand copies and be considered a success. I'd even consider most of the best AAA titles of that gen to be varying levels of middleware.

Now games cost millions of dollars, need giant teams of anywhere between 80 to 1000 people and need to sell 5 million copies just to break even. Middleware died last gen but that those games everybody hates unless they reach an arbitrary amount of popularity that you won't hate yourself for playing them called "indies" have taken over as substitutes for middleware. The only real difference between middleware and indies? Middleware needs a publisher.

So in this sense, the PS4 has pretty much the same amount of middleware as the PS2, maybe even more. And those games aren't constrained by the needs of a publisher. The PS4 doesn't have as many giant AAA titles, but again, those games cost millions more and require dozens more working on them than they would have needed with the PS2. The PS2 also just had a ton of exclusive 3rd party titles because many devs didn't want to bother with the other consoles.

FallenAngel19842656d ago

Not really. Sony's first party support during the PS2 era had plenty of quirky Japanese titles whereas in the PS4 era that element has drastically died down in favor of western titles.

PS4 is its own unique entity

freshslicepizza2656d ago

yes, i can tell by that huge list you provided.

2656d ago Replies(3)
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
skydragoonityx2657d ago

With the continuous cancellation of studios & the great games sony are releasing, i doubt microsoft can catch up to sony

ninsigma2657d ago

It's not the fact that games are cancelled and studios are shut down that's the problem because the truth is Sony has done the same. The difference is, the cancelled games from MS were used in marketing as a sales point under the header of best lineup in history. People would have bought consoles for those games only for them to be cancelled. Then they don't replace them with anything else. The lineup just gets smaller with no new games to take their place.

OB1Biker2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

'the truth is Sony has done the same. '
What cancelled games? Just asking. I cant think of cancelled announced games (on PS4) tbh

Yea I see what you mean. We could argue some games may have some dev problems like DeepDown or else but not really advertized on and on as a best line up ever and, in any case, not cancelled by Sony officially though they could be by the dev studios

ninsigma2657d ago (Edited 2657d ago )

That's what I mean. They haven't cancelled anything that they've used as a selling point. We've heard of games being cancelled but we were never shown them while on xbox multiple games used as part of the best lineup in history ad campaign have been cancelled.

Edit: changed have to haven't.

ninsigma2657d ago

Tbh I forgot that game existed xD
Technically not cancelled though so there's still a chance it will see the light of day.

moegooner882657d ago

Cancellation and closure of studios are to be expected in the industry tbh. It is not unusual, Failure to open/fund/acquire more first party studios during the span of three gens is MS's biggest failure imho.

starchild2656d ago

I agree. It really is crazy how they simply refuse to do that. Everyone can see that is their biggest weakness.

Kratos0Ace2655d ago

That has always been my biggest complaint against Microsoft. Why can't they fund/buy more studios? That's what I would expect as a consumer used to seeing Sony do just that.

The other troubling thing is that other than Forza. Microsoft has not created in-house any of their iconic franchises. They've bought them. Sony instead created (which is more expensive obvioulsy) ips such as God of War, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Horizon, Gran Turismo, etc...

ItMatters2656d ago

Didn't Sony just close a studio and the game they were working on ? Didn't they close evolution studios ?

LP-Eleven2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

What game was Evolution working on?

ItMatters2656d ago

What does it matter if they're working on a game or not, people lost their jobs and they have no chance of making another game now for sure.

BlackTar1872656d ago

They did and it didn't make a dent. That's his point, Sony cancels something they got a ton of stuff to offset with. MS cancels they have nothing to replace it with.

rainslacker2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Evolution was finishing up their DLC creation for Driveclub. AFAIK, they didn't have anything else after that, and it was assumed they would continue to work on the IP....namely DriveClub VR.

You ask what does it matter what game they were working on, but you are the one that posed the question of if Sony closed them down and the game they were working on.

Don't change the premise of your argument because you realize you were wrong to begin with.

It sucks that the studio was closed, because they were a good studio, but no, they weren't working on any game that we know of. And the people who ran the studio are starting a new studio, and seem to still have a good repoire with Sony, so it probably wasn't as bad or even as unexpected as you are making it sound.

Kratos0Ace2655d ago

@ It Matters:

Yes, Sony closed Guerrilla Cambridge and perhaps the game they were working on cancelled. We don't really know. But Sony had 12 studios before closing it. Microsoft now only has 5.

Microsoft has cancelled much more:

1. Cancelled Fable Legends and closed Lionhead
2. Cancelled Scalebound after 3 years since reveal 2014
3. Cancelled the brand new Phantom Dust game shown in 2014, replaced it with a remaster from 2 generations ago
4. Cancelled Project Tusk game shown in 2014 by putting Coalition to do Gears 4
5. Shut down Project Spark soon after release

Microsoft cancellations/closures are much bigger blunders to the objective bystander I'm sure

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
Major_Glitch2656d ago

Sony? MS can barely compete with Nintendo as far as games go. The Switch interests me more than Xbox and it's lack of exclusives.

rainslacker2656d ago

I doubt MS is trying to catch up with Sony. MS has tons of smart people that work there who know what it would take to crush the competition if they so desired.

But lets look at the reality here. MS interests in the gaming market aren't at the same as Sony's, so MS has no real reason to take the same steps to actually achieve the same things Sony has. On top of that, if MS interest ever do change, it will take a long time to actually achieve what Sony has because they currently don't have the infrastructure to actually get results in a short time frame.

I think MS interests are to have a presence in the market, not dominate it. I'm sure they'd like to dominate it, but that isn't their primary objective. So long as they can maintain a profit from the product, they will keep it around. That being said, I think MS will do the bare minimum to keep that presence, and it's been showing ever since they released the Kinect and realized that the casual market is much more profitable and less risky.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
KingKionic 2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Days Gone nor God of war hasnt been confirmed for 2017 like that image suggests.

Its not like Microsoft is being put into a corner.

State of Decay,Crackdown, Forza 7 and Sea of Thieves are coming this year.

People acting like Ps4 just dropped 5 AAA exclusive and its October.

Its February.

Its still a whole ball game out there.

KwietStorm_BLM2656d ago

Right. They dropped 5 AAA exclusives in the first quarter of the year, and they still have games coming. Uncharted, Hellblade, Crash, Dreams, Gran Turismo, and who knows what else. That's on top of the huge sales lead. If that's not being put in a corner, what is? Nobody is saying the competition has zero games releasing, but that's a mountain to climb. Sure as hell ain't a whole new ball game.

KingKionic 2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

What 5 AAA?

I see horizon zero dawn and nioh (not a aaa) but come on now lol

This article is really overblowing things here like this years done.

You listing crash and hellblade though as if these are titles that dwarf Xbox.

Have some balance in what your pushing lol

Uncharted? As in the expansion?

Come on man be fair.

rainslacker2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

If Nioh isn't a AAA, then neither is State of Decay or Sea of Thieves. That leaves MS with two AAA games confirmed for this year....Forza, the 5th one for this gen....and CD3, a game which MS has barely shown anything of, but somehow is going to be one of the most amazing games ever.

MS, in two months, will have released two high profile games, which received critical acclaim, and seem like they will be highly popular.

This doesn't even include the rest of the year. Sony, this year alone, will release more games than MS has released in the past 3, unless some get delayed, in which case it'll still be even. And I am pretty confident MS isn't going to announce any high profile AAA game at E3 for this year. AAA or not, who cares? If you're going to use less than AAA to bolster Xbox line up, then it's perfectly fair for Sony to have their mid-tier titles added to the mix.

I'm also going to make a bold prediction that Crash will outsell anything on MS list. Horizon will probably outsell and be more popular than the entire list combined. GT:Sport will outsell any given Forza from this gen. And so on.

So it's not a matter that any one game will dwarf the Xbox lineup that you list, it's a matter of when you look at the entire list of games that Sony has for this year, it keeps MS in a proverbial shadow.

Also, if you think Halo Wars 2 is AAA, then you have no clue what the definition of AAA is. HW2 is firmly planted in the mid-tier release category. Nioh probably cost more to make, and certainly has higher production values than HW2....yet you dismiss Nioh? pretty laughable how you define things to make your argument.

You also missed Gravity Rush 2, which released in January. That game had a higher budget and production values than either Nioh or HW2....so that gives Sony two AAA games given your criteria for what makes a game AAA....unless part of that criteria is that it is a MS game....in which case, I guess your argument is valid.

emad-E-three2656d ago

Exactly!! Because we only turn on our consoles in October!


2656d ago
Goldby2656d ago

but thats the point. we are two months into the year and we already are about to get another AAA exclusive from Sony.

where was the AAA release for xbox last month, or this month?

KingKionic 2656d ago

Halo wars 2 was the first AAA title from Microsoft this year.


So far Horizon Zero Dawn is the first AAA exclusive for Sony.

Looking on the internet they dont seem to think those japanese games are AAA games.

Goldby2656d ago


And yet Horizon is already having better review scores than Halo wars 2.
as well as gravity rush 2,
and Nioh which was published by SIE,

MS has had 1 new title this year, Halo Wars 2. thats it, 52 days into the year abnd only one game.

that is the issue, sony spreads out their 1st party games throughout the year to keep everyone happy, Ms releases all of their big hitters (Halo wars 2 isn't one of them) during holiday season, and hype them up to make the gamers forget about lack of 1st party titles

KingKionic 2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Better scores is irrelevant to my point. I gave you facts on the status of there AAA titles which is in regards to the development of the games.

"MS has had 1 new title this year, Halo Wars 2. thats it, 52 days into the year abnd only one game.

"sony spreads out their 1st party games throughout the year to keep everyone happy"

Whoa whoa hold on here.

Sony released by my count this year 1 first party game and thats horizon zero dawn.

The other stuff wasnt first party O___O

Come on now.

Goldby2656d ago

@Kionic need to gets your facts straight.

Gravity Rush 2 was developed and published by SIE,

Do you have the confirmed release dates for State of Decay, Crackdown, Forza 7 and Sea of Thieves?

KingKionic 2656d ago

Well excuse me thats 2 first party published games for Sony.

Its not like the article is acting like sonys first party is releasing a ridiculous amount of titles.

You know what im talking about dont act coy.

No i dont have confirmed release dates for the titles i listed but all of them has been confirmed by Microsoft coming in 2017.

This was all recently in a xbox show with major nelson interview with devs and shannon loftis.

ger23962656d ago

They use a different calendar, their year only consists of 3 months.

Goldby2656d ago


But it is the case. to date in 2017. Sony has 32 new games, Xbox has 19, Pc has 17.

it isn't just the 1st party titles tho that are pushing the console sales, its the ever growing community, plus exclusives like Nioh, Hellblade, and others that are available on ps4 and not another console

KingKionic 2656d ago

"But it is the case. to date in 2017. Sony has 32 new games, Xbox has 19, Pc has 17.

"it isn't just the 1st party titles tho that are pushing the console sales,"

Im talking strictly about First party games released like this article suggest.

The ps4 has more Japanese games we know about this there rarely as major as they appear as the year continues on.

Im talking about what this article is talking about.

And its very exaggerated.

ItMatters2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

@golby I thought you guys were saying gravity rush 2 is a niche title ( since it's sold like crap) that means it's not AAA so it doesn't compare to games Iike quantum break( It did over 2 million for a new IP).

Goldby2656d ago

@itmatters, i've never said that Gravity Rush is a niche game. and Niche games doesnt mean they cant be AAA games.

Bloodborne/Dark Souls are a niche games (small group of devoted fans compared to average game) That doesn't make them any less AAA

Sales of a game have nothing to do with AAA. AAA games are games that have larger companies either backing them with the funds to complete the game, or have large teams working on it.

Niche games are simply games that have smaller following compared to the average game, has nothing to do with budget, size of team working on it or amount of money that is made off of the game.

Nitrowolf22656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Wait why is there even a debate on whether its triple a or not? What does having a budget have anything to do with it being exclusive to said console. we"ve seen triple a games flop many times, budgets doesnt make a good game.

Thats such a silly arguement Kionic, at the end of the day exclusive is exclusive, cant get it on any platform, and scores arent irrelevant.

Thats like gloating about a million dollar turd

moegooner882656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

Halo Wars 2 ISN'T EXCLUSIVE. Exclusive means it can can only be played on a single system.

Kratos0Ace2655d ago

@ KionicWarlord222:

Sony is responsible for 3 first party games so far:

1. Gravity Rush 2 (Studio Japan is a Sony 1st party studio, now you know)
2. Nioh (published by Sony in the west, therefore exclusive in the west to PS4, not that in Japan it would go multi anyway)
3. Horizon Zero Dawn
4. Mlb The Show 17 coming in March

@ It Matters:

Quantum Break did 2 million? source please. vgchartz says on retail it did only 680,000 to date. perhaps digital raises it to 1 million or close to it. Hhmm...why don't you twit Phil for a figure and then fill us in. And I assume it;s the reason why Remedy wants to go multiplatform.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
BIGBOSS082656d ago

Going by that list they are being put in a corner. Is that all they got? Sony have KILLER games coming. Games that move consoles. None of those xbox games are big at all.

buttcheeks2656d ago

How the hell is halo wars a AAA title but gravity rush and nioh are not????

KingKionic 2656d ago

Theres several reasons but like i said the AAA is in relation to the budget.

For example the story and multiplayer and blitz mode for halo is example of this.

Even the cutscenes from Blur are very high quality like some movie.

Nioh and gravity rush are more closer to AA japanese games.

Like Tales of Beseria or Digimon on ps4.

buttcheeks2656d ago

Okay I get it if it has pretty cutscenes it's AAA

Liqu1d2655d ago

@Kionic @ItMatters What's the budget and team size for Halo Wars 2? Take your time trying to invent a lie to respond with, I'm in no rush.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2655d ago
KwietStorm_BLM2656d ago

I don't normally ally get into the whole AAA crap because it's a buzzword that means different things to different people, yet means nothing at the end of the day. Have some balance? The balance is that there has been nothing but great exclusive games on PS4 this year. That's what makes a game AAA. I couldn't care less about budget, studio name, or publishers behind it. A great game is another reason to buy into a platform. I also didn't say Crash and Hellblade dwarf Xbox. But I did specifically say there are even more games coming to a platform that is already running laps around everyone else. How do you deny what I said but then name State of Decay and Sea of Thieves as a whole ball game?

KingKionic 2656d ago

Its the second inning anything can happen!

Remember the patriots ?

They came back in the fourth quarter.

Goldby2656d ago


Helps when you have players on the field showing their skills

BlackTar1872656d ago

And MS is more like a jimmy garoppolo then a Tom Brady. Gonna splash with money this off-season and then probably be nobody in the end with regards to football.

Dark_Knightmare22656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

They dropped gravity rush 2 that scored an 81 metascore and about to drop horizon with an 88 metascore. Also who cares whether it's first party or not since this year started Sony has also gotten yakuza 0 with an 85 metascore,nioh with an 87,tales of beseria with I think it was 79 and their all exclusives to sonys platform so yes Microsoft is slacking which is why all these gaming sites are jumping on them. State of decay isn't triple aaa,be lucky if crackdown makes it this year nvm the fact fans like to act like its some big series it's had two games one okay and one trash and it's been like 6 or 7 years since the second one,another forza smh and sea of thieves from a studio who isnt what they used to be and hasn't made a compelling game in like a decade almost. Sony still has Detroit become human, crash trilogy remakes, gt sport,Uc the lost legacy,hellblade,dreams and gow/Spider-Man being rumored for this year. So yeah sony is killing it while Microsoft needs to step it up

KingKionic 2656d ago

Im not gonna listen to someone saying games Microsoft have confirmed for 2017 coming seriously suggesting there not.

Like get outta here.

My whole point is how this article is nonsense.

It was all about Sonys first party destroying Microsoft with tons of games in 2017 and nots not even close to the truth.

Its crazy how so many people keep sidestepping this.


rainslacker2656d ago (Edited 2656d ago )

No one is side stepping it. Everyone is telling you what games Sony is releasing, and for each one, you are finding a reason why they don't count. That's the side stepping here, because if you actually use the same criteria for Sony games, which you use for MS games to make them relevant, then Sony would absolutely be crushing MS whole year in the first couple months, and if you look at the entire year, it's like beating that crushed pulp with an ice pick, then pureeing it in a blender.

Sony does have a lot of games releasing this year. People are listing them all over this thread. You expect others to accept your opinion, but you won't even acknoledge any of the games Sony has coming, or you dismiss anything that is a plus for PS.

Truthfully, the absolute only game that MS has this year which I think can make an impact is CD3. But I'm going to say right now that given how little we've seen of the game, I'd be damn surprised if it actually comes out this year. I bet MS pulls some sort of free beta test for XBL gold members at E3 this year, and uses that as a way to at least get something out this year, because without that game, their line up this year is practically nothing.

Chevalier2654d ago

How dumb is Kionic. Counts stuff like State of Decay which is pretty much an indie game and Halo Wars 2 is an RTS, not exactly selling a ton. My store has barely sold a dozen copies of Halo Wars yet we can't keep enough stock of Nioh.

Sony 1st quarter alone has:

Gravity Rush 2

Hilarious that State of Decay is AAA, seriously?! It's a budget indie pretty much.

Dark_Knightmare22656d ago

Nioh isn't triple aaa lol just like Yakuza 0 and tales of beseria aren't huh lol come on they might be niche titles but they are def triple aaa. Btw Uc lost legacy isn't really an expansion it's a standalone release that compliments Uc 4

KingKionic 2656d ago

Even Sony doesnt consider Nioh,Yakuza 0 and Tales of beseria as AAA titles.

You can see it reflected in the budget alone.

Just look at how those games are setup and marketed.

We dont see tons of commercials on youtube or cable tv about them for instance.

Only on n4g are these games talked about with such ferocity.

Liqu1d2655d ago

@Kionic What was the budget for Nioh, Yakuza 0 and Tales?

PizzaSteve2656d ago

You don't know if all those games coming this year. MS can say they will just like they said Scalebound will but look it's canceled. Crackdown was a 2016 game then got delayed.

KwietStorm_BLM2656d ago

Yea you're right about that. Anything can happen. People can even designate a game as "AA Japanese," if it suits their rhetoric. lol I never even heard such a reach before. All of a sudden Japanese games don't matter so much or something? Or is it because one platform doesn't have any Japanese support?

Kratos0Ace2655d ago

@ KionicWarlord222:

Those Xbox one games need to be confirmed. NO guarantee they are coming in 2017 either. Remember that Scalebound and Crackdown both were shown in 2014. They were included in every xbox one yearly line-up ever since and one of them was cancelled (Scalebound) and Crackdown is notorious for not having shown barely anything of the game. The reveal is 3 years old, why can't they show something? It has to wait for E3? Insiders said that it had troubled development. I suppose State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves will come and of course the annual Forza.

As For Days Gone, God of War, and Detroit, it's not impossible for 2017.

BlakHavoc2655d ago

A whole ball game how? Lol the console war is over, if you mean in terms of games, I don't think MS can compete on that front either my friend. Just look at Q1 of 2017 alone so far. GR2, Yakuza 0, Nioh, and now Horizon. All above 80 meta scores, next we get NieR, and Persona 5. ones already out in Japan and is awesome, the other demoed extremely well and has received a lot of praise. E3 is coming and I have no doubt Sony will drop at least one more big exclusive this fall. I didn't even mention Ni No Kuni II or GTS which are expected to release this year as well. Ppl need to quit being in denial about PS having the better exclusives, it's a popular opinion and for a reason.

Chevalier2654d ago

It's hilarious that you don't consider Nioh AAA when it is going to break a million sold. You seriously think Halo Wars 2, State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves are going to come close? Lol.

My store doesn't even have preorders suggesting any of those games will come close to Nioh sales.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2654d ago
FallenAngel19842656d ago

Microsoft has never been able to escape the shadow of Nintendo's and Sony's first party offerings

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The INDIE Live Expo 2024 event showcased +150 Games during its Saturday broadcast

"INDIE Live Expo, Japan’s premiere online digital showcase series connecting indie game fans all over the world, highlighted more than 150 games during its Saturday broadcast introducing world premieres, new trailers, and updates during its 10th-ever digital showcase." - INDIE Live Expo.

TGG_overlord4d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

"Following a great event in November of last year, DevGAMM Lisbon is coming back to the beautiful and sunny Cascais region to catch up with old friends, connect with game developers from around the world, hear from seasoned professionals, and have a great time all around." - DevGAMM.


Why Indie Games Fail To Keep Their Place In The Spotlight

A look into the sad trajectory of indie games from high successful releases to complete irrelevancy in just a few weeks or months.

shaenoide7d ago

Easy not enough developpers to add content to the game (palworld)

Profchaos7d ago

That's the thing with gaming there's always new experiences to have why spend months or years playing a single game when there's a new experience right around the corner.

Indie or AAA if your building your game expecting long term player counts you'll probably be disappointed as gamers often enjoy something for a few weeks and move on only to return if it's truely a classic.

Out of all the generations I've experienced there's games from 30 plus years ago I still dust off and play like super Mario bros, earthbound, vice city and san Andreas being games I treasure and revisit every few years but I'm not going back to play a game designed to keep me engaged for months on end because it's also designed to milk my wallet in most cases.

Build a great game that people love make it playable offline and ask does it matter if the concurrent player count is under 100 a year post launch more often that not it doesn't

P_Bomb6d ago

The price of entry is too high to take chances like I used to. Was looking at V Rising and that ranges from $50-$130 CAD. That’s a lot for an indie imo. By the time it goes on sale, the player count might be dwindling. But that’s the trade-off, I guess.

Si-Fly6d ago

I’m glad my preference is single player experiences, Indie devs got me covered 👊🏻

Flewid6386d ago

Indie devs dont make multiplayer games?

Si-Fly6d ago

Read the article dude 👍🏻

Flewid6386d ago

Read the article. Same question.